My own racism

I had great parents that taught me to be color blind. I recall one incident in 1970 when we were eating hamburgers at a drive-in. I was seven at the time and two black teenagers came up to the window to order food. There was a picnic table in the middle where some high school kids were sitting that were catcalling these two and we were close enough to hear the exchange between the lady at the window and the two black kids. She said "We don't serve ******* here" and the picnic table full of white teens just erupted with laughter but the two black teens insisted on ordering. My dad got out of the car, took out his police badge and went to the window and told the lady at the window in no uncertain terms that if she didn't fill their order that he would file a report that would get them shut down and to be quick about it. The smirk the lady had was totally wiped off of her face and she complied. The teenagers at the picnic table (some of which were bigger than my dad) started to get up and move towards him, he backed them down. My dad wasn't the most physically imposing type back then, but he could fight like no one's business and he had a very intimidating scowl. He was a lefty and he had a mean punch. I was really proud of my dad and he taught me a lot about standing up for what is right even if the odds are not in your favor.....which is why I do what I do.

If I had a dollar for all the times I heard the great white confession, Jeffrey Bezos would work for me.

What am I "confessing"? I believe that no one is any better than anyone else. You? You seem to wallow in the shallow pool of victimhood instead of rising above it......are you not capable of doing so?

There is nothing victim about me or black people. We are victors when you really think about it. I have heard your story so many times in my life that it's old. So has almost every black person living. There is always that white person who wants to confess how they were taught not to see color even as they express racist views such as you just did with your claim of victimhood. Claiming to be colorblind doesn't exclude you from understanding the different experience blacks and whites have had in America.

What was the racist views he was expressing? yes, Blacks have had different experiences than whites. And just because views are different from yours, doesn't necessarily make them racist views. When you call someone a racist, the conversation ends right there. You pull the race card out for every thing someone says, And people wonder why people can never have honest conversations about race,... holy fuck.

We can't have honest conversations about race here because whites want to express racist views and not be called on them. Show me where a white person here has told another white how they are wallowing in victimhood as they complain about blacks. Whites here play the race card all the time, so until you can talk to them about pulling the fucking race card in every post, don't say shit to me about it.
It seems to me like most people on this forum are white and racist, with the exception of a few black folks who we’re fortunate enough to have here interrupting what would otherwise be a happy circle jerk. Many of you, I’ve noticed, erupt with anger and often racial vulgarities at the very mention of white people being racists. Others refrain from using racial slurs but nevertheless deny that they have any racism in them. And who am I to say you’re racist? I imagine it must be sickening to some of you to see a white guy like myself trying to drag you all into his “white guilt” and make you “feel bad for being white.”

So I’ll refrain from making any judgments about you lot and whatever racism you may or may not have and instead talk about myself and my own, undeniable, ugly, racism. We seldom really know what’s going on in each other’s minds, and what each other’s lives have really been like, so I’d like to offer some full disclosure to those for whom it may be of benefit. I doubt I’ll be making any friends by posting this and as the following may be hurtful to some to hear, I would like to apologize in advance. I have no excuse, and am ashamed that racism has been a part of who I am.

In dialogue about racism, we whites often fail to mention actual examples of how we engage in it and are a part of it, so here are mine:

Walking by a group of black people on the street - sometimes my body goes stiff, as if I might have to fight. Sometimes I try not to look at them, or glance their way cautiously. I remember a time in rural Japan when a woman looked at me with total terror in her eyes for no reason other than that I wasn’t Japanese. I remember how it felt like she’d punched me and how it ruined my entire day. I wonder how many dozens, hundreds(?) of times I’ve ever looked at a black person that way and screwed up their day. Or if they were already so used to it it just enforced their justified view that all white people are racists.

Wanting to prove how not racist I am - I brought up racial issues with a black man I was doing business with the other day. He didn't bring it up, I did, and even when it seemed like he would really rather not discuss it I kept talking about it mindlessly just because it was interesting to me.

When I see a black person often the first thing I think is "how can I show this person I'm not racist, or not as racist as most white people?"

