Muslims would NEVER burn the Bible

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The Quran unites "all the prophets" as they are all remade in mohammads image, stolen and remade .
The Quran then calls for the eradication of all non muslims
Now there is a plan.

So does the BIBLE calls to eradicates all none Jews or Christians, only difference is that the Bible includes Babies, children, women :clap2:

forgot the animals know hamstringing them :redface:

What a crock of shit going on here. The anti-Christian MORONS have to go back CENTURIES to try and pretend Christianity represents the same kind of BARBARIC and INHUMANE MONSTROUS threat to the world that Islamofascism does. Violence committed specifically in the name of and for the cause of Christianity is the aberration in the history of Christianity -while it is peace that is the aberration in the history of Islam and war is the norm. It is why you can't find three conflicts in the world today where Islamofascism isn't the root cause of the conflict. The Bible does NOT call for the followers of Christ to exterminate ANYONE and those claiming otherwise are lying for their own reasons. But it does relate stories of populations that WERE destroyed -BY GOD. You have to be a really stupid MORON to believe that relating those stories is the same as God saying this is what He wants His followers to do as well! The Bible says this is the kind of thing that falls under HIS authority to do -and nowhere in the Bible does it say God forfeited it and turned that power and authority over to puny, sinful, greedy, fallible man! Gee the Bible also relates the story about Noah getting drunk and lying naked where his sons were embarrassed to see him in that condition. Do you think that means God is ordering everyone to get drunk and naked too? Lot got drunk and his daughter lay with him -think that means God is ordering everyone to commit incest? Actually these stories about Moses and Lot and the sins they committed back up what Jesus said repeatedly -that NO ONE is without sin, not even those who are righteous in their religious beliefs. BELIEF does not and will not ever make someone sinless -and Moses, Lot and a lot of other people whose stories are told in the Bible are reminders and proof of that. So find me the verse where Jesus says His followers must kill nonbelievers and their babies. Where is THAT verse? Because I CAN find the verses in the Koran about how Muslims are ordered to treat Jews, Christians, polytheists and atheists. Where in the Bible does it say it is acceptable to lie and deceive non-believers? The 9th Commandment does not say "Thou shalt not bear false witness against they neighbor ...unless your neighbor is a non-believer". The Torah says lying, cheating or deceiving a non-Jew is a worse sin than doing so to another Jew! But the Koran says it is acceptable for Muslims to lie and deceive non-believers and if it benefits Muslims or Islam -that it is approved by Allah Himself! Apparently the deity Muslims believe in requires that kind of thing now and then and has no problem with tricking and deceiving non-believers. Some kind of benighted belief that doing so will result in creating greater respect for the religion and its practitioners no doubt instead of repulsion and disgust.

Christianity underwent a PERMANENT Reformation that the specific wording of the Koran will NEVER allow to take place in Islam and the religion represents NO threat to ANYONE in the world. There are NO wars declared in the name of Christianity and never will be again. And the clashes people like to pretend are "Christian" religious wars are in reality POLITICAL wars where one side HAPPENS to be of one religion and the other side a different religion - but are not based on religious differences where one side is trying to force the other side to convert or kill them for not sharing their religion. The IRA isn't claiming that if England would just convert to Catholicism they would have no issues here or something! Even if all of England were to convert to Catholicism, it would have zero impact on that conflict! Because it is no longer a religious conflict -it is a POLITICAL ONE based on which side is believed to hold the real political power -not one about who has the "right" religion and is trying to impose it on another or punish them for failing to do so! A religious war involves far more than just the opposing sides having different religions. Unless THAT is why the war is taking place, it is happenstance. The Crusades were religious wars -the war that overthrew Saddam Hussein was not.

Christianity underwent a Reformation that forever rejects so much of what way too many Muslims believe -such as forced conversions, rote prayer and claiming non-believers should be put to death as "apostates"! No branch of Christianity would EVER claim that someone deserved to be put to death for not being a Christian! OH that the same could be said to be true of Muslims and Islam though!

