Missouri Republicans are trying to ban food stamp recipients from buying steak and seafood

If they want to buy steak and seafood with that handy dandy EBT card then let em.

When they run out of money before the end of the month it will be just to damned bad.
^^^ Amen to that. And then next time if there is one for them, they will remember to spend their money more wisely.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Actually to me, that is how it should be for anyone. Prioritize and wisely spend and you will have fewer problems.

Both of you are completely missing the point.

The whole reason that people using their EBT cards to purchase steak and seafood, is that they don't need the money.

If a person was completely impoverished and worrying about where their next meal was coming from..... we wouldn't even be talking about this, because it wouldn't happen.

The whole reason they are doing this is because they are not starving.

In fact, the majority are not even buying food for themselves. They are buying food for someone else, who paid them money for it.

We had this happen right on our production floor. A lady came in with an EBT card, and asked everyone if they wanted to buy it from her.

How does this work? Well if you have an EBT card with $500 on it, you pay the girl $200, and she buys you $500 worth of food. It costs her nothing, and now she's got $200 in cash to buy drugs or a new Iphone.

How was she working a full time job, and yet collecting EBT, which she sold to get more money? Easy. Fraud. We've been telling the left about that for ages.

No one is going to buy steak and shrimp and then go hungry for the rest of the month. They are typically selling the card, and pocketing the cash.
Same with WIC. We had a girl at work who would hand out jars of peanut butter and boxes if cereal because she " had too many".

Where we live you can go to the grocery the day benefits come out and have numerous people offer to sell them to you, they hang out in front of the stores
1st post
If they want to buy steak and seafood with that handy dandy EBT card then let em.

When they run out of money before the end of the month it will be just to damned bad.
^^^ Amen to that. And then next time if there is one for them, they will remember to spend their money more wisely.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Actually to me, that is how it should be for anyone. Prioritize and wisely spend and you will have fewer problems.

Both of you are completely missing the point.

The whole reason that people using their EBT cards to purchase steak and seafood, is that they don't need the money.

If a person was completely impoverished and worrying about where their next meal was coming from..... we wouldn't even be talking about this, because it wouldn't happen.

The whole reason they are doing this is because they are not starving.

In fact, the majority are not even buying food for themselves. They are buying food for someone else, who paid them money for it.

We had this happen right on our production floor. A lady came in with an EBT card, and asked everyone if they wanted to buy it from her.

How does this work? Well if you have an EBT card with $500 on it, you pay the girl $200, and she buys you $500 worth of food. It costs her nothing, and now she's got $200 in cash to buy drugs or a new Iphone.

How was she working a full time job, and yet collecting EBT, which she sold to get more money? Easy. Fraud. We've been telling the left about that for ages.

No one is going to buy steak and shrimp and then go hungry for the rest of the month. They are typically selling the card, and pocketing the cash.
Same with WIC. We had a girl at work who would hand out jars of peanut butter and boxes if cereal because she " had too many".

Where we live you can go to the grocery the day benefits come out and have numerous people offer to sell them to you, they hang out in front of the stores

Same. You on to Walmart on benefits day... and the lines are packed with crazy people.
Now I do like your MRE idea. That would be fantastic. Of course it'll never happen. The supreme court would ban that as cruel and unusual punishment.

But the problem is... we simply don't need food stamps at all. Why are we giving people food, when there are hundreds of charities for giving out food? I served soup. If they want a meal, they can waddle their over weight butt down to the soup kitchen and get served a full meal.

Well, like I said... if MREs are good enough for our troops...?

I think we do need some kind of food program for certain people. I share your sentiments about the lazy who just sponge off the government.. they need to go. However, there are legitimately people who fall between the cracks, who have individual problems which are unique to their situation. I have no problem helping them.. they shouldn't be eating better than MY family.
Like I said, you don't have to convince me. It's the public you have to convince.

And you know the people on food stamps and welfare are going to scream bloody murder. You know they will, because you are taking away a source of income.

47 Million voters, are going to be screaming and having a fit.

It's going to be highly difficult for any politician who wants to keep their cushy government job to try and change that. More over, there are hundreds of people on capital hill right now who have made their career out of giving away free stuff.