When I'm around black people, at least half that time is spent thinking about the fact that they're black.

I often expect some kind of validation, recognition from black people that they think I'm a good person. As if it's their job to tell me that.

When I was in preschool, I regularly called a black classmate of mine racial slurs. I thought it was funny. She cried and I kept doing it. Eventually her parents got involved and had it out with my parents. Her family sent me a book showing people of all colors holding hands and getting along.

I continued making occasional racial slurs against Asians and Native Americans in elementary school. I was a mean, racist kid.

My school, my area of town, the families my parents knew were all predominantly white. I had no friends who were black and knew no one who was black.

I remember my first week of middle school, I was paired up in class with a hispanic kid. I quickly went to my white teacher and said, "Pair me with some one else. We're not like them." She refused, and the kid looked at me confused and said he didn't understand what was wrong.

Watching movies on racism, like Blackkklansman recently, I had to stop myself from laughing during numerous scenes that were patently racist. Some part of me wanted to laugh at black people being denigrated.

I think stuff and have even said racist things about Asians without thinking about it. Generalizations about different countries, scornful remarks about their cultures.

In general, I have thoughts - when I meet black people, when I see them on TV; before I even hear what they have to say I have thoughts like, "He looks full of himself." "He's too defensive. Race is probably always on his mind." "She doesn't look intelligent." "Why do they talk like that?" "This movie's just trying to make black people seem smarter than they are." It's ugly. It's bigoted. But it's on my mind. Even as I kick myself for it, some part of me won't condemn the racism in it.

So where am I going with this confession? I'm saying I'm a racist and I don't want to be. I'm saying, this is some really ugly, vile shit. I'm saying, how would I like to find out that some one was thinking these things about me? I'm saying I'm probably not going to make any friends by posting this, but if any white person here has any of the same racism in them, I hope you confront it. For your own sake, because I've heard a lot of you say some really racist crap that, yeah, I've thought of before, but every time you say it outloud you enforce it and you lose a little bit more of your humanity that you're going to have to try to get back some day if you genuinely want to be a good person.
I had great parents that taught me to be color blind. I recall one incident in 1970 when we were eating hamburgers at a drive-in. I was seven at the time and two black teenagers came up to the window to order food. There was a picnic table in the middle where some high school kids were sitting that were catcalling these two and we were close enough to hear the exchange between the lady at the window and the two black kids. She said "We don't serve ******* here" and the picnic table full of white teens just erupted with laughter but the two black teens insisted on ordering. My dad got out of the car, took out his police badge and went to the window and told the lady at the window in no uncertain terms that if she didn't fill their order that he would file a report that would get them shut down and to be quick about it. The smirk the lady had was totally wiped off of her face and she complied. The teenagers at the picnic table (some of which were bigger than my dad) started to get up and move towards him, he backed them down. My dad wasn't the most physically imposing type back then, but he could fight like no one's business and he had a very intimidating scowl. He was a lefty and he had a mean punch. I was really proud of my dad and he taught me a lot about standing up for what is right even if the odds are not in your favor.....which is why I do what I do.

If I had a dollar for all the times I heard the great white confession, Jeffrey Bezos would work for me.

What am I "confessing"? I believe that no one is any better than anyone else. You? You seem to wallow in the shallow pool of victimhood instead of rising above it......are you not capable of doing so?

There is nothing victim about me or black people. We are victors when you really think about it. I have heard your story so many times in my life that it's old. So has almost every black person living. There is always that white person who wants to confess how they were taught not to see color even as they express racist views such as you just did with your claim of victimhood. Claiming to be colorblind doesn't exclude you from understanding the different experience blacks and whites have had in America.
I had great parents that taught me to be color blind. I recall one incident in 1970 when we were eating hamburgers at a drive-in. I was seven at the time and two black teenagers came up to the window to order food. There was a picnic table in the middle where some high school kids were sitting that were catcalling these two and we were close enough to hear the exchange between the lady at the window and the two black kids. She said "We don't serve ******* here" and the picnic table full of white teens just erupted with laughter but the two black teens insisted on ordering. My dad got out of the car, took out his police badge and went to the window and told the lady at the window in no uncertain terms that if she didn't fill their order that he would file a report that would get them shut down and to be quick about it. The smirk the lady had was totally wiped off of her face and she complied. The teenagers at the picnic table (some of which were bigger than my dad) started to get up and move towards him, he backed them down. My dad wasn't the most physically imposing type back then, but he could fight like no one's business and he had a very intimidating scowl. He was a lefty and he had a mean punch. I was really proud of my dad and he taught me a lot about standing up for what is right even if the odds are not in your favor.....which is why I do what I do.