So for the original poster to pretend Muslims represent some kind of "superior" being by claiming Muslims would never burn the Bible is truly stomach turning. Especially in light of the Egypt Pew poll just released this week showing a full 80% of Egyptians believe that non-Muslims living in Egypt are "apostates" and should be put to death for it! Being a Christian in Egypt is a FAR worse situation for someone than being a Muslim in the US. That is because the majority of only ONE of those religions actually believes people of the other deserve to be KILLED for their religious beliefs! And it isn't Christians.

Now is the original poster going to argue that this 80% are somehow NOT representative of typical Muslim thought in the Middle East (and even a significant percentage of Muslim thought outside of the Middle East)?

How DARE those who would be so ARROGANT as to believe THEY have the right to act as God's judge, jury and executioner and KILL non-believers for being non-believers. True when Christians deviated from the true tenets of their religion to do it and true for WAY too many Muslims today. That THEIR religion somehow gives them a license to mass murder -even of fellow Muslims. That is just PURE EVIL and any "supreme being" Muslims worship that would approve of it is an EVIL one! No one kills more Muslims in the world than OTHER MUSLIMS. NO ONE and that is a FACT and it has been a FACT for centuries! Sorry -I'm just saying what everyone else is too politically correct to say but know is true. Muslims who believe some 7th century BULLSHIT that they have a "right" to slaughter and exterminate non-believers and even justify the murder of children in the name of their religion -are just plain EVIL. The notion that simply being Muslim means they can NEVER be in the wrong in any conflict against non-Muslims is SELF endowing themselves with a license to any evil. As long as it is done to non-Muslims, Allah approves and is on YOUR side, right? But I believe in God who gave us His own unchanging law in the form of the Ten Commandments NONE Of which are EVER based on the religion of those we might do evil to. I believe in God who gave people a GIFT of life -and did so to allow someone a lifetime to come to VOLUNTARILY come to know and love Him and rejects FORCED conversions for what it really is. Worthless. My religion acknowledges that faith cannot EVER endow anyone with perfection. And sorry to break the news -but Muslims are NOT perfect human beings in ANY aspect of their life and just because they may be in a conflict with non-Muslims doesn't suddenly impart perfection on them either and make the evil they do to others somehow magically "non-evil" in the eyes of God. Oh as long as its done to non-believers then God LIKES it and its no big deal after all, right? I FOREVER and PERMANENTLY reject ANY belief shared by those Muslims who actually believe in a deity who claims to despise his own creations and wants them dead for not learning to know him fast enough to suit some Muslim's arbitrary time schedule. I don't recognize that deity at all but WOW, that is truly 7th century barbarism at its finest. Show me the verse in the Bible where the followers of Christ were given the authority to make up their own time schedule as to when others were to convert or be killed. I can show you the ones in the Koran.

But hey, good to know Muslims place far more value on fucking PAPER and GLUE whose destruction can never EVER destroy the Word of God -than they do a human being's life. At least you are upfront about Muslim priorities which certainly goes a long way in explaining certain phenomena we see taking place on every continent. And those of you trying to pretend there is a Christian equivalent to it are mendacious liars with your own agenda.
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Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

I have my Q'uran right here, opened. Both Surri and Yusuf. Verify and show us here please. Chapter and verse, in all three version authors words.

Both the New Testament (Bible) and the Old Testament (Torah) are spoken of in the Quran.

And thus are held sacred by all muslims.

That is why you will NEVER hear about Muslims burning the Bible.

I have my Q'uran right here, opened. Both Surri and Yusuf. Verify and show us here please. Chapter and verse, in all three version authors words.


Being SPOKEN OF in the Koran is NOT the same thing as being held as sacred. In fact what is said is a denunciation of the New Testament AS IT EXISTS by denying the divinity of Christ and insisting Christ wasn't even crucified and was just a lie. Which means the Koran is asserting that the New Testament is a false document and offers nothing to even try and back that up. Some "held sacred", huh?

He must mean the Koran holds the Islamic RE-WRITE of the New Testament to be sacred. A re-write that would turn it into something intended to bolster a different religion that came along later. One that denies and spits on what is REPEATEDLY asserted in the New Testament and the founding tenet of Christianity itself that existed before Islam -the divinity of Christ Himself. Which means the re-write is not the New Testament at all so what is really held "sacred" about the New Testament in the Koran doesn't even exist and never did.

