Jews oppose Iran Nuclear deal 2 to 1


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010

78% of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country

The poll was taken among participants in an online panel of 501 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult Jewish population in Israel. The poll, which was taken Wednesday, has a 4.2 percent margin of error.

The percentage saying that the deal would endanger Israel was 78%. Fifteen percent said it does endanger Israel and 7% did not know.

Seventy-one percent said the deal would bring Iran closer to a military nuclear capability. Twelve percent said it would distance Iran and 17% did not know.

Poll 78 of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

New Survey of Jewish Americans Shows Opposition to Iran Deal Increases With More Knowledge of Arguments

The more Jewish Americans know about the Iran nuclear deal the less they like it, a new poll first seen exclusively byThe Algemeiner showed.

The survey of 1,034 people was conducted by Olive Tree Strategies on behalf of pro-Israel advocacy group The Israel Project. It claims a margin of error of 3 percent, and is the most extensive yet to be conducted on the issue. It comes as a wide array of U.S. Jewish groups have announced opposition to the deal, which is believed to endanger Israel and U.S. security.

In the survey, which was divided into three parts, respondents were first quizzed about their position on the deal based on their current knowledge without being provided any further information — 47 percent said they oppose it and 44 percent were in favor.

Asked if Congress should “approve the deal and lift sanctions on Iran,” 40 percent said yes while 45 percent said no.

New Survey of Jewish Americans Finds the More They Know About Iran Deal the More They Oppose It Jewish Israel News

78% of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country

The poll was taken among participants in an online panel of 501 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult Jewish population in Israel. The poll, which was taken Wednesday, has a 4.2 percent margin of error.

The percentage saying that the deal would endanger Israel was 78%. Fifteen percent said it does endanger Israel and 7% did not know.

Seventy-one percent said the deal would bring Iran closer to a military nuclear capability. Twelve percent said it would distance Iran and 17% did not know.

Poll 78 of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

New Survey of Jewish Americans Shows Opposition to Iran Deal Increases With More Knowledge of Arguments

The more Jewish Americans know about the Iran nuclear deal the less they like it, a new poll first seen exclusively byThe Algemeiner showed.

The survey of 1,034 people was conducted by Olive Tree Strategies on behalf of pro-Israel advocacy group The Israel Project. It claims a margin of error of 3 percent, and is the most extensive yet to be conducted on the issue. It comes as a wide array of U.S. Jewish groups have announced opposition to the deal, which is believed to endanger Israel and U.S. security.

In the survey, which was divided into three parts, respondents were first quizzed about their position on the deal based on their current knowledge without being provided any further information — 47 percent said they oppose it and 44 percent were in favor.

Asked if Congress should “approve the deal and lift sanctions on Iran,” 40 percent said yes while 45 percent said no.

New Survey of Jewish Americans Finds the More They Know About Iran Deal the More They Oppose It Jewish Israel News

EVERYONE knows that any Jew who is not a ZIONUT is not a real Jew and their views ought not to be posted in USMB.

I am going to recommend that this post be removed to the "Badlands"

Well there ya have it. The Jews have spoken.

Iran doesn't need nuclear weapons to annihilate Israel. Sure they would be mighty intimidating and a convenient and expedient method of destruction. But if they really wanted and needed to, they'd get the job done just the same.
AIPAC is hardly a right wing group,but they are gathering their forces to oppose the Iran deal:cool-45:

he pro-Israel group Aipac has formed a tax-exempt lobbying group to oppose the nuclear deal reached this week with Iran.

Aipac, an acronym for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has been a vocal critic of President Obama’s policies toward Israel and his negotiations with Iran. The new group, Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, was formed with the sole mission of educating the public “about the dangers of the proposed Iran deal,” said Patrick Dorton, a spokesman.

“This will be a sizable and significant national campaign on the flaws in the Iran deal,” Mr. Dorton said.

A person who had been briefed on the plan said the group planned to spend upward of $20 million on the effort. Another person familiar with the campaign said advertising was planned in 30 to 40 states. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to reveal details of the campaign.

