Move over Jimmy Carter, Obama has my vote for worst president... ever... forever

America has had some great presidents, many mediocre ones and a few bad ones. But we’ve never had one like Barack Obama. He’s the first who thinks the job is beneath him.

He’s the first who turns political give-and-take into a crisis by refusing to negotiate with Congress.

He’s the first who thinks the way to more power is to inflict pain on ordinary people.

The move to barricade the World War II memorial reveals the mentality of a tin-pot dictator. The limited government shutdown did not need to affect the memorial because it is open 24 hours, without gates and often without guards.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.
But to turn public opinion in his favor, Obama’s goons trucked in barricades to keep out World War II vets and other visitors. By one estimate, the barricades and workers cost $100,000.

The same punish-the-people attitude led to shutdowns of other parks and historic sites that get no federal funding.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” a Park Service ranger told The Washington Times.

The ranger cited the order to close the parking lot at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon so visitors couldn’t use it. The cheap trick captured the contrast between a revered president and the current one.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.

However the shutdown ends, it will bring only a temporary respite from the crisis atmosphere in Washington. When it comes to his countrymen, Obama always chooses conflict over cooperation.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter can rest easy. We have a new worst president.

Move over Jimmy Carter, Obama has my vote for worst president -- ever | Fox News<--------<<<< click here..,
a community service note to liberals only :lmao:

some of you may not be old enough to remember Jimmy's ineptness, and some of you may not have ever heard of him as you were most likely not born yet.., but, trust me, Jimmy was a total clueless asshole who had the common sense of the fucking jackass that represents the demoncRAT party and all libertards , the only thing that Jimmy had going for him was that he had two American parents and they were both white and...., Christians :up:

I think Bush still has the title.

The 2000's were a “lost decade” for the middle class. Since 2000, median family income had fallen 5 percent, from $72,956 to $69,487. Median net worth dropper even farther, from a high of $152,950 before the financial crash to just $93,150 in 2010. All in all, the middle class ended the decade poorer, smaller and less optimistic than they were at the turn of the millennium. The destruction of middle-class wealth, in particular, erased nearly two decades of gains.

Oh and last year U.S. median household income in the U.S. for June 2018 is $61,891. MAGA? Not yet. Let's see Trump get us back up to $73,000.
Bumping a dead thread from TWENTY FUCKING THIRTEEN???

How dull must your life be that you have the time to dig up old shit...
He was the "decider", he was the CIC that started the war and sent our troops there.

Oh sure, why would I expect less? Progs are not accountable, because they're below standard people.

Nobody made Bush II invade Iraq, it was his choice. The fact that others agreed with his choice does not take away his responsibility.

you mindless sheep need to quit giving your party a pass on everything, you are the problem with this country.

Yep, good thing Congress voted on it.

They voted on abdicating their Constitutional responsibility and outsourced the decision to the President.

So you're saying folks like Kerry changed their mind and decided to not abdicate their constitutional responsibility and not outsource the decision?

No. Everyone who voted to give GWB the deciding power should have resigned in disgrace.
He was the "decider", he was the CIC that started the war and sent our troops there.

Oh sure, why would I expect less? Progs are not accountable, because they're below standard people.

Nobody made Bush II invade Iraq, it was his choice. The fact that others agreed with his choice does not take away his responsibility.

you mindless sheep need to quit giving your party a pass on everything, you are the problem with this country.

Yep, good thing Congress voted on it.

They voted on abdicating their Constitutional responsibility and outsourced the decision to the President.

And they are still doing it today, the same AUMF that Bush II used is in effect today.

Different one was used for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. However I agree the one used to go after the terrorists responsible for 9-11 is still in effect and is still used as justification today.
Oh sure, why would I expect less? Progs are not accountable, because they're below standard people.

Nobody made Bush II invade Iraq, it was his choice. The fact that others agreed with his choice does not take away his responsibility.

you mindless sheep need to quit giving your party a pass on everything, you are the problem with this country.

Yep, good thing Congress voted on it.

