How Vicious Will The Backlash Against Romney Be Once He Finally Loses?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
It's all but inevitable at this point, Romney will lose.

I'm starting to notice signs of backing away from prominent GOPers in the media.

Many that aren't blatantly easing off are subtly doing it in order to safely distance themselves from the cluster-fudge that is Romney and his campaign.

Secretly and and behind closed doors all but the most die-hard rabid RWers have accepted this as fact and are setting their sites on 2016.

My question is, how fierce, harsh and swift will the backlash against Romney be publicly once the cold, hard facts are in and he comes up on the dirty end of the stick this election?

How will the USMB RWers react? Can we expect excuses? Can we expect denials?

Personally, I expect lots of denials from every. single. current. supporter. of Romney on here to a man.

They did it with Bush and they'll do it w/Romney. They'll say he blew it by losing an election they swore was theirs to lose. They'll be wrong on both accounts, but that shouldn't be a surprise to the thinking individual. In fact, Romney will get the vitriol that Bush was SUPPOSED to get...and more.

How Vicious Will The Backlash Against Romney Be Once He Finally Loses?


I guess we are going to have to ENDURE these types of stupid threads until the elections

GO VOTE Obama OUT people:eusa_clap:
His numbers aren't good.

And don't bring up Carter's experience.

It's not relevant, first it wasn't the same, Carter started with a decent economy and under his leadership it got worse.

Obama started with a COLLAPSING economy and under his leadership stabalized it and has it ticking upwards, not fast enough, but it's heading in the right direction.

Wall Street is SOARING. House prices are rising. The American individual is starting to feel better about the economy (and rightly so). Obama has kept us safe.

Internationally, we're strong, the enemy is on the run and their days are numbered, the whole world knows it.

The world feels good about America, which in turn is a boon to the economy.

There's a reason why Bush and Cheney were NO WHERE TO BE FOUND during the RNC...America has NOT forgotten who brought on this mess.

This isn't delusional rants, this is analyzing the reality before us.

If I'm wrong I'd be quite shocked quite frankly, and I'll admit it, but you won't see me denying reality like RWers do.

Why hasn't Romney had a lead since he started his campaign? Why hasn't he had the support for his own party he needs? Why is Obama's popularity 50% and above?

Remember, it's the Electoral votes that count. Obama has like 240something least. He needs 271 to win. Romney would have to clean the table in every. single. toss up state to stand a chance of winning. Right now his numbers in Ohio and other toss up states are dismal. How do you people expect to win considering ALL these circumstances?

Face the facts's not looking good at all.

Surely you people are mature enough to understand this and sensibly respond and not REACT to it.

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It's all but inevitable at this point, Romney will lose.

I'm starting to notice signs of backing away from prominent GOPers in the media.

Many that aren't blatantly easing off are subtly doing it in order to safely distance themselves from the cluster-fudge that is Romney and his campaign.

Secretly and and behind closed doors all but the most die-hard rabid RWers have accepted this as fact and are setting their sites on 2016.

My question is, how fierce, harsh and swift will the backlash against Romney be publicly once the cold, hard facts are in and he comes up on the dirty end of the stick this election?

How will the USMB RWers react? Can we expect excuses? Can we expect denials?

Personally, I expect lots of denials from every. single. current. supporter. of Romney on here to a man.

They did it with Bush and they'll do it w/Romney. They'll say he blew it by losing an election they swore was theirs to lose. They'll be wrong on both accounts, but that shouldn't be a surprise to the thinking individual. In fact, Romney will get the vitriol that Bush was SUPPOSED to get...and more.


Romney lost this election during the primaries when he kowtowed to the far right. He had no need to do it but for fear. None of the other candidates would have won the nomination in the end, had he stood his ground as a moderate. But he didn't want a fight within his own party. In the end, he lost support from people like myself, who have been Republicans for a long time, but can't swallow the agenda of the extreme right. Romney is not so much a bad man as he is a stupid man, at least when it comes to campaigning. On top of this, he picked Ryan as his running mate, another complete blunder.

