Nancy Pelosi--says she wants people to earn more--so they can pay more--LOL


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Yes here it is- and-actually on video.

A little more entertainment coming from the one and only Nancy Pelosi--stating she wants people to earn more so they can pay more in taxes-:eusa_pray:

I don't how much worse it can get for democrats--: Obviously, Nancy feels "ripped off" by the American public that hasn't been supporting her big spending habits. But for the life of me I do not understand why she is still minority leader. She is a walking--talking disaster for the democrat party--not that I mind that she is a disaster--I just don't understand why they keep putting her on the stage with a microphone.--LOL

Giving Nancy Pelosi more money--is like giving a crack addict more crack--and expecting a positive result from it.

I thought she wanted everyone on welfare and food stamps.....since that was the very best thing for the economy.
I thought she wanted everyone on welfare and food stamps.....since that was the very best thing for the economy.

Right wing can't get their propaganda straight.

Unfortunately for you that statement is very close to being true--coming from the mindset and mouth of Nancy Pelosi. Here's another statement along with video if you click the link.

Nancy Pelosi spoke at the Asian American and Pacific Islanders Summit on Capitol Hill last Friday, informing them that because of the new health care reform, they would no longer be “job locked.” Here’s the quote:

“We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said, “a bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care.”

That’s right. Did you know that you could just… not work? Utopia! Sit at home and paint. Sculpt. Dance. Play your harp on SoCal streets naked. Live the dream! Those evil rich people will totally just pick up the slack, too. They’ve got an endless supply of cash, and they shouldn’t be reaping their own rewards anyway, right? Just raise their taxes! What’s another tax hike for the sake of art?

Nancy Pelosi: Hey, quit your job. We got your back! | RedState
Yes here it is- and-actually on video.

A little more entertainment coming from the one and only Nancy Pelosi--stating she wants people to earn more so they can pay more in taxes-:eusa_pray:

I don't how much worse it can get for democrats--: Obviously, Nancy feels "ripped off" by the American public that hasn't been supporting her big spending habits. But for the life of me I do not understand why she is still minority leader. She is a walking--talking disaster for the democrat party--not that I mind that she is a disaster--I just don't understand why they keep putting her on the stage with a microphone.--LOL

Giving Nancy Pelosi more money--is like giving a crack addict more crack--and expecting a positive result from it.


Isn't this the Republican mantra? We need more people working making more money, then tax revenues will increase? What is wrong with what she said? You think should should say that we need people to make less money?
I thought she wanted everyone on welfare and food stamps.....since that was the very best thing for the economy.

Right wing can't get their propaganda straight.

Unfortunately for you that statement is very close to being true--coming from the mindset and mouth of Nancy Pelosi. Here's another statement along with video if you click the link.

Nancy Pelosi spoke at the Asian American and Pacific Islanders Summit on Capitol Hill last Friday, informing them that because of the new health care reform, they would no longer be “job locked.” Here’s the quote:

“We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said, “a bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care.”

That’s right. Did you know that you could just… not work? Utopia! Sit at home and paint. Sculpt. Dance. Play your harp on SoCal streets naked. Live the dream! Those evil rich people will totally just pick up the slack, too. They’ve got an endless supply of cash, and they shouldn’t be reaping their own rewards anyway, right? Just raise their taxes! What’s another tax hike for the sake of art?

Nancy Pelosi: Hey, quit your job. We got your back! | RedState

You are wonderful at twisting what she says. It's obvious that she is saying that you don't need to feel locked into working for any given employer just because they provide your healthcare, since now you cannot be denied coverage. Being self-employed with a pre-existing condition turned into a nightmare for me when I moved to another state and was denied coverage on a new private policy even though I had coverage for years. But hey, keep spinning this whatever way makes you feel good.
I thought she wanted everyone on welfare and food stamps.....since that was the very best thing for the economy.

Yeah--Pelosi did say that unemployment checks were economic stimulus.

