Living Hetero, Being Gay

i really dont care about anyones sexuality......if i am not sleeping with them.....perhaps that should be the way of us all.....

I told that one to my republican mother when I was just a teen.

If I am not going to have sex with them why do I care who they have sex with?

She stopped ,her mouth open, thought a momment and said "your right".

She was a goldwater girl and every once in awhile see sides on the side of freedom.

Homosexuality and Bi sexuality have been arround as long as man has.

It may be an abberation from procreation of the species plan but man is a pack animal and pack members ( even gay and bi ones) add to the servivability of the pack.

To treat is like something that has to be cured instead of just accepted is futility.
And to what degree of "expressing" is one allowed to "express?" Since homosexuality is already perverted sex, should we now welcome into acceptance pedophilia... oh wait... I mean "minor attracted people?" Shouldn't they aslo be free to "express" their sexuality?

I fail to see how homosexuality has one iota to do with pedophilia.

Depends on how you look at it. In the sense they're both sexual perversions, that puts them in the same category. Also the fact that by the law of averages more homosexuals are pedophiles than heteros. Homos have already made the leap in their mind to act out perverted sex acts on each other, so to move on to another form of sexual perversion isn't that hard to do.
And to what degree of "expressing" is one allowed to "express?" Since homosexuality is already perverted sex, should we now welcome into acceptance pedophilia... oh wait... I mean "minor attracted people?" Shouldn't they aslo be free to "express" their sexuality?

I fail to see how homosexuality has one iota to do with pedophilia.

that's only because it doesn't

From a biological point they are related, as they are both deviation from normal sexual desires and wants. Normal sexual desire is between opposite gender partners of suitable procreational age. Anything else is a deviation from the norm.

That being said, from a legal perspective the two are 100% different, and from a moral perspective there are a significant portion of moral codes that accept adult homosexuality as, if not normal, at least as something to be tolerated. There are very few moral codes out there that accept pedophillia.
That being said, from a legal perspective the two are 100% different, and from a moral perspective there are a significant portion of moral codes that accept adult homosexuality as, if not normal, at least as something to be tolerated. There are very few moral codes out there that accept pedophillia.

Very true, but, that's exactly what the peds are out to change.
I fail to see how homosexuality has one iota to do with pedophilia.

Depends on how you look at it. In the sense they're both sexual perversions, that puts them in the same category. Also the fact that by the law of averages more homosexuals are pedophiles than heteros. Homos have already made the leap in their mind to act out perverted sex acts on each other, so to move on to another form of sexual perversion isn't that hard to do.

The idea that homosexuality is a perversion is your personal opinion and nothing more. Furthermore, pedophilia is typically not consensual as many children are coerced or physically forced into the act. Nobody is forced to be gay by another individual. The two are not even on the same playing field.

Where is your evidence that pedophiles tend to be homosexual? Maybe that's true, maybe not, but it still doesn't change what I said.
And to what degree of "expressing" is one allowed to "express?" Since homosexuality is already perverted sex, should we now welcome into acceptance pedophilia... oh wait... I mean "minor attracted people?" Shouldn't they aslo be free to "express" their sexuality?

I fail to see how homosexuality has one iota to do with pedophilia.

Depends on how you look at it. In the sense they're both sexual perversions, that puts them in the same category. Also the fact that by the law of averages more homosexuals are pedophiles than heteros. Homos have already made the leap in their mind to act out perverted sex acts on each other, so to move on to another form of sexual perversion isn't that hard to do.

actually, the law of averages would dictate that more hetros would be pedos because there are more heteros.

strangely enough, that's the case. the overwhelming majority of pedos are heterosexuals.

i won't bother taking up the bullshit about having made the choice to be gay, except to say that lots of gay men are rich, travel a lot, eat and drink the best food and booze, shower their lovers with all kinds of expensive gifts...

and i still can't bring myself to fuck one.

go figure
I fail to see how homosexuality has one iota to do with pedophilia.

