July expected to be hottest month ever recorded

Global warming denier trigger warning.
Remember when Donald Trump suggested that the fact that the Macy's parade was chilly was proof against Global warming?

He tweets about local weather about city blocks near 34th street, but when it comes to weather about a larger area (like you know, the planet as a whole), his tweets are nowhere to be seen.
July expected to be the Earth's hottest month on record
Here in Texas, where I live, right now it's usually 100+ for days. We have had one of the mildest summers in a long while with early morning temps yesterday dropping to 61 with highs in the upper 80's to low nineties.
Are you saying temperatures dropped to 61 in Texas? Or in your county?
It clearly says "where I live". I realize most liberals like to play word games but just try reading what the fuck was posted.
In the neighboring where you live? You live in Texas. It's it Texas as whole? A certain county only?
Explain, and provide a source too.
Global warming denier trigger warning.
Remember when Donald Trump suggested that the fact that the Macy's parade was chilly was proof against Global warming?

He tweets about local weather about city blocks near 34th street, but when it comes to weather about a larger area (like you know, the planet as a whole), his tweets are nowhere to be seen.
July expected to be the Earth's hottest month on record
Here in Texas, where I live, right now it's usually 100+ for days. We have had one of the mildest summers in a long while with early morning temps yesterday dropping to 61 with highs in the upper 80's to low nineties.
Are you saying temperatures dropped to 61 in Texas? Or in your county?
It clearly says "where I live". I realize most liberals like to play word games but just try reading what the fuck was posted.
In the neighboring where you live? You live in Texas. It's it Texas as whole? A certain county only?
Explain, and provide a source too.
STFU troll.
Donnie claims when it’s cold, global warming is bs.

You claim when it’s hot, global warming is real.

Could be you both are dummies.
Regularly breaking the "hottest month ever" record is not quite the same as a chilly day on Thanksgiving.

Please try to be serious.
Donnie claims when it’s cold, global warming is bs.

You claim when it’s hot, global warming is real.

Could be you both are dummies.
Regularly breaking the "hottest month ever" record is not quite the same as a chilly day on Thanksgiving.

Please try to be serious.
We had some record breaking cold last winter. Does that count?
Just to clarify, you just stated that last winter was the coldest winter recorded in the USA. Correct?
Everyone in this thread will be dead and gone in 100 years or less. Most, MUCH less.
Nothing you can do about it. Nothing. Knock yourselves out.
I'm gonna worry about where I put my "shaker of salt", and enjoy this MAGArita with a twist of lime.

Ahhhhhhhhh ;)
Donnie claims when it’s cold, global warming is bs.

You claim when it’s hot, global warming is real.

Could be you both are dummies.
Regularly breaking the "hottest month ever" record is not quite the same as a chilly day on Thanksgiving.

Please try to be serious.
We had some record breaking cold last winter. Does that count?
I can explain why it does if you are willing to listen.
Donnie claims when it’s cold, global warming is bs.

You claim when it’s hot, global warming is real.

Could be you both are dummies.
Regularly breaking the "hottest month ever" record is not quite the same as a chilly day on Thanksgiving.

Please try to be serious.
We had some record breaking cold last winter. Does that count?
I can explain why it does if you are willing to listen.
I’m willing to listen and will refrain from criticizing.
Donnie claims when it’s cold, global warming is bs.

You claim when it’s hot, global warming is real.

Could be you both are dummies.
Regularly breaking the "hottest month ever" record is not quite the same as a chilly day on Thanksgiving.

Please try to be serious.
We had some record breaking cold last winter. Does that count?
Just to clarify, you just stated that last winter was the coldest winter recorded in the USA. Correct?
No. However some localities around the world, did break records for cold temps. It happens nearly every winter somewhere on the globe.
Donnie claims when it’s cold, global warming is bs.

You claim when it’s hot, global warming is real.

Could be you both are dummies.
Regularly breaking the "hottest month ever" record is not quite the same as a chilly day on Thanksgiving.

Please try to be serious.
We had some record breaking cold last winter. Does that count?
Just to clarify, you just stated that last winter was the coldest winter recorded in the USA. Correct?
No. However some localities around the world, did break records for cold temps. It happens nearly every winter somewhere on the globe.
"some localities" broke cold records. How many localities broke heat records?
Donnie claims when it’s cold, global warming is bs.

You claim when it’s hot, global warming is real.

Could be you both are dummies.
Regularly breaking the "hottest month ever" record is not quite the same as a chilly day on Thanksgiving.

Please try to be serious.
We had some record breaking cold last winter. Does that count?
I can explain why it does if you are willing to listen.
I’m willing to listen and will refrain from criticizing.
You are perfectly welcome to criticize as long as it's more intelligent than "nuh uh" or "but it's cold, so much for global warming".

