Multiculturalism and Sharia

Should we stick with Bible law??-- where we get to stone mouthy bitches like PoliChick to death when they annoy us?

Better STFU and cook us dinner, PC, it's in the Bible.

Time for you to go home and set up the “Slip and Slide” so it ends in the knife drawer.
Comic Books: Propaganda Populism

Multi-culturalism comprises modern warfare. The globalization of consumerism mandates negotiations between nations of differing political views and opens the doors of mercantilism-catalyzed culture contact.

When we look at someone who is different from us, we may begin to ask questions about ourselves and others, and such questions now have economic relevance, which can be socially challenging.

Today's social activist thinks about how global issues such as eco-activism are coordinated with multi-culturalism capitalism.

The American comic book, which presents stories about justice fantasies, offers self-idealization avatars such as Iceman and Superman which encourage people to talk openly about that weird relationship between festivity and body image.

Many social critics are referencing pop culture American comic book icons in discussions about multi-culturalism adventures. The American comic book hero Green Hornet teams up with his Asian sidekick, Kato, in useful stories about daredevil adventures.


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"The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

First define "the Left", next provide evidence that "the Left" desires power at any cost.

"They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation."

Has PC only read her own posts? "slights" and "imagined victimization"? Maybe she should walk in the shoes of others before judging their feelings as inconsequential.

I'd go on, but it doesn't pay to feed a narcissist.

Defining the left is very easy, in a practical manner:

Those who think Obama is doing the right thing.
The Anatomy of Denial
Multiculturalist delusions in an age of terrorism.
November 23, 2015
Bruce Thornton



Lacking the constant public presence of spiritual reality in our own lives, we find it hard to accept that religious doctrines advocating violence against the unbeliever, or basing all social, economic, judicial, and political order on a code of law formulated over a thousand years ago, can be real enough to compel violence against innocents. This failure of imagination has been a powerful enabler of our feckless strategies.

So too has been our ignorance of history. Worse yet, what history we do rely on is false or ideologically warped. Few politicians in charge of our foreign policy seem to be aware of the long, violent assault of Islam against the West, the chronicle of massacre, slaving, kidnapping, occupation, and exploitation, all in service to the commands of Allah and the practices of Mohammed. At the same time, our president invents the mythic “golden age” of enlightenment and tolerance in Muslim Cordoba, harps on the Crusades and the Inquisition, excoriates Israel for defending itself against the progeny of invaders, colonizers, and immigrants to the ancient Jewish homeland of Judea and Samaria, and apologizes for imperialism and colonialism. Meanwhile Muslim Turkey is in its fifth decade of the occupation of northern Cyprus that followed an invasion accompanied by ethnic cleansing, population transfers from Turkey, and the destruction or vandalizing of 300 churches.

A good example of this bizarre historical ignorance is the demonic role assigned to the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement. An ISIS billboard in Iraq reads, “We are the ones who determine our borders, not Sykes-Picot.” In this false history borrowed from self-loathing Westerners, the imperialist French and English divided up the Ottoman Empire in an act of stealth colonialism. This history is false, and strangely diminishes the region’s Muslims, making them the mere passive pawns of external manipulators. But as Efraim Karsh points out in his indispensible new book The Tail Wags the Dog, the region’s leaders “have been active and enterprising free agents doggedly pursuing their national interests and swaying the region pretty much in their desired direction, often in disregard of great-power wishes.” The true history of the region shows that the disorder today has two main sources: the doctrines of Islam that keep the region mired in a premodern, tribal mentality; and the disastrous decision of the Ottoman sultan to join the Central powers in World War I, against the advice of the British, who wanted not colonies, but an Arab empire to replace the Ottomans’.

Such distorted history, in which the West is to blame for dysfunctions created by Muslims themselves, justifies an apologetic tone like that of Obama’s Cairo speech, and rationalizes Muslim violence as an understandable reaction to historical injustice––just as John Kerry did in his despicable comments that the Charlie Hebdo murders had a “rationale that you could attach yourself to.”

Finally, multiculturalism, which is an expression of this false history that makes the West the global villains deserving of payback from the oppressed dark-skinned “other,” compromises a robust and muscular response to Islamic violence. The lexicon of political correctness, predicated on the commandment never to blame the victim “of color,” leads to the sort of duplicitous evasions mentioned earlier, in which traditional Islamic doctrine disappears as motivating force, and effort is wasted on pursuing remedies––economic development, flattering outreach, or democracy promotion––that will not solve the problem of metastasizing jihadism. Moreover, like the British sympathizers with Germany in the 20s and 30s, the charges of racism and neo-imperialist oppression thrown around by the multiculturalists foster a spirit of appeasement and accommodation, sapping our morale and inhibiting our response.