Anyway, this may get ugly before it's over. Some Republicans are beginning to distance themselves from Romney, and I would expect that donations to his campaign will decrease dramatically in October. The question now is whether or not this turns into a massive landslide where not only does Obama win very big, but the Dems increase their majority in the Senate and even possibly take back the House. The ladder is a long shot at best, but it isn't completely out of the question.
counting your chickens before they hatch can set you up for a BIG LET DOWN

but go ahead if you must:lol:
Sarah Palin was thrown under the bus because she was just asking for it.

Romney will go on being rich and happy. He'll take a nice long vacation in a pleasant place.

Nov. 6 will be blamed on the media, white guild, and the underclass moochers.
Too funny, poor Marc.

How many whites will you kill on election night if it doesn't go your way?

Will you be out rioting like your brethren will?

You live in delusional land....and we are content to let you thump your chest and strut around like a peacock.

Tell us Marc, which enemy is on the run?
Sarah Palin was thrown under the bus because she was just asking for it.

Romney will go on being rich and happy. He'll take a nice long vacation in a pleasant place.

Nov. 6 will be blamed on the media, white guild, and the underclass moochers.

Wrong. Many are already throwing Romney under the bus.
I think it will be more against the Republican Party.

And I still believe Mitt could win. But it will be a very, very messy win.
Sarah Palin was thrown under the bus because she was just asking for it.

Romney will go on being rich and happy. He'll take a nice long vacation in a pleasant place.

Nov. 6 will be blamed on the media, white guild, and the underclass moochers.
People like you give the media too much credit.

They don't have magical powers, they can't make people think what they want them to think. Although theFOXNEWS has managed to convince a large swath of the country that what they preach to them on the daily is the gospel.

But what can you do, low information voters will be low information voters.

I predict that if that is the route the GOP takes, to blame the media it will not end up well for them. I believe that at that point the media will finally get the backbone and stick up for themselves and really treat politicos as they are supposed to be treated and stop treating them with kid gloves.

Trust me, I have no love the main stream media. They lost me during the Bush Regime. I will NEVER forget. They LET Bush n Cheney run ROUGHSHOD through the country and the world and that, to me, is the unforgivable sin. However, they would do well in efforts to redeem themselves by finally being actual RESPONSIBLE JOURNALISTS.
Too funny, poor Marc.

How many whites will you kill on election night if it doesn't go your way?

Will you be out rioting like your brethren will?

You live in delusional land....and we are content to let you thump your chest and strut around like a peacock.

Tell us Marc, which enemy is on the run?
Al Qaeda stupid.

What did you THINK I was referring to?

Be honest...if you can.
If Romney loses, he's gonna be finished politically, because if he does lose, he wouldn't even be able to run for dogcatcher later. Why? He's been on the campaign trail for the past FIVE YEARS AS A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE.

The thing that the GOP should be the most worried about is his effect on the elections down ticket for the Senate and the House.

And..........if the Dems win the WH as well as take control of the Congress, Romney is going to be blamed for it.
counting your chickens before they hatch can set you up for a BIG LET DOWN

but go ahead if you must:lol:
I have reached a point where I feel safe enough to make predictions.

I'm actually putting myself on the line with my posts.

I'm still leaving a little bit of room to be wrong, but as you can see from the facts and analysis I'm presenting, it's not made up and it's based on reality.

I haven't seen a sensible USMB RW counter to date.
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counting your chickens before they hatch can set you up for a BIG LET DOWN

but go ahead if you must:lol:
I have reached a point where I feel safe enough to make predictions.

I'm actually putting myself on the line with my points.

I'm still leaving a little bit of room to be wrong, but as you can see from the facts and analysis I'm presenting, it's not made up and it's based on reality.

I haven't seen a sensible USMB RW counter to date.

