Multiculturalism and Sharia


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation.

They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

b. This is their truth and their aim:
" An increasingly diverse society makes it more difficult to sustain support for solidarity. Part of the problem is a perceived loss of common values." The Piggy Bank Ban and Selling Out to Muslims | The Brussels Journal

2. Substituted was the progressive utopianism of the Soviet-leaning Vice-President Henry Wallace. No wonder sentient Liberals such as Arthur Schlesinger, jr. launched vigorous attacks on multiculturalism in his book “The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural Society.”
Fonte, “Sovereignty of Submission,” p.79

3. The multicultural project and the National History Standards were major ideological assaults on our nation’s mission. Besides an emphasis on group consciousness over individual citizenship, and on ethnic subcultures over national identity, the standards described the Cold War in terms of moral equivalence (e.g., the “sword play of the US and the USSR”) and actually reversed our history (“Americans believed in the perfectibility of man”...This idea, of course, the words of Lenin).

They rejected, and indoctrinated our children in beliefs inimical to the design of our nation. Where was the belief and emphasis on equality of individual citizenship, strong American identity, anticommunism, and they faith of the Fathers of our Nation?

a. "A generational gap in American patriotism"
A generational gap in American patriotism | Pew Research Center

4. Citizenship is the goal and aspiration of Western political systems, but how to define same? If it involves affiliations and bonds between strangers, then the goal of multiculturalism is its very antithesis.

Consider just one example, and result, of multiculturalism:
Perhaps not unexpected, as the West offers freedoms unheard of in Islamic countries, 70% of the world's refugees are Muslims fleeing from places where their religion is the official doctrine. They flee to the West, for opportunity, and personal safety, as well as said freedom.

But...the oddity is that, while settling in the West, many of these refugees begin to develop a hatred for their new home...and plan to take revenge on it with only its final destruction as the fitting punishment.

Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.
"The West and the Rest," Roger Scruton

5. Beyond the secular Progressive view that every group should and must remain separate and distinct, there is an active campaign by Muslim extremists to destroy Western civilization from within- quietly, peacefully, and even legally. Not only is this segment of the American Muslim population not willing to be part of this culture....but their design is to topple and replace it with one beholding to sharia, and ruled not by the Constitution, but by the Koran.
"The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

First define "the Left", next provide evidence that "the Left" desires power at any cost.

"They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation."

Has PC only read her own posts? "slights" and "imagined victimization"? Maybe she should walk in the shoes of others before judging their feelings as inconsequential.

I'd go on, but it doesn't pay to feed a narcissist.
They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

Like the Arizona bill allowing freedom of religion to discriminate...
"The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional provide evidence that "the Left" desires power at any cost.

"They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation."

Has PC only read her own posts? "slights" and "imagined victimization"? Maybe she should walk in the shoes of others before judging their feelings as inconsequential.

I'd go on, but it doesn't pay to feed a narcissist.

"...define the Left...."

The Left: those who do not agree with the Founders, e.g., a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.
"The West and the Rest," Roger Scruton

Like rednecks that blowed up that Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in OKC?
They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

Like the Arizona bill allowing freedom of religion to discriminate...

Like this:

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

b. This is their truth and their aim:
" An increasingly diverse society makes it more difficult to sustain support for solidarity. Part of the problem is a perceived loss of common values." The Piggy Bank Ban and Selling Out to Muslims | The Brussels Journal
"The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional provide evidence that "the Left" desires power at any cost.

"They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation."

Has PC only read her own posts? "slights" and "imagined victimization"? Maybe she should walk in the shoes of others before judging their feelings as inconsequential.

I'd go on, but it doesn't pay to feed a narcissist.

"...define the Left...."

The Left: those who do not agree with the Founders, e.g., a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

I believe in those things yet I am a lefty, and a righty, I can write with either hand....
1. The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation.
Tell me, why do you believe this crap? Does the world. a changing world, just scare you and keep you up at night?

Why do you hate American, American values, and American sovereignty?

Is it simply based on stupidity?
"...define the Left...."

The Left: those who do not agree with the Founders, e.g., a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
The Left would say that they do agree still but they aren't Libertarians or Anarchists. They also live in a vastly more complicated world than the Founders did.
Even less understandable, those Muslims who settle and assimilate often have children, brought up in the West, yet identify as opposition to it, and desire its annihilation.
"The West and the Rest," Roger Scruton

Like rednecks that blowed up that Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in OKC?

Kinda sinks your attempted argument when you have to go back two decades to find your example.....when there have been quite a few more recent examples that have nothing to do with the group you try to attack.
"The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional provide evidence that "the Left" desires power at any cost.

"They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation."

Has PC only read her own posts? "slights" and "imagined victimization"? Maybe she should walk in the shoes of others before judging their feelings as inconsequential.

I'd go on, but it doesn't pay to feed a narcissist.

"...define the Left...."

The Left: those who do not agree with the Founders, e.g., a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

I believe in those things yet I am a lefty, and a righty, I can write with either hand....

Wanna cookie?
They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation.

Like the Arizona bill allowing freedom of religion to discriminate...

Like this:

a. Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization.
Anti-Americanization - Society and Culture - AEI

b. This is their truth and their aim:
" An increasingly diverse society makes it more difficult to sustain support for solidarity. Part of the problem is a perceived loss of common values." The Piggy Bank Ban and Selling Out to Muslims | The Brussels Journal

Then why did the founders and many states not ever pass laws that English is the language of the land??

The founders flawed the individual rights of man when they allowed slavery to exist when the nation was formed....
Yes, the Founders believed in "limited Constitutional government".

Like slavery. You know, limited government and unlimited freedom.
"The Left desires power at any cost: even at the cost of the death of this nation."

based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional provide evidence that "the Left" desires power at any cost.

"They have successfully used identity politics in which they encourage each group to focus on slights, imagined victimization, and to remain an entity separate from the culture and the rest of the nation."

Has PC only read her own posts? "slights" and "imagined victimization"? Maybe she should walk in the shoes of others before judging their feelings as inconsequential.

I'd go on, but it doesn't pay to feed a narcissist.

"...define the Left...."

The Left: those who do not agree with the Founders, e.g., a nation based on individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.

Since the Fouinders abandoned their expected religious devotion to the King of England, there's no good reason we should maintain a religious devotion to the Founders.

If they were around today they would mercilessy mock anyone still stuck in the 18th century.
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What the Founders believed in political philosophy they found did not work for everyone in political reality...

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