They voted on abdicating their Constitutional responsibility and outsourced the decision to the President.

So you're saying folks like Kerry changed their mind and decided to not abdicate their constitutional responsibility and not outsource the decision?

No. Everyone who voted to give GWB the deciding power should have resigned in disgrace.
Oh sure, why would I expect less? Progs are not accountable, because they're below standard people.

Nobody made Bush II invade Iraq, it was his choice. The fact that others agreed with his choice does not take away his responsibility.

you mindless sheep need to quit giving your party a pass on everything, you are the problem with this country.

Yep, good thing Congress voted on it.

They voted on abdicating their Constitutional responsibility and outsourced the decision to the President.

And they are still doing it today, the same AUMF that Bush II used is in effect today.

Different one was used for the invasion and occupation of Iraq. However I agree the one used to go after the terrorists responsible for 9-11 is still in effect and is still used as justification today.

Shoulda, woulda, coulda....but didn't.
Jimmy Carter is not even close to being the worst president. Carter pushed through considerable deregulation. He boosted military spending, while holding overall federal spending to a smaller increase than did Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr. He achieved the Camp David Peace Accord between Israel and Egypt. And his administration was arguably the most scandal-free administration in the last 40 years.
Obama is the worst ever, no doubt!

No other president has been such a liar, so non-transparent, and so un-patriotic!

Trump talked about Mueller’s testimony for around 90 seconds. He packed in 6 lies.
“No obstruction ... We had a total no-collusion finding.”

Mueller agrees lies by Trump officials impeded his investigation

Report: Trump Has Told More Than 10,000 Lies Since Being Inaugurated

10,000 lies. Do you care? I guess that makes you unpatriotic. Unless you think Nazi's were patriots.

Transparent? Trump has refused to release his tax returns, has battled congressional subpoenas for his financial information and refused to be interviewed in person by Mueller's team.

President Donald Trump won’t release White House visitor logs, he refuses to hand over his tax returns, he made staffers sign non-disclosure agreements and he’s balking at congressional investigators.

Yet during a Rose Garden speech on Wednesday, he again proclaimed himself “the most transparent president” in U.S. history, adding to the reporters gathered before him, “I think most of you would agree.”

It may be true that Trump reveals more of his personal thoughts and emotions than any of his predecessors. But by most other measures of presidential transparency, including the congressional oversight at issue during his White House appearance Wednesday, Trump operates behind dark-tinted windows.

The end to White House visitor logs, a way for the public to see who is getting direct access to the most powerful man in America, is a break from Obama administration practice. He’s the first president in decades not to release his tax returns. No modern White House has held as few daily press briefings as Trump’s, a ritual his Pentagon and State Department have also largely phased out. And while many presidents have battled Congressional oversight requests, Trump has dismissed the queries of House Democrats as illegitimate partisan inquests.

Maybe now you think Trump is the worst? LOL

The board notes that you have failed to attach a .pdf file of your own tax return in even a token display of good faith. Do you like being the board’s token progressive fanatic?

I'm not meeting with Putin in private to discuss my business dealings on US Taxpayers time. Or maybe they talked about colluding again in 2020.

Another Trump lie. Said he would release them after the audit. Lie after lie after lie.

Still refusing to post that .pdf file demonstrates insincerity. You are dismissed.
Hahaha, MAGA (Made America Garbage Again) Trumpybear, is well below Nixon. Carter is a saint compared to that buffoon.

Indeed,the morons that keep saying he was the worst president ever for so many years OBVIOUSLY never heard about how warmonger Nixon not only took us off the gold standard making him a traiter to ALL americans born here in the USA but how he along with LBJ murdered 58,000 NVA. He lied saying he would end the war when he EXPANDED it with the secret bombing campaine in cambodia. It was not the NVA or vietcong that murdered 58,000 americans,it was LBJ and NIXON.:rolleyes: so enough of this bullshit carter was the worst president ever already.:anj_stfu:
He was the "decider", he was the CIC that started the war and sent our troops there.

