Kristi Yamaguchi


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I can't blame many or most of you for not paying much attention to another celebrity who wrote a kid's book. It's sort of a rite of passage at this point; is it not?

Anyway, Kristi Yamaguich is the latest to do so and I have no opinion of the book. I will say that I have been a distant admirer of her athletic accomplishments. I especially like the relatively classy way she has handled her fame compared to so many other athletes. Setting that aside, I was heartened to see what I saw on her website just now.

I'm not sure if she is a first or second generation American (or 3rd, 4th, or fifth for that matter) but I can say with a lot of confidence that there is a Japanese lineage somewhere in her past. So on her website, you think you'd see some sort of over-the-top mention of aid for Japan during this period of their history when they are recovering from double tragedies. I didn't see a single mention of it anywhere on her homepage.

I just looked at the home page and there may be endless icons pleading with you to assist after word. I'm certainly not saying you shouldn't give to aid them. I'm certainly not saying that she is "anti aid" but I was glad to see that she kept it in context; she's an American and felt no greater pressure to take up a cause due to her last name.

Maybe she should, maybe she shouldn't...I don't know but it is good to see that in this overly PC world; not every one in the public eye donning the "red ribbon" because it just may mean one more book sale or one more pair of eyes looking at them.

You Go Kristi!:clap2:
I get so damned sick of bumper stickers and colorful ribbon patriotism and social movements.

Usually not because I object to what they represent but because that is ALL that people typically do, and then they think themselves part of the solution.
Kristi is intelligent enough to comprehend that her jpnese ( No A's) ancestors got what they voted for....just like murkins did. They voted for it. Their wish came through. I'm sad for the children.
Only morons would stick a nuke plant in a place like that......or ALLOW it.
Nuke plants should be built in non earthquake areas. That leaves out Planet Earth.
I get so damned sick of bumper stickers and colorful ribbon patriotism and social movements.

Usually not because I object to what they represent but because that is ALL that people typically do, and then they think themselves part of the solution.

I think you summed up what I was trying to say better than I was. It was refreshing to see someone not automatically jump on every cause as a way of saying..."look how socially aware I am!"

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