Meadows Flips?

I dont know who is pulling the strings

It could be s ruling junta of foreigners like george soros and the mullahs in iran

Or domestic power brokers as yet unnamed

More likely there are various special interests driving the bus

I’m just a regular guy and not in a position to know
"I don't know who is pulling the strings"....:heehee:

Why don't you go with what you moronic MAGAts really believe:


which is uncannily like this:

"The Deep State"....anything that MAGAts have been conned into believing is against them. Also see "marxists", "commies" and "groomers".
I agree, it's subjective for them. If an issue benefitted Trump, such as tax cuts and improvidently low interest rates from the fed in the lead up to covid ... are NOT deep state. Apparently.

But there is a real issue as to how much power can congress delegate to lawfully created administrative bodies, like the EPA. And there isn't really dispute that both W and Obama were ok with foreclosing on mom and pops, who made a bad decision on how much to pay for a house and how much to borrow. Yet, banks were bailed out, even though their problems arose from management not keeping tabs on bond traders.

There was a reason, and it was because if the large banking houses failed .... we were looking right at 25% unemployment as in the Great Depression, but still we knew at the time that it was not "fair."
And when he testifies he never saw anything that was criminal? You'll agree that the bad orange man is innocent?
Trump is innocent until proven guilty. When things don't go my way, I get over it. I don't convince myself it's a rigging or a conspiracy. Whatever happens, happens.

It's a shame that we have some in this country who can't do that.
Trump is innocent until proven guilty. When things don't go my way, I get over it. I don't convince myself it's a rigging or a conspiracy. Whatever happens, happens.

It's a shame that we have some in this country who can't do that.
That is a question. The beauty of the two party system is simply that whenever a third party issue arises, both parties trip over each other trying to get at it to make it their own:

Indian Removal in the 1830s into the 20th century.
Abolition, obviously, and the Southern Democrats search for an end to reconstruciton, which came about in the Rutherford Hayes v. Tilden compromise.
Ross Perot, anyone.

Yet Trump is the actual issue. Imo its boils down to Trump simply being the most shameless in promising that which cannot be delivered. No one, yet, as been willing to out lie him. And he's willing to say shit like "if we make all dishwashers here in 'merica, we'll all have higher standards of living."
Ken Chesebro pleaded guilty to a felony charge of conspiracy to appoint unofficial electors, not to arrange an alternate slate of electors.

Prosecutors said in court that Chesebro acknowledged in the plea that he “created and distributed false Electoral College documents” to Trump operatives in Georgia and other states, and that he worked “in coordination with” the Trump campaign.​

But you probably don’t know that because precious snowflake media bubble.

Ironic Posts by Toro are Ironic... :lol: And Sociopathic... because Toro is taking this Shit way too personally... And that should Concern people. :thup:


You still believe Biden got 81 million votes. More than the great half black hope
100% Yes.
Voters numbers historically go up every year.
Trump pissed off so many honorable Americans and damaged any chance of partisanship that the (D) made an outstanding effort to increase voter registration
You will call it cheating.

(R) did it to (increased voter registration) and you don’t have any problems with that, just (D).

The election was not Stolen or STOLLEN(sic).
What TDS libtards don't understand is Smith is doing this for headlines... this isn't a prosecution its campaign meddling...
So he will make a deal with Trump aides just for the headline and to gaslight fools like the OP....
Meadows doesn't have anything....
100% Yes.
Voters numbers historically go up every year.
Trump pissed off so many honorable Americans and damaged any chance of partisanship that the (D) made an outstanding effort to increase voter registration
You will call it cheating.

(R) did it to (increased voter registration) and you don’t have any problems with that, just (D).

The election was not Stolen or STOLLEN(sic).
You've had to much kook ade
Whose that Dem Senator from NJ? What's his name? Isn't he under indictment right now?
He’s the token dem that has been a target since obama was prez

And practically the only dem so honored
More fake news from ABC.

Meadows was specifically asked if Trump ever acknowledged the election was stolen, “We know that’s been a huge sticking point in this case,” said the host, “and according to your sources in this reporting, Meadows told investigators that he never heard Trump say that. In other words, Donald Trump didn’t agree.

Karl didn’t think it mattered if Trump never agreed that the election was secure. However, the DC case is built on Trump’s alleged lies. If he didn’t think he was lying, then the case doesn’t seem like much of a case.

There is nothing new here. We heard this months ago. It’s more lies. The media likes to regurgitate stories that will harm Donald Trump.
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