The denial of Islam’s sanctified violence, confessional intolerance, and global ambitions is the biggest impediment to our destroying the enemy. The solution is simple, and memorably expressed in the New Testament: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

The Anatomy of Denial
The denial of Islam’s sanctified violence, confessional intolerance, and global ambitions is the biggest impediment to our destroying the enemy. The solution is simple, and memorably expressed in the New Testament: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The solution is liberalism, embrace it.
The denial of Islam’s sanctified violence, confessional intolerance, and global ambitions is the biggest impediment to our destroying the enemy. The solution is simple, and memorably expressed in the New Testament: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The solution is liberalism, embrace it.
Liberalism Drives Men to Madness...:uhoh3:
Liberalism is what made Christianity tolerable in most cases, and founded this nation. If you don't like then get the fuck out as you are an American in name only.
The denial of Islam’s sanctified violence, confessional intolerance, and global ambitions is the biggest impediment to our destroying the enemy. The solution is simple, and memorably expressed in the New Testament: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The solution is liberalism, embrace it.
Liberalism Drives Men to Madness...:uhoh3:
Liberalism is what made Christianity tolerable in most cases, and founded this nation. If you don't like then get the fuck out as you are an American in name only.
Funny that's what I tell you cock sucking liberals, get the fuck out with a boot in yo ass...
The denial of Islam’s sanctified violence, confessional intolerance, and global ambitions is the biggest impediment to our destroying the enemy. The solution is simple, and memorably expressed in the New Testament: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The solution is liberalism, embrace it.
You spelled it wrong, libertarianism...
multiculturalism does not work for splinter religions, and it will not work for the masses of people, until a change occurs in the temperament of humans. Humans tend to socialize and hang with those that agree about how they interpret existence on the Earth...they fight (to the death) at times to assert their position.

Separatism is taught by culture, which means that the friction is already there for social confrontation.

which is why we should ban Islam in this's much more than 'just' a religion...

Christianity does it also, as does Judaism. We should ban these religions also??

You don't need a religion to have a relationship with God.....


Christianity had a major hand in the founding of this country......its values are inherent in the Constitution.....

Islam is the sworn ENEMY of Christianity....and therefore of American values as well....

Where do you find democratic secular government in the realm of 'Christian values'?
The denial of Islam’s sanctified violence, confessional intolerance, and global ambitions is the biggest impediment to our destroying the enemy. The solution is simple, and memorably expressed in the New Testament: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The solution is liberalism, embrace it.
Liberalism Drives Men to Madness...:uhoh3:
Liberalism is what made Christianity tolerable in most cases, and founded this nation. If you don't like then get the fuck out as you are an American in name only.

But you're not a're a socialist.

I love it when I reduce you to that worn out lie.

The Socialist Party changed its name to "liberal" at the behest of John Dewey.

The modern Liberal, you, are the scions of that socialist party.

Now....the Founders, they were Classical Liberals....known today as conservatives.

Their fundamental ideas were based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

No socialists, communists, Nazis, Liberals, fascists, nor Progressives can make that claim.
The denial of Islam’s sanctified violence, confessional intolerance, and global ambitions is the biggest impediment to our destroying the enemy. The solution is simple, and memorably expressed in the New Testament: “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
The solution is liberalism, embrace it.
Liberalism Drives Men to Madness...:uhoh3:

I'm really not certain which comes first, the liberalism or the madness.
Can We Learn From Europe?
The madness of multiculturalism.
December 3, 2015
Walter Williams


Earlier this year, my column asked, "Will the West Defend Itself?" I pointed out that America's leftists and progressives believe that the U.S. should become more like Europe ( I wonder whether they also want to import European policies that created barbaric extremism among its Muslim population.

France's recent tragedy is not surprising, given some of its policies that are not widely publicized abroad. France has no-go zones, which are officially called "zones urbaines sensibles," or sensitive urban zones, where police are reluctant to go. Some of these zones are dominated by Islamic extremists. According to some reports, there is hardly a city in France that does not have at least one ZUS. It is estimated that there are more than 750 such zones in France. According to The Washington Times, "France has Europe's largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day and casting aside Western legal systems for harsh, Islam-based Shariah." It appears that much of France's Muslim population has no intention of joining the French culture. Many French Muslims are hellbent on importing the failed components of their motherland, such as Shariah, the subjugation of women, suppression of free speech and honor killings.