Unemployment benefits are creating jobs faster than practically any other program, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday.
Talking to reporters, the House speaker was defending a jobless benefits extension against those who say it gives recipients little incentive to work. By her reasoning, those checks are helping give somebody a job.
"It injects demand into the economy," Pelosi said, arguing that when families have money to spend it keeps the economy churning. "It creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name."

Read more: Pelosi: Unemployment Checks Fastest Way to Create Jobs | Fox News

It's scary to think that she was writing all of Obama's bills during the first two years of his administration, including Obamacare.
Right wing can't get their propaganda straight.

Unfortunately for you that statement is very close to being true--coming from the mindset and mouth of Nancy Pelosi. Here's another statement along with video if you click the link.

Nancy Pelosi spoke at the Asian American and Pacific Islanders Summit on Capitol Hill last Friday, informing them that because of the new health care reform, they would no longer be “job locked.” Here’s the quote:

“We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said, “a bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care.”

That’s right. Did you know that you could just… not work? Utopia! Sit at home and paint. Sculpt. Dance. Play your harp on SoCal streets naked. Live the dream! Those evil rich people will totally just pick up the slack, too. They’ve got an endless supply of cash, and they shouldn’t be reaping their own rewards anyway, right? Just raise their taxes! What’s another tax hike for the sake of art?

Nancy Pelosi: Hey, quit your job. We got your back! | RedState

You are wonderful at twisting what she says. It's obvious that she is saying that you don't need to feel locked into working for any given employer just because they provide your healthcare, since now you cannot be denied coverage. Being self-employed with a pre-existing condition turned into a nightmare for me when I moved to another state and was denied coverage on a new private policy even though I had coverage for years. But hey, keep spinning this whatever way makes you feel good.

She is saying you can QUIT your job--still get free health care--(paid for by someone else of course)--so you can stay home and paint--and do artistic hobbies.

I didn't twist anything--you can click the link--see the video and watch those words come out of Nancy Pelosi's lips yourself.
Yes here it is- and-actually on video.

A little more entertainment coming from the one and only Nancy Pelosi--stating she wants people to earn more so they can pay more in taxes-:eusa_pray:

I don't how much worse it can get for democrats--: Obviously, Nancy feels "ripped off" by the American public that hasn't been supporting her big spending habits. But for the life of me I do not understand why she is still minority leader. She is a walking--talking disaster for the democrat party--not that I mind that she is a disaster--I just don't understand why they keep putting her on the stage with a microphone.--LOL

Giving Nancy Pelosi more money--is like giving a crack addict more crack--and expecting a positive result from it.


Isn't this the Republican mantra? We need more people working making more money, then tax revenues will increase? What is wrong with what she said? You think should should say that we need people to make less money?

Who's dumb enough to say that in an election year? The overwhelming majority of Americans DO NOT LIKE TO PAY TAXES--and most feel they pay enough already--and certainly don't want someone to tell them to work harder so they can pay more taxes.

Only Nancy Pelosi is this stupid.
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Yes here it is- and-actually on video.

A little more entertainment coming from the one and only Nancy Pelosi--stating she wants people to earn more so they can pay more in taxes-:eusa_pray:

I don't how much worse it can get for democrats--: Obviously, Nancy feels "ripped off" by the American public that hasn't been supporting her big spending habits. But for the life of me I do not understand why she is still minority leader. She is a walking--talking disaster for the democrat party--not that I mind that she is a disaster--I just don't understand why they keep putting her on the stage with a microphone.--LOL

Giving Nancy Pelosi more money--is like giving a crack addict more crack--and expecting a positive result from it.


Isn't this the Republican mantra? We need more people working making more money, then tax revenues will increase? What is wrong with what she said? You think should should say that we need people to make less money?

You got your musician workers and you got your production workers. You know- folks that actually make physical tangible... stuff. Are we here to entertain the coffee shop crowd or are we here to make useful things from raw materials? Things that are used make other things. And those other things that make yet more other things. Or how about harvesting resources to make energy fuels which alows us to do everything?

Go ahead and give healthcare to the arts. The rest of us will pay for it- but at least we'll be able to stand back and say "hmmmm.... ummmm.... yes. Very provocative statement."

