How ordinary people come to embrace the cruelty

Why is it sceince is begining to map the politcal brain and cons are not coming off very well in all the studies?

I dont know. Maybe because they are political studies that have nothing to do with science and everything about promoting propaganda that naive hacks will just lap up.
This is why the right in this country HATES education and wants it defunded and tooo expensive for most to go to college.

education threatens their world veiw

Right. If we are so afraid of education, why are you the one who freaks out any time someone suggests you learn spelling or grammar?
at least you are starting to deal with science here.

Now tell me why you offhand DISMISS the studies you dont like the results of?

If a "scientific" study stated that grass is blue would you accept it? What if the study came back and said you were a liar? (Im sure we could conduct one if you wanted to).

Tell me, would you seriously consider those studies?
and it kept htem from winning elections for quite some time huh?

Now do you want to comment on the subject of the thread?
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

Did you honestly think you can have years of benefits with out paying the bills, or even paying in enough for those benies..............

The bills are due.....Time for you to pay up.........

your Bush and your policy created the mess we are in.

Why did you party appauld death?
at least you are starting to deal with science here.

Now tell me why you offhand DISMISS the studies you dont like the results of?

If a "scientific" study stated that grass is blue would you accept it? What if the study came back and said you were a liar? (Im sure we could conduct one if you wanted to).

Tell me, would you seriously consider those studies?

TM has already lied in this thread. First saying she believed all scientists were correct, and then saying the scientists that said something she didn't like were wrong.
Why is it sceince is begining to map the politcal brain and cons are not coming off very well in all the studies?

I dont know. Maybe because they are political studies that have nothing to do with science and everything about promoting propaganda that naive hacks will just lap up.

Present your "facts" to prove your claim
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

Did you honestly think you can have years of benefits with out paying the bills, or even paying in enough for those benies..............

The bills are due.....Time for you to pay up.........

your Bush and your policy created the mess we are in.

Why did you party appauld death?

The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

"How is it people applaud death right on national TV".

Let's go into that. From your link:

That attitude was on display during a GOP primary debate last fall when moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul what fate should befall a healthy person without health insurance who finds himself suddenly facing a catastrophic illness. “Congressman,” Blitzer pressed after Paul sidestepped the question, “are you saying that society should just let him die?" Before Paul had a chance to respond, the audience erupted in cheers, with some shouting, “yeah!”

I want you to notice that the author of this piece of partisan shit did not quote the actual question Blitzer asked. And you never see any of the bongwater drinkers like yourself quote it, either.

Do you know why?

Because it obliterates the narrative you want to send.

Here is the actual question Blitzer asked:

You're a physician, Ron Paul, so you're a doctor. You know something about this subject. Let me ask you this hypothetical question: A healthy 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides, you know what? I'm not going to spend $200 or $300 a month for health insurance because I'm healthy, I don't need it. But something terrible happens, all of a sudden he needs it. Who's going to pay if he goes into a coma, for example? Who pays for that?

The part in bold changes everything. This is not some poor person who could not afford health insurance. Okay, asshole?

This is someone who could afford insurance and chose not to buy it.

That changes the whole dynamic of the situation.

This is a question about personal responsibility; a concept completely alien to the Left.

Everyone is willing to look at rescuing people who are in dire straits through no fault of their own. We conservatives are a most charitable people.

But assholes like you want to rescue people who are irresponsible and in the mess they are in because of deliberate choices they made.

And you want the rest of us to be forced to pay for THEIR FUCKUPS.

Screw that!

One third of the uninsured are high school dropouts. A much tinier percentage are willfully uninsured like portrayed in Blitzer's scenario. People like Blitzer ignore the HUGE CAUSES of the problem and highlight those tiny things which fit into their belief system.

Solve the high school dropout problem and a shit ton of society's problems melt away. You don't solve problems by coddling the irresponsible and making the rest of us pay for their healthcare, food, clothing, and shelter. That money should be for those who are in the mess they are in through no fault of their own. And there aren't nearly that many as we are carrying now.

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The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

You're such a despicable, lying sack of shit. How do you live with yourself? Seriously, how do you look at yourself in a mirror and not vomit?

Oh that's right, you have zero sense of decency or shame. I pity you, I really do for your existence must be a cold miserable one devoid of any humanity or joy.
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

The differences between liberals and conservatives run wide and deep, and a new study suggests they may even be reflected in the very structure of their brains.

In the study, led by Ryota Kanai of the University College London, people who identified themselves as liberals generally had a larger anterior cingulate cortex — a comma-shaped region near the front of the brain that is involved in decision-making. By contrast, those who identified as conservatives had larger amygdalas — almond-shaped structures that are linked with emotional learning and the processing of fear.

Read more: Liberal vs. Conservative: Does the Difference Lie in the Brain? | Healthland |

Ironic, liberals knew this over 150 years ago...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

What a joke considering its conservatives who are analytical - they're the ones talking about the budget and planning for the future while progressives live day to day and worry about tomorrow when it comes. Lets not forget progressives are the most emotional people on the planet.....

Progressive ideas involve absolutely ZERO planning - Nancy Pelosi is a perfect example of that when she said about Obamacare "we have to pass the healthcare bill to see whats in it."

Progressives are emotional knee-jerk retards...
TruthMatters, you rock!

You gave them enough rope and just like the OP stated, they hung themselves with it.

I enjoyed reading every post in this thread. It's pretty funny seeing the amount of dumbass, emotional, irrational, right-wing comments gushing out at the speed of sound. Conservatives live in so much fear, they're mentally incapable of logical deductive reasoning.

