R proposes bill to ban food stamps used to buy weed

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Colorado Republican Falls for Satire Story, Freaks Out and Proposes Bill Banning Food Stamps for Weed Purchases - Forward Progressives

So I don’t get how things like Rand Paul’s plagiarism scandal from a couple of months ago happen. Not that I can’t believe someone would plagiarize – it happens — but that nobody in his office caught it and brought it to Paul’s attention. I just don’t get it.

Well, what happened in Colorado recently might just take the cake. I mean, it’s one thing to propose some ridiculous bill that stands no chance at passing (it happens all the time) but to propose a bill based on outrage over a satire article written by the National Report is incompetence on a whole other level.

And that’s exactly what happened.

In Colorado, Republican State Senator Vicki Marble proposed a bill aimed to “tackle this problem” of people buying marijuana with food stamps in the state.

Except, there have been absolutely zero incidents of people trying to buy marijuana with their food stamp benefits. Only an idiot would think “pot brownies” would be covered as a SNAP purchase.

It’s completely absurd to think that somebody could walk into a pot shop and use their food stamps to purchase weed — but apparently that didn’t prompt Marble, or anyone at her office, to actually research if this was happening.

Like I said, complete and total incompetence.

- See more at: Colorado Republican Falls for Satire Story, Freaks Out and Proposes Bill Banning Food Stamps for Weed Purchases - Forward Progressives

We've seen rw's here fall for the same kind of thing. We've also seen some rw's lie outright about food stamps. Indeed, that's pretty common. But still, this dunderhead should have known better.

Dumb. Just plain dumb. She doesn't have staff that help her appear intelligent?
Colorado Republican Falls for Satire Story, Freaks Out and Proposes Bill Banning Food Stamps for Weed Purchases - Forward Progressives

So I don’t get how things like Rand Paul’s plagiarism scandal from a couple of months ago happen. Not that I can’t believe someone would plagiarize – it happens — but that nobody in his office caught it and brought it to Paul’s attention. I just don’t get it.

Well, what happened in Colorado recently might just take the cake. I mean, it’s one thing to propose some ridiculous bill that stands no chance at passing (it happens all the time) but to propose a bill based on outrage over a satire article written by the National Report is incompetence on a whole other level.

And that’s exactly what happened.

In Colorado, Republican State Senator Vicki Marble proposed a bill aimed to “tackle this problem” of people buying marijuana with food stamps in the state.

Except, there have been absolutely zero incidents of people trying to buy marijuana with their food stamp benefits. Only an idiot would think “pot brownies” would be covered as a SNAP purchase.

It’s completely absurd to think that somebody could walk into a pot shop and use their food stamps to purchase weed — but apparently that didn’t prompt Marble, or anyone at her office, to actually research if this was happening.

Like I said, complete and total incompetence.

- See more at: Colorado Republican Falls for Satire Story, Freaks Out and Proposes Bill Banning Food Stamps for Weed Purchases - Forward Progressives

We've seen rw's here fall for the same kind of thing. We've also seen some rw's lie outright about food stamps. Indeed, that's pretty common. But still, this dunderhead should have known better.

Dumb. Just plain dumb. She doesn't have staff that help her appear intelligent?

You idiot, we've seen people from all sides react to articles like that. Don't act like you lefties are immune, all humans make mistakes right up to the day they die.
Colorado Republican Falls for Satire Story, Freaks Out and Proposes Bill Banning Food Stamps for Weed Purchases - Forward Progressives

So I don’t get how things like Rand Paul’s plagiarism scandal from a couple of months ago happen. Not that I can’t believe someone would plagiarize – it happens — but that nobody in his office caught it and brought it to Paul’s attention. I just don’t get it.

Well, what happened in Colorado recently might just take the cake. I mean, it’s one thing to propose some ridiculous bill that stands no chance at passing (it happens all the time) but to propose a bill based on outrage over a satire article written by the National Report is incompetence on a whole other level.

And that’s exactly what happened.

In Colorado, Republican State Senator Vicki Marble proposed a bill aimed to “tackle this problem” of people buying marijuana with food stamps in the state.

Except, there have been absolutely zero incidents of people trying to buy marijuana with their food stamp benefits. Only an idiot would think “pot brownies” would be covered as a SNAP purchase.