But France is not alone in tolerating people who have little desire to abandon the culture from which they fled. Ingrid Carlqvist has written an article titled "Sweden Descends into Anarchy" (Sweden Descends into Anarchy). Carlqvist says, "Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors." She adds: "Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over 300 percent, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472 percent."

One Swedish policeman says, "The situation is slipping from our grasp," referring to some no-go areas, such as Tensta and Rinkeby. "If we're in pursuit of a vehicle, it can evade us by driving to certain neighborhoods where a lone patrol car simply cannot follow because we'll get pelted by rocks and even face riots.

These are no-go zones. We simply can't go there." As a result of the increasing danger, Swedes are arming themselves in unprecedented numbers and sales of home alarm systems are booming.


Europe provides a valuable lesson for Americans. Most Americans, including me, welcome people to our country who come here, as immigrants have in the past, to become Americans. We don't welcome people who wish to import the failed culture from which they fled. We could extend the welcome mat even further if we abandoned the welfare state. We have far too many Americans living off the earnings of others. We don't need to encourage others to do the same.

Can We Learn From Europe?
Can We Learn From Europe?
The madness of multiculturalism.
December 3, 2015
Walter Williams


Earlier this year, my column asked, "Will the West Defend Itself?" I pointed out that America's leftists and progressives believe that the U.S. should become more like Europe ( I wonder whether they also want to import European policies that created barbaric extremism among its Muslim population.

France's recent tragedy is not surprising, given some of its policies that are not widely publicized abroad. France has no-go zones, which are officially called "zones urbaines sensibles," or sensitive urban zones, where police are reluctant to go. Some of these zones are dominated by Islamic extremists. According to some reports, there is hardly a city in France that does not have at least one ZUS. It is estimated that there are more than 750 such zones in France. According to The Washington Times, "France has Europe's largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day and casting aside Western legal systems for harsh, Islam-based Shariah." It appears that much of France's Muslim population has no intention of joining the French culture. Many French Muslims are hellbent on importing the failed components of their motherland, such as Shariah, the subjugation of women, suppression of free speech and honor killings.

But France is not alone in tolerating people who have little desire to abandon the culture from which they fled. Ingrid Carlqvist has written an article titled "Sweden Descends into Anarchy" (Sweden Descends into Anarchy). Carlqvist says, "Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors." She adds: "Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over 300 percent, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472 percent."

One Swedish policeman says, "The situation is slipping from our grasp," referring to some no-go areas, such as Tensta and Rinkeby. "If we're in pursuit of a vehicle, it can evade us by driving to certain neighborhoods where a lone patrol car simply cannot follow because we'll get pelted by rocks and even face riots.

These are no-go zones. We simply can't go there." As a result of the increasing danger, Swedes are arming themselves in unprecedented numbers and sales of home alarm systems are booming.


Europe provides a valuable lesson for Americans. Most Americans, including me, welcome people to our country who come here, as immigrants have in the past, to become Americans. We don't welcome people who wish to import the failed culture from which they fled. We could extend the welcome mat even further if we abandoned the welfare state. We have far too many Americans living off the earnings of others. We don't need to encourage others to do the same.

Can We Learn From Europe?

They are escaping the abject poverty caused by the constant bombardment and state of war being conducted by the US and the Coalition of the Brain Dead.

Last edited:
Can We Learn From Europe?
The madness of multiculturalism.
December 3, 2015
Walter Williams


Earlier this year, my column asked, "Will the West Defend Itself?" I pointed out that America's leftists and progressives believe that the U.S. should become more like Europe ( I wonder whether they also want to import European policies that created barbaric extremism among its Muslim population.

France's recent tragedy is not surprising, given some of its policies that are not widely publicized abroad. France has no-go zones, which are officially called "zones urbaines sensibles," or sensitive urban zones, where police are reluctant to go. Some of these zones are dominated by Islamic extremists. According to some reports, there is hardly a city in France that does not have at least one ZUS. It is estimated that there are more than 750 such zones in France. According to The Washington Times, "France has Europe's largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day and casting aside Western legal systems for harsh, Islam-based Shariah." It appears that much of France's Muslim population has no intention of joining the French culture. Many French Muslims are hellbent on importing the failed components of their motherland, such as Shariah, the subjugation of women, suppression of free speech and honor killings.

But France is not alone in tolerating people who have little desire to abandon the culture from which they fled. Ingrid Carlqvist has written an article titled "Sweden Descends into Anarchy" (Sweden Descends into Anarchy). Carlqvist says, "Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors." She adds: "Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over 300 percent, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472 percent."

One Swedish policeman says, "The situation is slipping from our grasp," referring to some no-go areas, such as Tensta and Rinkeby. "If we're in pursuit of a vehicle, it can evade us by driving to certain neighborhoods where a lone patrol car simply cannot follow because we'll get pelted by rocks and even face riots.

