Can Americans perform abortions of Government?

You are insane.

And Democrats don’t control the price of housing
Lesh, every time you post you show your lack of understanding.

Democrats never have done a thing that control the price of housing. I should have thrown Bush into the mix; you know Bush the Democrat that ran as a Republican.

Here is a list of the place for you to start learning who controls the price of housing. And let us not forget the Government created inflation. Another factor is the Federal Reserve.

Fannie Mac, Freedie Mac?
The House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services.
The House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations.
The House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means.
The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
The Senate Committee on Appropriations.
The Senate Committee on Finance.
It was tried to abort government on Jan 6, 2021. I guess we will keep government, instead.
There was an attempt to question government actions on Jan 6. The feeble attempt was violently quelled and is still being used to stifle unwanted interference by the people.
nice response.
I tell you that you were told to believe, you take my words, like a parrot and repeat them.
I did not say you whine, but you resort to whining about my post.
I did not call you an idiot, yet here you are, going into the gutter to try to save face.
Than you call people who love our country, Assholes, slipping further into the gutter.
Riled up? More of your confusion you are displaying attaching emotions onto people you have no idea how they felt.
Calls to morons? Gee, you will have no part of a civil discussion.

White 6, the obvious to those who saw the crowd, know it was peaceful. Nobody died. Nobody trampled to death. A crowd that size is uncontrollable if the crowd is rioting. It is an impossibility. Of course you are describing this as an organized attack. A very well-organized insurrection. Insurrection and Riot, laughable.

What have the Democrats given us? Expensive Housing. Extreme tax rates. Democrats confiscate more money from the people than any other country in the world. Food is expensive. Food is being turned into fuel while people starve across the world.

Democrats are tyrants, just like the Russian Hoax, now we have the insurrection hoax.
You are whining again. Do you remember the ones that attacked the capital, being civil? No, unless you count carrying out a civil disturbance attack to take over The Capital Building. Those people chose party over country, or they would not have attacked the country's Capital Building. Still, 3 years later you attempt to minimize the attack, we all watched live on virtually every network, then started seeing iphone videos, the idiot attackers posted, that documented their crimes, which many have confessed to, or been trialed and found guilty. Semantics of what to call it won't help sterilize it. Too, late. You have already lost the argument.
You are whining again. Do you remember the ones that attacked the capital, being civil? No, unless you count carrying out a civil disturbance attack to take over The Capital Building. Those people chose party over country, or they would not have attacked the country's Capital Building. Still, 3 years later you attempt to minimize the attack, we all watched live on virtually every network, then started seeing iphone videos, the idiot attackers posted, that documented their crimes, which many have confessed to, or been trialed and found guilty. Semantics of what to call it won't help sterilize it. Too, late. You have already lost the argument.
A person in your position I would think would stick to facts.
Whining? More flaming and trolling or do you have no comprehension skills.
With no comprehension skills, attaching an emotion to my posts that you wish to demean and diminish says a lot about your character.

White, you stated it was a coup, when all you saw was vandalism by an extreme minority in the crowd.

The crowd could have taken over the Capitol Building, they were so large nothing could have stopped them.

Yes, you watched, on TV, vandalism, yet we have white6 claiming they saw a coup? Because the TV told them that is what they were seeing.

Losing an argument? Your argument is because you saw windows broke, that is all the proof you need that it was an organized coup. That is no argument, all that proves is that you are naive and gullible.
A person in your position I would think would stick to facts.
Whining? More flaming and trolling or do you have no comprehension skills.
With no comprehension skills, attaching an emotion to my posts that you wish to demean and diminish says a lot about your character.

White, you stated it was a coup, when all you saw was vandalism by an extreme minority in the crowd.

The crowd could have taken over the Capitol Building, they were so large nothing could have stopped them.

Yes, you watched, on TV, vandalism, yet we have white6 claiming they saw a coup? Because the TV told them that is what they were seeing.

