What happened to THIS Elizabeth Warren


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
From only a few years ago. Betcha she won't call out the DNC or Hitlery on this now a days.

Not the 1:20 mark when she's asked the direct question. And give a direct answer. (Something she doesn't do anymore)

From only a few years ago. Betcha she won't call out the DNC or Hitlery on this now a days.

Not the 1:20 mark when she's asked the direct question. And give a direct answer. (Something she doesn't do anymore)


YoursTruly said, "Betcha she won't call out the DNC or Hitlery on this now a days."​

I think that Hillary Clinton has a certain future in a federal prison system, and it's not as a decider. In my opinion, her indictment is likely being prepared within the confines of the Justice Department. She's making expatriate noises by accepting a job in Ireland as well. Hillary Clinton's new job: Chancellor of Northern Ireland university
Warren is a political shape shifter. Like many, she has no core beliefs at all. She is the perfect example of what is wrong with American politics. At least Sanders is who he is, even though that happens to be a Socialist nut case.
Funny how the left don't recognize BS when they see it. On another forum, I posted this video, and even after pointing out the exact time the question starts, the commi continued to say he could watch the video. But that part of the video must've been edited out. LMAO...

Maybe they'd like Tulsi Gabbard if she'd just lie about stuff.

I can't stand Trump. But this is a bonafide BS story. She's not blaming Trump for this.

She is a liar though.
What do you describe her point as being?

“To effectively beat infectious diseases like coronavirus, we need all hands on deck,” Warren wrote on Twitter. “But like so much else, Trump’s approach to keeping us safe from disease outbreaks is a mess. When he’s gone, we must fix the damage he’s done — and I’ve got a plan for that.”
The coronavirus broke out at a market, where visitors eat bats, snakes, turtles and other creatures. As of Wednesday, at least 132 people had died from the virus and about 6,000 cases had been confirmed, according to The New York Times. All deaths have occurred in China and there are just five confirmed cases of the virus in the U.S.

Trump has been proactive on the issue. The Trump administration offered to send a team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to China, but China never accepted the offer.

“Trump has repeatedly tried to nickel and dime federal programs essential to health security,” Warren charged in her plan, also claiming that Trump’s “response to natural disasters that could lead to serious outbreaks, like hurricanes in Puerto Rico, has been basically non-existent. “

“On the global stage, his decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement demonstrates reckless denial about the role of climate change in fueling epidemics. His foreign policy has damaged long-standing alliances with partners like the U.K. and France, who are critical partners in responding to global health crises,” she said.​

I can't stand Trump. But this is a bonafide BS story. She's not blaming Trump for this.

She is a liar though.
What do you describe her point as being?

“To effectively beat infectious diseases like coronavirus, we need all hands on deck,” Warren wrote on Twitter. “But like so much else, Trump’s approach to keeping us safe from disease outbreaks is a mess. When he’s gone, we must fix the damage he’s done — and I’ve got a plan for that.”
The coronavirus broke out at a market, where visitors eat bats, snakes, turtles and other creatures. As of Wednesday, at least 132 people had died from the virus and about 6,000 cases had been confirmed, according to The New York Times. All deaths have occurred in China and there are just five confirmed cases of the virus in the U.S.

Trump has been proactive on the issue. The Trump administration offered to send a team from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to China, but China never accepted the offer.

“Trump has repeatedly tried to nickel and dime federal programs essential to health security,” Warren charged in her plan, also claiming that Trump’s “response to natural disasters that could lead to serious outbreaks, like hurricanes in Puerto Rico, has been basically non-existent. “

“On the global stage, his decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement demonstrates reckless denial about the role of climate change in fueling epidemics. His foreign policy has damaged long-standing alliances with partners like the U.K. and France, who are critical partners in responding to global health crises,” she said.​

Her point is not even close to blaming Trump for the outbreak of the virus, as the title is trying to make.

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