How ordinary people come to embrace the cruelty

Thank you for posting that. Did you notice the audience started applauding when Ron Paul started talking about personal responsibility and freedom and what happens when you decide to take a risk?

Exactly what I was talking about. You fuck up, you pay the consequences of your actions.

And once again, Blitzer is talking about people who have nothing to do with the entitlement load that is suffocating our healthcare system. He frames the question in such a way that he completely ignores the real causes of our problems.

The problem with the healthcare industry is that they are a monoply that charges obscene rates for their goods and services.
Shutting Down the Thinking Brain

Princeton psychologist Daniel Kahneman refined earlier theories about how the brain functions on two levels – one instinctive and very quick, the other slower and more deliberate. He described the first as intuitive processing, or “system one cognition,” and the other as a process of reasoning, or “system two cognition.”

And the key point here is it appears that when system one is active, system two shuts down. Or, to put it another way, when we perceive an issue in emotional terms (system one), we make a quick judgment in which we don't think much about the details. This is common in our daily lives, but takes on real signifigance in our political culture, and while this tendency isn't limited to a particular ideology, some research suggests that political conservatives are more likely to rely on the kind of snap judgments associated with system one cognition than liberals.

(In his book, The Republican Brain, Chris Mooney suggests that there may be powerful evolutionary benefits for having an instinctive, knee-jerk process take over at times. If you were an early human wandering on the savanna and heard a rustling noise in the brush, it was to your advantage to instantly assume there's a lion coming and have your fight-or-flight instinct kick in. If you paused to weigh the evidence of whether or not it might be a lion, there would be a good chance that you wouldn't pass your genes onto future generations.)

The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

There really are many people unfortunately that can't think beyond "one-liners". The generalizations and blanket ideologies are all that they can master. As an example, some people like me who are independent voters can agree with some of the reupblican policies, the dem policies and even some thrid party policies. Because a particular party says many things are so doesn't mean we can't analyze each policy and reject or accept some. Thinking things through and realizing things such as reality, experience and many more components make a person able to sort out the good and the bad, the fair and unfair, etc. But many people who cling to one ideology no matter what with no room for differing on a few issues, just seem to not be able or want to exercise their minds and challenge dogma. For instance, many republicans are stuck on "we don't want to pay for this or that with our taxes", or "free handouts have to go" and on and on without dissecting some of the individual issues such as how we will care for starving children in the US but that doesn't mean you have to believe in free handouts all the time everywhere. One reason I support choice regarding abortion is that I am not able to tell whether or not the mother (or in some cases the 2 partners) think the child will come into a world filled with bad things or good things depending on their circumstances and much more. But some can't think beyond "baby killing" and don't even consider the terrible life so many unwanted children have nor do they want to use their precious tax dollars to support them and their families.
they appuald the idea that the man will not receive care and one guy yells Yeah
That's because the majority of them spent most of their lives interacting with other people via the TV, cell phone, email, internet, etc., that they've lost their sense of humanity. All of us are victims of that to some extent, but it affects people who live in a constant state of fear a lot more. The less human contact one has, the less sense of humanity one exhibits.

That's why we get these brain dead morons chanting, "Yeah, let'em die!" and get no outrage from the rest of the choir. All the psycho-babble and lunatic statements from the right are now considered mainstream conservatism. When in reality, it's pure lunacy.

You are talking out of your ass.

I started a charitible organization and took care of hundreds, if not thousands, of my fellow human beings in my area for many years. We did extreme due diligence when taking on each and every case to make sure the people who were suffering had not gotten into their dire straits through any fault of their own.

I am also on the board of a faith-based charitable organization that helps recovering addicts, alcholics and women who are the victims of domestic abuse.

As such, I have interacted with many public and private entities who provide aid to the poor and can speak with a great deal of experience about people who abuse and rip off government and private aid organizations.

You strike me as someone who projects their own inadequacies, ineptitudes, and ignorance onto others. You have no clue as to the generosity of conservatives and religious folk. The vast bulk of donations we received and receive come from these people. I don't see a lot of liberals taking time out from their patchouli gardening to help others.

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The differences between liberals and conservatives run wide and deep, and a new study suggests they may even be reflected in the very structure of their brains.

In the study, led by Ryota Kanai of the University College London, people who identified themselves as liberals generally had a larger anterior cingulate cortex — a comma-shaped region near the front of the brain that is involved in decision-making. By contrast, those who identified as conservatives had larger amygdalas — almond-shaped structures that are linked with emotional learning and the processing of fear.

Read more: Liberal vs. Conservative: Does the Difference Lie in the Brain? | Healthland |

Ironic, liberals knew this over 150 years ago...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Liberalism's trust in People is nice,but they let that trust get out of hand with the programs they come up with to help people......those programs designed to help people get out of Control by people getting on them who should not be and the costs start piling up.....and since the "Liberals" wont police their own programs,when the "Conservative" tries to or says something about it.....he of course is called a "Racist" or he hates the in California they are called Entitlement programs.....MANY are out of control.....try and say something about them.....see what happens....

so you think most poor people are lying about being poor?

do you undestand how silly you sound?

so you think most poor people are lying about being poor?

