How those record temperatures were derived


Gold Supporting Member
Apr 21, 2010
Watts Up With That has a very good analysis of the weather stations that were used to generate the "record" temperatures. Interestingly if you look further down you will see where the tarmac at the airports where the stations are located reached a very impressive 192 degrees! Yowch! Think that might have had an effect on the temperature readings?

The only analysis Watts is capable of making is what to say to gain the money of the people that gain financially from the denial of real science. Watts is a lying charlatan, plain and simple.
So you deny the actual facts we all kno0w? The fact is that rural and outdoor areas have been dropped and the record is skewed by Urban areas.

No agenda there.
Watts Up With That has a very good analysis of the weather stations that were used to generate the "record" temperatures. Interestingly if you look further down you will see where the tarmac at the airports where the stations are located reached a very impressive 192 degrees! Yowch! Think that might have had an effect on the temperature readings?


Gee, Wally....You mean that there really is something to that "urban heat island effect" thing-a-ma-jig?
The only analysis Watts is capable of making is what to say to gain the money of the people that gain financially from the denial of real science. Watts is a lying charlatan, plain and simple.


Dood, you're a real card!
Watts Up With That has a very good analysis of the weather stations that were used to generate the "record" temperatures. Interestingly if you look further down you will see where the tarmac at the airports where the stations are located reached a very impressive 192 degrees! Yowch! Think that might have had an effect on the temperature readings?


Gee, Wally....You mean that there really is something to that "urban heat island effect" thing-a-ma-jig?

You're being too hard on the Beaver, er I mean Old Rocks
UAH temperatures are derived from satellite observations. There is also the matter of the temperatures from ocean stations. Are they also surrounded by tarmac? The stupidity of your claims knows no limits.
UAH temperatures are derived from satellite observations. There is also the matter of the temperatures from ocean stations. Are they also surrounded by tarmac? The stupidity of your claims knows no limits.

Poor old fraud,

Had you bothered to read the article you would have seen that yes indeed the two weather staitions were in fact the source for the reports.
UAH temperatures are derived from satellite observations. There is also the matter of the temperatures from ocean stations. Are they also surrounded by tarmac? The stupidity of your claims knows no limits.

Poor old fraud,

Had you bothered to read the article you would have seen that yes indeed the two weather staitions were in fact the source for the reports.

where is the link to this article?
if the record is within the measuring system of this one station, then it does not matter if there is asphalt etc.

unless they added the asphalt between the time point of the previous record point and the current.

Yesterday our car read 104 degrees at one point, it was in three digits all afternoon in central NJ, even the Pinelands. Shore ranged from 82 to 93. Global warming is a fact. You can deny or argue cause, but you cannot deny what is as obvious as the nose on your face.

Having commuted by bicycle for many years, cities are warmer as they retain heat. Good reason to build more sensible cities with parks.
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Remember,'s cherry-picked data like this that people are using as a tool to justify crippling the Western economy.

Remember folks, Dave could not find his ass with both hands in a science class.:razz:

Even skeptics like Dr. Spencer have to show that this year, and the previous decade have been exceptionly hot. From his own site, look at the 13 month running mean.

June 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.44 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

NOTE: These satellite measurements are not calibrated to surface thermometer data in any way, but instead use on-board redundant precision platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) carried on the satellite radiometers. The PRT's are individually calibrated in a laboratory before being installed in the instruments.]
Yesterday our car read 104 degrees at one point, it was in three digits all afternoon in central NJ, even the Pinelands. Shore ranged from 82 to 93. Global warming is a fact. You can deny or argue cause, but you cannot deny what is as obvious as the nose on your face.

Having commuted by bicycle for many years, cities are warmer as they retain heat. Good reason to build more sensible cities with parks.

When it read 104 in October, get back to me.

It gets hot in summer! Sweet Jesus!

Global Warming -- it's real!
if the record is within the measuring system of this one station, then it does not matter if there is asphalt etc.

unless they added the asphalt between the time point of the previous record point and the current.


Well give the person a ceegar 'cause that's exactly what has occured!
When it read 104 in October, get back to me.

It gets hot in summer! Sweet Jesus!

Global Warming -- it's real!

If it read 104 in October there is a good chance life would have changed and not for the positive. Thus we need to do something now. Some people enjoy life and want to have their great grandchildren do the same. Some are ostriches, doesn't it get dark and lonely in your hole.
Remember,'s cherry-picked data like this that people are using as a tool to justify crippling the Western economy.

Remember folks, Dave could not find his ass with both hands in a science class.:razz:

Even skeptics like Dr. Spencer have to show that this year, and the previous decade have been exceptionly hot. From his own site, look at the 13 month running mean.

June 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.44 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

NOTE: These satellite measurements are not calibrated to surface thermometer data in any way, but instead use on-board redundant precision platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) carried on the satellite radiometers. The PRT's are individually calibrated in a laboratory before being installed in the instruments.]
And that refutes the claim of agencies using data from poorly-sited, exactly? Do you think this station gives accurate data?


NOTE: Just because it shows hotter temps than it should does not prove your claim of AGW.

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