Losing an argument? Your argument is because you saw windows broke, that is all the proof you need that it was an organized coup. That is no argument, all that proves is that you are naive and gullible.
You lost the argument. Your attempt to recharacterize what we saw, simply fails, kind of like do I want to trust your words or believe my eyes. Obviously, I believe my eyes, and will. Just as obvious, the attempt failed, and we still have the government. It was no aborted. Mob rule did not succeed. The leaders of it failed. Government prevailed.
You lost the argument. Your attempt to recharacterize what we saw, simply fails, kind of like do I want to trust your words or believe my eyes. Obviously, I believe my eyes, and will. Just as obvious, the attempt failed, and we still have the government. It was no aborted. Mob rule did not succeed. The leaders of it failed. Government prevailed.
No, your argument fails. I in no way recharacterized what you saw.

Yes, believe your eyes. You saw vandalism. Nothing more, we all saw it.

What you can not explain is how vandalism by an extreme minority of the people equals a coordinated coup, in which nobody has been convicted of.
No, your argument fails. I in no way recharacterized what you saw.

Yes, believe your eyes. You saw vandalism. Nothing more, we all saw it.

What you can not explain is how vandalism by an extreme minority of the people equals a coordinated coup, in which nobody has been convicted of.
Where did I say is was a coup? I can't find it.
Lesh, every time you post you show your lack of understanding.

Democrats never have done a thing that control the price of housing. I should have thrown Bush into the mix; you know Bush the Democrat that ran as a Republican.

Here is a list of the place for you to start learning who controls the price of housing. And let us not forget the Government created inflation. Another factor is the Federal Reserve.

Fannie Mac, Freedie Mac?
The House of Representatives Committee on Financial Services.
The House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations.
The House of Representatives Committee on Ways and Means.
The Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.
The Senate Committee on Appropriations.
The Senate Committee on Finance.
That's Fannie Mae...
You did not explain Bush's role. Bush realized a major problem could happen if the way Fannie Mae was regulating things, the housing market would bust. He warned Congress 8 times but they did not listen. So the housing market busted first in the subprime area and later it spread. Democrats, and their recordings still are on youtube, rejected what Bush told them and set things up for the market to collapse.
Where did I say is was a coup? I can't find it.
Government on Jan 6 was managed by Trump. Do you think he tried to abort himself in effect?

To his benefit. He only wanted to abort government and election, to keep control, but failed, with the leaders and most aggressive of his partisans at street level charged, convicted and sent to prison for their attempt.

Yes, overall, it worked out well, and the government stood. He refused to call off the assault for hours, while watching it on TV with family and even people in his cabinet asking him to call it off. But not doing so, until it was obvious they had failed, and doing more harm than good.

Yes. I watched it live on the news networks, that day as it unfolded. Trump is an enemy of the Constitution, and the US Government. You, I only suspect.

Quit whining. Next time, you want to take over the Capital, DON'T. That is all you are being told to do. It is unlikely you will see any of the idiots that attempted it last time, so it will be your turn to "Just Say No" when some anti-American asshole tries to rile you up, since you wanted no part of it, last time, you could be constructive and stand against such and action, thereby not having to try to debate three years later what to call the morons that launched the attack.

You are whining again. Do you remember the ones that attacked the capital, being civil? No, unless you count carrying out a civil disturbance attack to take over The Capital Building. Those people chose party over country, or they would not have attacked the country's Capital Building. Still, 3 years later you attempt to minimize the attack, we all watched live on virtually every network, then started seeing iphone videos, the idiot attackers posted, that documented their crimes, which many have confessed to, or been trialed and found guilty. Semantics of what to call it won't help sterilize it. Too, late. You have already lost the argument.

You lost the argument. Your attempt to recharacterize what we saw, simply fails, kind of like do I want to trust your words or believe my eyes. Obviously, I believe my eyes, and will. Just as obvious, the attempt failed, and we still have the government. It was no aborted. Mob rule did not succeed. The leaders of it failed. Government prevailed.
Taking over the government? It failed? You were not talking about a coup or insurrection?
White, you cry and whine about SEMANTICS, then argue you are not talking about a coup or insurrection

And, I got to correct you on another thing, it is the Capitol building, not CAPITAL
Taking over the government? It failed? You were not talking about a coup or insurrection?
White, you cry and whine about SEMANTICS, then argue you are not talking about a coup or insurrection