The difference between Christianity and Islam is that MY religion never requires me to destroy any other or those who practice them. I am NOT appointed to act as God's judge, jury and executioner. I AM required to speak of my faith and love and mercy that God holds out for EVERYONE for just the asking. If you choose to reject it, it is NEVER my place to do anything about it because God has claimed the sole authority we all will face and have to answer to and none of us can claim ignorance about the consequences for God is merciful and made sure we are all aware of the consequences for rejecting Him.

I reject ANY religion that insists my job is to stamp out all others and punish those who refuse to abandon their own religious beliefs for my own. THAT is just flat out barbarism and if that religion is true and my own is false -then it will be ME answering to God for that. And I have no problem with that. I will gladly face God and answer to Him!

I do have a SERIOUS problem with the notion that I must answer to a pack of wild hyena THUGS who practice a different religion who believe they have the right and duty to deprive me of my life for not sharing their own religious beliefs though. And I always will.
I have my Q'uran right here, opened. Both Surri and Yusuf. Verify and show us here please. Chapter and verse, in all three version authors words.
The Qur'anic View of the Jewish and Christian Scripture

1) The Qur'an teaches that all scripture should be respected in the same way:

O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Apostle, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Apostle and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the Day of Judgement, hath gone far, far astray (4:136 AYA).

We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them (3:84 AYA).

2) The Torah that was given to Moses, and the Gospel that was given to Jesus, are the scriptures that the Jews and Christians now possess:

Those who follow the Messenger (Mohammed), the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them (7:157 MP).

And when there cometh unto them (Jews) a Scripture (the Qur'an) from Allah, confirming that in their possession (2:89 MP).

Thus, the Qur'an is not referring to scripture that Jews and Christians use to possess in the past, but now are lost. Rather, the Torah given to Moses, and the Gospel given to Jesus, is the scripture that is with them (the Christians and Jews) and in their possession at the time of Muhammad.

3) The Qur'an teaches that it confirms and explains more fully the previous scripture:

This Koran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book (10:37 AYA/38 MP).
Thus, the Qur'an sees itself as the guardian of the message of all scripture: To thee We sent the scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety (5:48 MP/51 AYA).

What does the Qur'an say about the Jewish and Christian Scriptures
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Descrating other people's holy books of any tradition is wrong. I'm glad to hear that Muslims wouldn't do this, Sunni Man.

Most Christians wouldn't either. Only the narrow extremists do.

As to religous violence, it occurs in every tradition, unfortunately, even Sri Lankan Buddhist monks have engaged in it. It's wrong. I consider it heresy.

Another example of Buddhism being misused is the Bushido, or Japanese warriors who used the Buddhist teachings on impermanence and rebirth to fuel their sense of fearlessness allowing them to kill more. That is an abuse of the Buddha's teachings.

It is a minority of extremists who committ religious inspired violence. They make a bad name for anyone connected to that religion.

Any of us in those traditions where violence has occurred must speak out against it.
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Descrating other people's holy books of any tradition is wrong. I'm glad to hear that Muslims wouldn't do this, Sunni Man.

Most Christians wouldn't either. Only the narrow extremists do.
In Islam;

we believe that thousands of Prophets have been sent to mankind all over the world throughout history.

To many peoples, in many lands, speaking in many languages.

As Muslims; we are told in the Quran to respect the religious books of other non Islamic people.

Only ignorant Muslins who don't really know their religion would destroy the religious texts of other religions. :cool:
Descrating other people's holy books of any tradition is wrong. I'm glad to hear that Muslims wouldn't do this, Sunni Man.

Most Christians wouldn't either. Only the narrow extremists do.
In Islam;

we believe that thousands of Prophets have been sent to mankind all over the world throughout history.

To many peoples, in many lands, speaking in many languages.

As Muslims; we are told in the Quran to respect the religious books of other non Islamic people.