It’s completely absurd to think that somebody could walk into a pot shop and use their food stamps to purchase weed — but apparently that didn’t prompt Marble, or anyone at her office, to actually research if this was happening.

Like I said, complete and total incompetence.

- See more at: Colorado Republican Falls for Satire Story, Freaks Out and Proposes Bill Banning Food Stamps for Weed Purchases - Forward Progressives

We've seen rw's here fall for the same kind of thing. We've also seen some rw's lie outright about food stamps. Indeed, that's pretty common. But still, this dunderhead should have known better.

Dumb. Just plain dumb. She doesn't have staff that help her appear intelligent?

You idiot, we've seen people from all sides react to articles like that. Don't act like you lefties are immune, all humans make mistakes right up to the day they die.

exactly. but liarddly doesn't accept that as fact, only those on the right are bad.

but this was pretty hilarious and dumb.
Typical liberal bull shit. The bill was written before the satire piece came out. Nice try Luddly. Looks like you were the one taken in...heh

"It had the makings of must-read story: A Republican lawmaker believes a faux news report that Colorado's pot shops are accepting food stamps and introduces a bill to outlaw the practice.

Only here's the catch:

The satire was written after Colorado marijuana dispensaries opened for business on Jan. 1.

Sen. Vicki Marble of Fort Collins began working on her bill in August.

She produced an e-mail dated Sept. 4 from one of the legislature's attorneys, who was writing her bill."

Read more: Fake report about Colorado pot shops, food stamps creates havoc - The Denver Post Fake report about Colorado pot shops, food stamps creates havoc - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post
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The date on the satire piece is Jan 3, 2014. Four months after the bill was first drafted.
In Colorado, Republican State Senator Vicki Marble proposed a bill aimed to “tackle this problem” of people buying marijuana with food stamps in the state.

Except, there have been absolutely zero incidents of people trying to buy marijuana with their food stamp benefits. Only an idiot would think “pot brownies” would be covered as a SNAP purchase.

It’s completely absurd to think that somebody could walk into a pot shop and use their food stamps to purchase weed — but apparently that didn’t prompt Marble, or anyone at her office, to actually research if this was happening.

Like I said, complete and total incompetence.

First, when it comes to Republican Speech, their goal is not to tell the truth. I know this sounds like I'm calling them liars, but I don't believe they are intentionally lying because politics isn't about explaining the world, nor is it about educating people. To the contrary, politics is 100% about changing the world. Speech, then, is used as a tool to achieve this goal. That's why so many people on this board lie. Because if a lie makes it harder for the Left to destroy their nation, than the lie is most certainly worth it. Of course, the psychology of self-interest prevents them from seeing these things as lies in most cases. (And yes, every human has the problem of seeing and saying what serves them. My point is that the GOP, with the rise of Reagan and the fall of the postwar liberal order - institutionalized lying more effectively than the Left)

Republicans want to destroy welfare - therefore - the act of tying welfare to drug use is a rational choice. In order to make this lie work, Republican leaders need the kind of audience who believes what they say about the world. This is why the Republican party started creating media outreach in the 70s, funded by a handful of ultra-wealthy Americans who wanted to change the world in very specific ways. With their massive investment in Think Tanks, these people sought to create an intellectual culture that mimicked the rigors of Academia, but with some caveats. First, and most importantly, they would only create studies, statistical analyses and conclusions that aided the movement's political goals, which were primarily about safeguarding the narrow accumulation of wealth, but explained as an interest in freedom (in contrast to socialism). The Think Tank Movement was not interested in explaining the world so that free citizens could make their own decisions with maximum information, rather, they functioned like a highly organized movement that channeled the profits of business into an extremely disciplined information system that proliferated across every possible media format. Their goal was to provide their political and media foot soldiers with the necessary linguistic and conceptual tools to achieve their political goals.

To do this, they used the Culture War or Values (e.g., religion, patriotism, tradition, abortion, guns, etc) to pull an extremely vocal segment of voters into their tent - they tended to attract people who lacked higher education because these are exactly the kind of people who speak passionately (angrily, violently) about a topic without needing all the information, or without subjecting their beliefs to rigorous proof. Once they pulled these attack dogs into their tent, they would tell these voters that their country had been stolen by liberals, communists, socialists, fascists, gays, illegals, etc. They would tell them that these anti-American groups were intent on destroying the Constitution and stealing their hard earned money - and, more importantly, that the nation's media, politics and entertainment systems had been infiltrated by evil doers. By doing this, they made it impossible for their minions to seek out alternative information sources. [This makes sense, right? If you want to morph Bin Laden into Hussein in order to achieve your policy goals, than you have to condition your audience to mistrust all other news sources. If you want people to believe that Carter spent more than Reagan, than, again, you have to make your audience mistrust all other news sources.]