So let's bet.

If Obama wins...I leave the board.

If Romney do.

What say you ?
It's all but inevitable at this point, Romney will lose.

I'm starting to notice signs of backing away from prominent GOPers in the media.

Many that aren't blatantly easing off are subtly doing it in order to safely distance themselves from the cluster-fudge that is Romney and his campaign.

Secretly and and behind closed doors all but the most die-hard rabid RWers have accepted this as fact and are setting their sites on 2016.

My question is, how fierce, harsh and swift will the backlash against Romney be publicly once the cold, hard facts are in and he comes up on the dirty end of the stick this election?

How will the USMB RWers react? Can we expect excuses? Can we expect denials?

Personally, I expect lots of denials from every. single. current. supporter. of Romney on here to a man.

They did it with Bush and they'll do it w/Romney. They'll say he blew it by losing an election they swore was theirs to lose. They'll be wrong on both accounts, but that shouldn't be a surprise to the thinking individual. In fact, Romney will get the vitriol that Bush was SUPPOSED to get...and more.


Bush didn't lose. Neither will Romney.
counting your chickens before they hatch can set you up for a BIG LET DOWN

but go ahead if you must:lol:
I have reached a point where I feel safe enough to make predictions.

I'm actually putting myself on the line with my points.

I'm still leaving a little bit of room to be wrong, but as you can see from the facts and analysis I'm presenting, it's not made up and it's based on reality.

I haven't seen a sensible USMB RW counter to date.

So let's bet.

If Obama wins...I leave the board.

If Romney do.

What say you ?
That's a hard bet.

I almost don't want to make it.

But, I'll take you up on that.

So is it on?
It's all but inevitable at this point, Romney will lose.

I'm starting to notice signs of backing away from prominent GOPers in the media.

Many that aren't blatantly easing off are subtly doing it in order to safely distance themselves from the cluster-fudge that is Romney and his campaign.

Secretly and and behind closed doors all but the most die-hard rabid RWers have accepted this as fact and are setting their sites on 2016.

My question is, how fierce, harsh and swift will the backlash against Romney be publicly once the cold, hard facts are in and he comes up on the dirty end of the stick this election?

How will the USMB RWers react? Can we expect excuses? Can we expect denials?

Personally, I expect lots of denials from every. single. current. supporter. of Romney on here to a man.

They did it with Bush and they'll do it w/Romney. They'll say he blew it by losing an election they swore was theirs to lose. They'll be wrong on both accounts, but that shouldn't be a surprise to the thinking individual. In fact, Romney will get the vitriol that Bush was SUPPOSED to get...and more.


Bush didn't lose. Neither will Romney.
You're doing it wrong.

Bush didn't lose. Neither will Obama.

It's the incumbant stupid.
It's all but inevitable at this point, Romney will lose.

I'm starting to notice signs of backing away from prominent GOPers in the media.

Many that aren't blatantly easing off are subtly doing it in order to safely distance themselves from the cluster-fudge that is Romney and his campaign.

Secretly and and behind closed doors all but the most die-hard rabid RWers have accepted this as fact and are setting their sites on 2016.

My question is, how fierce, harsh and swift will the backlash against Romney be publicly once the cold, hard facts are in and he comes up on the dirty end of the stick this election?

How will the USMB RWers react? Can we expect excuses? Can we expect denials?

Personally, I expect lots of denials from every. single. current. supporter. of Romney on here to a man.

They did it with Bush and they'll do it w/Romney. They'll say he blew it by losing an election they swore was theirs to lose. They'll be wrong on both accounts, but that shouldn't be a surprise to the thinking individual. In fact, Romney will get the vitriol that Bush was SUPPOSED to get...and more.


My moneys on the dems not leaving him alone for years. They will continue to hound him and, like Palin, will turn that childish activity into millions.

'course, if mitt does win, we will have idiots with board names like; ObamawonOhio.

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