For every seven Ukrainians being killed one Russian is being killed in the Russia Ukraine war- Ukraine nor Russia are democracies…


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
We can see this from the beginning of Tucker Carlson tonight. I speak from this post as a liberal as a Democrat as a FDR democrat. And I have to say something here I will never forget the sacrifice of 25 million Soviet people who stood up with the Americans, the British and the Chinese to destroy the Nazis and the much vaunted empire of Japan. To liberate the Jews from the concentration camps. To liberate the Jews. To make sure that the Third Reich was not able to wipe out every jew of the world which they would have. Did you just read that Sixties Fan …. your a pro third Reich sympathize yes?

Neither Ukraine or Russia are democracies…. they are both authoritarian light countries

We will never forget the sacrifice and the Soviet contribution to World War II these are tough people. I’m not afraid to say what I say I know that there could be a small number of Republicans who might disagree with it for whatever reason. But there’s many more Democrats who have lost their ways who are now Warhawks, warmongers and anti-Russian racists. There are Nazis in Ukraine that is a fact and for all of the Democrats on the US message board to claim to support anti-racist viewpoints…. where the hell are they on this one?

All of these people with the Ukrainian flags in their avatar where were they when Yemen was in a war, where were they when Ethiopia was in a war. Why don’t they have a flag of Palestine up and I have nothing wrong with Israel. I’m making a point here …. all of these people who are told how to think by CNN, by Wolf Blitzer by all these radical people in the media whatever happened to critical thinking? …. Oh riiiight … the United States can launch wars but not Russia?

I don’t agree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I am on the side of The United States ….we should not be involved in this war in Ukraine because when we invaded Iraq, Russia did not supply Iraq. And if they would have if China or Russia would’ve supplied Iraq in 2003 we would’ve still won the war but would’ve taken a hell of a lot longer with many more American lives lost.

The well respected American officer Douglas McGregor was on Fox News yesterday saying that this thing is not going good for NATO, many countries including Germany do not agree with what America is doing today. NATO much of NATO does not agree with supporting Ukraine. Ukraine is losing this war.

What America should be doing now is pushing for peace in Ukraine. If Donald Trump was president there’s a good chance that this war would’ve never happened think about that my friends.

Franklin Roosevelt believed in the vision of world peace the major powers of the world working together and I believe that that is the way for today of course. What kind of world is it when the major powers are at each other’s throats. It’s a much better world when China, Russia and America are working together finding ways to work together. That’s the vision of the allies of World War II the greatest generation of Americans.
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We can see this from the beginning of Tucker Carlson tonight. I speak from this post as a liberal as a Democrat as an FDR a democrat. And I have to say something here will never forget the sacrifice of 25 million Soviet people who stood up with the Americans, the British and the Chinese to destroy the Nazis. Deliberate the Jews from the concentration camps. To liberate the Jews. To make sure that the Third Reich was not able to wipe out every jewel of the world wish they would have. Did you just read that Sixties Fan …. your pro third Reich sympathizer…

Neither Ukraine or Russia are democracies…. they are both authoritarian light countries

We will never forget the sacrifice and the Soviet contribution to World War II these are tough people. I’m not afraid to say what I say I know that there could be a small number of Republicans who might disagree with it for whatever reason. But there’s many more Democrats who have lost their ways who are now Warhawks, warmongers and anti-Russian racists. There are Nazis in Ukraine that as a fact and for all of the Democrats on the US message portal claim to support anti-racist viewpoints where the hell are they on this one?

All of these people with the Ukrainian flags in their avatar where were they when Yemen was in a war, where were they when Ethiopia was in a war. Why don’t they have a flag of Palestine up and I have nothing wrong with Israel. I’m making a point here …. all of these people who are told how to think by CNN, by Wolf Blitzer by all these radical people in the media whatever happened to critical thinking? …. Oh riiiight … the United States can launch wars but not Russia?

I don’t agree with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. I am on the side of The United States ….we should not be involved in this war in Ukraine because when we invaded Iraq Russia did not supply Iraq. And if they would have if China or Russia would’ve supplied Iraq in 2003 we would’ve still won the war but would’ve taken a hell of a lot longer with many more American lives lost.

The well respected American officer Douglas McGregor was on Fox News yesterday saying that this thing is not going good for NATO, many countries including Germany do not agree with what America is doing today. NATO much of NATO does not agree with supporting Ukraine. Ukraine is losing this war.

What America should be doing now is pushing for peace in Ukraine. If Donald Trump was president there’s a good chance that this war would’ve never happened think about that my friends.