There's eye candy and there's ear candy. But there's nothing like candy candy. And candy is dandy, but if you can't eat it or resell it then what the fuck good is it?
Yes here it is- and-actually on video.

A little more entertainment coming from the one and only Nancy Pelosi--stating she wants people to earn more so they can pay more in taxes-:eusa_pray:

I don't how much worse it can get for democrats--: Obviously, Nancy feels "ripped off" by the American public that hasn't been supporting her big spending habits. But for the life of me I do not understand why she is still minority leader. She is a walking--talking disaster for the democrat party--not that I mind that she is a disaster--I just don't understand why they keep putting her on the stage with a microphone.--LOL

Giving Nancy Pelosi more money--is like giving a crack addict more crack--and expecting a positive result from it.


Isn't this the Republican mantra? We need more people working making more money, then tax revenues will increase? What is wrong with what she said? You think should should say that we need people to make less money?

Who's dumb enough to say that in an election year? The overwhelming majority of Americans DO NOT LIKE TO PAY TAXES--and most feel they pay enough already--and certainly don't want someone to tell them to work harder so they can pay more taxes.

Only Nancy Pelosi is this stupid.

Christ, only stupid people believe you should pay less taxes when you earn more money. If you pay 10% on $20,000, you pay $2000. If you pay 10% on $50,000, you pay $5000. I can see how you would think this is a terrible thing. You must be another one of those who believe the only way to increase tax revenue is by cutting the tax rates for everyone. Based on that theory, we would get the biggest benefit and biggest revenue increase if we cut the tax rate to zero.
Yes here it is- and-actually on video.

A little more entertainment coming from the one and only Nancy Pelosi--stating she wants people to earn more so they can pay more in taxes-:eusa_pray:

I don't how much worse it can get for democrats--: Obviously, Nancy feels "ripped off" by the American public that hasn't been supporting her big spending habits. But for the life of me I do not understand why she is still minority leader. She is a walking--talking disaster for the democrat party--not that I mind that she is a disaster--I just don't understand why they keep putting her on the stage with a microphone.--LOL

Giving Nancy Pelosi more money--is like giving a crack addict more crack--and expecting a positive result from it.


Isn't this the Republican mantra? We need more people working making more money, then tax revenues will increase? What is wrong with what she said? You think should should say that we need people to make less money?

You got your musician workers and you got your production workers. You know- folks that actually make physical tangible... stuff. Are we here to entertain the coffee shop crowd or are we here to make useful things from raw materials? Things that are used make other things. And those other things that make yet more other things. Or how about harvesting resources to make energy fuels which alows us to do everything?

Go ahead and give healthcare to the arts. The rest of us will pay for it- but at least we'll be able to stand back and say "hmmmm.... ummmm.... yes. Very provocative statement."

There's eye candy and there's ear candy. But there's nothing like candy candy. And candy is dandy, but if you can't eat it or resell it then what the fuck good is it?

Funny thing about the healthcare law; I never saw anything in it that says you get it for free. But interestingly enough, there is a provision that promotes the idea that everyone should pay to have coverage. Funny how that is so different from what this thread indicates, isn't it?
We'll pay for it as in "we'll subsidize it". As in, forget the fact that I have four kids as does the next person- but THIS person will pay a higher premium so someone else who has a lower AGI is afforded the lesser premium for the same coverage.

BTW- you have one too many zeros in your usermane, Mr. Bond.
I thought she wanted everyone on welfare and food stamps.....since that was the very best thing for the economy.

Right wing can't get their propaganda straight.

What propaganda? We're just talking about the stupid things that actually came out of that bitches mouth. If you think it sounds ridiculous, then you must think she's ridiculous because she's the ones saying this stuff.
We'll pay for it as in "we'll subsidize it". As in, forget the fact that I have four kids as does the next person- but THIS person will pay a higher premium so someone else who has a lower AGI is afforded the lesser premium for the same coverage.

BTW- you have one too many zeros in your usermane, Mr. Bond.