The new group is starting up as Mr. Obama and the White House are mounting a major push to sell the accord on Capitol Hill, where members of Congress will have 60 days to review it and hold an up-or-down vote once it is submitted. Most Republicans have declared their opposition and some Democrats have voiced skepticism, raising the possibility that Congress could vote to reject the deal and that Mr. Obama might not have enough votes to sustain a veto of a disapproval resolution.
Aipac hardly a right wing group opposes Iran deal:cool-45:

The pro-Israel group Aipac has formed a tax-exempt lobbying group to oppose the nuclear deal reached this week with Iran.

Aipac, an acronym for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has been a vocal critic of President Obama’s policies toward Israel and his negotiations with Iran. The new group, Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, was formed with the sole mission of educating the public “about the dangers of the proposed Iran deal,” said Patrick Dorton, a spokesman.

“This will be a sizable and significant national campaign on the flaws in the Iran deal,” Mr. Dorton said.

A person who had been briefed on the plan said the group planned to spend upward of $20 million on the effort. Another person familiar with the campaign said advertising was planned in 30 to 40 states. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to reveal details of the campaign.
Aipac hardly a right wing group opposes Iran deal:cool-45:

The pro-Israel group Aipac has formed a tax-exempt lobbying group to oppose the nuclear deal reached this week with Iran.

Aipac, an acronym for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, has been a vocal critic of President Obama’s policies toward Israel and his negotiations with Iran. The new group, Citizens for a Nuclear Free Iran, was formed with the sole mission of educating the public “about the dangers of the proposed Iran deal,” said Patrick Dorton, a spokesman.

“This will be a sizable and significant national campaign on the flaws in the Iran deal,” Mr. Dorton said.

A person who had been briefed on the plan said the group planned to spend upward of $20 million on the effort. Another person familiar with the campaign said advertising was planned in 30 to 40 states. Both spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to reveal details of the campaign.

AIPAC Spy Nest Exposed

by Justin Raimondo, August 06, 2005

The other shoe has finally dropped in the case of the spy scandal involving the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
One of Obama's pet Jews now heads ADL:uhh: I believe he supports Obama's Iran deal

White House aide Jonathan Greenblatt to succeed Abe Foxman as ADL chief

– The Anti-Defamation League’s new national director will be social entrepreneur Jonathan Greenblatt — a special assistant to President Obama who earlier in his career co-founded the bottled water brand Ethos.

Greenblatt, 43, will succeed Abraham Foxman, who announced in February that he would be stepping down effective July 2015. Foxman, 74, has been the ADL’s national director since 1987.

The news was first reported by JTA on Thursday and followed shortly afterward by a formal announcement at the ADL’s annual meeting in Los Angeles.

White House aide Jonathan Greenblatt to succeed Abe Foxman as ADL chief Jewish Telegraphic Agency

78% of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country

The poll was taken among participants in an online panel of 501 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult Jewish population in Israel. The poll, which was taken Wednesday, has a 4.2 percent margin of error.

The percentage saying that the deal would endanger Israel was 78%. Fifteen percent said it does endanger Israel and 7% did not know.

Seventy-one percent said the deal would bring Iran closer to a military nuclear capability. Twelve percent said it would distance Iran and 17% did not know.

Poll 78 of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

New Survey of Jewish Americans Shows Opposition to Iran Deal Increases With More Knowledge of Arguments

The more Jewish Americans know about the Iran nuclear deal the less they like it, a new poll first seen exclusively byThe Algemeiner showed.

The survey of 1,034 people was conducted by Olive Tree Strategies on behalf of pro-Israel advocacy group The Israel Project. It claims a margin of error of 3 percent, and is the most extensive yet to be conducted on the issue. It comes as a wide array of U.S. Jewish groups have announced opposition to the deal, which is believed to endanger Israel and U.S. security.

In the survey, which was divided into three parts, respondents were first quizzed about their position on the deal based on their current knowledge without being provided any further information — 47 percent said they oppose it and 44 percent were in favor.

Asked if Congress should “approve the deal and lift sanctions on Iran,” 40 percent said yes while 45 percent said no.

New Survey of Jewish Americans Finds the More They Know About Iran Deal the More They Oppose It Jewish Israel News

It takes away the excuse for invading Iran. Of course they're against it.
Why doesn't America have a powerful lobbying group in Israel demanding that Israel come do something about the cartels in Central and South America? Hmm?