Oh sure, why would I expect less? Progs are not accountable, because they're below standard people.

Nobody made Bush II invade Iraq, it was his choice. The fact that others agreed with his choice does not take away his responsibility.

you mindless sheep need to quit giving your party a pass on everything, you are the problem with this country.

Yep, good thing Congress voted on it.

As usual Democrats embrace the victim role. It was Bush's decision, congress is helpless.

Did Congress make Bush II invade Iraq?

Did Congress give the order to invade Iraq?

Who asked Congress for their approval to invade Iraq?

EXACTLY, anybody who knows anything at all about the Bush family knows what traiters and war mongers they are. enough of this crap that it was congress to blame.

well that example proves how Bush was a much worse than Carter. again,enough of this bullshit carter was the worst president ever crap.:anj_stfu::bsflag:

I see the idiots that like the OP who keep saying that,did not try and debunk my previous post because they KNOW they CANT. that every president from LBJ all the way up to Bush number 2 was 100 TIMES worse than carter.:D
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Jimmy Carter is not even close to being the worst president. Carter pushed through considerable deregulation. He boosted military spending, while holding overall federal spending to a smaller increase than did Ford, Reagan, Bush Sr., and Bush Jr. He achieved the Camp David Peace Accord between Israel and Egypt. And his administration was arguably the most scandal-free administration in the last 40 years.

best damn freaking post on this thread except for mine right here of course which as you can see,nobody could counter.:D
Move over Jimmy Carter, Obama has my vote for worst president... ever... forever



if not for mine though,yours would EASILY hands down be the best damn post on this thread,hands down,no contest. Yours matter of fact,is the only post on here that gives mine a run for its money as the best post on this thread. you took everybody to school. same as i did in that post:2up::thankusmile:

only suggestion i can make that you should have also have said was examples how clinton and LBJ were 100 times worse presidents as i did because it looks like you are not objective on the corruption of the dems same way sealybozo has always been. carter was one of the good guys,he was not corrupt and part of the establishment as LBJ,clinton and Obozo were and those other republicans were and are that you mentioned.
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America has had some great presidents, many mediocre ones and a few bad ones. But we’ve never had one like Barack Obama. He’s the first who thinks the job is beneath him.

He’s the first who turns political give-and-take into a crisis by refusing to negotiate with Congress.

He’s the first who thinks the way to more power is to inflict pain on ordinary people.

The move to barricade the World War II memorial reveals the mentality of a tin-pot dictator. The limited government shutdown did not need to affect the memorial because it is open 24 hours, without gates and often without guards.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.
But to turn public opinion in his favor, Obama’s goons trucked in barricades to keep out World War II vets and other visitors. By one estimate, the barricades and workers cost $100,000.

The same punish-the-people attitude led to shutdowns of other parks and historic sites that get no federal funding.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” a Park Service ranger told The Washington Times.

The ranger cited the order to close the parking lot at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon so visitors couldn’t use it. The cheap trick captured the contrast between a revered president and the current one.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.

However the shutdown ends, it will bring only a temporary respite from the crisis atmosphere in Washington. When it comes to his countrymen, Obama always chooses conflict over cooperation.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter can rest easy. We have a new worst president.

Move over Jimmy Carter, Obama has my vote for worst president -- ever | Fox News<--------<<<< click here..,
a community service note to liberals only :lmao:

some of you may not be old enough to remember Jimmy's ineptness, and some of you may not have ever heard of him as you were most likely not born yet.., but, trust me, Jimmy was a total clueless asshole who had the common sense of the fucking jackass that represents the demoncRAT party and all libertards , the only thing that Jimmy had going for him was that he had two American parents and they were both white and...., Christians :up:

I think Bush still has the title.

The 2000's were a “lost decade” for the middle class. Since 2000, median family income had fallen 5 percent, from $72,956 to $69,487. Median net worth dropper even farther, from a high of $152,950 before the financial crash to just $93,150 in 2010. All in all, the middle class ended the decade poorer, smaller and less optimistic than they were at the turn of the millennium. The destruction of middle-class wealth, in particular, erased nearly two decades of gains.