So when Vicki Marble fell for this story, and then tried to pass legislation based on falsehoods, she was doing exactly what the movement intended. This is what political movements do. They attract people who spread propaganda for the cause. And when you point this out, they've been conditioned to believe that you must be doing the same thing. This ensures that they will never leave the confines of the movement and seek more information about the world, and it's why so much time and money was invested into the Right's think tank and media revolution.
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In Colorado, Republican State Senator Vicki Marble proposed a bill aimed to “tackle this problem” of people buying marijuana with food stamps in the state.

Except, there have been absolutely zero incidents of people trying to buy marijuana with their food stamp benefits. Only an idiot would think “pot brownies” would be covered as a SNAP purchase.

It’s completely absurd to think that somebody could walk into a pot shop and use their food stamps to purchase weed — but apparently that didn’t prompt Marble, or anyone at her office, to actually research if this was happening.

Like I said, complete and total incompetence.

First, when it comes to Republican Speech, their goal is not to tell the truth. I know this sounds like I'm calling them liars, but I don't believe they are intentionally lying because politics isn't about explaining the world, nor is it about educating people. To the contrary, politics is 100% about changing the world. Speech, then, is used as a tool to achieve this goal. That's why so many people on this board lie. Because if a lie makes it harder for the Left to destroy their nation, than the lie is most certainly worth it. Of course, the psychology of self-interest prevents them from seeing these things as lies in most cases. (And yes, every human has the problem of seeing and saying what serves them. My point is that the GOP, with the rise of Reagan and the fall of the postwar liberal order - institutionalized lying more effectively than the Left)

Republicans want to destroy welfare - therefore - the act of tying welfare to drug use is a rational choice. In order to make this lie work, Republican leaders need the kind of audience who believes what they say about the world. This is why the Republican party started creating media outreach in the 70s, funded by a handful of ultra-wealthy Americans who wanted to change the world in very specific ways. With their massive investment in Think Tanks, these people sought to create an intellectual culture that mimicked the rigors of Academia, but with some caveats. First, and most importantly, they would only create studies, statistical analyses and conclusions that aided the movement's political goals, which were primarily about safeguarding the narrow accumulation of wealth, but explained as an interest in freedom (in contrast to socialism). The Think Tank Movement was not interested in explaining the world so that free citizens could make their own decisions with maximum information, rather, they functioned like a highly organized movement that channeled the profits of business into an extremely disciplined information system that proliferated across every possible media format. Their goal was to provide their political and media foot soldiers with the necessary linguistic and conceptual tools to achieve their political goals.

To do this, they used the Culture War or Values (e.g., religion, patriotism, tradition, abortion, guns, etc) to pull an extremely vocal segment of voters into their tent - they tended to attract people who lacked higher education because these are exactly the kind of people who speak passionately (angrily, violently) about a topic without needing all the information, or without subjecting their beliefs to rigorous proof. Once they pulled these attack dogs into their tent, they would tell these voters that their country had been stolen by liberals, communists, socialists, fascists, gays, illegals, etc. They would tell them that these anti-American groups were intent on destroying the Constitution and stealing their hard earned money - and, more importantly, that the nation's media, politics and entertainment systems had been infiltrated by evil doers. By doing this, they made it impossible for their minions to seek out alternative information sources. [This makes sense, right? If you want to morph Bin Laden into Hussein in order to achieve your policy goals, than you have to condition your audience to mistrust all other news sources. If you want people to believe that Carter spent more than Reagan, than, again, you have to make your audience mistrust all other news sources.]

So when Vicki Marble fell for this story, and then tried to pass legislation based on the connection of Foodstamps and Pot, she was doing exactly what the movement intended. This is what political movements do. They attract people who spread propaganda for the cause. And when you point this out, they've been conditioned to believe that you must be doing the same thing. This ensures that they will never leave the confines of the movement, and it's why so much time and money was invested into the Right's think tank and media revolution.

"So when Vicki Marble fell for this story,.."

