Land of the Freebies, Home of the Enslaved


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This sums it up. The numbers are scary. How can anyone say we're not being transformed into a socialist country.

Land of the Freebies, Home of the Enslaved
[ame=]Land of The Freebies, Home of the Enslaved - YouTube[/ame]
Enslaved? This is what passes as discourse on the right? Scared bitches crying of being a future victim of future Slavery?
Enslaved? This is what passes as discourse on the right? Scared bitches crying of being a future victim of future Slavery?

The Federal Income Tax Payers are the slave of the "gimmie gimmie" crowd. The leecher society.
"the government WANTS you dependent on government" gotta ask why....

....if you answer the queston WHY? honestly.... you will be for smaller government....unless you LIKE being one of the managed herd....from which kind of light bulb you can use and how many hours you can turn it on... to which kind of transport you can use and when... to how much and which kind of food the government will put on your table....
Enslaved? This is what passes as discourse on the right? Scared bitches crying of being a future victim of future Slavery?

The Federal Income Tax Payers are the slave of the "gimmie gimmie" crowd. The leecher society.

So why don't you 'Conservatives' get a job. I mean we in the blue states are really getting tired of supporting your lazy asses
"the government WANTS you dependent on government" gotta ask why....

....if you answer the queston WHY? honestly.... you will be for smaller government....unless you LIKE being one of the managed herd....from which kind of light bulb you can use and how many hours you can turn it on... to which kind of transport you can use and when... to how much and which kind of food the government will put on your table....

Oh my, the mandate for increased energy efficiency is not a wise move? You really like paying for ever increasing energy costs?

As the distance between your toes and the those of the next persons decrease, your freedoms decrease. Just a fact of life.
Socialists/Progressives need the People to be dependent on Government. It's how they can achieve complete ownership of the People. They are creating Millions & Millions of Entitlement slaves. It's everything our Country isn't about. It's sad.
Entitlement Slaves are future Democratic Party Voters. It's no coincidence they want as many slaves as possible. Do the Math.
People who realize that government of the people, by the people, for the people is a good thing tend to be Democrats, those who believe in government of the corperations, by the corperation, for the very wealthy tend to be Libertarians and Teabaggers.
People who realize that government of the people, by the people, for the people is a good thing tend to be Democrats, those who believe in government of the corperations, by the corperation, for the very wealthy tend to be Libertarians and Teabaggers.

:lmao: such BS

The Obama admin hired the mortgage crooks lets others completely off the hook.
If you want to know what road we're headed down...find a copy of a book called The Road to Serfdom and read it. If you have an earnest bone in your WILL see it!
As a senior citizen who started work at age 16 paying FICA for approximately 74 years almost without break, I hope no one is including us in this scenario. Nothing gets my back up more than a know-nothing accusing Seniors of being on the government tit. For not only did I contribute to FICA all those years, I also forked over a goodly portion of my paycheck to pay Federal Income Tax.

If I were to calculate the amount paid into this system over the 74 years along with reasonable interest that would normally accrue on money, the total might approximate a small lottery win. Nor is Medicare a freebie - out of my monthly stipend (which is around $1600) $167 is deducted for Medicare, $15 for Part D Prescription and $79 for Supplemental insurance for a grand total of $261. That's about 16% of my total monthly income. Fortunately I am a very healthy 75-year young person. I take a generic high blood pressure medication and baby aspirin, which doesn't cost $15 a month. But if I drop this insurance, I cannot reinstate it again.

And the next time anyone decides to blame someone for the ever-decreasing funds in the Social Security coffers, look to that pilfering bunch of criminals commonly referred to as Congress. Over the years, Congress has "dipped" into FICA, which they never bothered to repay. Now that the shit has hit the fan, that thieving group wants to aim it somewhere else by blaming everyone but themselves. The usual SNAFU

Seniors are often confused with non-citizens, who are able to get medical care and draw SSDI (Disability) simply because their children were born here. They have never contributed one thin dime to the system, yet they draw out of it. Proving that those on whom we've relied to look out for our interests are brain dead.

The U.S. is the only country in the world that grants citizenship to a child born to parents illegally in the country. As long as nonsensical laws like that remain, how on earth could we ever get a handle on illegals. The answer, we can't.

Another freebie gripe are those women whose career path is having as many illegitimate babies as it takes to support them. By no means do I propose instituting any measures interfering with an individual's procreation rights. But the bottomless well aka Welfare needs to be capped at some point in this regeneration; I suggest at 2. It should also be mandatory and prerequisite that those applying for Welfare certify they have exhausted all efforts to find and make the male party in this tango monetarily responsible.

And last but not least, fiscal responsibility must become the bellwether by which those we elect to represent us be measured when re-election time rolls around. If these representatives have not acted and voted in a fiscally responsible manner, they should be cut from the team. There is always a fresh crew ready to step up, suit up and take a turn at bat.

Thank you for reading this, if you did and sorry for the rant.
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Socialists/Progressives need the People to be dependent on Government. It's how they can achieve complete ownership of the People. They are creating Millions & Millions of Entitlement slaves. It's everything our Country isn't about. It's sad.

That sums it up well. Those who don't get it are likely the ones who support socialism because they hate capitalism and wealthy people. They can always apply to one of the socialist countries for citizenship, or try sneaking in through their borders and see how that goes. I'm sick of the far left trying to change America so they can dictate to the rest of us how we should live.
It reflects poorly on you that while the rest of us consider ourselves Americans living in a great country, you consider yourselves slaves.

Well if you don't like living here, leave. Jesus Christ.

Nothing much has changed in this country for decades.
Enslaved? This is what passes as discourse on the right? Scared bitches crying of being a future victim of future Slavery?

The Federal Income Tax Payers are the slave of the "gimmie gimmie" crowd. The leecher society.

So why don't you 'Conservatives' get a job. I mean we in the blue states are really getting tired of supporting your lazy asses

My time is past. I now to depend on ewe. You get a job.

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