Oh and last year U.S. median household income in the U.S. for June 2018 is $61,891. MAGA? Not yet. Let's see Trump get us back up to $73,000.
Bumping a dead thread from TWENTY FUCKING THIRTEEN???

How dull must your life be that you have the time to dig up old shit...

I know,this stupid fuck troll has such a sad life he always bumps all these old dead threads. he should be banned for his constant trolling always doing this.

Hard to pick just one, but Obama is definitely right down there with Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and Carter. Those are my bottom five.

and the fact you put Carter in there ahead of all the presidents from Nixon up to Bush and out him in there with those other corrupt presidents PLUS singling out republican presidents,proves that you are not only closed minded and biased towards the republicans,but proves you have ZERO credibility whatsoever putting him ahead of all the other presidents from Nixon to Bush II who were 100 times more corrupt and traiters to american than carter ever was.:cuckoo::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
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I would rank the worst ever Presidential traitors in this order...

1. W
2. LBJ
3. the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief
what deserted island were you living on when Nixon,Reagan, GHWB,and Clinton were all in office?

What Nixon did was microscopic compared to the top 3. He raided a Carter campaign HQ to steal notes. Nobody even died. The taxpayer really didn't even lose money.

Reagan and HW were truly great Presidents and our country would be much better off if they were still alive and in office.

Clinton was a scum but he resisted the Zionist warmongering about Iraq, and it is clear that George Tenet was lying to him about "Osama" and AQ. Clinton and Gingrich were AWESOME for the US - budget surplus and full employment.

The only other President even close to the top 3 is Andrew Johnson, who clearly was a part of the assassination of his boss, and did a lot of harm preserving the rich Zionist chokehold of the "Confederacy."
what deserted island were you living on when Nixon,Reagan, GHWB,and Clinton were all in office?

What Nixon did was microscopic compared to the top 3. He raided a Carter campaign HQ to steal notes. Nobody even died. The taxpayer really didn't even lose money.

Reagan and HW were truly great Presidents and our country would be much better off if they were still alive and in office.

Clinton was a scum but he resisted the Zionist warmongering about Iraq, and it is clear that George Tenet was lying to him about "Osama" and AQ. Clinton and Gingrich were AWESOME for the US - budget surplus and full employment.

The only other President even close to the top 3 is Andrew Johnson, who clearly was a part of the assassination of his boss, and did a lot of harm preserving the rich Zionist chokehold of the "Confederacy."

You seriously need to give it up and quit while you still can before you end up embarrassing yourself any further.

and here \of course as this pic proves,is the long time friendship of the clintons and bushs exposed going ALL THE WAY back to the early 1980's them smuggling drugs into arkansas for the CIA with Clinton as governor thei CIA's tool for them back then. they go around holding hands all the time pretty much.

its well known how he murderd many people in arkansas including children who found out about his drug smuggling activigies.:cuckoo:

and Nixon murdered 58,ooo americans same as his pal lbj instead of ending the war he expanded it letting it go on for another 4 more years when he could have ended it in 69 PLUS the mother fucker took us off the gold standard,get with the damn program already.:rolleyes:

and the reagan lovers always throw insults and run off from these facts when i take them to school he was the biggest traiter and most corrupt president ever elected at the time back then.:rolleyes:

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

these patriotic americans unlike you,were NOT living on a deseted island.:cuckoo:

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What Nixon did was microscopic compared to the top 3. He raided a Carter campaign HQ to steal notes.

Wait, what?

In reality his crew (the Plumbers) were caught during their second break in at the DNC headquarters that week. Their original bugs stopped working. One of them had a check on him that led directly to the presidents re-election campaign. The subsequent investigation uncovered a host of illegal activities the Plumbers had conducted. Even Trumpybears wink and a nod with Russia isn't that bad, and it even led to some Republicans voting for impeachment.
How many were murdered or died suspiciously in the Clinton rise to power?