Continuing, you'll also have to convince the Department of Agriculture, and their 100,000 plus government employees, who would see staff and funding cuts. The DOA is the 5th or 6th largest Federal Agency, and those numbers don't include State level. The DOA doesn't run the program at the Federal level, but rather each State has their own agency, running through the DOA. Each having their own funding, and employment.

Each of those state level agencies would also see funding and employment cuts, and they will automatically oppose it. In fact, here in Ohio, the total cost for all food programs, is well over a half a billion a year. It's a massive amount of money.

And let's not forget the major players in the business of government, who stand to lose extremely lucrative contracts.
EBT NextGen is Only Conference in U.S. Focused on the 73 Billion in Electronic Benefits Payments Impacting More than 47 Million People Business Wire

Business Wire, now owned by none other than Berkshire Halthaway (infamous democrat Buffet), signed a massive contract with the USDA in providing EBT service, along with Citigroup, which services EBT for 29 different states. JP Morgan has a 9-year contract worth $177 Million dollars, not including user fees.

You think Buffet is going to support this move, cutting him out of the gravy train? Or JP Morgan, or Citi Group, or any of the other banks?

Yes, to you and me, this is an obvious solution. Give people MREs, and let them choose to take it or leave it.

But now that this system is in place, and there are tons of people making money off the status quo.... it's going to be difficult to change. This is why you avoid having these programs to begin with. Once started, they are darn near impossible to get rid of, or modify.

It will take a 'greece like' event to make real change in the system.
5th post
Like I said, you don't have to convince me. It's the public you have to convince.

And you know the people on food stamps and welfare are going to scream bloody murder. You know they will, because you are taking away a source of income.

47 Million voters, are going to be screaming and having a fit.

It's going to be highly difficult for any politician who wants to keep their cushy government job to try and change that. More over, there are hundreds of people on capital hill right now who have made their career out of giving away free stuff.

Continuing, you'll also have to convince the Department of Agriculture, and their 100,000 plus government employees, who would see staff and funding cuts. The DOA is the 5th or 6th largest Federal Agency, and those numbers don't include State level. The DOA doesn't run the program at the Federal level, but rather each State has their own agency, running through the DOA. Each having their own funding, and employment.

Each of those state level agencies would also see funding and employment cuts, and they will automatically oppose it. In fact, here in Ohio, the total cost for all food programs, is well over a half a billion a year. It's a massive amount of money.

And let's not forget the major players in the business of government, who stand to lose extremely lucrative contracts.
EBT NextGen is Only Conference in U.S. Focused on the 73 Billion in Electronic Benefits Payments Impacting More than 47 Million People Business Wire

Business Wire, now owned by none other than Berkshire Halthaway (infamous democrat Buffet), signed a massive contract with the USDA in providing EBT service, along with Citigroup, which services EBT for 29 different states. JP Morgan has a 9-year contract worth $177 Million dollars, not including user fees.

You think Buffet is going to support this move, cutting him out of the gravy train? Or JP Morgan, or Citi Group, or any of the other banks?

Yes, to you and me, this is an obvious solution. Give people MREs, and let them choose to take it or leave it.

But now that this system is in place, and there are tons of people making money off the status quo.... it's going to be difficult to change. This is why you avoid having these programs to begin with. Once started, they are darn near impossible to get rid of, or modify.

It will take a 'greece like' event to make real change in the system.

Oh, you are right.. it wouldn't be easy. None of this is going to be easy. We've got to cut spending by $1.5 trillion per year. We have to either find a way to do that or we will become Greece. It's not a scare tactic, I am not trying to be over-dramatic, we WILL become Greece. Only difference being our size.

The MAIN problem we have is that about 47% of our country are devout Socialists who WANT our economy to tank! They WANT us to turn into Greece! This means Government control on everything. It's the ultimate objective to drive us into Socialism.
Yes, to you and me, this is an obvious solution. Give people MREs, and let them choose to take it or leave it.

Well it doesn't have to be MREs, per say. That was just an illustration. We have an abundance of surplus food and we can package it any kind of way to fit whatever need. But something along the lines of a monthly "care package" was more what I meant. We can do something like that and feed the needy rather efficiently if we use our resources.
If they want to buy steak and seafood with that handy dandy EBT card then let em.

When they run out of money before the end of the month it will be just to damned bad.
^^^ Amen to that. And then next time if there is one for them, they will remember to spend their money more wisely.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Actually to me, that is how it should be for anyone. Prioritize and wisely spend and you will have fewer problems.

