No abortion for rape victims

What does choosing to be raped have to do with anything I said?

Do you, or do you not, want to take the bet I offered?

Here it is:

If a woman is threatened with something, and chooses to be raped, that means she thinks that the alternative is worse than rape. Anyone with an IQ about the freezing point of water would grasp that without explanation. Noomi is the one that made the ridiculous claim the fact that I have spent so much time pointing out the obvious just shows how brain dead the pro abortion crowd is.

Thanks for proving my point that you are incapable of debating. Tell me something, are the authors of Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives saying women choose to be raped when they lay out the 10 steps a woman should take when faced with a rapist?

Pay close attention to number 9.

  1. Avoidance is ideal. And Escape is best, if you can pull it off.
  2. Call for help if there's anyone who will hear.
  3. Try conversation first. Try to make yourself a whole person to the attacker.
  4. Negotiate if you can.
  5. If your actions seem to be increasing the level of aggression, change direction.
  6. Make sure the attacker is aware you don't want this.
  7. Don't insult or threaten the attacker.
  8. Don't say you have AIDS, are pregnant, are in your menstrual cycle, etc.
  9. Combat and acquiescence are last resorts - which may become necessary.
  10. Know that there may be no good solution to this problem. Anything that decreases the damage level is the goal.

Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives- Paperback - John E. Douglas, Ann W. Burgess, Robert K. Ressler - Google Books

Sexual Homicide: Patterns and Motives Simon and Schuster/Free Press, © 1988, Ressler, Burgess, Douglas

Damn, look at that, women have to chose between fighting and rape knowing that there is no solution, and they advise them to remember that the goal is to reduce the damage.

Feel free to find any expert that advises women it is better to die than get raped.
QW -

I am still not seeing any evidence of women who have chosen to be raped rather than face something worse.

Aside from death, I really don't know what you mean, and in 13 page of this thread I see no evidence of situations where this has occured.

Feel free to find any expert that advises women it is better to die than get raped.

I don't think death is a terribly viable option for many people, is it?
QW -

I am still not seeing any evidence of women who have chosen to be raped rather than face something worse.

That would take you being able to see something other than your own ego, wouldn't it?

Aside from death, I really don't know what you mean, and in 13 page of this thread I see no evidence of situations where this has occured.

Go back and reread all my posts, it is there.

I don't think death is a terribly viable option for many people, is it?

You aren't the only one.
QW -

Asking for the 4th time now - leaving death aside, do you have ANY evidence at all of women choosing rape rather than experiencing something worse?
Kosher -

She obviously has no knowledge of Darfur, where women must leave the confines of their villages to seek water and food for their families, and are subsequently raped...they must make a very conscious choice and rape is a given...and they do it to protect their families..because when men or children leave the villages to seek water and food, they are beaten and/or killed.

Still waiting for evidence to back up this claim.

I'm also interested in your knowledge of Darfur, given you seem to imply here that you have some expertise in this area.
I don't have particular "expertise". But I do read, and occasionally watch the news.

You have never heard of Darfur I take it?
Some relief workers say that almost every woman living in aid camps has been raped or become a victim of gender-based violence. Many teenagers, while out running errands such as collecting firewood, are raped multiple times by militiamen, the workers say.
Watch women face dangers in Darfur »
They say the situation has now become so bad that many women are now resigned to rape as a way of life and men are unwilling to accompany them because they fear that they will be killed if they try to defend them."

Rape is a way of life for Darfur's women -
Rick Berg, North Dakota GOP Senate Candidate: No Abortion Access For Rape Victims

He must plan on raising the unwanted fetus. I mean, surely he would not demand the power to control women's lives unless he also planned to take responsibility for his power over them.

He probably also believes in slavery - ultimate control over people's lives.

Republicans have more compassion for a clump of cells than for a traumatised woman who has been through the worst thing any woman could ever experience.

a Clump of cells, I guess you need to call them that so you don't feel the mental anguish of aborting your child

what a sick society we have become
People are free to believe that rape is just the worst thing that could ever happen to them. They would be silly, but they can think that. It's on the same level of saying "I'd rather die then go out in public with a bad haircut".

If you really want to know what the absolute worst event that could befall the inarguably majority of women, ask Jessica Ridgeway's mother. The death of their child isn't the worst thing that could happen to all women, and there are certainly some who find the death of their child no big deal. If given a choice between being raped and their child found in pieces, they would still find being raped just the worst thing that could ever happen to them. It's just not the view of most women.
I don't have particular "expertise". But I do read, and occasionally watch the news.

You have never heard of Darfur I take it?

I haven't been to Darfur, but I have been to most of the neighbouring countries; Ethiopia, Uganda and Egypt. I might go so South Sudan in 2014. I certainly wouldn't claim to be an expert, but I generally follow African stories reasonably well.

I guess you don't have any evidence of women in the area choosing rape, then?