These are no-go zones. We simply can't go there." As a result of the increasing danger, Swedes are arming themselves in unprecedented numbers and sales of home alarm systems are booming.


Europe provides a valuable lesson for Americans. Most Americans, including me, welcome people to our country who come here, as immigrants have in the past, to become Americans. We don't welcome people who wish to import the failed culture from which they fled. We could extend the welcome mat even further if we abandoned the welfare state. We have far too many Americans living off the earnings of others. We don't need to encourage others to do the same.

Can We Learn From Europe?

They are escaping the abject poverty caused by the constant bombardment and stated of war being conducted by the US and the Coalition of the Brain Dead.


The Facts About Clinton and Terrorism Read more at: ...
Prager: Multiculturalism Trumps Protecting Women from Rape
In the competition between multiculturalism and one of the most elementary instincts and obligations of higher civilization, higher civilization lost.
Dennis Prager


Since the scores of New Year’s Eve sexual attacks on German women by hundreds of men identified as Arab or North African, the left in Germany has faced a dilemma: which to fight for first — women’s human rights or multiculturalism?

This was the same dilemma that faced British authorities between 1997 and 2013. During those six years at least 1,400 girls from the age of 11 in just one English city (Rotherham, population 275,000) were raped by gangs of men, nearly all of whom were immigrants (mostly from Pakistan) or their sons.

But British authorities kept silent. Why?

In 2014, the reason finally was revealed: The perpetrators were Muslim, and British authorities were therefore afraid to publicize — or often even investigate — the crimes. They feared being branded Islamophobic and racist. Politicians on the left and right acknowledged this fact.

As I wrote in a column in 2014:

“In 2002, a Labor Party MP from nearby Keighley, Ann Cryer, complained to the police about ‘young Asian lads’ raping girls in her constituency. In her words, she ‘was shunned by elements of her party.’ And note, that as is demanded by the left in the UK, she didn’t even mention that the rapists were Pakistani, lest Muslims be blamed for this evil. They were ‘Asian lads.'”

The British Home Secretary, Theresa May, told Parliament that “institutionalized political correctness” was responsible for the lack of attention given to the mass rape.

In other words, between protecting over a thousand girls from repeated gang rape and protecting Muslims from being identified as the rapists, British authorities chose to protect multiculturalism and “diversity.” In the competition between multiculturalism and one of the most elementary instincts and obligations of higher civilization — the protection of girls and women from sexual violence — higher civilization lost.

The U.K. is of course not alone in having multiculturalism and the fear of being branded racist or Islamophobic take precedence over protecting girls and women. Some German authorities’ reaction to the events of New Year’s Eve in Cologne exemplified this.

After the attacks in Cologne, the mayor of Cologne suggested, in the words of The New York Times, “that women can protect themselves from men on the streets by keeping them more than an arm’s length away.”

In the mayor’s words: “It is always possible to keep a certain distance that is longer than an arm’s length.”

Aside from the moral foolishness of the comment, it is factually incorrect. It is often impossible to keep an arm’s length distance from others — as, for example, on a crowded bus or train, or, as in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, on crowded streets.

It is important to note two things about the mayor. One is that she has been among Germany’s most vociferous advocates of accepting 800,000 Syrian refugees into Germany.

Prager: Multiculturalism Trumps Protecting Women from Rape
The Failure of Multiculturalism
Cal Thomas | Feb 04, 2016


Just as radar warns of approaching storms, so does the flood of migrants entering Europe warn us of a deluge yet to come, not only for Europeans, if they continue to allow unrestricted immigration, but for the United States.

Reports that women in Cologne, Germany, have been groped and robbed by men described by authorities as having "a North African or Arabic" appearance should be warning enough, but there are other and more ominous warnings that suggest worse lies ahead, unless the problem receives immediate attention and action. And it's not just Cologne.

The Gatestone Institute, a nonpartisan, not-for-profit international policy council and think tank, is in possession of what it describes as a "leaked German intelligence document," which says, "We are importing Islamic extremism, Arab anti-Semitism, national and ethnic conflicts of other peoples, as well as a different understanding of society and law."

Last October, reports Gatestone, Andrew Parker, the director general of Britain's Security Service, said that "'the scale and tempo' of the danger to the UK is now at a level he has not seen in his 32-year career. British police are monitoring over 3,000 homegrown Islamist extremists willing to carry out attacks on the UK."

