Meadows Flips?

Yeah, why even have a justice system, we'll let leftists determine who's guilty and who's not.
Not sure where you get this bizarre whining. I literally just told you we want him to get convicted. In court. Maybe you confuse your own deviant and bizarre thoughts for those of others.
Not sure where you get this bizarre whining. I literally just told you we want him to get convicted. In court. Maybe you confuse your own deviant and bizarre thoughts for those of others.

You want him convicted, you don't care about his innocence or guilt.
I also said he is obviously guilty, which is why decent, patriotic americans want him to be convicted.

Fuck man, do you even speak english?

Based on what, what you've seen in the media? You seriously think you know enough to determine his guilt or innocence on your own? :cuckoo:
Under a plea bargaining regime, law is no longer a shield of the people. It is a weapon against the people in the hands of government. The administration of justice ceases. Prosecutors become copies of Andrei Vyshinsky.

Pot, kettle, boring.

No, it's not pot meet kettle, not even in the slightest. I'm waiting to see what the judicial system determines, I'm not proclaiming anything like you deranged TDS assholes are. You're sick, mentally deranged, you don't give a fuck about justice, you just want to see him hang. literally. I will never understand the sickness you idiots have, the man has never done anything to you personally, but the hate just oozes out of your pores every single day, you're obsessed. Honestly I feel sorry for you bastards, I couldn't imagine being so consumed with hate for someone that doesn't know you exist and could buy and sell you a1,000 times over. Maybe that's what it is, pure envy, cause you have no life. :cuckoo:

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