Jews oppose Iran Nuclear deal 2 to 1

It's a purely political issue. Been stoking the fires of fear and hate over it for at least 25 years. Only alt to this deal or any deal is a military strike and every analyst-site online has said that wouldn't work and only ensure they seek nukes. Yet the naysayers are all talking like that's the best solution. Only people for a military solution all seem to make a lot of money from such things.

And that's a good point. The same characters have been claiming that Iran was a year or two away from getting a bomb for 25 years now, but Iran doesn't seem that keen on getting a bomb,really.

The real problem with iran is not whether or not they have a bomb (nuclear weapons are pretty much unusable when everyone else has them) but the fact that they are extending their influence to Yemen, Syria and Iraq, places where our meddling and desire for "Democracy" gave them oppurtunities.
It's a purely political issue. Been stoking the fires of fear and hate over it for at least 25 years. Only alt to this deal or any deal is a military strike and every analyst-site online has said that wouldn't work and only ensure they seek nukes. Yet the naysayers are all talking like that's the best solution. Only people for a military solution all seem to make a lot of money from such things.

And that's a good point. The same characters have been claiming that Iran was a year or two away from getting a bomb for 25 years now, but Iran doesn't seem that keen on getting a bomb,really.

The real problem with iran is not whether or not they have a bomb (nuclear weapons are pretty much unusable when everyone else has them) but the fact that they are extending their influence to Yemen, Syria and Iraq, places where our meddling and desire for "Democracy" gave them oppurtunities.

Also worth noting, the US gave Iran their nuclear reactors back when their government was our bitch. Then after the Revolution, we suddenly didn't like them any more and their nuclear program was objectionable.

It was Uncle Sam who first gave Iran nuclear equipment

"A nuclear reactor was sold to Iran as part of President Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" program."

How the United States helped Iran set up its nuclear program

"The story of Iran's interest in nuclear technology goes back to the 1950s.

Iran was then being led by the young shah, who had been installed in power in 1953 after a CIA-led coup against the elected government of Mohamad Mossadeq. The then US president, Dwight Eisenhower, who had sanctioned the coup, introduced a program called Atoms for Peace.

Mohammad Sahimi, an expert on chemical and petroleum engineering from the University of Southern California, says the United States intended, through this program, to share its nuclear technology with developing countries like Iran for peaceful uses of nuclear energy."

Born In The USA: How America Created Iran's Nuclear Program

"It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It was part of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program, an initiative to provide countries with peaceful, civilian nuclear technologies in the hope that they wouldn't pursue military nuclear programs.

The beneficiaries included Israel, India, Pakistan — and Iran, then ruled by a U.S.-backed monarch, Shah Reza Pahlavi."

So maybe what all the fury over Iran's nuclear program's really about is trying to fix yet another foreign policy fuckup.
It's a purely political issue. Been stoking the fires of fear and hate over it for at least 25 years. Only alt to this deal or any deal is a military strike and every analyst-site online has said that wouldn't work and only ensure they seek nukes. Yet the naysayers are all talking like that's the best solution. Only people for a military solution all seem to make a lot of money from such things.

And that's a good point. The same characters have been claiming that Iran was a year or two away from getting a bomb for 25 years now, but Iran doesn't seem that keen on getting a bomb,really.

The real problem with iran is not whether or not they have a bomb (nuclear weapons are pretty much unusable when everyone else has them) but the fact that they are extending their influence to Yemen, Syria and Iraq, places where our meddling and desire for "Democracy" gave them oppurtunities.

Also worth noting, the US gave Iran their nuclear reactors back when their government was our bitch. Then after the Revolution, we suddenly didn't like them any more and their nuclear program was objectionable.

It was Uncle Sam who first gave Iran nuclear equipment

"A nuclear reactor was sold to Iran as part of President Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" program."

How the United States helped Iran set up its nuclear program

"The story of Iran's interest in nuclear technology goes back to the 1950s.

Iran was then being led by the young shah, who had been installed in power in 1953 after a CIA-led coup against the elected government of Mohamad Mossadeq. The then US president, Dwight Eisenhower, who had sanctioned the coup, introduced a program called Atoms for Peace.