.....i do? wanna show me show me where i said that?..........go do your lying and spinning somewhere else.....i like many people here, are wise to your bullshit....
You are talking out of your ass.

I started a charitible organization and took care of hundreds, if not thousands, of my fellow human beings in my area for many years. We did extreme due diligence when taking on each and every case to make sure the people who were suffering had not gotten into their dire straits through any fault of their own.

I am also on the board of a faith-based charitable organization that helps recovering addicts, alcholics and women who are the victims of domestic abuse.

As such, I have interacted with many public and private entities who provide aid to the poor and can speak with a great deal of experience about people who abuse and rip off government and private aid organizations.

You strike me as someone who projects their own inadequacies, ineptitudes, and ignorance onto others. You have no clue as to the generosity of conservatives and religious folk. The vast bulk of donations we received and receive come from these people. I don't see a lot of liberals taking time out from their patchouli gardening to help others.

What makes you think I was talking about you?
Liberalism's trust in People is nice,but they let that trust get out of hand with the programs they come up with to help people......those programs designed to help people get out of Control by people getting on them who should not be and the costs start piling up.....and since the "Liberals" wont police their own programs,when the "Conservative" tries to or says something about it.....he of course is called a "Racist" or he hates the in California they are called Entitlement programs.....MANY are out of control.....try and say something about them.....see what happens....

so you think most poor people are lying about being poor?

do you undestand how silly you sound?

See? Here's proof right here that lefties aren't too bright.

yea i want to see her produce my words from that paragraph saying i said im going to play her game and ask her to "produce my words".....since she cant,i bet she will ignore it...
There really are many people unfortunately that can't think beyond "one-liners". The generalizations and blanket ideologies are all that they can master.
I think it's more like that's all they can cling on to. They seek comfort in what familiar. Things that are not, are too scary to contemplate.
Shutting Down the Thinking Brain

Princeton psychologist Daniel Kahneman refined earlier theories about how the brain functions on two levels – one instinctive and very quick, the other slower and more deliberate. He described the first as intuitive processing, or “system one cognition,” and the other as a process of reasoning, or “system two cognition.”

And the key point here is it appears that when system one is active, system two shuts down. Or, to put it another way, when we perceive an issue in emotional terms (system one), we make a quick judgment in which we don't think much about the details. This is common in our daily lives, but takes on real signifigance in our political culture, and while this tendency isn't limited to a particular ideology, some research suggests that political conservatives are more likely to rely on the kind of snap judgments associated with system one cognition than liberals.

(In his book, The Republican Brain, Chris Mooney suggests that there may be powerful evolutionary benefits for having an instinctive, knee-jerk process take over at times. If you were an early human wandering on the savanna and heard a rustling noise in the brush, it was to your advantage to instantly assume there's a lion coming and have your fight-or-flight instinct kick in. If you paused to weigh the evidence of whether or not it might be a lion, there would be a good chance that you wouldn't pass your genes onto future generations.)

The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

We'll have no more of that sciency stuff around here sir.

Now...go turn on Fox News, and be reminded of how much you love America, how much Obama hates it, and how there are 400 million government workers all lined up at your back porch waiting to take grandma's plate of food from her to have for themselves.
This is why the right in this country HATES education and wants it defunded and tooo expensive for most to go to college.

education threatens their world veiw

so why then are Democratic Governors from like 40+ States "defunding" their Education budgets?.....i guess they hate Education too....California has cut around 26% of theirs over the last few 5 to bottom 5.....and your boyfriend Dean has already tried this shit and ran from the thread he started on this when he was showered with links about Democratic Governors cutting theirs.....and your not half as smart as Dean quit now....
I see we have another day with no Libtards wanting to discuss the cruelty of Obama's $6 trillion in new debt being dumped on the next generation.


You're certainly not going to fucking help get rid of that by making everybody, especially the rich, pay fewer taxes.
Pub dupe ugly 'Merican hater/morons. A worldwide laughingstock/horror. Thanks for the Depression, jackazzes....No plan but stop the black guy and do it again.

thanx for showing up at this time in the thread Frankie.....what timing....i think you just might be Example A.........:lol:......
TruthMatters, you rock!

You gave them enough rope and just like the OP stated, they hung themselves with it.

I enjoyed reading every post in this thread. It's pretty funny seeing the amount of dumbass, emotional, irrational, right-wing comments gushing out at the speed of sound. Conservatives live in so much fear, they're mentally incapable of logical deductive reasoning.

They claim they believe in the "person", yet their side constantly defends "corporate personhood". They claim their educated, but talk like 10 year olds. They claim they want less government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus. They claim they're charitable, but think it's okay to let someone die because they were "irresponsible".

But I gotta hand it to you, TM, "you built it and they came!"

oh geezus.....a "Truth" groupie......:eusa_eh:
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

Let's just say, for the sake of argument, that Romney/Ryan win the election, a version of Ryan's budget is passed/enacted, and the pain is later felt by a LOT of people (middle class political conservatives as well as liberals).

Who do you think they would blame...seriously? They would blame liberals.

if Obamas plan does the same thing.....will we see you here saying so?.....

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