They claim they believe in the "person", yet their side constantly defends "corporate personhood". They claim their educated, but talk like 10 year olds. They claim they want less government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus. They claim they're charitable, but think it's okay to let someone die because they were "irresponsible".

But I gotta hand it to you, TM, "you built it and they came!"
Here's a perfect example as how real life and observation is more science than some pseudo-scientist Psychologist sitting in front of a computer monitor:

Studies show that women fear a Romney presidency, they support Obama in "overwhelming numbers", because they worry about "women's rights" issues.

It shows that Obama supporters are woefully uninformed and don't care for even the most basic of critical thinking efforts. I'd love to ask them exactly what "rights" do they think Romney is threatening. Has Romney ever said he would overturn Roe vs Wade? Has Romney ever said he was going to force women back into the kitchen where they belong? Is Romney threatening to take away a women's right to vote?

Blind cognitive dissonance and unwillingness to think critically or skeptically is the hallmark of a lazy mind, and is coin of the realm for obamabots. Surely that study found that portion of the democrat brain. Probably shaped like a donkey.
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

"How is it people applaud death right on national TV".

Let's go into that. From your link:

That attitude was on display during a GOP primary debate last fall when moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul what fate should befall a healthy person without health insurance who finds himself suddenly facing a catastrophic illness. “Congressman,” Blitzer pressed after Paul sidestepped the question, “are you saying that society should just let him die?" Before Paul had a chance to respond, the audience erupted in cheers, with some shouting, “yeah!”

I want you to notice that the author of this piece of partisan shit did not quote the actual question Blitzer asked. And you never see any of the bongwater drinkers like yourself quote it, either.

Do you know why?

Because it obliterates the narrative you want to send.

Here is the actual question Blitzer asked:

You're a physician, Ron Paul, so you're a doctor. You know something about this subject. Let me ask you this hypothetical question: A healthy 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides, you know what? I'm not going to spend $200 or $300 a month for health insurance because I'm healthy, I don't need it. But something terrible happens, all of a sudden he needs it. Who's going to pay if he goes into a coma, for example? Who pays for that?

The part in bold changes everything. This is not some poor person who could not afford health insurance. Okay, asshole?

This is someone who could afford insurance and chose not to buy it.

That changes the whole dynamic of the situation.

This is a question about personal responsibility; a concept completely alien to the Left.

Everyone is willing to look at rescuing people who are in dire straits through no fault of their own. We conservatives are a most charitable people.

But assholes like you want to rescue people who are irresponsible and in the mess they are in because of deliberate choices they made.

And you want the rest of us to be forced to pay for THEIR FUCKUPS.

Screw that!

One third of the uninsured are high school dropouts. A much tinier percentage are willfully uninsured like portrayed in Blitzer's scenario. People like Blitzer ignore the HUGE CAUSES of the problem and highlight those tiny things which fit into their belief system.

Solve the high school dropout problem and a shit ton of society's problems melt away. You don't solve problems by coddling the irresponsible and making the rest of us pay for their healthcare, food, clothing, and shelter. That money should be for those who are in the mess they are in through no fault of their own. And there aren't nearly that many as we are carrying now.


The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

"How is it people applaud death right on national TV".

Let's go into that. From your link:

That attitude was on display during a GOP primary debate last fall when moderator Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul what fate should befall a healthy person without health insurance who finds himself suddenly facing a catastrophic illness. “Congressman,” Blitzer pressed after Paul sidestepped the question, “are you saying that society should just let him die?" Before Paul had a chance to respond, the audience erupted in cheers, with some shouting, “yeah!”

I want you to notice that the author of this piece of partisan shit did not quote the actual question Blitzer asked. And you never see any of the bongwater drinkers like yourself quote it, either.

Do you know why?

Because it obliterates the narrative you want to send.

Here is the actual question Blitzer asked:

You're a physician, Ron Paul, so you're a doctor. You know something about this subject. Let me ask you this hypothetical question: A healthy 30-year-old young man has a good job, makes a good living, but decides, you know what? I'm not going to spend $200 or $300 a month for health insurance because I'm healthy, I don't need it. But something terrible happens, all of a sudden he needs it. Who's going to pay if he goes into a coma, for example? Who pays for that?

The part in bold changes everything. This is not some poor person who could not afford health insurance. Okay, asshole?

This is someone who could afford insurance and chose not to buy it.

That changes the whole dynamic of the situation.

This is a question about personal responsibility; a concept completely alien to the Left.

Everyone is willing to look at rescuing people who are in dire straits through no fault of their own. We conservatives are a most charitable people.

But assholes like you want to rescue people who are irresponsible and in the mess they are in because of deliberate choices they made.

And you want the rest of us to be forced to pay for THEIR FUCKUPS.

Screw that!

One third of the uninsured are high school dropouts. A much tinier percentage are willfully uninsured like portrayed in Blitzer's scenario. People like Blitzer ignore the HUGE CAUSES of the problem and highlight those tiny things which fit into their belief system.

Solve the high school dropout problem and a shit ton of society's problems melt away. You don't solve problems by coddling the irresponsible and making the rest of us pay for their healthcare, food, clothing, and shelter. That money should be for those who are in the mess they are in through no fault of their own. And there aren't nearly that many as we are carrying now.


dude you want me to produce the tape?

they applauded letting a person die without care
[ame=]Republicans Cheer Texas Death Penalty at GOP Debate - YouTube[/ame]

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