MSNBC get's Pat on the Head

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Ha.. Ha... eat the popcorn...and drink the kool-aide

Read the link...


"And if you're on the left, if you're somebody like Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow or one of the folks who helps to keep our government honest and pushes and prods to make sure that folks are true to progressive values," Burton continued, "then he thinks that those folks provide an invaluable service. But at the same time, we need to focus our energy and our efforts on the choice that Americans have this fall."

White House spokesman praises MSNBC hosts after Obama’s Fox swipe | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News
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So basically what he is saying is.

If you parrot my talking points and blindly support my agenda. You are providing a service to the nation.

If you dare question me, you are destructive.

That about right?
So basically what he is saying is.

If you parrot my talking points and blindly support my agenda. You are providing a service to the nation.

If you dare question me, you are destructive.

That about right?

That's what I'm seeing..

Kind of embarrassing really, for MSNBC and it's devotees..:lol:
I think I saw this Burton guy at the bar tonight. He kept saying.. "I'm a White House Spokesman, suck my ballz..." ... I puked up my bar pizza on him.
Ha.. Ha... eat the popcorn...and drink the kool-aide

Read the link...


"And if you're on the left, if you're somebody like Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow or one of the folks who helps to keep our government honest and pushes and prods to make sure that folks are true to progressive values," Burton continued, "then he thinks that those folks provide an invaluable service. But at the same time, we need to focus our energy and our efforts on the choice that Americans have this fall."

White House spokesman praises MSNBC hosts after Obama’s Fox swipe | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

I do not recall any other president giving us the blow by blow on which journalists he liked and which he didn't. This is making me more and more uncomfy, Lumpy.
Ha.. Ha... eat the popcorn...and drink the kool-aide

Read the link...


"And if you're on the left, if you're somebody like Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow or one of the folks who helps to keep our government honest and pushes and prods to make sure that folks are true to progressive values," Burton continued, "then he thinks that those folks provide an invaluable service. But at the same time, we need to focus our energy and our efforts on the choice that Americans have this fall."

White House spokesman praises MSNBC hosts after Obama’s Fox swipe | The Upshot Yahoo! News - Yahoo! News

I do not recall any other president giving us the blow by blow on which journalists he liked and which he didn't. This is making me more and more uncomfy, Lumpy.

It is rather bothersome and you're bright to acknowledge it... I'm sure Presidents and political parties have their likes and dislikes but this makes certain journalists finally defined as tools, not too surprising really..
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Kinda blows the whole 'Faux News' shit out of the water when you have a President high fiving a 'news' organization.

The role of the media is not to kowtow to any Administration.
MSNBC isn't liberal, NBC and all of its netwroks have more black men on their daily news as criminals than any other network,
Bass, MSNBC is the left's answer to FOXNews. I can't stand to watch either one. They're not news channels, they're infotainment pushers.

When Bush was in the White House FOX got busted then admitted receiving talking points directly from the Administration and the MSNBC folks had a field day. Now we have a Dem Administration making nasty remarks about FOX and singing the praises of MSNBC talking heads who lean so far left they'd fall over in a mild breeze for keeping them "honest"?

When will news go back to being news? And when will hypocrisy go out of style, on both sides of the aisle? It's one of those fashions nobody wears well.
Everyone sees the world through the mirror which is them, the hard part is being able to see around it to a bit of the truth. There is no question Obama has done much for all the people, I think it is impossible to deny that fact. You may not agree but we don't elect presidents to sit on their hands or give sermons. The nation was near collapse, give him the praise he was no Hoover. And in my opinion no FDR, but time and politics change.

"Russell Baker, legendary columnist for the New York Times, put the matter well in December 2003: "Today's topdrawer Washington news people are part of a highly educated, upper middle class elite; they belong to the culture for which the American system works extremely well. Which is to say, they are, in the pure sense of the word, extremely conservative.""
Bass, MSNBC is the left's answer to FOXNews. I can't stand to watch either one. They're not news channels, they're infotainment pushers.

When Bush was in the White House FOX got busted then admitted receiving talking points directly from the Administration and the MSNBC folks had a field day. Now we have a Dem Administration making nasty remarks about FOX and singing the praises of MSNBC talking heads who lean so far left they'd fall over in a mild breeze for keeping them "honest"?

When will news go back to being news? And when will hypocrisy go out of style, on both sides of the aisle? It's one of those fashions nobody wears well.

It would help if people didn't confuse 'comment' with 'news'. It's not rocket science.
Bass, MSNBC is the left's answer to FOXNews. I can't stand to watch either one. They're not news channels, they're infotainment pushers.

When Bush was in the White House FOX got busted then admitted receiving talking points directly from the Administration and the MSNBC folks had a field day. Now we have a Dem Administration making nasty remarks about FOX and singing the praises of MSNBC talking heads who lean so far left they'd fall over in a mild breeze for keeping them "honest"?

When will news go back to being news? And when will hypocrisy go out of style, on both sides of the aisle? It's one of those fashions nobody wears well.

Ah.. little Miss Goldcatt .. always trying to climb the left side of the fence but never quite making it to the middle ... and again she's pulled back.

First you say you don't watch them, then you judge them... what?