Depends on how you look at it. In the sense they're both sexual perversions, that puts them in the same category. Also the fact that by the law of averages more homosexuals are pedophiles than heteros. Homos have already made the leap in their mind to act out perverted sex acts on each other, so to move on to another form of sexual perversion isn't that hard to do.

actually, the law of averages would dictate that more hetros would be pedos because there are more heteros.

strangely enough, that's the case. the overwhelming majority of pedos are heterosexuals.

i won't bother taking up the bullshit about having made the choice to be gay, except to say that lots of gay men are rich, travel a lot, eat and drink the best food and booze, shower their lovers with all kinds of expensive gifts...

and i still can't bring myself to fuck one.

go figure

Modified quote to remove spacing

Actually, true pedophillia is exclusive to both heterosexuality and homosexuality, which requires attraction to sexually mature members of the same or opposite sex.

When it comes to pederasty, however, the base sexuality is still there, i.e. most pederasts show a propensity towards either same or opposite sex attraction.

The confusion often results from the erroneous blanket use of pedophillia for any pre age of consent attraction or sexual relations. Attraction to a below age person post puberty is not classical pedophillia, but pederasty. If one looks at a large percentage of the church scandals, it is pederasty, specifically male homosexual pederasty that is the specific deviancy that is occuring.
I fail to see how homosexuality has one iota to do with pedophilia.

Depends on how you look at it. In the sense they're both sexual perversions, that puts them in the same category. Also the fact that by the law of averages more homosexuals are pedophiles than heteros. Homos have already made the leap in their mind to act out perverted sex acts on each other, so to move on to another form of sexual perversion isn't that hard to do.

The idea that homosexuality is a perversion is your personal opinion and nothing more. Furthermore, pedophilia is typically not consensual as many children are coerced or physically forced into the act. Nobody is forced to be gay by another individual. The two are not even on the same playing field.

Where is your evidence that pedophiles tend to be homosexual? Maybe that's true, maybe not, but it still doesn't change what I said.

Sorry, but yes, homosexuality IS a sexual perversion, and why you're having a hard time dealing with the reality of facts here.

You can google, as I have, pedophilia, and it will break down how many of what group are pedophiles. And yes there are more hetero peds than homo del, but, BY AVERAGE, get that, BY AVERAGE, there are more homosexual pedophiles than hetero.

Then there's the LEGAL aspect. Yes when you take into consideration that homosexuality can be between two consenting adults, that's all fine and dandy. But the point is that not that long ago it was just as disgusting to the masses of the earth as those purporting their disgust to pedophilia now. The peds have patiently bide their time watching the homosexuals wage war against anyone who dared challenge them, and now it's their turn to do the same thing, and they are. It has started. And one of their weapons they'll use is the argument that their perversion isn't any more disgusting or repugnant than the homosexuals is, and who are you to decide? You a hypocrite?
That being said, from a legal perspective the two are 100% different, and from a moral perspective there are a significant portion of moral codes that accept adult homosexuality as, if not normal, at least as something to be tolerated. There are very few moral codes out there that accept pedophillia.

Very true, but, that's exactly what the peds are out to change.

It is pedo's or pederasts? NAMBLA always struck me as more of an organization of pederasts, attracted to adolescent or post adolescent boys, not pre adolescent boys.
Homosexuality and Bi sexuality have been arround as long as man has.

So has pedophilia. Just ask muslims.

Your point is moot.

It may be an abberation from procreation of the species plan but man is a pack animal and pack members ( even gay and bi ones) add to the survivability of the pack.
By what means?


You know , they help fight the wolves and help gather the food.

Do you understand pack mentalilty?
Homosexuality and Bi sexuality have been arround as long as man has.

So has pedophilia. Just ask muslims.

Your point is moot.

It may be an abberation from procreation of the species plan but man is a pack animal and pack members ( even gay and bi ones) add to the survivability of the pack.
By what means?


You know , they help fight the wolves and help gather the food.

