Liberals are supporting and encouraging violence against Trump

Both on this board and across the US Liberals are in support of violence directed at Trump and his supporters. It is shameful and it will have consequences. As deafening silence comes from the White House and from those running for the democratic party nomination. This will cause those on the fence to come off of it in support of a man they may not know if they support or not. It proves that Illegals and liberals are arm in arm in an attempt to silence the very bedrock of our election process.

There is no parallel with the right. No right wing group has mounted dozens of attacks against police and peaceful political rallies.

Remember when the left claimed the Tea party was violent? They could not actually find any examples other then fabricated ones but there was much gnashing of teeth and calls for the Government to step in.

Obama is part of this violence he has spoken against Trump at several events and has encouraged the violence by his silence and his own attacks. As has Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

Further the left wing press has claimed that the violence being perpetrated AGAINST Trump is some how his own fault. While saying nothing against or about the unlawful threats damage and attacks by left wing radicals.

You want war, keep it up you may just get it.

no. most "liberals" and any other people don't condone violence.

but you might want to look at drumpf saying things like "try not to hurt [protesters] but if you do, don't worry, i'll pay your legal bills" to see where the problem started.


If those who speak and represent the views of liberals vocalize and publicly (with strong language) condemn those actions of protesters who disagree with Trump, only then would you be able to say that. Our nation has already become devided through the rhetoric of Obama focusing on those who oppose him rather than speeches that demonstrate and backup this myth that democrats are capable of reaching across the isle in compromise to find common ground. We don't have a president or administration who recognizes the differences among the views of the voters and is representative to the needs of all the people, only to those who agree to his own ideology. This is the irony behind those who claim Trump is arrogant, cocky, and has created so much division across this nation through his political views.

that would be "divided". that said.... where were the right-wingers when trump said he'd pay the legal bills for anyone who injured a protester?

the answer: like you, they didn't give a flying....

the irony in your post is amusing. but your nic says everything anyone needs to know about you.... :rolleyes:

So your reasoning for there being a lack of a public condemnation of the violence of those from the left protesting Trump, is that he was going to pay legal fees of any supporter who fights back of a liberal hating antagonizer anyways? LMAO!! This is why any liberal who claims that the those who speak for their left-wing Democratic Party, doesn't condone hostile confrontation or violence at a Trump rally amounts to nothing less than simply BS.
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