Is it time for Article Five Convention of States?


Active Member
Apr 19, 2017
Let's face it folks, our corrupt government and biased liberal media has finally managed to kick the proverbial can so far down the road it went over a cliff and rolled into hell.

When states, judges, and the majority of governmental agencies go rogue and break basically every law to over rule the president especially regarding issues people elected him to fix, it's definitely time to vote for Article five convention of states.

For those who don't know, this was a loophole if you will which was put in place by our founding fathers just for a time like this when some in government would become so overwhelmingly corrupt and powerful, that their leadership might for all intents and purposes change the three party system to a one party dictatorship which is what happened recently to Venezuela. Given the power the left has managed to achieve, partnered with states that refuse to abide by the laws of the land to the point of becoming sanctuary cities, it's easy to see if liberals get back into office, they'll ensure they're never ousted again.

Twelve states have already opted into Article five so we're one third of the way there! We need this to happen people because as you can see, this country is never going to get back on tract until it does. And YOU can help make this happen by contacting your congressmen and women to let them know you want your state to join the crusade.

Surely after witnessing the incessant barrage of in your face corruption that's happening which is every day aired by a completely biased left wing media, other conservative state legislators will opt to do the same. But if not and nothing is done, at the current rate thing's are going, the country will continue to decay until it's too late to do anything about it. What's really scary is that even though the GOP have taken all three branches of government this past election, the left still continues to run the country and have the last say which is power of the worst kind. Just think what will happen if they win back those branches!

Anyone unclear what this will mean and what's on the horizon for America, only needs to observe what's happening in Venezuela whose citizens have been calling America radio stations to warn people the U.S. is heading in the same direction. They had a booming economy just like this nation not that long ago but are now living in hell fighting among themselves daily just to survive.

So I'll bet you're wondering what Article 5 convention of states is, right? Well I'm glad you asked because I just happened to enclose a nice link which explains it in detail, please read and afterwards contact your congressmen and women.

Oh and incidentally Mark Levin who is an attorney, conservative radio host, staunch patriot, and a brilliant man in my opinion, brought this to my attention and now I'm passing it on in hopes of saving this once great nation that used to belong to "WE THE PEOPLE"!

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You actually think that the fat senile old orange clown will be President two years down the road? By the way, where is your link?
Let's face it folks, our corrupt government and biased liberal media has finally managed to kick the proverbial can so far down the road it went over a cliff and rolled into hell.

When states, judges, and the majority of governmental agencies go rogue and break basically every law to over rule the president especially regarding issues people elected him to fix, it's definitely time to vote for Article five convention of states.

For those who don't know, this was a loophole if you will which was put in place by our founding fathers just for a time like this when some in government would become so overwhelmingly corrupt and powerful, that their leadership might for all intents and purposes change the three party system to a one party dictatorship which is what happened recently to Venezuela. Given the power the left has managed to achieve, partnered with states that refuse to abide by the laws of the land to the point of becoming sanctuary cities, it's easy to see if liberals get back into office, they'll ensure they're never ousted again.

Twelve states have already opted into Article five so we're one third of the way there! We need this to happen people because as you can see, this country is never going to get back on tract until it does. And YOU can help make this happen by contacting your congressmen and women to let them know you want your state to join the crusade.

Surely after witnessing the incessant barrage of in your face corruption that's happening which is every day aired by a completely biased left wing media, other conservative state legislators will opt to do the same. But if not and nothing is done, at the current rate thing's are going, the country will continue to decay until it's too late to do anything about it. What's really scary is that even though the GOP have taken all three branches of government this past election, the left still continues to run the country and have the last say which is power of the worst kind. Just think what will happen if they win back those branches!

Anyone unclear what this will mean and what's on the horizon for America, only needs to observe what's happening in Venezuela whose citizens have been calling America radio stations to warn people the U.S. is heading in the same direction. They had a booming economy just like this nation not that long ago but are now living in hell fighting among themselves daily just to survive.

So I'll bet you're wondering what Article 5 convention of states is, right? Well I'm glad you asked because I just happened to enclose a nice link which explains it in detail, please read and afterwards contact your congressmen and women.

Oh and incidentally Mark Levin who is an attorney, conservative radio host, staunch patriot, and a brilliant man in my opinion, brought this to my attention and now I'm passing it on in hopes of saving this once great nation that used to belong to "WE THE PEOPLE"!

What laws did anyone break, dupe? Most of Trump's problems have been with fellow GOP, and his promises were stupid ideas based on bs propaganda anyway...
Quite possibly. The House isn't so bad, but the Senate has been gone since Reagan's 2nd Congress.

They need shorter terms and term limits, and no taking bribes!

How are they going to choose to represent the people when corporations can legally give them unlimited bribes?

That's insane!
The only reason you want article 5 is to silence anyone that disagrees with you and do what the president of turkey is doing. You want all the wealth going into the hands of the top 5% so fucking bad that you're willing to shut everyone else up.

I'd take up arms against you before I'd accept that.
Let's face it folks, our corrupt government and biased liberal media has finally managed to kick the proverbial can so far down the road it went over a cliff and rolled into hell.