Do you understand pack mentalilty?

I rarely understand YOU.
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Homosexuality and Bi sexuality have been arround as long as man has.

So has pedophilia. Just ask muslims.

Your point is moot.

It may be an abberation from procreation of the species plan but man is a pack animal and pack members ( even gay and bi ones) add to the survivability of the pack.
By what means?


You know , they help fight the wolves and help gather the food.

Do you understand pack mentalilty?

Try not to use the word "pack" when discussing homosexuality.

Especially "pack-mentality".
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You just threw any cred you may have ever had completely down the shitter. You are now a full fledged, 100%, leftist hack.

why? the first closet homos that come to mind are Republicans,Larry Craig and Mark Foley.

The thread isn't about left or right, or Barney Frank or Anthony's Weiner. It's about acceptance of perversion, who it is that's accepting it, how it is they pick and chose which perversion they're going to accept, and how they accept one perversion and not another without being a full fledged hypocrite and/or a bigot.

So why are you in denial over your latent homosexuality?
Homosexuality and Bi sexuality have been arround as long as man has.

So has pedophilia. Just ask muslims.

Your point is moot.

It may be an abberation from procreation of the species plan but man is a pack animal and pack members ( even gay and bi ones) add to the survivability of the pack.
By what means?


You know , they help fight the wolves and help gather the food.

Do you understand pack mentalilty?

every time i read one of your posts, i understand it a little better.
why? the first closet homos that come to mind are Republicans,Larry Craig and Mark Foley.

The thread isn't about left or right, or Barney Frank or Anthony's Weiner. It's about acceptance of perversion, who it is that's accepting it, how it is they pick and chose which perversion they're going to accept, and how they accept one perversion and not another without being a full fledged hypocrite and/or a bigot.

So why are you in denial over your latent homosexuality?

Get the dick out of your mouth FAGBLOW... I can't understand a word you're saying.
The thread isn't about left or right, or Barney Frank or Anthony's Weiner. It's about acceptance of perversion, who it is that's accepting it, how it is they pick and chose which perversion they're going to accept, and how they accept one perversion and not another without being a full fledged hypocrite and/or a bigot.

So why are you in denial over your latent homosexuality?

Get the dick out of your mouth FAGBLOW... I can't understand a word you're saying.

More latent homosexuality, projecting your dream srex with Gingrich.
why? the first closet homos that come to mind are Republicans,Larry Craig and Mark Foley.

The thread isn't about left or right, or Barney Frank or Anthony's Weiner. It's about acceptance of perversion, who it is that's accepting it, how it is they pick and chose which perversion they're going to accept, and how they accept one perversion and not another without being a full fledged hypocrite and/or a bigot.

The first step is to consider consent. Since our society has laws that base the ability to give consent on age, we can eliminate pedophilia from an "acceptable perversion", as consent cannot be legally given by one of the two parties. The same applies to bestiality as animals cannot give legal consent. We can also eliminate sex acts that are coerced, as again, you have the implied lack of consent.

The next step is sexual acts that are not included in the above catagories, but are conducted in public. Society has decided that this is a "no-no", and thus illegal.

Finally are sex acts done in private. Here is where the debate really occurs, as the acts themeselves are between consenting people, are done out of sight, and have no real detrimental effect on society as a whole. Some of them are, however, banned by certain moral codes, and those who adhere to those codes often have detrimental views on those who practice said acts.

I don't think the actual act matters to some.

Folks sometimes think two straight guys eating at a fancy restaurant must be Gay. Course if one is older and the other is sporting a muscle shirt it's a dead givaway. And if both are bald with rings in their face that indicates something as well.

But still, the constant reminders of homosexuality tend to make it difficult for straight guys to maintain close friendships these days. People tend to talk.

Some guys think you're Gay if you've read Pride & Prejudice.
Why are you Gay if you're in the Navy but not the Marines?
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It must be a sad thing to see a really nice looking lady and all you can think about is puffing on a pecker.

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