Only ignorant Muslins who don't really know their religion would destroy the religious texts of other religions. :cool:

I would say that only ignorant Christians would destroy the religous texts of other traditions too. It is ignorant Sri Lankan monks who are creating enormous negative karma by supporting and practicing tribal violence.
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I have my Q'uran right here, opened. Both Surri and Yusuf. Verify and show us here please. Chapter and verse, in all three version authors words.
The Qur'anic View of the Jewish and Christian Scripture

1) The Qur'an teaches that all scripture should be respected in the same way:

O ye who believe! Believe in Allah and His Apostle, and the scripture which He hath sent to His Apostle and the scripture which He sent to those before (him). Any who denieth Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Apostles, and the Day of Judgement, hath gone far, far astray (4:136 AYA).

We believe in Allah, and in what has been revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ismail, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and in (the Books) given to Moses, Jesus, and the Prophets, from their Lord: We make no distinction between one and another among them (3:84 AYA).

2) The Torah that was given to Moses, and the Gospel that was given to Jesus, are the scriptures that the Jews and Christians now possess:

Those who follow the Messenger (Mohammed), the Prophet who can neither read nor write, whom they will find described in the Torah and the Gospel (which are) with them (7:157 MP).

And when there cometh unto them (Jews) a Scripture (the Qur'an) from Allah, confirming that in their possession (2:89 MP).

Thus, the Qur'an is not referring to scripture that Jews and Christians use to possess in the past, but now are lost. Rather, the Torah given to Moses, and the Gospel given to Jesus, is the scripture that is with them (the Christians and Jews) and in their possession at the time of Muhammad.

3) The Qur'an teaches that it confirms and explains more fully the previous scripture:

This Koran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah; on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it, and a fuller explanation of the Book (10:37 AYA/38 MP).
Thus, the Qur'an sees itself as the guardian of the message of all scripture: To thee We sent the scripture in truth, confirming the scripture that came before it, and guarding it in safety (5:48 MP/51 AYA).

What does the Qur'an say about the Jewish and Christian Scriptures

The Quran says " Isa " and maybe he did but Yahushua was never given a given a book .
Descrating other people's holy books of any tradition is wrong. I'm glad to hear that Muslims wouldn't do this, Sunni Man.

Most Christians wouldn't either. Only the narrow extremists do.
In Islam;

we believe that thousands of Prophets have been sent to mankind all over the world throughout history.

To many peoples, in many lands, speaking in many languages.

As Muslims; we are told in the Quran to respect the religious books of other non Islamic people.

Only ignorant Muslins who don't really know their religion would destroy the religious texts of other religions. :cool:

Is that why nations run by islamic rulers keep the poputlation ignorant? Is that why the "clerics" teach jihad?
Descrating other people's holy books of any tradition is wrong. I'm glad to hear that Muslims wouldn't do this, Sunni Man.

Most Christians wouldn't either. Only the narrow extremists do.
In Islam;

we believe that thousands of Prophets have been sent to mankind all over the world throughout history.

To many peoples, in many lands, speaking in many languages.

As Muslims; we are told in the Quran to respect the religious books of other non Islamic people.

Only ignorant Muslins who don't really know their religion would destroy the religious texts of other religions. :cool:

Is that why nations run by islamic rulers keep the poputlation ignorant? Is that why the "clerics" teach jihad?
and why they forbid bibles being brought into the country
Descrating other people's holy books of any tradition is wrong. I'm glad to hear that Muslims wouldn't do this, Sunni Man.

Most Christians wouldn't either. Only the narrow extremists do.

As to religous violence, it occurs in every tradition, unfortunately, even Sri Lankan Buddhist monks have engaged in it. It's wrong. I consider it heresy.

Another example of Buddhism being misused is the Bushido, or Japanese warriors who used the Buddhist teachings on impermanence and rebirth to fuel their sense of fearlessness allowing them to kill more. That is an abuse of the Buddha's teachings.

It is a minority of extremists who committ religious inspired violence. They make a bad name for anyone connected to that religion.

Any of us in those traditions where violence has occurred must speak out against it.

christians burning books in America;

Children's Books, Censorship/Banned Books - Articles
Descrating other people's holy books of any tradition is wrong. I'm glad to hear that Muslims wouldn't do this, Sunni Man.

Most Christians wouldn't either. Only the narrow extremists do.

