How They've Changed The Nation


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The current iteration of the Democrat Party, ‘radicals on parade,’ has changed America…and not in a good way.

1.As a result of their destruction of civics, when the other party controls the House, especially in a President’s first term, ‘impeachment’ will simply be a no-confidence vote.

Impeachment is simply one more political lie, and smear, just what we’ve come to expect as the hallmark of Democrat activity.

2. The only benefit is that their total control of the media, while it continues, means so many have seen that they are simply Democrats with press-passes.

3. They’ve destroyed the original idea of a ‘whistle-blower’…now it is simply a dress-up actor used by one party as a political weapon of collusion with the House party in power, can remain anonymous, can have second or third hand knowledge, or none at all.

4. The FISA Court is totally discredited.

Thanks to Schiff, Nadler and Pelosi.

And all because they couldn’t imagine Hillary losing. We were never going to hear about the spying on Trump, about the Deep State conspiracy, the rubber-stamping by the FISA Court.

If, as I fear, there will be no prison sentence to come as a result of all we’ve learned, then it will happen again and again.

5. TUCKER CARLSON: Does it worry you that the level of propaganda of dishonesty in this country, from the people who should know better, the ones that went to Yale, and Middlebury, Medill School of Journalism, that they're lying so much that no one will ever believe them again and that no one will ever believe that the system is on the level again ever after this? I'm worried about that.

KIMBERLEY STRASSEL, WALL STREET JOURNAL: It is and it's become rampant. Dnd do you want to know why? It's because the media isn't doing its job. The media exists to call balls and strikes, to call out officials when they do this. And they abdicated that role about three years ago. When they're no longer serving as a neutral umpire this is the behavior you end up getting.
If Republicans take back control of Congress they damn well better start putting in some laws with teeth. Voter ID for starters, end of sanctuary cities, build the WALL, prosecute corrupt FBI members for treason, investigate Schiff, the Bidens, the Pelosis, the Kerrys, and everyone involved in enriching their families during the Obama presidency with taxpayer money. Clean up this crap before 2022 and give us our country back.
If Republicans take back control of Congress they damn well better start putting in some laws with teeth. Voter ID for starters, end of sanctuary cities, build the WALL, prosecute corrupt FBI members for treason, investigate Schiff, the Bidens, the Pelosis, the Kerrys, and everyone involved in enriching their families during the Obama presidency with taxpayer money. Clean up this crap before 2022 and give us our country back.

One can only hope.....they haven't shown the killer instinct that the Democrats have.
If Republicans take back control of Congress they damn well better start putting in some laws with teeth. Voter ID for starters, end of sanctuary cities, build the WALL, prosecute corrupt FBI members for treason, investigate Schiff, the Bidens, the Pelosis, the Kerrys, and everyone involved in enriching their families during the Obama presidency with taxpayer money. Clean up this crap before 2022 and give us our country back.

One can only hope.....they haven't shown the killer instinct that the Democrats have.
Agreed. But that could be because there are plenty of Republicans who work with the left and their job is to run interference for them. Names like Paul Ryan come to mind.
If Republicans take back control of Congress they damn well better start putting in some laws with teeth. Voter ID for starters, end of sanctuary cities, build the WALL, prosecute corrupt FBI members for treason, investigate Schiff, the Bidens, the Pelosis, the Kerrys, and everyone involved in enriching their families during the Obama presidency with taxpayer money. Clean up this crap before 2022 and give us our country back.

One can only hope.....they haven't shown the killer instinct that the Democrats have.
Agreed. But that could be because there are plenty of Republicans who work with the left and their job is to run interference for them. Names like Paul Ryan come to mind.

Everyone is represented by a political party.....except for the American people.
Never forget that the Media will write the history of this little episode. It will not be pretty.

Anyone who thinks the Democrats will collectively say, "Well, we lose, but let's move on..." is an idiot. They will fill the airwaves through November with cries of "COVERUP!" And the Media will back them up on it.
I've given up on major parties. They cater to the wealthy corporatists first and foremost....and those corporatists don't exactly care about the people all that much. We need more and more investigations into elected officials so that they are constantly under investigation.
I've given up on major parties. They cater to the wealthy corporatists first and foremost....and those corporatists don't exactly care about the people all that much. We need more and more investigations into elected officials so that they are constantly under investigation.

You're making a serious error.

The reality is that there are only those two choices. Your job is to do due diligence, know what you stand for, and choose one of the two that comes closest to your values.

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