And, I got to correct you on another thing, it is the Capitol building, not CAPITAL
Were it to have happened to Biden, as it might in fact be next January, The song they sing would not be this song.
There is enough confusion as to what Government means as it is. Trumps aim was inside the scope of congress. Those Fans were not armed to the point they could defeat the cops. Trump wanted the National Guard there. Democrats deny this. But he did want many more arms there than the cops could provide. We have cops talking about this who were commanders there. They defend the crowd. We only have some Democrats attacking the crowd.
Taking over the government? It failed? You were not talking about a coup or insurrection?
White, you cry and whine about SEMANTICS, then argue you are not talking about a coup or insurrection

And, I got to correct you on another thing, it is the Capitol building, not CAPITAL
I am happy with the charges charged. I did not use the word "coup", you did. If my words support the coup, you may interpret as you like. I knew, I didn't use the words, though. Everything I wrote is true, and sounds bad, and not the actions of patriotic conservative Americans, as the rest of us were raised better than that, and still believe in the country and know the election was lost at the polls, by the voters that denied putting trump back in office, just as the legitimate electors votes were recorded and the fake elector votes, not counted. You can play whatever semantic games you like for whatever the heck your purpose is, but your argument lost, same as your president lost, and the attack on and in the capital failed to achieve control or affect the outcome of the election. The country won.
I am happy with the charges charged. I did not use the word "coup", you did. If my words support the coup, you may interpret as you like. I knew, I didn't use the words, though. Everything I wrote is true, and sounds bad, and not the actions of patriotic conservative Americans, as the rest of us were raised better than that, and still believe in the country and know the election was lost at the polls, by the voters that denied putting trump back in office, just as the legitimate electors votes were recorded and the fake elector votes, not counted. You can play whatever semantic games you like for whatever the heck your purpose is, but your argument lost, same as your president lost, and the attack on and in the capital failed to achieve control or affect the outcome of the election. The country won.
Thank you, we both state it is not a coup, you emphasis that you have never used the word, coup. Nobody tried to take over the government. Thank you.
That's Fannie Mae...
You did not explain Bush's role. Bush realized a major problem could happen if the way Fannie Mae was regulating things, the housing market would bust. He warned Congress 8 times but they did not listen. So the housing market busted first in the subprime area and later it spread. Democrats, and their recordings still are on youtube, rejected what Bush told them and set things up for the market to collapse.
Fannie Mae did not cause the housing bubble or the bust that followed.

And I thought you were in real estate. If you were then you are completely dishonest
Thank you, we both state it is not a coup, you emphasis that you have never used the word, coup. Nobody tried to take over the government. Thank you.
Those MAGArats tried to take over the Capitol to allow their Orange Cult Leader to remain in power
Were it to have happened to Biden, as it might in fact be next January, The song they sing would not be this song.
There is enough confusion as to what Government means as it is. Trumps aim was inside the scope of congress. Those Fans were not armed to the point they could defeat the cops. Trump wanted the National Guard there. Democrats deny this. But he did want many more arms there than the cops could provide. We have cops talking about this who were commanders there. They defend the crowd. We only have some Democrats attacking the crowd.
Total bullshit
That's Fannie Mae...
You did not explain Bush's role. Bush realized a major problem could happen if the way Fannie Mae was regulating things, the housing market would bust. He warned Congress 8 times but they did not listen. So the housing market busted first in the subprime area and later it spread. Democrats, and their recordings still are on youtube, rejected what Bush told them and set things up for the market to collapse.
Bush's role. That is more complicated. It was a long time ago as well. Bush's role would be signing the legislation that bailed the banks out.

I do know this. Bush sr, had what I see to be the exact same problem when he took office. The Savings and Loans crisis. Another real estate scam gone bad costing taxpayers $1 trillion??? Yes the figure can be disputed as all government figures can be.

Same scam, the apple does not fall from the tree. Like father like son.
Bad loans from banks sold to Saving and Loans. The real estate was not worth what it was sold for. Savings and Loans were going bankrupt, Bush signed the bill to bail them out. Same thing but a little different happened with Bush jr, banks carried bad loans, Bush jr signed the bill that bailed them out.

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