Jews oppose Iran Nuclear deal 2 to 1

Obama's declares...

Iran deal closer to reality as U.S. prepares sanctions waivers

"I hereby direct you to take all necessary steps to give effect to the U.S. commitments with respect to sanctions described in (the Iran deal)," U.S. President Barack Obama said in a memo to the secretaries of state, treasury, commerce and energy released by the White House press office.

Iran deal closer to reality as U.S. prepares sanctions waivers
You visit Iran sickly boy. I'm sure we could raise enough money on this board alone to pay for your trip

Hey, you know guy, here's the thing. I don't move to someone else's country because a magic sky pixie told me to. That would be you guys.

You can visit Israel...Lets see you visit the country you champion..say the word, we'll take up a collection for you to send you there

78% of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country

The poll was taken among participants in an online panel of 501 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult Jewish population in Israel. The poll, which was taken Wednesday, has a 4.2 percent margin of error.

The percentage saying that the deal would endanger Israel was 78%. Fifteen percent said it does endanger Israel and 7% did not know.

Seventy-one percent said the deal would bring Iran closer to a military nuclear capability. Twelve percent said it would distance Iran and 17% did not know.

Poll 78 of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

New Survey of Jewish Americans Shows Opposition to Iran Deal Increases With More Knowledge of Arguments

The more Jewish Americans know about the Iran nuclear deal the less they like it, a new poll first seen exclusively byThe Algemeiner showed.

The survey of 1,034 people was conducted by Olive Tree Strategies on behalf of pro-Israel advocacy group The Israel Project. It claims a margin of error of 3 percent, and is the most extensive yet to be conducted on the issue. It comes as a wide array of U.S. Jewish groups have announced opposition to the deal, which is believed to endanger Israel and U.S. security.

In the survey, which was divided into three parts, respondents were first quizzed about their position on the deal based on their current knowledge without being provided any further information — 47 percent said they oppose it and 44 percent were in favor.

Asked if Congress should “approve the deal and lift sanctions on Iran,” 40 percent said yes while 45 percent said no.

New Survey of Jewish Americans Finds the More They Know About Iran Deal the More They Oppose It Jewish Israel News

EVERYONE knows that any Jew who is not a ZIONUT is not a real Jew and their views ought not to be posted in USMB.

I am going to recommend that this post be removed to the "Badlands"

Did mommy give your the fat crayons today?
That's awsome. I can't wait to buy genuine Iranian Pistachios again.
The carpets are top-notch! Better than anywhere else in the Middle East, and vastly superior to Asian and Indian carpets, with their cheap inks.

Iranian, Egyptian, Turkish are what you want.
Obama's declares...

Iran deal closer to reality as U.S. prepares sanctions waivers

"I hereby direct you to take all necessary steps to give effect to the U.S. commitments with respect to sanctions described in (the Iran deal)," U.S. President Barack Obama said in a memo to the secretaries of state, treasury, commerce and energy released by the White House press office.

Iran deal closer to reality as U.S. prepares sanctions waivers
Thank you, President Obama (praise be unto Him!)
You can visit Israel...Lets see you visit the country you champion..say the word, we'll take up a collection for you to send you there

So let me get this stragiht. People in the middle east hate Americans because of all the SHIT you Zionists do .... you know, like THIS


and you wonder why the place isn't safe for Americans- including Israel, where you could get knifed.

What a perverted view.
You can visit Israel...Lets see you visit the country you champion..say the word, we'll take up a collection for you to send you there

So let me get this stragiht. People in the middle east hate Americans because of all the SHIT you Zionists do .... you know, like THIS


and you wonder why the place isn't safe for Americans- including Israel, where you could get knifed.

What a perverted view.
You'd be more likely to be shot in Chicago, then knifed in Israel sickly boy:slap:
You'd be more likely to be shot in Chicago, then knifed in Israel sickly boy

Not really. Statistically, 5 Zionists getting gutted like pigs is the equivlent to 200 americans getting killed. That was a point a whiny pro-Zionist made when trying to justify why the Zionists are shooting Arabs in the street.

Here's the thing, guy. I don't live in the part of Chicago where I'm not wanted. I don't insist I have a right to live there because an imaginary fairy in the sky said so.
You'd be more likely to be shot in Chicago, then knifed in Israel sickly boy

Not really. Statistically, 5 Zionists getting gutted like pigs is the equivlent to 200 americans getting killed. That was a point a whiny pro-Zionist made when trying to justify why the Zionists are shooting Arabs in the street.

Here's the thing, guy. I don't live in the part of Chicago where I'm not wanted. I don't insist I have a right to live there because an imaginary fairy in the sky said so.

It's doubtful idiots like you are wanted in any part of Chicago stupid, white boy. You cheer as islamonazi's stab old women and children :slap:

Jewish Groups Decry Atomic Agency Decision to End Probe Into Military Dimensions of Iran’s Nuclear Program


Jewish groups decried a decision by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Wednesday to close its probe of Iran’s nuclear program.

The Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations (CoP), a nonprofit umbrella representing 51 groups nationwide, said “many questions remain unanswered” regarding Iran’s previous nuclear work, especially after a leaked copy of the IAEA report closing the investigation revealed Iran had continued some activities as late as 2009.

The Conference of Presidents said it was concerned that the IAEA had failed to establish an adequate baseline from which to progress in lifting sanctions and upholding the agreements of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the deal agreed upon by Iran and six world powers last July.

International inspectors from the IAEA will be responsible for ensuring Iran remains within the parameters of the JCPOA and other nuclear agreements for all future nuclear work.

Jewish Groups Decry Atomic Agency Decision to End Probe Into Military Dimensions of Iran’s Nuclear Program

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