Well, if that offends you, you will scream at my idea. Universal Health Care funded by an increase in income tax. Everyone has health care, and prevention is put on the front burner. Being fully funded on a yearly basis, Mediaid and Medicare no longer exist.
I thought she wanted everyone on welfare and food stamps.....since that was the very best thing for the economy.

Right wing can't get their propaganda straight.

What propaganda? We're just talking about the stupid things that actually came out of that bitches mouth. If you think it sounds ridiculous, then you must think she's ridiculous because she's the ones saying this stuff.

No more ridiculous than the things you are stating, Clammy, ol' bitch.:lol:
I thought she wanted everyone on welfare and food stamps.....since that was the very best thing for the economy.

Right wing can't get their propaganda straight.

What propaganda? We're just talking about the stupid things that actually came out of that bitches mouth. If you think it sounds ridiculous, then you must think she's ridiculous because she's the ones saying this stuff.

Didja righties ever stop to think why the loopholes that Paul Ryan is talking about are "unspecified"?


News flash: There are only two “loopholes” in the tax code big enough to bring in substantial revenue. If you do your own income taxes, you know what they are: the homeowners’ mortgage interest deduction, and the employer-sponsored health insurance deduction. Eliminating both would indeed bring in billions; it would also cost the average reader of this column thousands. That’s why they’re unspecified, and also why they’re never going to happen.

Meanwhile, taxes on capital gains, dividends and interest would vanish.​

It’s the same with spending cuts: Ryan promises massive savings in government spending from areas he also refuses to specify. So that whenever President Obama or anybody else talks about the concrete results of eliminating funding for, say, Pell Grants to needy college students, Ryan can soulfully (and semi-truthfully) complain that those particular cuts aren’t in his budget.
It’s kind of a carnival shell game. Now you see it, now you don’t.​

The centerpiece of Ryan’s plan, however, is his vow to balance the budget by converting Medicare into a capped-rate voucher plan enabling old-timers to buy private health insurance — sort of like Obamacare with no mandates apart from bankruptcy or death. So in the real world, Grandma either gets squeezed into penury by spiraling health insurance premiums, or Congress continually raises the spending caps. Greater insecurity, no savings.​

Near-term, Chait explains that while holding military spending steady, “Ryan would achieve his ... deficit reduction by focusing overwhelmingly on programs targeted to the poor (which account for about a fifth of the federal budget, but absorb 62 percent of Ryan’s cuts over the next decade). The budget repeals Obamacare, thereby uninsuring some 30 million Americans about to become insured. It would then take insurance away from another 14 to 27 million people, by cutting Medicaid and children’s health-insurance funding.”​

All of which is why the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has written an open letter to Congress protesting that “a just framework for future budgets cannot rely on disproportionate cuts in essential services to poor persons.” Shortly before the former altar boy made an appearance at Georgetown University, the bishops added that “the House-passed budget resolution fails to meet these moral criteria.”​

Ryan responded by calling for a “thoughtful dialogue.” He’s ever so thoughtful, the Very Handsome Congressman.​

Yikes! Even the formerly uber-Republican Catholic Bishops think Paul Ryan's budget sucks.
Pelosi's right. Create jobs, let people earn, revenue is increased. If that doesn't make sense to you, maybe try reading for comprehension.
Yes here it is- and-actually on video.

A little more entertainment coming from the one and only Nancy Pelosi--stating she wants people to earn more so they can pay more in taxes-:eusa_pray:

I don't how much worse it can get for democrats--: Obviously, Nancy feels "ripped off" by the American public that hasn't been supporting her big spending habits. But for the life of me I do not understand why she is still minority leader. She is a walking--talking disaster for the democrat party--not that I mind that she is a disaster--I just don't understand why they keep putting her on the stage with a microphone.--LOL

Giving Nancy Pelosi more money--is like giving a crack addict more crack--and expecting a positive result from it.


If I believed in conspiracy theories I would be convinced there is some Republican conspiracy behind Nancy Pelosi retaining a leadership position in the Democratic Party.

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