Franklin Roosevelt believed in the vision of world peace the major powers of the world working together and I believe that that is the way for today of course. What kind of world is it when the major powers are at each other’s throats. It’s a much better world when China, Russia and America are working together finding ways to work together. That’s the vision of the allies of World War II the greatest generation of Americans.

If one China man died for every 7 Americans would you give up?
The human species is too often flawed and evil,.this is for certain.
Here’s how I understand it. We absolutely can’t let Russia wins this. Ukraine feeds Europe. He can’t control this area. And oil. Russia can’t control this territory.

China is watching to see what Russia gets away with.

Republicans seem to be on the side of Russia and China
Here’s how I understand it. We absolutely can’t let Russia wins this. Ukraine feeds Europe. He can’t control this area. And oil. Russia can’t control this territory.

China is watching to see what Russia gets away with.

Republicans seem to be on the side of Russia and China
What do you think about United States involvement in many wars in the 20th and even 21st century.

I completely disagree with your approach. What do you think that the global south like what India and China thought when the United States launched wars against Iraq? when we get involved in military actions in Syria, against Iran, and Pakistan. When we launch drone strikes whenever we want.

Your viewpoints are flawed. Russia did not attack America.
Me too... I mean, we were hearing that from all news outlets last year. Go figure... The one thing I AM certain about it that when Ukraine falls, the fancy little leader of theirs is going to blame the people who didn't "give or help enough".
Fancy pants Tenpercentskyy is going to outlive his usefulness to his clients.
We became the only world superpower after that war. You guys ready to give up power and let China rule?
I don’t understand what your point is and how you come to these conclusions. We’re not at war with China. China did not invade any country we’ve invaded more countries than China has in the past 20 years.

What do you think about the slaughter of Jews by Ukrainian Nazis during World War II? I’m answering all of your questions I would like mine to be answered.

Do you thank the Chinese and the Soviets and the English for helping us to win World War II?
Lots of countries around the world including France has dropped the United States dollar when it comes to world trade. So this is just a bunch of drama and nonsense about America’s involvement in Ukraine. What about all these countries giving up the US dollar, the weakening of the US dollar and the downfall of integrity in America with the rise of transgender violence against women in America.

I stand by the greatest generation of Americans the World War II generation …and to hell with the Nazi racists in this country who are now on the far left they are a disgrace to our ancestors
The actual ratio is 6 Russian dead to 1 Ukranian.

The Muscovite army wasted its manpower taking Bakmuhd, forsaking its ability to maneuver and strike.

The Ukrainian forces will take the four oblasts and most if not all of Crimea by 1 July.
What do you think about United States involvement in many wars in the 20th and even 21st century.

I completely disagree with your approach. What do you think that the global south like what India and China thought when the United States launched wars against Iraq? when we get involved in military actions in Syria, against Iran, and Pakistan. When we launch drone strikes whenever we want.

Your viewpoints are flawed. Russia did not attack America.
Russia I’m sure got involved in iraq and Afghanistan and not on our side.

We are United with europe on this. And we don’t have boots on the ground.

Neither of us are geo political experts but from what I’ve heard, from worldly people, is we can’t let them take ukraine.

Iraq was a lie. We should have only invaded Afghanistan and from there if we had to take out terrorists in Yemen or Syria then so be it.
You're putting in work Frank. What country are you from?

The United States of America. A proud Irish Italian American. What do you think about the Ukrainian Nazis who slaughtered Jews in concentration camps during World War II? If you’re not gonna answer my questions I’m putting you on ignore.

Do you have an appreciation for the Soviets and the British who stood by us in World War II?
Russia I’m sure got involved in iraq and Afghanistan and not on our side.

We are United with europe on this. And we don’t have boots on the ground.

Neither of us are geo political experts but from what I’ve heard, from worldly people, is we can’t let them take ukraine.

Iraq was a lie. We should have only invaded Afghanistan and from there if we had to take out terrorists in Yemen or Syria then so be it.
Russia I’m sure got involved in iraq and Afghanistan and not on our side.

We are United with europe on this. And we don’t have boots on the ground.

Neither of us are geo political experts but from what I’ve heard, from worldly people, is we can’t let them take ukraine.

Iraq was a lie. We should have only invaded Afghanistan and from there if we had to take out terrorists in Yemen or Syria then so be it.
No Russia did not supply Iraq. Wow holy Toledo man.

No Americans are not united with Europe. You might be supporting Ukraine but tons of people in Europe and America do not agree with supporting Ukraine which is an authoritarian country.

Well I agree we should’ve gone into Afghanistan but we should’ve skipped Iraq so I’m with you on that
So republicans spreading les and false propaganda? How Russian of them.
If you’re not answering my other questions man im putting you on ignore.

Maybe you’re one of those guys who thought America should’ve allied with the third Reich in World War II.

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