Is science the root of all evil?


VIP Member
Dec 1, 2014
Science has given us the technology to make nuclear weapons, two world wars, concentration camps, pollution, sweatshops, and man made disease.

Seems to be the cause of more death and destruction than anything else, much more so than religion. Ancient people lived simple harmonious lives without science and technology; but just like when Adam ate the Forbidden fruit, they got greedy and weren't content with what they had; instead of relying on God's natural laws, they turned to the devil and used his forbidden knowledge to create all of the hardships that are in the world today.

Abolishing the scientific method and institutions entirely and returning to a primitive lifestyle might therefore be the way to right the wrongs in the world; even religious wars never would have been feasible had science not given them the weapons they used to take lives..
What has god ever given us besides war and idiocy? Science has doubled our life span, increased our ability to feed our selfs and made life a thousand times more comfortable.
Primitive people today still live to be 70 years old in their natural environments; science just fixes the problems it causes, like lifespans shortened due to pollution and human meddling with nature.

God is far more evil be he real or not for what he allows his follows to do to other people.
But if atheists today blame religion for the Crusades and Inquisition, then why shouldn't science be blamed for nuclear weapons, pollution, etc?
Science is not evil. It can be a tool for evil. There are many tools that can be used for evil. Science itself is no more evil than are guns or drugs or asphalt roads.
Science is not evil. It can be a tool for evil. There are many tools that can be used for evil. Science itself is no more evil than are guns or drugs or asphalt roads.
Like it or though science has the bigger body count than religion. And even theocracies haven't killed as many as communist regimes.
Science is not evil. It can be a tool for evil. There are many tools that can be used for evil. Science itself is no more evil than are guns or drugs or asphalt roads.
Like it or though science has the bigger body count than religion. And even theocracies haven't killed as many as communist regimes.
If science is such an evildoer, what are you doing using the internet? Enjoying some of Satan's fruits? :D
Science is evil this I know cause the talking snake tells me so...................
But if atheists today blame religion for the Crusades and Inquisition, then why shouldn't science be blamed for nuclear weapons, pollution, etc?
Science functions in the matrix of a society ,,,our society is very primitive when it comes to morality and loving one another ...this is a failure of Religion to expand moral and large Religion supports wars and killings ....
Science has given us the technology to make nuclear weapons, two world wars, concentration camps, pollution, sweatshops, and man made disease.

Seems to be the cause of more death and destruction than anything else, much more so than religion. Ancient people lived simple harmonious lives without science and technology; but just like when Adam ate the Forbidden fruit, they got greedy and weren't content with what they had; instead of relying on God's natural laws, they turned to the devil and used his forbidden knowledge to create all of the hardships that are in the world today.

Abolishing the scientific method and institutions entirely and returning to a primitive lifestyle might therefore be the way to right the wrongs in the world; even religious wars never would have been feasible had science not given them the weapons they used to take lives..
Slight disagreement.

First and foremost, God created the Universe and all the natural laws within it.

Science is the study of those natural laws. That's all science does is study God's creation. Since God is beyond the natural Universe aka super-natural, science cannot and will not study what is beyond the natural universe.

While science, by its very limits of studying natural phenomena, cannot study God, I think anyone who studies God needs to also understand the basics of God's creation.

Introduction to the Scientific Method
Introduction to the Scientific Method

The scientific method is the process by which scientists, collectively and over time, endeavor to construct an accurate (that is, reliable, consistent and non-arbitrary) representation of the world.

Recognizing that personal and cultural beliefs influence both our perceptions and our interpretations of natural phenomena, we aim through the use of standard procedures and criteria to minimize those influences when developing a theory. As a famous scientist once said, "Smart people (like smart lawyers) can come up with very good explanations for mistaken points of view." In summary, the scientific method attempts to minimize the influence of bias or prejudice in the experimenter when testing an hypothesis or a theory.
Science is not evil. It can be a tool for evil. There are many tools that can be used for evil. Science itself is no more evil than are guns or drugs or asphalt roads.
Agreed 100%. God gave mankind free agency. It's how people decide to use those tools that determines whether or not good is being done with them.

On a side discussion, there are two ways evil can be perceived: as a force by itself or as simply the absence of "good" aka God's grace. If it's a force by itself, then this is a force God created. If it's simply a lack of God's grace, it's a choice. Lucifer chose to move out of the light of God into the darkness. The same goes for anyone who chooses to move away from good. Evil is a choice, not a force. Something can't be "evil", but people can choose to move out of the light.
Science is not evil. It can be a tool for evil. There are many tools that can be used for evil. Science itself is no more evil than are guns or drugs or asphalt roads.
Like it or though science has the bigger body count than religion. And even theocracies haven't killed as many as communist regimes.
Science is running amok killing people! Wrong. Science does not kill people anymore than theocracy kills people. You are missing the core point that it is people using science or theocracy or whatever, to do harm. The root of evil lies in the action of people.
Like it or though science has the bigger body count than religion. And even theocracies haven't killed as many as communist regimes.
In both cases it's people doing the killing, not inanimate objects and tools.
leave an inanimate gun object near a toddler...lets see what happens ...the gun will not kill him the child is quite safe

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