Missing Texas 14-year-old mistakenly deported


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Report: Missing Texas 14-year-old mistakenly deported to Colombia
By Crimesider Staff Topics Daily Blotter

Jakadrien Turner (Credit: KHOU) (CBS) DALLAS - A 14-year-old Texas girl who has been missing since 2010 was mistakenly deported to Colombia by immigration agents and is now sitting in a detention facility waiting to come home.
According to CBS affiliate KHOU Jakadrien Turner ran away from home in the fall of 2010 following her parents divorce and the death of her grandfather. She ended up in Houston, where she was arrested for theft. The girl gave police a fake name, which apparently belonged to a 22-year-old illegal immigrant from Colombia, who had warrants for her arrest.

KHOU reports that ICE took the girl's fingerprints, but didn't confirm her identity before deporting her.

Jakadrien is African-American and reportedly speaks no Spanish.

Source: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_1...d-to-columbia/

And they blame Homeland Security? Now get this?

They didn't do their work," Turner said. "How do you deport a teenager and send her to Colombia without a passport, without anything?"

News 8 has learned ICE took the girl's fingerprints, but somehow didn't confirm her identity and deported her to Colombia, where the Colombian government gave her a work card and released her.

ICE deported African American 14-year-old US citizen who spoke no Spanish and had no ID to Columbia. : markos

They did not comfirm her Columbian Identification? Pass port?:eusa_hand:

She got her just deserve. Homeland Security did their job with what they had.
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Pretty funny stuff. Didn't they make a comedy movie about a yuppie who lost his job and his home and was deported while waiting on the corner with illegals for a day job? It's a credit to the ICE system that she was located after she was seemingly determined to make the wrong decision every chance she got.
Running away, stealing, lying, none of that has anything at all to do with the problems she created does it?

How did we get to be such an enormously stupid people?
Funny, funny shit. You cannot make this stuff up.
Apparently nobody bothered to check the descriptors on the warrants. Its basic stuff.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wQbselazX0]Tony Montana & Colombians - YouTube[/ame]
None speak English????

This girl is the architect of her circumstances. She decided to run away. She decided to steal. She decided to lie. Now it's the fault of the authorities because they didn't find out that she was lying?

"Officer, you should have figured out I was lying so it's all your fault".

Sending her to Colombia is a fitting result whether or not she was ever there. It is a consequence of her own actions.
None speak English????

This girl is the architect of her circumstances. She decided to run away. She decided to steal. She decided to lie. Now it's the fault of the authorities because they didn't find out that she was lying?

"Officer, you should have figured out I was lying so it's all your fault".

Sending her to Colombia is a fitting result whether or not she was ever there. It is a consequence of her own actions.

I'm not disagreeing the kid is a fuck up, however deporting Americans to other countries is not good, I assumed there was a system in place to find out if someone was a citizen or not.

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