If man evolved from monkeys, where are the monkeys that half-evolved into men?

Certainly, there ought to be a species of monkey that had half-evolved into a man, maybe half as smart as men, maybe able to read and write simple sentences, or able to drive a car or ride a horse?

But there is no such species as a half-man, half-monkey.

True, they have been able to teach sign language to apes, but it takes a great deal of human effort to do this, and you must feed apes constantly to keep them interested.

A human baby does not need treats to motivate it to learn, it is motivated by the learning process itself.
They went extinct. Our monkey tribes wiped their monkey tribes out or evolution did it. Climate change. Etc. Natural selection. Consider we know the Neanderthal existed. And their dna is in some of us?

I heard a great line. Why would god have flowers but then snakes behind them? What purpose does a tornado serve? Then it occurred to me.he didn’t make it for us. Why make a world with such wonder then fill it with monsters?

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