If I had a dollar for all the times I heard the great white confession, Jeffrey Bezos would work for me.

What am I "confessing"? I believe that no one is any better than anyone else. You? You seem to wallow in the shallow pool of victimhood instead of rising above it......are you not capable of doing so?

There is nothing victim about me or black people. We are victors when you really think about it. I have heard your story so many times in my life that it's old. So has almost every black person living. There is always that white person who wants to confess how they were taught not to see color even as they express racist views such as you just did with your claim of victimhood. Claiming to be colorblind doesn't exclude you from understanding the different experience blacks and whites have had in America.

Racism and prejudice is not an acquired taste, it is taught. Little children don't know how to be judgemental against those that are different unless they are influenced by the behavior of their parents. I experienced prejudice when I was ten when we moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Me and my brothers were cruelly taunted for being "fuckin Texans" as if i should be ashamed for being from the state I was born in or ashamed for my accent. What I am reading into your posts is that one can only pay penance for having the unmitigated gall of having white skin is to pay reparations for something we had no say in. How much do you think I personally "owe" black folks and then divide it by 30,000,000 and I will cut you a check for my part. I asked you this once before and got no reply.....
John, I respect your efforts. You are an honest man. Those opposing you are dishonest people. Thank you for trying to make the effort to erase racism from your life instead of making excuses as to why you must continue being one. Bless you.

I try to be sometimes. Not most of the time. I think for all their anger and spite, which I have in me too, the people slandering you here know on some level they're being bad people. I'm sure they're honest in other areas of their lives but we choose where we're going to be honest and we reserve our hate and dishonesty for other areas. I'm sure that's why they're so mad all the time. Somewhere in them where they don't want to look, they hate themselves.

Nobody is perfect, and that's what these racists need to learn. To hear them tell it whites are perfect and blacks are total failures that whites have saved. They cannot understand how blacks could possibly be angry at this kind of attitude and what continues to be created out of it. Fortunately there are millions of whites out thee like you wo are in a struggle to fight the racism you were taught, trying to overcome a sickness you don't want to have. Therefore you must be credited and respected for what you are trying to do. What you are doing is hard, and I understand it is probably harder than anything you have ever done. So I'm just here to say I support you because you are gong to have plenty hating you for trying to be right. That doesn't always mean we will agree but it means I recognize that you are trying to do the right thing.
John, I respect your efforts. You are an honest man. Those opposing you are dishonest people. Thank you for trying to make the effort to erase racism from your life instead of making excuses as to why you must continue being one. Bless you.

I try to be sometimes. Not most of the time. I think for all their anger and spite, which I have in me too, the people slandering you here know on some level they're being bad people. I'm sure they're honest in other areas of their lives but we choose where we're going to be honest and we reserve our hate and dishonesty for other areas. I'm sure that's why they're so mad all the time. Somewhere in them where they don't want to look, they hate themselves.