On Wednesday, President Obama visited a Baltimore mosque. According to The Daily Caller, the mosque "has deep ties to extremist elements, including the Muslim Brotherhood." That mosque is not alone, as a map on the paper's website reveals.

Explaining the president's visit, White House spokesman Keith Maley said, "The president believes that one of our nation's greatest strengths is our rich diversity."

I doubt terrorists believe that. I don't believe that diversity, as practiced in America, exists in any country with a Muslim majority.

Benedicte Bjornland, head of the Norwegian Police Security Service, recently warned against further Muslim immigration. When U.S. politicians suggest a similar approach, they are denounced as "bigots" and "Islamophobes," but in Norway and Sweden, two of the most liberal nations in Europe that have welcomed Muslim immigrants, that charge will be difficult to make stick.

What we are witnessing is the complete breakdown and failure of multiculturalism. defines multiculturalism as "the preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within a unified society, as a state or nation."

That definition contains a glaring contradiction. A society cannot be unified if it preserves different cultures and cultural identities within itself. That's why our national motto is translated "out of many, one." To the multiculturalist it appears to be, "Out of one, many."


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Cal Thomas - The Failure of Multiculturalism

Can We Learn From Europe?
The madness of multiculturalism.
December 3, 2015
Walter Williams


Earlier this year, my column asked, "Will the West Defend Itself?" I pointed out that America's leftists and progressives believe that the U.S. should become more like Europe ( I wonder whether they also want to import European policies that created barbaric extremism among its Muslim population.

France's recent tragedy is not surprising, given some of its policies that are not widely publicized abroad. France has no-go zones, which are officially called "zones urbaines sensibles," or sensitive urban zones, where police are reluctant to go. Some of these zones are dominated by Islamic extremists. According to some reports, there is hardly a city in France that does not have at least one ZUS. It is estimated that there are more than 750 such zones in France. According to The Washington Times, "France has Europe's largest population of Muslims, some of whom talk openly of ruling the country one day and casting aside Western legal systems for harsh, Islam-based Shariah." It appears that much of France's Muslim population has no intention of joining the French culture. Many French Muslims are hellbent on importing the failed components of their motherland, such as Shariah, the subjugation of women, suppression of free speech and honor killings.

But France is not alone in tolerating people who have little desire to abandon the culture from which they fled. Ingrid Carlqvist has written an article titled "Sweden Descends into Anarchy" (Sweden Descends into Anarchy). Carlqvist says, "Once upon a time, there was a safe welfare state called Sweden, where people rarely locked their doors." She adds: "Since the Parliament decided in 1975 that Sweden should be multicultural and not Swedish, crime has exploded. Violent crime has increased by over 300 percent, and rapes have increased by an unbelievable 1,472 percent."

One Swedish policeman says, "The situation is slipping from our grasp," referring to some no-go areas, such as Tensta and Rinkeby. "If we're in pursuit of a vehicle, it can evade us by driving to certain neighborhoods where a lone patrol car simply cannot follow because we'll get pelted by rocks and even face riots.

These are no-go zones. We simply can't go there." As a result of the increasing danger, Swedes are arming themselves in unprecedented numbers and sales of home alarm systems are booming.


Europe provides a valuable lesson for Americans. Most Americans, including me, welcome people to our country who come here, as immigrants have in the past, to become Americans. We don't welcome people who wish to import the failed culture from which they fled. We could extend the welcome mat even further if we abandoned the welfare state. We have far too many Americans living off the earnings of others. We don't need to encourage others to do the same.

Can We Learn From Europe?

i doubt U.S. liberals can learn from Europe......they have the same death wish as the Euro liberals who brought this down upon themselves....
Consider this:

The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was written by separatist Congregationalists who called themselves "Saints". Later they were referred to as Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers. They were fleeing from religious persecution by King James of England.

Consider what it means to be a pluralistic society and then consider this from the OP:

1. The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation.

They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

Now, think about the bigotry and prejudice in the past, for the Irish, the Eastern Europeans, the Italians, the Catholics and in the OP Muslims and the vast majority of Americans who celebrate our diversity.
Consider this:

The Mayflower Compact was the first governing document of Plymouth Colony. It was written by separatist Congregationalists who called themselves "Saints". Later they were referred to as Pilgrims or Pilgrim Fathers. They were fleeing from religious persecution by King James of England.

Consider what it means to be a pluralistic society and then consider this from the OP:

1. The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation.

They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

Now, think about the bigotry and prejudice in the past, for the Irish, the Eastern Europeans, the Italians, the Catholics and in the OP Muslims and the vast majority of Americans who celebrate our diversity.
Some people promote hate and some people promote peace......We can tell who preaches the hate in this forum..

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