Mohammad Sahimi, an expert on chemical and petroleum engineering from the University of Southern California, says the United States intended, through this program, to share its nuclear technology with developing countries like Iran for peaceful uses of nuclear energy."

Born In The USA: How America Created Iran's Nuclear Program

"It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It was part of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program, an initiative to provide countries with peaceful, civilian nuclear technologies in the hope that they wouldn't pursue military nuclear programs.

The beneficiaries included Israel, India, Pakistan — and Iran, then ruled by a U.S.-backed monarch, Shah Reza Pahlavi."

So maybe what all the fury over Iran's nuclear program's really about is trying to fix yet another foreign policy fuckup.
Somehow I suspect things have changed just a tad in 50 years. Ya think?
It's a purely political issue. Been stoking the fires of fear and hate over it for at least 25 years. Only alt to this deal or any deal is a military strike and every analyst-site online has said that wouldn't work and only ensure they seek nukes. Yet the naysayers are all talking like that's the best solution. Only people for a military solution all seem to make a lot of money from such things.

And that's a good point. The same characters have been claiming that Iran was a year or two away from getting a bomb for 25 years now, but Iran doesn't seem that keen on getting a bomb,really.

The real problem with iran is not whether or not they have a bomb (nuclear weapons are pretty much unusable when everyone else has them) but the fact that they are extending their influence to Yemen, Syria and Iraq, places where our meddling and desire for "Democracy" gave them oppurtunities.

Also worth noting, the US gave Iran their nuclear reactors back when their government was our bitch. Then after the Revolution, we suddenly didn't like them any more and their nuclear program was objectionable.

It was Uncle Sam who first gave Iran nuclear equipment

"A nuclear reactor was sold to Iran as part of President Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" program."

How the United States helped Iran set up its nuclear program

"The story of Iran's interest in nuclear technology goes back to the 1950s.

Iran was then being led by the young shah, who had been installed in power in 1953 after a CIA-led coup against the elected government of Mohamad Mossadeq. The then US president, Dwight Eisenhower, who had sanctioned the coup, introduced a program called Atoms for Peace.

Mohammad Sahimi, an expert on chemical and petroleum engineering from the University of Southern California, says the United States intended, through this program, to share its nuclear technology with developing countries like Iran for peaceful uses of nuclear energy."

Born In The USA: How America Created Iran's Nuclear Program

"It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It was part of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program, an initiative to provide countries with peaceful, civilian nuclear technologies in the hope that they wouldn't pursue military nuclear programs.

The beneficiaries included Israel, India, Pakistan — and Iran, then ruled by a U.S.-backed monarch, Shah Reza Pahlavi."

So maybe what all the fury over Iran's nuclear program's really about is trying to fix yet another foreign policy fuckup.
Somehow I suspect things have changed just a tad in 50 years. Ya think?

Yes, our bitch puppet government isn't our bitch any more.
I have bored this board for years about the fact that I read Nazi propaganda pamphlets as a child LONG LONG ago-------If I had not-----I would not known anything about "arab" or "islam" as a child-------Nazis, in their writings----way back in the 50s and in the decades before the 50s-----were already TIGHT with muslims and
islam-------at least the islam of arabs. Without Nazi propaganda I would have not known that SYRIA and LEBANON are not Christian countries somewhere out there----"overseas"

So the fact you were ignorant as a child excuses you are ignorant as an adult?