Nobody is perfect, and that's what these racists need to learn. To hear them tell it whites are perfect and blacks are total failures that whites have saved. They cannot understand how blacks could possibly be angry at this kind of attitude and what continues to be created out of it. Fortunately there are millions of whites out thee like you wo are in a struggle to fight the racism you were taught, trying to overcome a sickness you don't want to have. Therefore you must be credited and respected for what you are trying to do. What you are doing is hard, and I understand it is probably harder than anything you have ever done. So I'm just here to say I support you because you are gong to have plenty hating you for trying to be right. That doesn't always mean we will agree but it means I recognize that you are trying to do the right thing.
I know you have it a lot harder than I do, so thanks for saying that. I know a woman in my community who's trying to teach a church of all white people about racism. The church has 300 white people and 4 black people, of which she is one. Half the church hates her but she won't leave. They yell about her "conduct," her "behavior," her "language." These are liberals and this is a very liberal church. It's not just the types on this forum who are racist, it's all over the place and the real brave ones are people like you and her who will sit down in the middle of a sea of white people and say what you have to say.
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I had great parents that taught me to be color blind. I recall one incident in 1970 when we were eating hamburgers at a drive-in. I was seven at the time and two black teenagers came up to the window to order food. There was a picnic table in the middle where some high school kids were sitting that were catcalling these two and we were close enough to hear the exchange between the lady at the window and the two black kids. She said "We don't serve ******* here" and the picnic table full of white teens just erupted with laughter but the two black teens insisted on ordering. My dad got out of the car, took out his police badge and went to the window and told the lady at the window in no uncertain terms that if she didn't fill their order that he would file a report that would get them shut down and to be quick about it. The smirk the lady had was totally wiped off of her face and she complied. The teenagers at the picnic table (some of which were bigger than my dad) started to get up and move towards him, he backed them down. My dad wasn't the most physically imposing type back then, but he could fight like no one's business and he had a very intimidating scowl. He was a lefty and he had a mean punch. I was really proud of my dad and he taught me a lot about standing up for what is right even if the odds are not in your favor.....which is why I do what I do.

If I had a dollar for all the times I heard the great white confession, Jeffrey Bezos would work for me.

What am I "confessing"? I believe that no one is any better than anyone else. You? You seem to wallow in the shallow pool of victimhood instead of rising above it......are you not capable of doing so?

There is nothing victim about me or black people. We are victors when you really think about it. I have heard your story so many times in my life that it's old. So has almost every black person living. There is always that white person who wants to confess how they were taught not to see color even as they express racist views such as you just did with your claim of victimhood. Claiming to be colorblind doesn't exclude you from understanding the different experience blacks and whites have had in America.
I had great parents that taught me to be color blind. I recall one incident in 1970 when we were eating hamburgers at a drive-in. I was seven at the time and two black teenagers came up to the window to order food. There was a picnic table in the middle where some high school kids were sitting that were catcalling these two and we were close enough to hear the exchange between the lady at the window and the two black kids. She said "We don't serve ******* here" and the picnic table full of white teens just erupted with laughter but the two black teens insisted on ordering. My dad got out of the car, took out his police badge and went to the window and told the lady at the window in no uncertain terms that if she didn't fill their order that he would file a report that would get them shut down and to be quick about it. The smirk the lady had was totally wiped off of her face and she complied. The teenagers at the picnic table (some of which were bigger than my dad) started to get up and move towards him, he backed them down. My dad wasn't the most physically imposing type back then, but he could fight like no one's business and he had a very intimidating scowl. He was a lefty and he had a mean punch. I was really proud of my dad and he taught me a lot about standing up for what is right even if the odds are not in your favor.....which is why I do what I do.

If I had a dollar for all the times I heard the great white confession, Jeffrey Bezos would work for me.

What am I "confessing"? I believe that no one is any better than anyone else. You? You seem to wallow in the shallow pool of victimhood instead of rising above it......are you not capable of doing so?

There is nothing victim about me or black people. We are victors when you really think about it. I have heard your story so many times in my life that it's old. So has almost every black person living. There is always that white person who wants to confess how they were taught not to see color even as they express racist views such as you just did with your claim of victimhood. Claiming to be colorblind doesn't exclude you from understanding the different experience blacks and whites have had in America.

Racism and prejudice is not an acquired taste, it is taught. Little children don't know how to be judgemental against those that are different unless they are influenced by the behavior of their parents. I experienced prejudice when I was ten when we moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Me and my brothers were cruelly taunted for being "fuckin Texans" as if i should be ashamed for being from the state I was born in or ashamed for my accent. What I am reading into your posts is that one can only pay penance for having the unmitigated gall of having white skin is to pay reparations for something we had no say in. How much do you think I personally "owe" black folks and then divide it by 30,000,000 and I will cut you a check for my part. I asked you this once before and got no reply.....