Too many to count.

It is a shame that anyone tries to blame Nixon for Vietnam. Most people still have no clue why we were there and what we were doing, especially since so few understand who murdered JFK and why.

LBJ wanted to arm Israel to expand, just as Einstein warned. To do that, he escalated Vietnam from nothing into full war, and then used his power of office to stall and prevent the US from winning/ending it. LBJ wanted it to go on forever. LBJ was taking the weapons the US taxpayer purchased for our troops in nam and siphoning them off to Israel. That's right, Vietnam was 100% about ARMING ISRAEL.. and so was the assassination of JFK.

Here's the proof of all of it...

CIA Analysis of the 1967 Arab-Israeli War — Central Intelligence Agency

"The Foreign Broadcast Information Service had picked up reports that Israel had launched its attack. (OCI soon concluded that the Israelis— contrary to their claims—had fired first.) President Johnson was gratified that because of CIA analyses and Helms's tip, he could inform congressional leaders later in the day that he had been expecting Israel's move.

and then Zionist Traitor LBJ got on TV and lied and claimed Israel was attacked and was just defending itself, nevermind all those brand new US made weapons the Israelies used in 67 for their deliberate and planned invasion/land grab.
America has had some great presidents, many mediocre ones and a few bad ones. But we’ve never had one like Barack Obama. He’s the first who thinks the job is beneath him.

He’s the first who turns political give-and-take into a crisis by refusing to negotiate with Congress.

He’s the first who thinks the way to more power is to inflict pain on ordinary people.

The move to barricade the World War II memorial reveals the mentality of a tin-pot dictator. The limited government shutdown did not need to affect the memorial because it is open 24 hours, without gates and often without guards.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.
But to turn public opinion in his favor, Obama’s goons trucked in barricades to keep out World War II vets and other visitors. By one estimate, the barricades and workers cost $100,000.

The same punish-the-people attitude led to shutdowns of other parks and historic sites that get no federal funding.

“We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can. It’s disgusting,” a Park Service ranger told The Washington Times.

The ranger cited the order to close the parking lot at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon so visitors couldn’t use it. The cheap trick captured the contrast between a revered president and the current one.

I’ve been saying for a while that there is no bottom to Obama. He’s not just ruthless. He’s without scruples and honor.

However the shutdown ends, it will bring only a temporary respite from the crisis atmosphere in Washington. When it comes to his countrymen, Obama always chooses conflict over cooperation.

Meanwhile, Jimmy Carter can rest easy. We have a new worst president.

Move over Jimmy Carter, Obama has my vote for worst president -- ever | Fox News<--------<<<< click here..,
a community service note to liberals only :lmao:

some of you may not be old enough to remember Jimmy's ineptness, and some of you may not have ever heard of him as you were most likely not born yet.., but, trust me, Jimmy was a total clueless asshole who had the common sense of the fucking jackass that represents the demoncRAT party and all libertards , the only thing that Jimmy had going for him was that he had two American parents and they were both white and...., Christians :up:

I think Bush still has the title.

The 2000's were a “lost decade” for the middle class. Since 2000, median family income had fallen 5 percent, from $72,956 to $69,487. Median net worth dropper even farther, from a high of $152,950 before the financial crash to just $93,150 in 2010. All in all, the middle class ended the decade poorer, smaller and less optimistic than they were at the turn of the millennium. The destruction of middle-class wealth, in particular, erased nearly two decades of gains.

Oh and last year U.S. median household income in the U.S. for June 2018 is $61,891. MAGA? Not yet. Let's see Trump get us back up to $73,000.
Bumping a dead thread from TWENTY FUCKING THIRTEEN???

How dull must your life be that you have the time to dig up old shit...

I know,this stupid fuck troll has such a sad life he always bumps all these old dead threads. he should be banned for his constant trolling always doing this.