I am surprised.
I don't have particular "expertise". But I do read, and occasionally watch the news.

You have never heard of Darfur I take it?

I haven't been to Darfur, but I have been to most of the neighbouring countries; Ethiopia, Uganda and Egypt. I might go so South Sudan in 2014. I certainly wouldn't claim to be an expert, but I generally follow African stories reasonably well.

I guess you don't have any evidence of women in the area choosing rape, then?

I am surprised.

They are denied any other "choice" which makes it not a choice at all.

Rape is a way of life for Darfur's women -

Some relief workers say that almost every woman living in aid camps has been raped or become a victim of gender-based violence. Many teenagers, while out running errands such as collecting firewood, are raped multiple times by militiamen, the workers say. Watch women face dangers in Darfur »

They say the situation has now become so bad that many women are now resigned to rape as a way of life and men are unwilling to accompany them because they fear that they will be killed if they try to defend them.

These women don't choose rape as an alternative to exposing others to being killed. Rape is the default because no one will protect them.
People are free to believe that rape is just the worst thing that could ever happen to them. They would be silly, but they can think that. It's on the same level of saying "I'd rather die then go out in public with a bad haircut".

If you really want to know what the absolute worst event that could befall the inarguably majority of women, ask Jessica Ridgeway's mother. The death of their child isn't the worst thing that could happen to all women, and there are certainly some who find the death of their child no big deal. If given a choice between being raped and their child found in pieces, they would still find being raped just the worst thing that could ever happen to them. It's just not the view of most women.

The same people who say that rape is the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone deny that children have any value. See the reference above to "raising an unwanted fetus". They view murder as a matter of convenience, and in fact a wonderful release for those people they don't assign value to.
People are free to believe that rape is just the worst thing that could ever happen to them. They would be silly, but they can think that. It's on the same level of saying "I'd rather die then go out in public with a bad haircut".

If you really want to know what the absolute worst event that could befall the inarguably majority of women, ask Jessica Ridgeway's mother. The death of their child isn't the worst thing that could happen to all women, and there are certainly some who find the death of their child no big deal. If given a choice between being raped and their child found in pieces, they would still find being raped just the worst thing that could ever happen to them. It's just not the view of most women.

The same people who say that rape is the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone deny that children have any value. See the reference above to "raising an unwanted fetus". They view murder as a matter of convenience, and in fact a wonderful release for those people they don't assign value to.

More than children have no value, human beings that are not them, have no value. Rape is the worst thing that could happen (to me). In Darfur as you can easily see, rape isn't as bad as being cold, or they wouldn't take the risk of gathering firewood. It isn't as bad as being thirsty, or they wouldn't take the risk of getting water. But, if you personally have no need of either firewood or water, then rape is just the worst thing in the world. Turn up the thermostat and open the faucet.
For the most part, in this country, there are very few rapes that result in pregnancy. Far and away, the majority of pregnancies are the result of carelessness and thoughtlessness. Rape is a justification for a lack of responsibility.

I've counseled very young single mothers from 12 to 18. They never made a connection between their behavior and the pregnancy. It was something unfairly done TO them. They were like trees in the forest. If it rained, they got wet, if a squirrel climbed up their trunk there's nothing they could do about it. These girls could not be convinced that they had the power to decline sex. It was something they did and for a variety of reasons having nothing to do with being so overcome by desire they were powerless. They were bored, they wanted to feel loved, they wanted to keep the guy from getting another girlfriend, they thought the guy would take them to the next party and show up all the other girls. Mostly their reasons were childish. Not surprising because these are children.

Teaching girls and women that they can say no once in a while will do more to end unwanted pregnancies than all the birth control in the world.
You can think whatever the fuck you want. If you chose to think that rape is the worst possible experience it is possible for a woman to undergo I will call you an idiot. I provided plenty of examples of worst experiences to make my point, and can provide more if you want to desire to be even more idiotic than Noomi.

What an absolute jerk you are. Those are what YOU consider the worst experiences any woman can have. But you cannot force it on other people. Throw as many tantrums as you want. You're WRONG!!!

That's just it, I don't consider them the worst, I consider dying the worst, anything short of being dead is a plus.

By the way, I am not forcing anything on anyone, nor am I throwing a tantrum. There are millions of women throughout history who, when faced with the prospect of rape, have chosen that over myriads of alternatives. That proves that they made the decision that rape was not nearly as devastating as the alternatives they faced. Every time you insist that you are correct in your claim that rape is worse than anything else that could possibly happen you insult those women.

That makes you the asshole in this conversation, it also makes you wrong. I would use caps to drive that point home, but I am saddened, not angry, by how pathetic you are.

Are you simple minded or something??? I didn't say rape was the worst thing that can happen to a women. I am saying that it is up to each individual to decide what would be the worst experience they could have. You have no right to tell anybdy how to think!!! Or to criticize their choice. Damn!!! Do you get it now???

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