The case for reparations would be made in the courts against the government if the United States. This is who did it. Your dumb ass race baited argument is now dead.
John, I respect your efforts. You are an honest man. Those opposing you are dishonest people. Thank you for trying to make the effort to erase racism from your life instead of making excuses as to why you must continue being one. Bless you.

I try to be sometimes. Not most of the time. I think for all their anger and spite, which I have in me too, the people slandering you here know on some level they're being bad people. I'm sure they're honest in other areas of their lives but we choose where we're going to be honest and we reserve our hate and dishonesty for other areas. I'm sure that's why they're so mad all the time. Somewhere in them where they don't want to look, they hate themselves.

Nobody is perfect, and that's what these racists need to learn. To hear them tell it whites are perfect and blacks are total failures that whites have saved. They cannot understand how blacks could possibly be angry at this kind of attitude and what continues to be created out of it. Fortunately there are millions of whites out thee like you wo are in a struggle to fight the racism you were taught, trying to overcome a sickness you don't want to have. Therefore you must be credited and respected for what you are trying to do. What you are doing is hard, and I understand it is probably harder than anything you have ever done. So I'm just here to say I support you because you are gong to have plenty hating you for trying to be right. That doesn't always mean we will agree but it means I recognize that you are trying to do the right thing.
I know you have it a lot harder than I do, so thanks for saying that. I know a woman in my community who's trying to teach a church of all white people about racism. The church has 300 white people and 4 black people, of which she is one. Half the church hates her but she won't leave. They yell about her "conduct," her "behavior," her "language." These are liberals and this is a very liberal church. It's not just the types on this forum who are racist, it's all over the place and the real brave ones are people like you and her who will sit down in the middle of a sea of white people and say what you have to say.

No doubt about it racism is bi partisan or multi partisan and crosses ideologies. But these guys swear they aren't racists, only liberals are.
Did Uncle Ruckus say something?

I had great parents that taught me to be color blind. I recall one incident in 1970 when we were eating hamburgers at a drive-in. I was seven at the time and two black teenagers came up to the window to order food. There was a picnic table in the middle where some high school kids were sitting that were catcalling these two and we were close enough to hear the exchange between the lady at the window and the two black kids. She said "We don't serve ******* here" and the picnic table full of white teens just erupted with laughter but the two black teens insisted on ordering. My dad got out of the car, took out his police badge and went to the window and told the lady at the window in no uncertain terms that if she didn't fill their order that he would file a report that would get them shut down and to be quick about it. The smirk the lady had was totally wiped off of her face and she complied. The teenagers at the picnic table (some of which were bigger than my dad) started to get up and move towards him, he backed them down. My dad wasn't the most physically imposing type back then, but he could fight like no one's business and he had a very intimidating scowl. He was a lefty and he had a mean punch. I was really proud of my dad and he taught me a lot about standing up for what is right even if the odds are not in your favor.....which is why I do what I do.

If I had a dollar for all the times I heard the great white confession, Jeffrey Bezos would work for me.

What am I "confessing"? I believe that no one is any better than anyone else. You? You seem to wallow in the shallow pool of victimhood instead of rising above it......are you not capable of doing so?