Except she didn't, you did.

You might want to read the previous post. Both you and Luddly would not get taken in by this stuff if you would spend less time reading progressive web sites.
"So when Vicki Marble fell for this story,.."

Except she didn't, you did.

Noted. Was her claim based on evidence or did it stem from a desire to tie welfare recipients to drug use so as to paint the program and its recipients in a negative light.
"So when Vicki Marble fell for this story,.."

Except she didn't, you did.

Noted. Was her claim based on evidence or did it stem from a desire to tie welfare recipients to drug use so as to paint the program and its recipients in a negative light.

Best I can tell from the bill is that it extended existing law about ATMs at liquor stores, strip clubs, gun shops, and casino gambling sites to include pot stores.

I don't care if they ban it for marijuana ...as long as I can still buy lap dances with food stamps
Typical liberal bull shit. The bill was written before the satire piece came out. Nice try Luddly. Looks like you were the one taken in...heh

"It had the makings of must-read story: A Republican lawmaker believes a faux news report that Colorado's pot shops are accepting food stamps and introduces a bill to outlaw the practice.

Only here's the catch:

The satire was written after Colorado marijuana dispensaries opened for business on Jan. 1.

Sen. Vicki Marble of Fort Collins began working on her bill in August.

She produced an e-mail dated Sept. 4 from one of the legislature's attorneys, who was writing her bill."

Read more: Fake report about Colorado pot shops, food stamps creates havoc - The Denver Post Fake report about Colorado pot shops, food stamps creates havoc - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post
Follow us: [MENTION=28704]Denver[/MENTION]post on Twitter | Denverpost on Facebook

The date on the satire piece is Jan 3, 2014. Four months after the bill was first drafted.

luddly lied again and his liberals buddies fell for it

Colorado Republican Falls for Satire Story, Freaks Out and Proposes Bill Banning Food Stamps for Weed Purchases - Forward Progressives

So I don’t get how things like Rand Paul’s plagiarism scandal from a couple of months ago happen. Not that I can’t believe someone would plagiarize – it happens — but that nobody in his office caught it and brought it to Paul’s attention. I just don’t get it.

Well, what happened in Colorado recently might just take the cake. I mean, it’s one thing to propose some ridiculous bill that stands no chance at passing (it happens all the time) but to propose a bill based on outrage over a satire article written by the National Report is incompetence on a whole other level.

And that’s exactly what happened.

In Colorado, Republican State Senator Vicki Marble proposed a bill aimed to “tackle this problem” of people buying marijuana with food stamps in the state.

Except, there have been absolutely zero incidents of people trying to buy marijuana with their food stamp benefits. Only an idiot would think “pot brownies” would be covered as a SNAP purchase.

It’s completely absurd to think that somebody could walk into a pot shop and use their food stamps to purchase weed — but apparently that didn’t prompt Marble, or anyone at her office, to actually research if this was happening.

Like I said, complete and total incompetence.

- See more at: Colorado Republican Falls for Satire Story, Freaks Out and Proposes Bill Banning Food Stamps for Weed Purchases - Forward Progressives
We've seen rw's here fall for the same kind of thing. We've also seen some rw's lie outright about food stamps. Indeed, that's pretty common. But still, this dunderhead should have known better.

Dumb. Just plain dumb. She doesn't have staff that help her appear intelligent?

It is a good thing you have never, even once, fallen for a stupid story that was obviously fake, isn't it?

Typical liberal bull shit. The bill was written before the satire piece came out. Nice try Luddly. Looks like you were the one taken in...heh

"It had the makings of must-read story: A Republican lawmaker believes a faux news report that Colorado's pot shops are accepting food stamps and introduces a bill to outlaw the practice.

Only here's the catch:

The satire was written after Colorado marijuana dispensaries opened for business on Jan. 1.

Sen. Vicki Marble of Fort Collins began working on her bill in August.

She produced an e-mail dated Sept. 4 from one of the legislature's attorneys, who was writing her bill."

Read more: Fake report about Colorado pot shops, food stamps creates havoc - The Denver Post Fake report about Colorado pot shops, food stamps creates havoc - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post
Follow us: @Denver post on Twitter | Denverpost on Facebook

The date on the satire piece is Jan 3, 2014. Four months after the bill was first drafted.

Are you saying Luddly started a post about how stupid it is too fall for fake stories by posting a fake story?


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