As to religous violence, it occurs in every tradition, unfortunately, even Sri Lankan Buddhist monks have engaged in it. It's wrong. I consider it heresy.

Another example of Buddhism being misused is the Bushido, or Japanese warriors who used the Buddhist teachings on impermanence and rebirth to fuel their sense of fearlessness allowing them to kill more. That is an abuse of the Buddha's teachings.

It is a minority of extremists who committ religious inspired violence. They make a bad name for anyone connected to that religion.

Any of us in those traditions where violence has occurred must speak out against it.

christians burning books in America;

Children's Books, Censorship/Banned Books - Articles
what part of that didn't you understand?
Descrating other people's holy books of any tradition is wrong. I'm glad to hear that Muslims wouldn't do this, Sunni Man.

Most Christians wouldn't either. Only the narrow extremists do.
In Islam;

we believe that thousands of Prophets have been sent to mankind all over the world throughout history.

To many peoples, in many lands, speaking in many languages.

As Muslims; we are told in the Quran to respect the religious books of other non Islamic people.

Only ignorant Muslins who don't really know their religion would destroy the religious texts of other religions. :cool:

I would say that only ignorant Christians would destroy the religous texts of other traditions too. It is ignorant Sri Lankan monks who are creating enormous negative karma by supporting and practicing tribal violence.

What's the matter, can't list the muslims that destroy, and disrespect the Bible as part of of "your" ignorant? Why are you intellectually dishonest when it comes to what some muslims "actually" do?
In Islam;

we believe that thousands of Prophets have been sent to mankind all over the world throughout history.

To many peoples, in many lands, speaking in many languages.

As Muslims; we are told in the Quran to respect the religious books of other non Islamic people.

Only ignorant Muslins who don't really know their religion would destroy the religious texts of other religions. :cool:

I would say that only ignorant Christians would destroy the religous texts of other traditions too. It is ignorant Sri Lankan monks who are creating enormous negative karma by supporting and practicing tribal violence.

What's the matter, can't list the muslims that destroy, and disrespect the Bible as part of of "your" ignorant? Why are you intellectually dishonest when it comes to what some muslims "actually" do?

Liberals are scared to insult Muslims, Christians and Jews are fair game.
If there are instances of Muslims desecrating the Bible I'm sure Sunni Man will acknowledge and condemn them.

Why not provide that evidence?
I would say that only ignorant Christians would destroy the religous texts of other traditions too. It is ignorant Sri Lankan monks who are creating enormous negative karma by supporting and practicing tribal violence.

What's the matter, can't list the muslims that destroy, and disrespect the Bible as part of of "your" ignorant? Why are you intellectually dishonest when it comes to what some muslims "actually" do?

Liberals are scared to insult Muslims, Christians and Jews are fair game.

Really? I don't think so. I'm a liberal. I am a supporter of religious freedom in the US, and of the right for anyone, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Mormon, Scientologist or Buddhist to practice here. No religion is free from criticism.

There is plenty I can find fault with with Islam in the world today. I respect Judaism, but that does not mean I cannot find fault with some of Israel's policies. I denounce the coverup of pedophilia in the RCC. I disprove of plural marriage in some LDS sects. I think the Scientologist have a whole lot to answer for.

Look at what just happened in Egypt with a woman journalist being raped as part of the celebration. That is wrong.
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What's the matter, can't list the muslims that destroy, and disrespect the Bible as part of of "your" ignorant? Why are you intellectually dishonest when it comes to what some muslims "actually" do?

Liberals are scared to insult Muslims, Christians and Jews are fair game.

Really? I don't think so. I'm a liberal. I am a supporter of religious freedom in the US, and of the right for anyone, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Mormon, Scientologist or Buddhist to practice here. No religion is free from criticism.

There is plenty I can find fault with with Islam in the world today. I respect Judaism, but that does not mean I cannot find fault with some of Israel's policies. I denounce the coverup of pedophilia in the RCC.

Thats fine but you were quick to denounce Christians and Jews for desecrating the Quran but you totally skipped the Muslims who desecrated the Bible, Muslims in Australia spit and pissed in a Bible before burning it. Anyone that does shit like that is fucking stupid.
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