It's only fair right? :cool:
What's Israel's opinion on the US raising its minimum wage?


Obama is not president of the world

78% of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country

The poll was taken among participants in an online panel of 501 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult Jewish population in Israel. The poll, which was taken Wednesday, has a 4.2 percent margin of error.

The percentage saying that the deal would endanger Israel was 78%. Fifteen percent said it does endanger Israel and 7% did not know.

Seventy-one percent said the deal would bring Iran closer to a military nuclear capability. Twelve percent said it would distance Iran and 17% did not know.

Poll 78 of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

New Survey of Jewish Americans Shows Opposition to Iran Deal Increases With More Knowledge of Arguments

The more Jewish Americans know about the Iran nuclear deal the less they like it, a new poll first seen exclusively byThe Algemeiner showed.

The survey of 1,034 people was conducted by Olive Tree Strategies on behalf of pro-Israel advocacy group The Israel Project. It claims a margin of error of 3 percent, and is the most extensive yet to be conducted on the issue. It comes as a wide array of U.S. Jewish groups have announced opposition to the deal, which is believed to endanger Israel and U.S. security.

In the survey, which was divided into three parts, respondents were first quizzed about their position on the deal based on their current knowledge without being provided any further information — 47 percent said they oppose it and 44 percent were in favor.

Asked if Congress should “approve the deal and lift sanctions on Iran,” 40 percent said yes while 45 percent said no.

New Survey of Jewish Americans Finds the More They Know About Iran Deal the More They Oppose It Jewish Israel News

It takes away the excuse for invading Iran. Of course they're against it.

Who wants to invade? who purposed that plan? :dunno:
Why doesn't America have a powerful lobbying group in Israel demanding that Israel come do something about the cartels in Central and South America? Hmm?

It's only fair right? :cool:
They do Obamas leftist buddies invest the place
Why doesn't America have a powerful lobbying group in Israel demanding that Israel come do something about the cartels in Central and South America? Hmm?

It's only fair right? :cool:
They do Obamas leftist buddies invest the place
No they don't you nutjob. Please switch the places of the U.S. and Israeli flags in your signature, so it better reflects your loyalties.
Why doesn't America have a powerful lobbying group in Israel demanding that Israel come do something about the cartels in Central and South America? Hmm?

It's only fair right? :cool:
They do Obamas leftist buddies invest the place
No they don't you nutjob. Please switch the places of the U.S. and Israeli flags in your signature, so it better reflects your loyalties.

Make me:lol:... Most Americans support Israel sorry if that offends you The Iran suck up deal is bad for this country as well.:evil:
Who wants to invade? who purposed that plan? :dunno:

The right want to invade. I'll assume you mean proposed that plan, well, the right. Iran is another OPEC country that opposed the US and they want the leader gone.

2002 - OPEC Venezuela, a US supported and funded coup d'etat ultimately failed.
2003 - OPEC Iraq, Invasion.
2011 - OPEC LIbya, Gaddafi got rid of.

Venezuela's still there with it's govt that doesn't like the US. Sanctions were imposed recently.
Iran's still there. Sanctions have been in place for a while.
Obama appeases Iran before he appeases Iran:wtf:

Obama Admin Excluded Iran from Threat Assessment

Critics say administration downplaying threat to appease Islamic Republic

Leading U.S. officials are expressing concern about newly disclosed efforts by the Obama administration to play down the terrorism threat posed by Iran in an official report issued this year.

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper admitted in a recent letter to top senators that the administration wrongly excluded references to the global terrorism threat posed by Iran and its terror affiliate Hezbollah in the 2015 World Threat Assessment of the U.S. Intelligence Community.

“A specific reference to the terrorist threat from Iran and Hizballah—which was not included in any of the drafts of the testimony [offered before lawmakers]—would have been appropriate for the 2015 Assessment, but the lack of its inclusion is in no way a change in the [intelligence community’s] assessment,” Clapper wrote in a June 3 letter to top senators.

Clapper’s letter came in response to an earlier letter from a delegation of senators who were seeking to discover why the Obama administration excluded references to Iran’s global terrorist operations.

Obama Admin Excluded Iran from Threat Assessment Washington Free Beacon

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