There is nothing victim about me or black people. We are victors when you really think about it. I have heard your story so many times in my life that it's old. So has almost every black person living. There is always that white person who wants to confess how they were taught not to see color even as they express racist views such as you just did with your claim of victimhood. Claiming to be colorblind doesn't exclude you from understanding the different experience blacks and whites have had in America.
I had great parents that taught me to be color blind. I recall one incident in 1970 when we were eating hamburgers at a drive-in. I was seven at the time and two black teenagers came up to the window to order food. There was a picnic table in the middle where some high school kids were sitting that were catcalling these two and we were close enough to hear the exchange between the lady at the window and the two black kids. She said "We don't serve ******* here" and the picnic table full of white teens just erupted with laughter but the two black teens insisted on ordering. My dad got out of the car, took out his police badge and went to the window and told the lady at the window in no uncertain terms that if she didn't fill their order that he would file a report that would get them shut down and to be quick about it. The smirk the lady had was totally wiped off of her face and she complied. The teenagers at the picnic table (some of which were bigger than my dad) started to get up and move towards him, he backed them down. My dad wasn't the most physically imposing type back then, but he could fight like no one's business and he had a very intimidating scowl. He was a lefty and he had a mean punch. I was really proud of my dad and he taught me a lot about standing up for what is right even if the odds are not in your favor.....which is why I do what I do.

If I had a dollar for all the times I heard the great white confession, Jeffrey Bezos would work for me.

What am I "confessing"? I believe that no one is any better than anyone else. You? You seem to wallow in the shallow pool of victimhood instead of rising above it......are you not capable of doing so?

There is nothing victim about me or black people. We are victors when you really think about it. I have heard your story so many times in my life that it's old. So has almost every black person living. There is always that white person who wants to confess how they were taught not to see color even as they express racist views such as you just did with your claim of victimhood. Claiming to be colorblind doesn't exclude you from understanding the different experience blacks and whites have had in America.

Racism and prejudice is not an acquired taste, it is taught. Little children don't know how to be judgemental against those that are different unless they are influenced by the behavior of their parents. I experienced prejudice when I was ten when we moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Me and my brothers were cruelly taunted for being "fuckin Texans" as if i should be ashamed for being from the state I was born in or ashamed for my accent. What I am reading into your posts is that one can only pay penance for having the unmitigated gall of having white skin is to pay reparations for something we had no say in. How much do you think I personally "owe" black folks and then divide it by 30,000,000 and I will cut you a check for my part. I asked you this once before and got no reply.....

The case for reparations would be made in the courts against the government if the United States. This is who did it. Your dumb ass race baited argument is now dead.

So how much do you think you are owed personally?? It's not a difficult question to answer....
#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

And why would blacks be anti white? Can you honestly explain how there might be reasons? Or are you another white suffering from psychosis?

IM2, are white or Caucasian American citizens responsible for inspiring BLACK on BLACK HATE?

IM2, can you explain why in the 21st century United States of American, a large population of apparent slow-to-evolve black or American citizens of African descent are HATING and denigrating other black American citizens or foreign born people of color?

The population of apparent hate-embracing, segregation minded black Americans are known in the black American community as 'Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded citizens.

Sadly, many PRO BLACK minded Americans are so full of toxic hate, instead of recognizing accomplished, successful, free thinking black or American citizens of African descent as positive HEALTHY role models for our Nation's children and teens, PRO BLACK minded American citizens choose to HATE and denigrate successful black or American citizens of African descent.

"Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "Pro Black or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our accomplished, successful black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

Dr. Umar Johnson Ph.D, Dr. Boyce Watkins Ph.D, Tariq Nasheed.jpg

IM2, I'd like to introduce my fellow citizens to a young PRO BLACK minded American woman calling herself 'Sensei Aishitemasu.'

-sensei means teacher. It can be used as a title "-sensei", or as a standalone title, Sensei. You call someone that teaches you a particular subject "-sensei".

I became aware of Sensei Aishitemasu when I viewed a video of her hating and trashing Bruno Mars, accusing Bruno of being a 'Cultural Appropriator."

"Seren Sensei goes off on Bruno Mars claims he stealing black culture. Is Bruno A Culture Vulture?" Published on Mar 9, 2018

Since learning about Sensei Aishitemasu and her brand of HATE, I viewed several of her public offerings.

IM2, watching in it's entirety this latest outburst of Sensei Aishitemasu HATING on a successful American citizen who offers joy and love to his fellow human beings, I am convinced she is an emotionally troubled, HATEFUL person requiring immediate MENTAL HEALTH intervention.