Hard to pick just one, but Obama is definitely right down there with Woodrow Wilson, FDR, LBJ, and Carter. Those are my bottom five.

and the fact you put Carter in there ahead of all the presidents from Nixon up to Bush and out him in there with those other corrupt presidents PLUS singling out republican presidents,proves that you are not only closed minded and biased towards the republicans,but proves you have ZERO credibility whatsoever putting him ahead of all the other presidents from Nixon to Bush II who were 100 times more corrupt and traiters to american than carter ever was.:cuckoo::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
Glad I can stop being nice. You’re the biggest tool on this site. No one agrees with you. When’s the last time you got an agree like or winner?
Jimmy Carter can die in piece now thanks to Obama taking the title of worst president ever.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
and here \of course as this pic proves,is the long time friendship of the clintons and bushs exposed going ALL THE WAY back to the early 1980's them smuggling drugs into arkansas for the CIA with Clinton as governor thei CIA's tool for them back then. they go around holding hands all the time pretty much.

its well known how he murderd many people in arkansas including children who found out about his drug smuggling activigies.:cuckoo:

and Nixon murdered 58,ooo americans same as his pal lbj instead of ending the war he expanded it letting it go on for another 4 more years when he could have ended it in 69 PLUS the mother fucker took us off the gold standard,get with the damn program already.:rolleyes:

and the reagan lovers always throw insults and run off from these facts when i take them to school he was the biggest traiter and most corrupt president ever elected at the time back then.:rolleyes:

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

these patriotic americans unlike you,were NOT living on a deseted island.:cuckoo:

A nutty reply from some fringe anti-Semitic person.
and here \of course as this pic proves,is the long time friendship of the clintons and bushs exposed going ALL THE WAY back to the early 1980's them smuggling drugs into arkansas for the CIA with Clinton as governor thei CIA's tool for them back then. they go around holding hands all the time pretty much.

its well known how he murderd many people in arkansas including children who found out about his drug smuggling activigies.:cuckoo:

and Nixon murdered 58,ooo americans same as his pal lbj instead of ending the war he expanded it letting it go on for another 4 more years when he could have ended it in 69 PLUS the mother fucker took us off the gold standard,get with the damn program already.:rolleyes:

and the reagan lovers always throw insults and run off from these facts when i take them to school he was the biggest traiter and most corrupt president ever elected at the time back then.:rolleyes:

Ronald Reagan: Guilty of Treason & War Crimes

these patriotic americans unlike you,were NOT living on a deseted island.:cuckoo:

A nutty reply from some fringe anti-Semitic person.
Well rest assured only the most extreme conspiracy theorists agree with his positions. No one here is an ally of his. The left and right both disagree with la ram fag. He is the one thing that unites us all.
Jimmy Carter can die in piece now thanks to Obama taking the title of worst president ever.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

problem with your BS ramblings is i took you carter haters to school that all the presidents from LBJ to Bush !! were 100 times worse than him.

Glad I can stop being nice. You’re the biggest tool on this site. No one agrees with you. When’s the last time you got an agree like or winner?

yeah whatever,lies from you as always,take a look at all the people i have on my friends list and all the awards i have,i have PLENTY of them shill for DNC.grampa himself is an idiot same as you but he nailed it there about you. there have been DOZENS of people like grampa that have said the same thing about you sick of your constant trolling of bring back old dead buried threads.

Well rest assured only the most extreme conspiracy theorists agree with his positions. No one here is an ally of his. The left and right both disagree with la ram fag. He is the one thing that unites us all.

lies for you as ALWAYS, yeah you run off from cold hard evidence and never look at videos that expose the corruption of the dems so there you have been caught LYING as always troll and this troll always LIES about the corruption of the zionists of Israel ignoring the evidence of them always trolling in that section calling people like me anti-semitic just because he cant counter evidence of how corrupt ISRAEL is something you would KNOW had you ever posted in the Israel section which you never have idiot liar.

there you go LYING as always that I believe in conspiracy theories when i dont go by conspiracy theories i go by conspiracy FACTS idiot.

oh and you have agreed many times that 9/11 was done by the bush administration as well troll a fact i see you conviently left out,:2up::rolleyes:

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