When states, judges, and the majority of governmental agencies go rogue and break basically every law to over rule the president especially regarding issues people elected him to fix, it's definitely time to vote for Article five convention of states.

For those who don't know, this was a loophole if you will which was put in place by our founding fathers just for a time like this when some in government would become so overwhelmingly corrupt and powerful, that their leadership might for all intents and purposes change the three party system to a one party dictatorship which is what happened recently to Venezuela. Given the power the left has managed to achieve, partnered with states that refuse to abide by the laws of the land to the point of becoming sanctuary cities, it's easy to see if liberals get back into office, they'll ensure they're never ousted again.

Twelve states have already opted into Article five so we're one third of the way there! We need this to happen people because as you can see, this country is never going to get back on tract until it does. And YOU can help make this happen by contacting your congressmen and women to let them know you want your state to join the crusade.

Surely after witnessing the incessant barrage of in your face corruption that's happening which is every day aired by a completely biased left wing media, other conservative state legislators will opt to do the same. But if not and nothing is done, at the current rate thing's are going, the country will continue to decay until it's too late to do anything about it. What's really scary is that even though the GOP have taken all three branches of government this past election, the left still continues to run the country and have the last say which is power of the worst kind. Just think what will happen if they win back those branches!

Anyone unclear what this will mean and what's on the horizon for America, only needs to observe what's happening in Venezuela whose citizens have been calling America radio stations to warn people the U.S. is heading in the same direction. They had a booming economy just like this nation not that long ago but are now living in hell fighting among themselves daily just to survive.

So I'll bet you're wondering what Article 5 convention of states is, right? Well I'm glad you asked because I just happened to enclose a nice link which explains it in detail, please read and afterwards contact your congressmen and women.

Oh and incidentally Mark Levin who is an attorney, conservative radio host, staunch patriot, and a brilliant man in my opinion, brought this to my attention and now I'm passing it on in hopes of saving this once great nation that used to belong to "WE THE PEOPLE"!


Hard right wing conservatives have been pushing this because they want to put their religious crap into the Constitution and force the population to live as they want. It isn't about 'the founders' or 'good government' or anything else, it is about right-wingbats attempting to force their religious dogma on the people.

I say one better, it's time to just break the country up. All the red state hillbillies can go construct their KKK no abortion Fake JesusLand and be happy. Git er done!
Let's face it folks, our corrupt government and biased liberal media has finally managed to kick the proverbial can so far down the road it went over a cliff and rolled into hell.

When states, judges, and the majority of governmental agencies go rogue and break basically every law to over rule the president especially regarding issues people elected him to fix, it's definitely time to vote for Article five convention of states.

For those who don't know, this was a loophole if you will which was put in place by our founding fathers just for a time like this when some in government would become so overwhelmingly corrupt and powerful, that their leadership might for all intents and purposes change the three party system to a one party dictatorship which is what happened recently to Venezuela. Given the power the left has managed to achieve, partnered with states that refuse to abide by the laws of the land to the point of becoming sanctuary cities, it's easy to see if liberals get back into office, they'll ensure they're never ousted again.

Twelve states have already opted into Article five so we're one third of the way there! We need this to happen people because as you can see, this country is never going to get back on tract until it does. And YOU can help make this happen by contacting your congressmen and women to let them know you want your state to join the crusade.

Surely after witnessing the incessant barrage of in your face corruption that's happening which is every day aired by a completely biased left wing media, other conservative state legislators will opt to do the same. But if not and nothing is done, at the current rate thing's are going, the country will continue to decay until it's too late to do anything about it. What's really scary is that even though the GOP have taken all three branches of government this past election, the left still continues to run the country and have the last say which is power of the worst kind. Just think what will happen if they win back those branches!

Anyone unclear what this will mean and what's on the horizon for America, only needs to observe what's happening in Venezuela whose citizens have been calling America radio stations to warn people the U.S. is heading in the same direction. They had a booming economy just like this nation not that long ago but are now living in hell fighting among themselves daily just to survive.

So I'll bet you're wondering what Article 5 convention of states is, right? Well I'm glad you asked because I just happened to enclose a nice link which explains it in detail, please read and afterwards contact your congressmen and women.

Oh and incidentally Mark Levin who is an attorney, conservative radio host, staunch patriot, and a brilliant man in my opinion, brought this to my attention and now I'm passing it on in hopes of saving this once great nation that used to belong to "WE THE PEOPLE"!


Try changing the way people vote, then you will see politicians act differently. The problem is there is no desire to change the corruption, the people are happy to have this corruption.
While I'd like to see it happen just to see what would happen, I doubt we ever will see anything come out of it for two reasons:

1) "Can Congress Block a Convention of States? No. As long as each states applies for a convention that deals with the same issue (i.e., limiting the power and jurisdiction of the federal government), Congress must call the convention. Congress can name the place and the time for the convention. If it fails to exercise this power reasonably, either the courts or the states themselves can override Congressional inaction." 34 states agreeing on a same issue amendment? Hardly.