"Car Video: Aretha, Tevin, and Snakes" Published on Aug 17, 2018 by Sensei Aishitemasu

Listening to Sensei Aishitemasu spew HATE toward successful American or foreign born citizens suggests to me she was raised, nurtured and socialized by one or more HATEFUL primary child caregivers who sensible, responsible fellow citizen Lady Mocha speaks about in this video presentation.


(Fast forward to 7:59 to bypass Lady Mocha's intro)

IM2, why do YOU refuse to recognize a growing population of peaceful, responsible, successful, accomplished, free-thinking black or American citizens of African descent are being held hostage and silenced by Sensei Aishitemasu and her hateful PRO BLACK minded followers, in that our responsible black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers risk being harassed, bullied, stalked or threatened with VIOLENCE if they SPEAK OUT against the madness, dysfunction, "savagery & fvvkery" currently existing in far to many American communities.

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll

pro black HATE.jpg

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
...In talking about how institutionalized racism pervades our society I do think it's good to find the link between why police are more volatile around black people, why racist legislators are voted in,
There are many individuals here who insist that institutional racism no longer exists in the United States simply because it has been outlawed. They either are unable to grasp the concept or are feigning ignorance of the fact that we can only legislate an individual's actions not their hearts and minds, meaning we cannot control what they do, only enforce the prescribed punishments for acts which violate the laws prohibiting discrimination.
Plenty of people have listed hundreds if not thousands of examples of deep rooted institutional racism against white people.

You have never been able to respond to them and never will be able to.
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#TheLargerIssue #Fatherlessness #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #MentalHealth #Solutions

And why would blacks be anti white? Can you honestly explain how there might be reasons? Or are you another white suffering from psychosis?

IM2, are white or Caucasian American citizens responsible for inspiring BLACK on BLACK HATE?

IM2, can you explain why in the 21st century United States of American, a large population of apparent slow-to-evolve black or American citizens of African descent are HATING and denigrating other black American citizens or foreign born people of color?

The population of apparent hate-embracing, segregation minded black Americans are known in the black American community as 'Pro Black, Woke or Conscious Black Community" minded citizens.

Sadly, many PRO BLACK minded Americans are so full of toxic hate, instead of recognizing accomplished, successful, free thinking black or American citizens of African descent as positive HEALTHY role models for our Nation's children and teens, PRO BLACK minded American citizens choose to HATE and denigrate successful black or American citizens of African descent.

"Sell-out" "C^^n" and "Uncle Tom" are just a few HATEFUL, denigrating terms "Pro Black or Conscious Black Community" American citizens use to LOUDLY demean and intimidate our accomplished, successful black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers of African descent choosing to peacefully pursue THEIR OWN unique vision for L, L, (Love) & Happiness.

View attachment 214385

IM2, I'd like to introduce my fellow citizens to a young PRO BLACK minded American woman calling herself 'Sensei Aishitemasu.'

-sensei means teacher. It can be used as a title "-sensei", or as a standalone title, Sensei. You call someone that teaches you a particular subject "-sensei".

I became aware of Sensei Aishitemasu when I viewed a video of her hating and trashing Bruno Mars, accusing Bruno of being a 'Cultural Appropriator."

"Seren Sensei goes off on Bruno Mars claims he stealing black culture. Is Bruno A Culture Vulture?" Published on Mar 9, 2018

Since learning about Sensei Aishitemasu and her brand of HATE, I viewed several of her public offerings.

IM2, watching in it's entirety this latest outburst of Sensei Aishitemasu HATING on a successful American citizen who offers joy and love to his fellow human beings, I am convinced she is an emotionally troubled, HATEFUL person requiring immediate MENTAL HEALTH intervention.

"Car Video: Aretha, Tevin, and Snakes" Published on Aug 17, 2018 by Sensei Aishitemasu

Listening to Sensei Aishitemasu spew HATE toward successful American or foreign born citizens suggests to me she was raised, nurtured and socialized by one or more HATEFUL primary child caregivers who sensible, responsible fellow citizen Lady Mocha speaks about in this video presentation.