Both of you are completely missing the point.

The whole reason that people using their EBT cards to purchase steak and seafood, is that they don't need the money.

If a person was completely impoverished and worrying about where their next meal was coming from..... we wouldn't even be talking about this, because it wouldn't happen.

The whole reason they are doing this is because they are not starving.

In fact, the majority are not even buying food for themselves. They are buying food for someone else, who paid them money for it.

We had this happen right on our production floor. A lady came in with an EBT card, and asked everyone if they wanted to buy it from her.

How does this work? Well if you have an EBT card with $500 on it, you pay the girl $200, and she buys you $500 worth of food. It costs her nothing, and now she's got $200 in cash to buy drugs or a new Iphone.

How was she working a full time job, and yet collecting EBT, which she sold to get more money? Easy. Fraud. We've been telling the left about that for ages.

No one is going to buy steak and shrimp and then go hungry for the rest of the month. They are typically selling the card, and pocketing the cash.
Same with WIC. We had a girl at work who would hand out jars of peanut butter and boxes if cereal because she " had too many".

Where we live you can go to the grocery the day benefits come out and have numerous people offer to sell them to you, they hang out in front of the stores

I am glad no one is going hungry ;) That is a awesome thing!
We have GOT TO INCREASE spending on infrastructure, science, and education. We have got to cut spending on nation building in the middle east and bank bail-outs!

We can't increase anything.. we have to cut spending... what part of that are you not getting? The only "infrastructure" the Federal government should be spending on is the US Highway and Interstate system and a wall on our southern border. The remainder needs to come from state, county and community government like it always has and as the Constitution outlines it should be done.

Science and education are important but they don't come ahead of financial stability... we lose that and science or education doesn't matter.

I don't want to "nation build" either. We have to protect our interests and security. The world is a BAD BAD place with BAD BAD people who want to do us harm. We need the ability to respond and respond forcefully. We have no choice on most of this, we have signed treaties with our allies and we have to honor those.

And I'll go on record here and now.. I have NEVER supported a single dime of our tax dollars being used to "bail out" any goddamn thing... EVER!
10th post
^^^ Amen to that. And then next time if there is one for them, they will remember to spend their money more wisely.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Actually to me, that is how it should be for anyone. Prioritize and wisely spend and you will have fewer problems.

No. The government will increase their benefits.

Maybe not. Remember that Obama's stimulus bill of 2009 increased food stamp benefits, and then that boost was subsequently allowed to expire in 2013 due to record numbers of applicants.

Even leftist pie-in-the-sky welfare schemes get hit with cold splashes of reality sometimes.
We have GOT TO INCREASE spending on infrastructure, science, and education. We have got to cut spending on nation building in the middle east and bank bail-outs!

Or we could cut spending on things the federal government has no business doing, and NOT increase spending on OTHER things the federal government has no business doing.
We have GOT TO INCREASE spending on infrastructure, science, and education. We have got to cut spending on nation building in the middle east and bank bail-outs!

We can't increase anything.. we have to cut spending... what part of that are you not getting? The only "infrastructure" the Federal government should be spending on is the US Highway and Interstate system and a wall on our southern border. The remainder needs to come from state, county and community government like it always has and as the Constitution outlines it should be done.

And FYI, the states share in the expense of maintaining the segments of the Interstates and US highways that run through their areas.

Science and education are important but they don't come ahead of financial stability... we lose that and science or education doesn't matter.

I don't want to "nation build" either. We have to protect our interests and security. The world is a BAD BAD place with BAD BAD people who want to do us harm. We need the ability to respond and respond forcefully. We have no choice on most of this, we have signed treaties with our allies and we have to honor those.

And I'll go on record here and now.. I have NEVER supported a single dime of our tax dollars being used to "bail out" any goddamn thing... EVER!

With you on the bailouts.
If they want to buy steak and seafood with that handy dandy EBT card then let em.

When they run out of money before the end of the month it will be just to damned bad.
^^^ Amen to that. And then next time if there is one for them, they will remember to spend their money more wisely.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Actually to me, that is how it should be for anyone. Prioritize and wisely spend and you will have fewer problems.

Both of you are completely missing the point.

The whole reason that people using their EBT cards to purchase steak and seafood, is that they don't need the money.