Here's the news flash. The Zionists ARE the Nazis today. The Zionists are like an abused child who has gotten big enough to beat up on someone else.

as a ten year old child-------more than 50 years ago-----I did not know much of anything about Lebanon or
Syria-------I did know that both somehow have ancient histories-------YOU, joe dear------knew nothing at all
about those countries at age 10. Your comment is idiotic When I grew up a bit and worked in
as hospital with lots of muslim and indian young doctors in training---------my adult (like middle aged)
co workers had no idea what a "hindu" vs a "muslim' vs a "sikh" was---------people like you
Joe. For my time and age I was damned sophisticated----------a pathetic fact but true.
as a ten year old child-------more than 50 years ago-----I did not know much of anything about Lebanon or
Syria-------I did know that both somehow have ancient histories-------YOU, joe dear------knew nothing at all
about those countries at age 10. Your comment is idiotic When I grew up a bit and worked in
as hospital with lots of muslim and indian young doctors in training---------my adult (like middle aged)
co workers had no idea what a "hindu" vs a "muslim' vs a "sikh" was---------people like you
Joe. For my time and age I was damned sophisticated----------a pathetic fact but true.

so how come you are an intolerant bigot now if you were so "enlightened" back then?
It's a purely political issue. Been stoking the fires of fear and hate over it for at least 25 years. Only alt to this deal or any deal is a military strike and every analyst-site online has said that wouldn't work and only ensure they seek nukes. Yet the naysayers are all talking like that's the best solution. Only people for a military solution all seem to make a lot of money from such things.

And that's a good point. The same characters have been claiming that Iran was a year or two away from getting a bomb for 25 years now, but Iran doesn't seem that keen on getting a bomb,really.

The real problem with iran is not whether or not they have a bomb (nuclear weapons are pretty much unusable when everyone else has them) but the fact that they are extending their influence to Yemen, Syria and Iraq, places where our meddling and desire for "Democracy" gave them oppurtunities.

Also worth noting, the US gave Iran their nuclear reactors back when their government was our bitch. Then after the Revolution, we suddenly didn't like them any more and their nuclear program was objectionable.

It was Uncle Sam who first gave Iran nuclear equipment

"A nuclear reactor was sold to Iran as part of President Eisenhower's "Atoms for Peace" program."

How the United States helped Iran set up its nuclear program

"The story of Iran's interest in nuclear technology goes back to the 1950s.

Iran was then being led by the young shah, who had been installed in power in 1953 after a CIA-led coup against the elected government of Mohamad Mossadeq. The then US president, Dwight Eisenhower, who had sanctioned the coup, introduced a program called Atoms for Peace.

Mohammad Sahimi, an expert on chemical and petroleum engineering from the University of Southern California, says the United States intended, through this program, to share its nuclear technology with developing countries like Iran for peaceful uses of nuclear energy."

Born In The USA: How America Created Iran's Nuclear Program

"It seemed like a good idea at the time.

It was part of President Eisenhower's Atoms for Peace program, an initiative to provide countries with peaceful, civilian nuclear technologies in the hope that they wouldn't pursue military nuclear programs.

The beneficiaries included Israel, India, Pakistan — and Iran, then ruled by a U.S.-backed monarch, Shah Reza Pahlavi."

So maybe what all the fury over Iran's nuclear program's really about is trying to fix yet another foreign policy fuckup.
Somehow I suspect things have changed just a tad in 50 years. Ya think?

Yes, our bitch puppet government isn't our bitch any more.

78% of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country

The poll was taken among participants in an online panel of 501 respondents representing a statistical sample of the adult Jewish population in Israel. The poll, which was taken Wednesday, has a 4.2 percent margin of error.

The percentage saying that the deal would endanger Israel was 78%. Fifteen percent said it does endanger Israel and 7% did not know.

Seventy-one percent said the deal would bring Iran closer to a military nuclear capability. Twelve percent said it would distance Iran and 17% did not know.

Poll 78 of Jewish Israelis say Iran deal endangers country - Middle East - Jerusalem Post

New Survey of Jewish Americans Shows Opposition to Iran Deal Increases With More Knowledge of Arguments

The more Jewish Americans know about the Iran nuclear deal the less they like it, a new poll first seen exclusively byThe Algemeiner showed.

The survey of 1,034 people was conducted by Olive Tree Strategies on behalf of pro-Israel advocacy group The Israel Project. It claims a margin of error of 3 percent, and is the most extensive yet to be conducted on the issue. It comes as a wide array of U.S. Jewish groups have announced opposition to the deal, which is believed to endanger Israel and U.S. security.

