I never thought I would hear another democrat say we need to take back control of the border

Feel free to show where I've ever defended an employer who is being prosecuted or fined for hiring illegals, or assuming I agree with everything republicans do.

That's the problem. We aren't going after them. Not since Bush stopped.

And I do believe Obama and Biden go after them more so than Bush did.

That's how we found this

More than 300 minors, including two 10-year-olds, were found working at McDonald’s later and longer than the law permits, a Department of Labor investigation found.

Where is this happening? In blue states? In sactuary cities? Nope! Red states.

Three separate franchisees that oversee more than 60 McDonald’s locations across Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio, employed 305 children "to work more than the legally permitted hours and perform tasks prohibited by law for young workers," the department said Tuesday.

Need more? Remember this story?

Cristhian Rivera, charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death, worked at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family​

We can go deeper and deeper. There are strong political families all over our nation. Like political mafia chieftains. In California the Pelosi's/Newsome/Feinstein/brown family trees rule it. We see what they did to that state as they have a vice lock on it. whether you are for or against it. Most areas have these families no matter their politics. And even if the other side has little power, they still have a say with their families. For all wet their beaks. It is like Dukes and Duchesses.
Same thing happening in California is happen in your state

Rich getting richer
Middle class getting poorer
Prices going up

Don't pick on Cali. I heard in Florida home insurance is unaffordable. And they have a teacher shortage because they don't pay them enough.
If we buy from Venesuela that sort of solves our Russia problem no?

And wouldn't us buying from another source bring prices down from our usual suppliers?

And we can sit on our oil. Use theirs first until they don't have any more.

Our oil isn't going anywhere.

Downward pressure on prices? Isn't that what we want as oil consumers? Are you now crying that oil companies aren't making enough? I'm lost. Clarify what you are saying.

You act like oil is a finite resource, the earth is constantly creating more. Also oil companies, being publicly held corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to make money for their investors. This regime is artificially reducing supply thus keeping prices high, it's effectively a tax on the poor.

Nope. And that's why the government and outside groups are trying to use imminent domain.

I don't know if those three families in Cozumel "OWN" the island like the Dutton's OWN most of Montana. They certainly control the island like the Dutton's control their land.

Those Mexicans fought for it and won it now who is that guide to take what they killed for?

Bullshit, the Duttons don't own most of Montana, and a ski resort, with supporting industries is not a proper use of imminent domain. If it is, citizens have no property rights.

That's the problem. We aren't going after them. Not since Bush stopped.

And I do believe Obama and Biden go after them more so than Bush did.

That's how we found this

More than 300 minors, including two 10-year-olds, were found working at McDonald’s later and longer than the law permits, a Department of Labor investigation found.

Where is this happening? In blue states? In sactuary cities? Nope! Red states.

Three separate franchisees that oversee more than 60 McDonald’s locations across Kentucky, Indiana, Maryland and Ohio, employed 305 children "to work more than the legally permitted hours and perform tasks prohibited by law for young workers," the department said Tuesday.

Need more? Remember this story?

Cristhian Rivera, charged in Mollie Tibbetts' death, worked at a farm owned by a prominent Iowa Republican family​

All I have to say is they should be prosecuted.

200,000 per month aren't coming here to cut lettuce or pluck chickens. Preposterous. Its' for the free stuff. Most of them have many kids......the old lady can never work. The old man can't make enough at entry level jobs to support 4-7 Adults. There was a system in place, it is being ignored for an un-vetted free-for-all.
Don't worry, the party elite will deal with him and flush him out just like they did Bernie, who wasn't really a democrat at all.

Bernie will be flushed back in. The Left got the 'super delegate rule' modified in 2020 over his loss to Biden.

Being mostly stupid doper Burb Brats, they probably think they won one for Uncle Bernie, though.

So what we need to do is do what we did until Bush stopped. We need to go after illegal employers. If they stop breaking the law then all those Mexicans are is tourists.
Treason Is Not a Property Right

Confiscate any business that hires illegals and sell it to a patriot without compensation to the economic traitor. Even give citizenship to any illegal who participates in the sting. Our selfish and self-righteous ruling class must suffer what the Tories here did after the War of Independence.
I went to Cozumel Mexico. Beautiful Island. The guide told me he wants to start his own business but the 3 men/families who own the island control everything and they won't give him permission. Now they don't really OWN the island but they control all the business that goes on there. That needs to be broken up.

But wouldn't Republicans disagree with me? Wouldn't that be government regulating the free market? Those 3 families earned the right to control that island and how dare the government take what they earned.

Same with North Korea. Kim Jung's ancestors remind me of the Dutton's on Yellowstone. Their forefathers earned that land and now the rest of the world wants to take it away from them. Modernize it. Kim Jung will keep it the way it was 1000 years ago. Same for the Dutton's.
Familyism Is Even More Primitive Than Tribalism

Limit inheritance to $100,000 and the spoiled brats won't be able to control anything. The HeirHeads in France controlled everything for a thousand years before some of them met guillotine justice. Hereditary power is the root of all evil. It puts inferior people in superior positions and has destroyed all other civilizations.
Those 3 families are violating the rights of folks like your guide. You only have a right to control what's yours.

Carriers of Affluenza

But it is theirs, if you're peasant enough to believe in inheritance. Those who do believe in that superstitious nonsense hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them. So they identify with Preppies.

I'm sure most Mexicans feel the same way, happy to get stomped on by the hidalgos ("sons of wealth)." That's why they don't belong in America.
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"Between 1999 and 2003, work-site enforcement operations were scaled back 95 percent by the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which subsequently was merged into the Homeland Security Department. The number of employers prosecuted for unlawfully employing immigrants dropped from 182 in 1999 to four in 2003, and fines collected declined from $3.6 million to $212,000, according to federal statistics.

Wonder why he would do that? We know illegals hurt labor. We know illegals help illegal employers, aka THE RICH maximize profits. The rich and these corporations are stealing billions from the middle class.

Do you know who's against this and has been even when you were saying they were only here doing jobs Americans won't do? Unions. So don't blame us for this. Blame Republicans.

The magnet drawing them? Illegal Employers.
The Right Hand Does Know What Its Left Hand Is Doing

Integration of the work force was also motivated by a design to break up the unions by forcing together incompatible groups. Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in.
Carriers of Affluenza

But it is theirs, if you're peasant enough to believe in inheritance. Those who do believe in that superstitious nonsense hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them. So they identify with Preppies.

I'm sure most Mexicans feel the same way, happy to get stomped on by the hidalgos ("sons of wealth)." That's why they don't belong in America.

I'm beginning to wonder if you belong here, and you sound like one that is pissed off at your daddy.

After an HeirHead Meets His Guillotine, There Is Only Air Where His Head Used to Be

Go back to the crumbling castles of Europe where you belong and choke on the dust from the skulls of your guillotined ancestors.

Poor little envious commie, people who provide wanted goods and services tend to get wealthy, you have no right to any of what they earn. And if they wish to pass their wealth to their children or anyone else, it's none of your fucking business.

The Right Hand Does Know What Its Left Hand Is Doing

Integration of the work force was also motivated by a design to break up the unions by forcing together incompatible groups. Leftists are unconscious agents of the Right Wing they were born in.
I think I know what you are saying. Reminds me of gay rights. So they let the left extreme try to shove their agenda down our throats. The right even pushes these stores hard. Stories about one school that has a book about gays in the library. One school teaching CRT and BLM. WOKE. And that one tranny swimming in college against women. The right now uses this as ammo.

But I don't think blacks working at Ford had anything to do with breaking the union. The union got broke when the jobs went to Mexico.

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