2) "How are Proposed Amendments Ratified? Thirty-eight states must ratify any proposed amendments. Once states ratify, the amendments become part of the Constitution." Even if 34 states could agree on the same issue, having 38 ratify an amendment would be very unlikely to happen in this present age of a near 50/50 split between Americans.

Just_Saying , what issue do you think the 34 states should come together over which Congress is failing to do?
You actually think that the fat senile old orange clown will be President two years down the road? By the way, where is your link?
He'll be president for the next 4 possibly 8 years.
I think he should just nuke Washington and say fuck you to all of you motherfuckers at 4 years and let Pence deal with you cocksuckers.
The only reason you want article 5 is to silence anyone that disagrees with you and do what the president of turkey is doing. You want all the wealth going into the hands of the top 5% so fucking bad that you're willing to shut everyone else up.

I'd take up arms against you before I'd accept that.

Matthew taking up arms:

Let's face it folks, our corrupt government and biased liberal media has finally managed to kick the proverbial can so far down the road it went over a cliff and rolled into hell.

When states, judges, and the majority of governmental agencies go rogue and break basically every law to over rule the president especially regarding issues people elected him to fix, it's definitely time to vote for Article five convention of states.

For those who don't know, this was a loophole if you will which was put in place by our founding fathers just for a time like this when some in government would become so overwhelmingly corrupt and powerful, that their leadership might for all intents and purposes change the three party system to a one party dictatorship which is what happened recently to Venezuela. Given the power the left has managed to achieve, partnered with states that refuse to abide by the laws of the land to the point of becoming sanctuary cities, it's easy to see if liberals get back into office, they'll ensure they're never ousted again.

Twelve states have already opted into Article five so we're one third of the way there! We need this to happen people because as you can see, this country is never going to get back on tract until it does. And YOU can help make this happen by contacting your congressmen and women to let them know you want your state to join the crusade.

Surely after witnessing the incessant barrage of in your face corruption that's happening which is every day aired by a completely biased left wing media, other conservative state legislators will opt to do the same. But if not and nothing is done, at the current rate thing's are going, the country will continue to decay until it's too late to do anything about it. What's really scary is that even though the GOP have taken all three branches of government this past election, the left still continues to run the country and have the last say which is power of the worst kind. Just think what will happen if they win back those branches!

Anyone unclear what this will mean and what's on the horizon for America, only needs to observe what's happening in Venezuela whose citizens have been calling America radio stations to warn people the U.S. is heading in the same direction. They had a booming economy just like this nation not that long ago but are now living in hell fighting among themselves daily just to survive.

So I'll bet you're wondering what Article 5 convention of states is, right? Well I'm glad you asked because I just happened to enclose a nice link which explains it in detail, please read and afterwards contact your congressmen and women.

Oh and incidentally Mark Levin who is an attorney, conservative radio host, staunch patriot, and a brilliant man in my opinion, brought this to my attention and now I'm passing it on in hopes of saving this once great nation that used to belong to "WE THE PEOPLE"!


Seems like a long winded way of saying that either 2/3 of Congress or 2/3 of the States can propose Constitutional Amendments (with 3/4 of the States needed to ratify). Unfortunately, the 17th Amendment has made it extremely difficult to obtain a 2/3 vote in the Senate, so a Convention called by 2/3 of the States may be the only path towards implementing any permanent governmental reforms.

Otherwise, we will remain hostage to the whims of political hacks dressed in black robes.
The left for the most part, fear an article 5 more than they fear Trump. Why? Ummmm, how many states did Trump win again! See, you answered your own question!

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You actually think that the fat senile old orange clown will be President two years down the road? By the way, where is your link?
He'll be president for the next 4 possibly 8 years.
I think he should just nuke Washington and say fuck you to all of you motherfuckers at 4 years and let Pence deal with you cocksuckers.
1) Disagreed. I strongly doubt a 70 Billionaire wants to put up with all that shit for 2 years much less 8.

2) Nuke Washington? Murder millions of innocent people? Destroy all of our national monuments and treasures there? Why, how Soviet Russian of you. BTW, wouldn't Pence be dead?

As it is, I look forward to the swearing in of President Pence and his VP. Hopefully Rubio, but there are a few others who would be good candidates for POTUS in 2024 to follow Pence.
The left for the most part, fear an article 5 more than they fear Trump. Why? Ummmm, how many states did Trump win again! See, you answered your own question!

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Why would they fear it? Only the truly stupid, on both sides of the aisle, fear it could actually happen. As posted previously, I doubt 34 states could agree on a single agenda and, if they did, I doubt 38 states would ratify it. What single issue do you want to see all of those states agree upon?

This map explains the primary reason why I think an Article 5 convention won't change anything:

You actually think that the fat senile old orange clown will be President two years down the road? By the way, where is your link?

Yeah, I hate it when those links aren't there. I think everyone should have to providing a link for everything. Like at McDonalds. "Want a Big Mac? I'll need five bucks and a link." Like that.

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