In the survey, which was divided into three parts, respondents were first quizzed about their position on the deal based on their current knowledge without being provided any further information — 47 percent said they oppose it and 44 percent were in favor.

Asked if Congress should “approve the deal and lift sanctions on Iran,” 40 percent said yes while 45 percent said no.

New Survey of Jewish Americans Finds the More They Know About Iran Deal the More They Oppose It Jewish Israel News

Good thing we don't have democracies huh.

Good explanation of the issues involved here. If your offering your ignorant opinion, keep it to yourself. Learn about the actual treaty and issues, then say something if you wish. But if your 'intelligence briefing' is just regurgitating whatever someone on tv said for the love of god stfu.

Debating the Iran nuclear deal: A former American negotiator outlines the battleground issues

I know about the fake ass treaty you idiot.... Go back to your pedophilia and gay sex boy... Stick to what you know link?

As I thought. You're dismissed.

An idiot thinks he won an argument:uhoh3:..Muslims slaughtering each other all over the middle east and all you can thing about is Jews:eusa_wall:
Who brought up Jews?
See your own post 686...Those EVIL Jews!
The word Jew isn't in any of those headlines, dope.
Sure, Israeli is NOT a code word for Jew...Nope; no way, no how!
Is America a code word for Christian?

Israel is a secular, not religious, government.

Now, what else can I teach you today?
And how many of these incidents involve beheadings for wearing different color underwear?

Nope...Beheadings/No Beheadings
OK, moron, I'll play: link to Palestinians beheading Israelis.

Thank God Muslims only behead each other; and on occasion a non-Muslim reporter.
But I guess you missed those YouTube videos.
Jews...they only stab and dump their bodies in caves.

muslims behead lots and lots of people------It would be good if they would
stop but the fact is it would be ok if the next head in the gutter would
be someone important to you------or you. ----they like to leave the heads of
little girls in the gutter
Then good Muslims should put a stop to it!
An idiot thinks he won an argument:uhoh3:..Muslims slaughtering each other all over the middle east and all you can thing about is Jews

We have 16,000 murders a year in this country, very few of them committed by Muslims.

the thing is, the Middle East is not our problem. Stop making it our problem.

crimes in this country has nothing to do with issues in foreign lands------You have
no idea how many of the murders in the USA are committed by muslims. -----Such
statistics actually do not exist. Lots of murders are committed in the USA by muslims-----lots and lots. USA jails are chock full of the meccaist pigs
Why doesn't Saudi Arabia do something about all the murders in the United States????

See how silly that sounds?
An idiot thinks he won an argument:uhoh3:..Muslims slaughtering each other all over the middle east and all you can thing about is Jews:eusa_wall:
Who brought up Jews?
See your own post 686...Those EVIL Jews!
The word Jew isn't in any of those headlines, dope.
Sure, Israeli is NOT a code word for Jew...Nope; no way, no how!
Is America a code word for Christian?

Israel is a secular, not religious, government.

Now, what else can I teach you today?

Is America a code word for Christian? Nope; We are, based on our Federal Constitution, a secular nation.

Israel is NOT a secular nation.

Now, what else can I teach you today?
crimes in this country has nothing to do with issues in foreign lands------You have
no idea how many of the murders in the USA are committed by muslims. -----Such
statistics actually do not exist. Lots of murders are committed in the USA by muslims-----lots and lots. USA jails are chock full of the meccaist pigs

That's true. The Zionist pigs in this country are good at avoiding accountability.

So why is any of this my problem again?

I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?
What does this have to do with Israel soving Israeli problems, Muslims solving Muslim problems, and leaving American sons and daughters out of it?
crimes in this country has nothing to do with issues in foreign lands------You have
no idea how many of the murders in the USA are committed by muslims. -----Such
statistics actually do not exist. Lots of murders are committed in the USA by muslims-----lots and lots. USA jails are chock full of the meccaist pigs

That's true. The Zionist pigs in this country are good at avoiding accountability.

So why is any of this my problem again?