With all my respect Darlin.. you are wrong to judge MSNBC and Fox News as equally bad players. Granted, you can find examples for your argument but the big picture is far different...
Bass, MSNBC is the left's answer to FOXNews. I can't stand to watch either one. They're not news channels, they're infotainment pushers.

When Bush was in the White House FOX got busted then admitted receiving talking points directly from the Administration and the MSNBC folks had a field day. Now we have a Dem Administration making nasty remarks about FOX and singing the praises of MSNBC talking heads who lean so far left they'd fall over in a mild breeze for keeping them "honest"?

When will news go back to being news? And when will hypocrisy go out of style, on both sides of the aisle? It's one of those fashions nobody wears well.

Ah.. little Miss Goldcatt .. always trying to climb the left side of the fence but never quite making it to the middle ... and again she's pulled back.

First you say you don't watch them, then you judge them... what?

With all my respect Darlin.. you are wrong to judge MSNBC and Fox News as equally bad players. Granted, you can find examples for your argument but the big picture is far different...

Who says I've "never" watched them? I watched them both enough times to know what they're about. And then did what any rational person actually looking for news would do.....turned them off. Permanently.

You miss my point about hypocrisy, but it's early yet...or is it late where you are? I'm sure it will sink in at some point when you get enough caffeine in you.

Yep, I do judge them. One is no better, worse or different than the other. You wanna make something of it? :meow:
Bass, MSNBC is the left's answer to FOXNews. I can't stand to watch either one. They're not news channels, they're infotainment pushers.

When Bush was in the White House FOX got busted then admitted receiving talking points directly from the Administration and the MSNBC folks had a field day. Now we have a Dem Administration making nasty remarks about FOX and singing the praises of MSNBC talking heads who lean so far left they'd fall over in a mild breeze for keeping them "honest"?

When will news go back to being news? And when will hypocrisy go out of style, on both sides of the aisle? It's one of those fashions nobody wears well.

Ah.. little Miss Goldcatt .. always trying to climb the left side of the fence but never quite making it to the middle ... and again she's pulled back.

First you say you don't watch them, then you judge them... what?

With all my respect Darlin.. you are wrong to judge MSNBC and Fox News as equally bad players. Granted, you can find examples for your argument but the big picture is far different...

Who says I've "never" watched them? I watched them both enough times to know what they're about. And then did what any rational person actually looking for news would do.....turned them off. Permanently.

You miss my point about hypocrisy, but it's early yet...or is it late where you are? I'm sure it will sink in at some point when you get enough caffeine in you.

Yep, I do judge them. One is no better, worse or different than the other. You wanna make something of it? :meow:

I am betting as usual you watched the Commentary programs and are labeling them as news.
Ah.. little Miss Goldcatt .. always trying to climb the left side of the fence but never quite making it to the middle ... and again she's pulled back.

First you say you don't watch them, then you judge them... what?

With all my respect Darlin.. you are wrong to judge MSNBC and Fox News as equally bad players. Granted, you can find examples for your argument but the big picture is far different...

Who says I've "never" watched them? I watched them both enough times to know what they're about. And then did what any rational person actually looking for news would do.....turned them off. Permanently.

You miss my point about hypocrisy, but it's early yet...or is it late where you are? I'm sure it will sink in at some point when you get enough caffeine in you.

Yep, I do judge them. One is no better, worse or different than the other. You wanna make something of it? :meow:

I am betting as usual you watched the Commentary programs and are labeling them as news.

Both. The commentary shows that, let's face it, aren't news but way too many people think they are. And the "news" coverage complete with spin, more commentary in the form of "guests", facts conveniently left on the cutting room floor, altered photos, and so on. Both of them pull the same tricks no matter what segment you're watching. It's my right to call them both propaganda machines and turn them off. You disagree as to one, the other, or both, fine. But then you can put that garbage on your tv and in your head, not mine.
Bass, MSNBC is the left's answer to FOXNews. I can't stand to watch either one. They're not news channels, they're infotainment pushers.

When Bush was in the White House FOX got busted then admitted receiving talking points directly from the Administration and the MSNBC folks had a field day. Now we have a Dem Administration making nasty remarks about FOX and singing the praises of MSNBC talking heads who lean so far left they'd fall over in a mild breeze for keeping them "honest"?

When will news go back to being news? And when will hypocrisy go out of style, on both sides of the aisle? It's one of those fashions nobody wears well.

Ah.. little Miss Goldcatt .. always trying to climb the left side of the fence but never quite making it to the middle ... and again she's pulled back.

First you say you don't watch them, then you judge them... what?

With all my respect Darlin.. you are wrong to judge MSNBC and Fox News as equally bad players. Granted, you can find examples for your argument but the big picture is far different...

Who says I've "never" watched them? I watched them both enough times to know what they're about. And then did what any rational person actually looking for news would do.....turned them off. Permanently.

You miss my point about hypocrisy, but it's early yet...or is it late where you are? I'm sure it will sink in at some point when you get enough caffeine in you.

Yep, I do judge them. One is no better, worse or different than the other. You wanna make something of it? :meow:

..I didn't miss your point on hypocrisy, their you were right...:lol:

Lets make you happy, you watched them but now you don't, ...nice twist

I'm giving up on some resolution with you on this, with the fact that you don't watch them... Now... you're therefore incapable of an informed and logical decision, so whats the point..

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