NHTSA writes law mandating rear view cameras on cars starting 2018


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
They say it will cost $140!!! HAHAHA. It will be at least 5 times that and just to save 60 lives a year. The govt talks about safety and yet they let the industry sell cars that do twice the speed limit and have internet access to distract drivers!! This is just a scam to make more money for the auto industry.

New Cars and Trucks to Require Rearview Back-Up Cameras by 2018

31 Mar 2014,
Starting in May 2018, all new cars and light trucks sold in the United States must have rearview cameras. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the new requirement will apply to all vehicles under 10,000 pounds (4,500 kg), including buses and trucks.
The cameras, according to the NHTSA, are designed to prevent vehicles from hitting pedestrians. “Rear visibility requirements will save lives, and will save many families from the heartache suffered after these tragic incidents occur," said Administration representative David Friedman.

There are, on average, 210 fatalities and 15,000 injuries per year caused by backover accidents, the agency said. Children under the age of five and adults over the age of 70 are involved in over half of all fatalities from backover accidents. The new camera requirement should save some 58-69 lives per year at a cost of about $132 and $142 to equip each vehicle.
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Where does the NHTSA get the authority to write this law? The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". That means bureaucrats can't write laws, though they do it all the time.
Bad idea. I've driven Class B trucks with cameras at the rear. They're actually a real distraction and can cause more problems then they solve. I NEVER used it. If I wasn't sure what was behind the truck I would simply get out and look. Looking at an in-dash TV screen takes the eyes off of the road and the areas surrounding the vehicle.
It is optional on our Cruze for $250 and worth every cent of it.
There really doesn't need to be any laws mandating cameras. Let people decide for themselves what they want. A RD camera is not necessary for proper maintenance of the car.

I have driven one car with a rear view camera. I loved it. But mandate it? Unnecessary.
Bad idea. I've driven Class B trucks with cameras at the rear. They're actually a real distraction and can cause more problems then they solve. I NEVER used it. If I wasn't sure what was behind the truck I would simply get out and look. Looking at an in-dash TV screen takes the eyes off of the road and the areas surrounding the vehicle.

The vehicle has to be in reverse for the camera to operate. If your eyes are on the road you are looking in the wrong direction.
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Hell - if it's all about saving lives, lets lower the speed limit to 55. We did that in 1974 and immediately saved 9000 lives and saved money too.
Loved those cars that had a max speed limit of 60 miles per hour, you needed a good wind at your rear to hit 55 miles per hour....
I wish that instead of mandating idiotic crap on cars they would mandate important stuff like blue tooth connections and XM satellite. I want a car with bells and whistles on it. I don't need more safety crap or better mileage.
Where does the NHTSA get the authority to write this law? The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". That means bureaucrats can't write laws, though they do it all the time.

Way to be on the right side of an issue for completely the wrong reasons, Einstein.

Rearview cameras --- another in an endless orgy of over-automation: installing automatic technologies not because they improve something, but just because we can. Just more crap to go wrong, pay more for up front and pay more for in repair.

I once rented a car, asked for the $10 economy choice, and as a joke they gave me a Lincoln Town Car. True story. Aside from being completely isolated from the road so I could feel nothing but a vague cloudy mush, this monstrosity actually had a button that would move the accelerator pedal to and fro. In case you didn't feel at the time like bending your right ankle two degrees.

Big Auto is insane.
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Loved those cars that had a max speed limit of 60 miles per hour, you needed a good wind at your rear to hit 55 miles per hour....

If all cars were like that we'd save 10,000 lives a year and $20 billion a year in property damage and medical bills.
I wish that instead of mandating idiotic crap on cars they would mandate important stuff like blue tooth connections and XM satellite. I want a car with bells and whistles on it. I don't need more safety crap or better mileage.

All psychopaths are like that. Decent americans want safety stuff but not this.
Where does the NHTSA get the authority to write this law? The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". That means bureaucrats can't write laws, though they do it all the time.

Way to be on the right side of an issue for completely the wrong reasons, Einstein.


Ok - sir issac. Then tell me how you justify bureaucrats writing laws with the constitutional passage i quoted.
Way to be on the right side of an issue for completely the wrong reasons, Einstein.

Rearview cameras --- another in an endless orgy of over-automation: installing automatic technologies not because they improve something, but just because we can. Just more crap to go wrong, pay more for up front and pay more for in repair.

I once rented a car, asked for the $10 economy choice, and as a joke they gave me a Lincoln Town Car. True story. Aside from being completely isolated from the road so I could feel nothing but a vague cloudy mush, this monstrosity actually had a button that would move the accelerator pedal to and fro. In case you didn't feel at the time like bending your right ankle two degrees.

Big Auto is insane.
Here we disagree. My preference in cars is BIG.

Taking my late uncle's advice (he was a Cadillac mechanic), I've always bought used Cadillacs. Big ones. I like everything about them. I believe a good used (4 - 5 year-old) Caddy is better in every way than any brand new mid-range car. They are well made, very comfortable, and they ride like a sailboat on calm water. I have a fear of flying, so those times I've traveled were made much more tolerable in a big Cadillac than they would have been in a different car. A bit pricey on gas and repairs, but worth it (to me).

Last but not least, if you ever are hit your risk of injury is considerably less in a big, heavy car than in a smaller, lighter one.
Unless you are driving a unibody Smart Car. Those are stronger than a 69' Nova according to Jarlaxie.
Where does the NHTSA get the authority to write this law? The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". That means bureaucrats can't write laws, though they do it all the time.

Way to be on the right side of an issue for completely the wrong reasons, Einstein.

Rearview cameras --- another in an endless orgy of over-automation: installing automatic technologies not because they improve something, but just because we can. Just more crap to go wrong, pay more for up front and pay more for in repair.

I once rented a car, asked for the $10 economy choice, and as a joke they gave me a Lincoln Town Car. True story. Aside from being completely isolated from the road so I could feel nothing but a vague cloudy mush, this monstrosity actually had a button that would move the accelerator pedal to and fro. In case you didn't feel at the time like bending your right ankle two degrees.

Big Auto is insane.

Without adjustable pedals, my mother COULD NOT safely drive her Sable. When she bought it, they were a REQUIREMENT.

Town Cars are supposed to be isolated from the road...and geez, I wish I'd gotten THAT upgrade!

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