I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?
What does this have to do with Israel soving Israeli problems, Muslims solving Muslim problems, and leaving American sons and daughters out of it?

America need not concern itself with the Middle East.
Due to oil and economics, American need concern itself with Russian concerning itself with the Middle East.
Israel is NOT a secular nation.
Educate yourself, moron:

"Israel is formally a secular, democratic state, the only one in the Middle East besides Turkey, but its calendar and rhythm are deliberately Jewish in the same way that the calendars and rhythms of the states of the Christian world are Christian, and of the Muslim world, Muslim.

Is Israel a Secular State? - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Seriously, are you out of your fucking mind?
Are you just a plain fucking idiot?
Try making Aliyah as a non-Jew and see how far you get.
crimes in this country has nothing to do with issues in foreign lands------You have
no idea how many of the murders in the USA are committed by muslims. -----Such
statistics actually do not exist. Lots of murders are committed in the USA by muslims-----lots and lots. USA jails are chock full of the meccaist pigs

That's true. The Zionist pigs in this country are good at avoiding accountability.

So why is any of this my problem again?

I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?
What does this have to do with Israel soving Israeli problems, Muslims solving Muslim problems, and leaving American sons and daughters out of it?

America need not concern itself with the Middle East.
Due to oil and economics, American need concern itself with Russian concerning itself with the Middle East.

I do not understand international economics-------I do not even understand domestic economics-----I never
even took economic 101 ----what are your credentials?
Israel is NOT a secular nation.
Educate yourself, moron:

"Israel is formally a secular, democratic state, the only one in the Middle East besides Turkey, but its calendar and rhythm are deliberately Jewish in the same way that the calendars and rhythms of the states of the Christian world are Christian, and of the Muslim world, Muslim.

Is Israel a Secular State? - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Seriously, are you out of your fucking mind?
Are you just a plain fucking idiot?
Try making Aliyah as a non-Jew and see how far you get.
How many more links would you like, moron?
crimes in this country has nothing to do with issues in foreign lands------You have
no idea how many of the murders in the USA are committed by muslims. -----Such
statistics actually do not exist. Lots of murders are committed in the USA by muslims-----lots and lots. USA jails are chock full of the meccaist pigs

That's true. The Zionist pigs in this country are good at avoiding accountability.

So why is any of this my problem again?

I am fascinating by the Nazi shit that persistently attack jews but HIDE their
own ethnic background. I am a middle aged jewish woman----born in the USA
of two jewish parents ----also born in the USA-------I am not ashamed of my background---
I, certainly, do not spit and shit on "other groups" whilst remaining "anonymous"
behind my keyboard--------from what were you spawned Joe? ----btw----did I suggest
that anything going on in the world is YOUR problem?
What does this have to do with Israel soving Israeli problems, Muslims solving Muslim problems, and leaving American sons and daughters out of it?

America need not concern itself with the Middle East.
Due to oil and economics, American need concern itself with Russian concerning itself with the Middle East.

I do not understand international economics-------I do not even understand domestic economics-----I never
even took economic 101 ----what are your credentials?

I have a Masters in Legal Forensics and I worked for 16 years on Wall Street in Banks and Investment firms as a Financial Applications Systems Analyst and Developer; in other words I worked with everyone from the Managing Director to actually making everything happen on the screen, the reports and communicating data between departments and financial institutions.
Israel is NOT a secular nation.
Educate yourself, moron:

"Israel is formally a secular, democratic state, the only one in the Middle East besides Turkey, but its calendar and rhythm are deliberately Jewish in the same way that the calendars and rhythms of the states of the Christian world are Christian, and of the Muslim world, Muslim.

Is Israel a Secular State? - Israeli-Palestinian Conflict -

Seriously, are you out of your fucking mind?
Are you just a plain fucking idiot?
Try making Aliyah as a non-Jew and see how far you get.
How many more links would you like, moron?

As long as they're not self-hating Jewish sites loaded with lies.

Now...Try applying for Aliyah as a non-Jew and see how far you get.
There's nothing like real life to set one straight.

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