So, the polar jet stream, also known as the polar vortex, is a band of high speed winds circling the north pole. The band is powered by the temperature differences between northern and southern latitudes. The Arctic is warming faster than the more southern part of the globe, reducing the temperature differential that powers the polar jet, so it is getting weaker. The weaker jet is not as stable, occasionally developing large dips and ripples. But the air on the northern side of the stream is still polar air, and even though it's a few degrees warmer than normal it's still sub zero air. When one of those ripples drops far enough south to impact the US it brings that sub zero polar air with it, bringing record cold by way of global warming.

The floor is now open for questions and comments.
When one of those ripples drops far enough south to impact the US it brings that sub zero polar air with it, bringing record cold by way of global warming.

The floor is now open for questions and comments.
You truly are ignorant.
Would you care to explain how and where my explanation is incorrect?

"But it's cold in Timbuktu" is not an answer.
Cons don't talk about earth. They talk about morning temperatures in their front yards.
And what do you talk about, that maybe, just maybe, there is a chance that the world will go up in a ball of fire next month, and when that month arrives, and we point out how cold it is, you stammer what? Where is your science? Where is your fantasy scenario? Why did it not happen, as you stated!

The Arctic is not setting record highs.

New England certainly is very much cold, relative to recent years past.

All across the USA, people are reporting, it is really a cold july.

And what do you post in reply, where is your science? Where is the intellect in your responses, as to why you were flat out wrong?

Even in Brazil, they are experiencing record cold.

At best, you can only cite a few cities that were hot, and then try to extrapolate that into equaling a whole continent.
Would you care to explain how and where my explanation is incorrect?

"But it's cold in Timbuktu" is not an answer.
The Jet Stream and the Polar Vortex are two completely different things. You did not know that, you state they are the same thing. Hence, you are very much ignorant of what you speak of.
Lol, they are not. You don't even know that, and you call me ignorant?

Get lost kid.

As previously stated, "but it's cold in Walla Walla" is not a response.
The Jet Stream and the Polar Vortex are two completely different things.
Lol, they are not. You don't even know that, and you call me ignorant?

Here is the defintion, of both the Polar Vortex and the Jet Stream. From different sources. As you can see neither says the Polar Vortex is the Jet Stream. They are two different animals. Not the same thing as you think. I do not expect you to admit you are wrong, you have a lot invested in your false opinion.
What Is a Polar Vortex? | NOAA SciJinks – All About Weather
A polar vortex is a low pressure area—a wide expanse of swirling cold air—that is parked in polar regions.
The science behind the polar vortex | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The polar vortex is a large area of low pressure and cold air surrounding the Earth's North and South poles. The term vortex refers to the counter-clockwise flow of air that helps keep the colder air close to the poles (left globe).

NWS JetStream - The Jet Stream
Jet streams are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere. The winds blow from west to east in jet streams but the flow often shifts to the north and south. Jet streams follow the boundaries between hot and cold air.

Here is another quote, showing that the terms are used to describe separate things that do interact with one another.
What Is a Polar Vortex? | NOAA SciJinks – All About Weather
Regular, strong polar vortex with fairly stable jet stream (left) compared to the early 2014 weak polar vortex with a detached low pressure system over the United States and wavy jet stream (right).

Sorry if I was hard on you, calling you ignorant. But with a wealth of information at your fingertips it really is pretty stupid, very ignorant, and just plain idiotic to not know the difference between the polar vortex and the various jet streams.
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The Jet Stream and the Polar Vortex are two completely different things.
Lol, they are not. You don't even know that, and you call me ignorant?

Here is the defintion, of both the Polar Vortex and the Jet Stream. From different sources. As you can see neither says the Polar Vortex is the Jet Stream. They are two different animals. Not the same thing as you think. I do not expect you to admit you are wrong, you have a lot invested in your false opinion.
What Is a Polar Vortex? | NOAA SciJinks – All About Weather
A polar vortex is a low pressure area—a wide expanse of swirling cold air—that is parked in polar regions.
The science behind the polar vortex | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
The polar vortex is a large area of low pressure and cold air surrounding the Earth's North and South poles. The term vortex refers to the counter-clockwise flow of air that helps keep the colder air close to the poles (left globe).

NWS JetStream - The Jet Stream
Jet streams are relatively narrow bands of strong wind in the upper levels of the atmosphere. The winds blow from west to east in jet streams but the flow often shifts to the north and south. Jet streams follow the boundaries between hot and cold air.

Here is another quote, showing that the terms are used to describe separate things that do interact with one another.
What Is a Polar Vortex? | NOAA SciJinks – All About Weather
Regular, strong polar vortex with fairly stable jet stream (left) compared to the early 2014 weak polar vortex with a detached low pressure system over the United States and wavy jet stream (right).

Sorry if I was hard on you, calling you ignorant. But with a wealth of information at your fingertips it really is pretty stupid, very ignorant, and just plain idiotic to not know the difference between the polar vortex and the various jet streams.
The jet stream is the edge of the polar vortex. I suppose you could say they were separate things in the same way the the peel and the fruit of an orange are seperate things. But remember, they are all still an orange.

Stop splitting hairs.

Your links, BTW confirm my explanation.

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