(Fast forward to 7:59 to bypass Lady Mocha's intro)

IM2, why do YOU refuse to recognize a growing population of peaceful, responsible, successful, accomplished, free-thinking black or American citizens of African descent are being held hostage and silenced by Sensei Aishitemasu and her hateful PRO BLACK minded followers, in that our responsible black or American friends, neighbors and co-workers risk being harassed, bullied, stalked or threatened with VIOLENCE if they SPEAK OUT against the madness, dysfunction, "savagery & fvvkery" currently existing in far to many American communities.

YouTube Search Terms: 'Exposing 'PRO BLACK' Modus Operandi, Logic, Fvvkery, Savagery, White Supremacy' ~Mrs. Princella Clark-Carr

YouTube Search Terms: Dysfunctional 'PRO BLACK American' Logic Succinctly Explained By Social Commentator Mr. David Carroll

View attachment 214384
American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our National Epidemic of Child Abuse and Neglect*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Stop spamming.
John, I respect your efforts. You are an honest man. Those opposing you are dishonest people. Thank you for trying to make the effort to erase racism from your life instead of making excuses as to why you must continue being one. Bless you.
Black people really need to start buying up plantations.

There is apparently a market for uneducated white people who like to be abused and enslaved by blacks and other various non-European peoples.
John, I respect your efforts. You are an honest man. Those opposing you are dishonest people. Thank you for trying to make the effort to erase racism from your life instead of making excuses as to why you must continue being one. Bless you.
Black people really need to start buying up plantations.

There is apparently a market for uneducated white people who like to be abused and enslaved by blacks and other various non-European peoples.
Did you just spend time marking fifteen of my posts funny?
John, I respect your efforts. You are an honest man. Those opposing you are dishonest people. Thank you for trying to make the effort to erase racism from your life instead of making excuses as to why you must continue being one. Bless you.
Black people really need to start buying up plantations.

There is apparently a market for uneducated white people who like to be abused and enslaved by blacks and other various non-European peoples.
Did you just spend time marking fifteen of my posts funny?
Took less than a minute to read them all and judge them appropriately.

Standard fare for my activities on this forum.
John, I respect your efforts. You are an honest man. Those opposing you are dishonest people. Thank you for trying to make the effort to erase racism from your life instead of making excuses as to why you must continue being one. Bless you.
Black people really need to start buying up plantations.

There is apparently a market for uneducated white people who like to be abused and enslaved by blacks and other various non-European peoples.
Did you just spend time marking fifteen of my posts funny?
Took less than a minute to read them all and judge them appropriately.

Standard fare for my activities on this forum.
Just saying, it shows on my alerts you spent 24 minutes on it. Look, if you're affected, whichever way you're affected, including if that's having some reaction to me, hey, that's cool. I'm fine with being disliked - or, it doesn't feel great, but that's what I'm saying - you might get mad with what some of what black people on this forum are saying if it's affecting you, but if you're talking about abuse, that's something I've pretty much entirely had to learn to deal with from white people. You've been good teachers (or slavemasters, whichever you find funnier I suppose).
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
John, I respect your efforts. You are an honest man. Those opposing you are dishonest people. Thank you for trying to make the effort to erase racism from your life instead of making excuses as to why you must continue being one. Bless you.
Black people really need to start buying up plantations.

There is apparently a market for uneducated white people who like to be abused and enslaved by blacks and other various non-European peoples.
Did you just spend time marking fifteen of my posts funny?
Took less than a minute to read them all and judge them appropriately.

Standard fare for my activities on this forum.
Just saying, it shows on my alerts you spent 24 minutes on it. Look, if you're affected, whichever way you're affected, including if that's having some reaction to me, hey, that's cool. I'm fine with being disliked - or, it doesn't feel great, but that's what I'm saying - you might get mad with what some of what black people on this forum are saying if it's affecting you, but if you're talking about abuse, that's something I've pretty much entirely had to learn to deal with from white people. You've been good teachers (or slavemasters, whichever you find funnier I suppose).
I definitely did not spend 24 minutes.

You are not worth 5 minutes.

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