If a person was completely impoverished and worrying about where their next meal was coming from..... we wouldn't even be talking about this, because it wouldn't happen.

The whole reason they are doing this is because they are not starving.

In fact, the majority are not even buying food for themselves. They are buying food for someone else, who paid them money for it.

We had this happen right on our production floor. A lady came in with an EBT card, and asked everyone if they wanted to buy it from her.

How does this work? Well if you have an EBT card with $500 on it, you pay the girl $200, and she buys you $500 worth of food. It costs her nothing, and now she's got $200 in cash to buy drugs or a new Iphone.

How was she working a full time job, and yet collecting EBT, which she sold to get more money? Easy. Fraud. We've been telling the left about that for ages.

No one is going to buy steak and shrimp and then go hungry for the rest of the month. They are typically selling the card, and pocketing the cash.
Same with WIC. We had a girl at work who would hand out jars of peanut butter and boxes if cereal because she " had too many".

Where we live you can go to the grocery the day benefits come out and have numerous people offer to sell them to you, they hang out in front of the stores

I am glad no one is going hungry ;) That is a awesome thing!

Going hungry? No. Getting too much and the system is being abused. Yes.
If they want to buy steak and seafood with that handy dandy EBT card then let em.

When they run out of money before the end of the month it will be just to damned bad.
^^^ Amen to that. And then next time if there is one for them, they will remember to spend their money more wisely.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. Actually to me, that is how it should be for anyone. Prioritize and wisely spend and you will have fewer problems.

Both of you are completely missing the point.

The whole reason that people using their EBT cards to purchase steak and seafood, is that they don't need the money.

If a person was completely impoverished and worrying about where their next meal was coming from..... we wouldn't even be talking about this, because it wouldn't happen.

The whole reason they are doing this is because they are not starving.

In fact, the majority are not even buying food for themselves. They are buying food for someone else, who paid them money for it.

We had this happen right on our production floor. A lady came in with an EBT card, and asked everyone if they wanted to buy it from her.

How does this work? Well if you have an EBT card with $500 on it, you pay the girl $200, and she buys you $500 worth of food. It costs her nothing, and now she's got $200 in cash to buy drugs or a new Iphone.

How was she working a full time job, and yet collecting EBT, which she sold to get more money? Easy. Fraud. We've been telling the left about that for ages.

No one is going to buy steak and shrimp and then go hungry for the rest of the month. They are typically selling the card, and pocketing the cash.
Same with WIC. We had a girl at work who would hand out jars of peanut butter and boxes if cereal because she " had too many".

Where we live you can go to the grocery the day benefits come out and have numerous people offer to sell them to you, they hang out in front of the stores

And as an aside. It gets pretty bad when a person works for a corporation making 18.00/hr owns two houses...Rents one out to the government for HUD ( guaranteed income from the government). And then still apparently collects WIC and SNAP because her husband was illegal.

And the progressives apparently are fine with this system abuse.

Go figure
Koch says we should stop handing out corporate welfare on Wall Street. Some other folks think it would be best if we stop feeding poor folks sliced beef and kids pop corn shrimp. I agree with the billionaire on this one.
Koch says we should stop handing out corporate welfare on Wall Street. Some other folks think it would be best if we stop feeding poor folks sliced beef and kids pop corn shrimp. I agree with the billionaire on this one.

I think we should stop handing out taxpayer dollars, period.

I realize that you desperately want to believe that conservatives LOVE giving away tax money to businesses, but we're really not obligated to defend positions you imagine that we hold and project onto us.
Koch says we should stop handing out corporate welfare on Wall Street. Some other folks think it would be best if we stop feeding poor folks sliced beef and kids pop corn shrimp. I agree with the billionaire on this one.

I think we should stop handing out taxpayer dollars, period.

I realize that you desperately want to believe that conservatives LOVE giving away tax money to businesses, but we're really not obligated to defend positions you imagine that we hold and project onto us.

It isn't just my position. You guys who run away from admitting to huge corporate welfare give away programs now have to contend with a top conservative billionaire openly admitting to it's existence, describing and explaining it in detail and warning about how it is bankrupting the economy. His name is Charles Koch. He is one of the brothers that financed the creation of the Tea Party movement and a leading conservative spokesperson.


The story is only a week old. You may not be aware of the sea change taking place.

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