How ordinary people come to embrace the cruelty

Thank you for posting that. Did you notice the audience started applauding when Ron Paul started talking about personal responsibility and freedom and what happens when you decide to take a risk?

Exactly what I was talking about. You fuck up, you pay the consequences of your actions.

And once again, Blitzer is talking about people who have nothing to do with the entitlement load that is suffocating our healthcare system. He frames the question in such a way that he completely ignores the real causes of our problems.

The problem with the healthcare industry is that they are a monoply that charges obscene rates for their goods and services.

a monopoly is when ONE controls all.....not 30 different companies controlling it.....the Post a Monopoly....on Mail Delivery....your thinking of an oligopoly......
The differences between liberals and conservatives run wide and deep, and a new study suggests they may even be reflected in the very structure of their brains.

In the study, led by Ryota Kanai of the University College London, people who identified themselves as liberals generally had a larger anterior cingulate cortex — a comma-shaped region near the front of the brain that is involved in decision-making. By contrast, those who identified as conservatives had larger amygdalas — almond-shaped structures that are linked with emotional learning and the processing of fear.

Read more: Liberal vs. Conservative: Does the Difference Lie in the Brain? | Healthland |

Ironic, liberals knew this over 150 years ago...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone

Liberalism's trust in People is nice,but they let that trust get out of hand with the programs they come up with to help people......those programs designed to help people get out of Control by people getting on them who should not be and the costs start piling up.....and since the "Liberals" wont police their own programs,when the "Conservative" tries to or says something about it.....he of course is called a "Racist" or he hates the in California they are called Entitlement programs.....MANY are out of control.....try and say something about them.....see what happens....

please provide some FACTS to back those assumptions?

what the fuck do you think is happening out here right now?......and you CLAIM to live here? S.California taking care of just the Illegals is costing this State A LOT OF FUCKING CASH....if someone tries to just cut it back or suggests it .....the Activist start with the Racist bullshit .....there are people on Welfare or SSI here Truth....who either have been on it forever (Welfare) or should not be on it (SSI) because...they are not injured.....i know you dont by any of this.....everyone on these programs are rightfully there....but then....people like you are what i am talking about....afraid to police a well intended program because of what someone might say....try looking at a problem non-politically for might be surprised at what you see....
...some people like me who are independent voters can agree with some of the reupblican policies, the dem policies and even some thrid party policies. ...

...For instance, many republicans are stuck on "we don't want to pay for this or that with our taxes", or "free handouts have to go" and on and on without dissecting some of the individual issues... we go. BULL! It is the so called independents that wait to the last minute to make up their minds according to which ever candidate has the best on liner!

Independents are, for the most part, independents because they are too LAZY to educate themselves to the original intent of our founders and the impact that straying from that intent has delivered us.

That second statement is a perfect example. Just to begin the is Thomas Jefferson's thought on the subject, "To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical."

He was a man who KNEW something about the original intent and he also said, "It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world."

And just to put a ribbon around the whole thing, he also said, "If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."

By the way, Jefferson was the ORIGINAL independent. The party he and Madison founded was called the Democratic Republican Party. And both of the two main parties in America today are DIRECT descendants of Mr. Jefferson's party.

Today's independents are the ones who wait around to the last minute to see who has the best one liner before they make up their mind who to vote for. They are FRONT RUNNERS...plain and simple. NOT the independent thinkers you claim!

If you really DO care, as independents claim, it time to take the example of Thomas Jefferson, educate your selves and PICK A SIDE. Time is RUNNING OUT!

the republicans applauded death and Booed a soldier because he was gay
Oh, and that is MUCH worse than democrats INSTITUTIONALIZING MURDER in the form of abortion and forcing all Americans to pay for it!

And by the way, just WHO is it that is ignoring reality? About 80% of ALL Americans do NOT believe in gay marriage and over 70% of Americans BELIEVE in the death penalty. SO...just WHO is on the wrong side of this and refusing to accept reality?

That's because the majority of them spent most of their lives interacting with other people via the TV, cell phone, email, internet, etc., that they've lost their sense of humanity. All of us are victims of that to some extent, but it affects people who live in a constant state of fear a lot more. The less human contact one has, the less sense of humanity one exhibits.

That's why we get these brain dead morons chanting, "Yeah, let'em die!" and get no outrage from the rest of the choir. All the psycho-babble and lunatic statements from the right are now considered mainstream conservatism. When in reality, it's pure lunacy.

You DO realize the abject lunacy and TOTAL lack of logic in that statement, don't you?

It is the conservatives you are deriding who have jobs and are out in the public and dealing with humanity every day. It is conservatives who attend large social gatherings 1 to 3 times a week as they go to one church service or the other and interact with fellow human beings. They even have a word for it. It's called fellowship! It is conservatives who are setting as a group of several thousand at the those conventions and interacting with other actual humans to discuss the REALITY of our situation in this country.

On the other hand, it is LIBERALS setting in their mother's basement, pounding away on the keyboard that republicans want to poison the earth they live on, enslave women to harems and eat the bodies of their enemies.

Dude...that is RIDICULOUSLY devoid of ANY logic!!!

And before the claim comes up that I'm just another religious lunatic, clinging to my god and guns...I'M AN ATHEIST!

I AM clinging to my guns and I DO cling to the notion of the divinity of our rights written into the Constitution. Not because I believe in the divine, but because I believe it's the ONLY thing that puts our rights out of the reach of MAN! Which, by the way, is the view of most every CONSERVATIVE atheist I've talked to and is just one more example of the logical nature of the conservative mind! ;~)

So don't even bother going there!
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

The truth of the matter is that the radical left hopes ordinary people will fall for left wing propaganda. The left whined about incendiary speech being the cause of the shooting of Congresswoman Giffords when they thought they could make a political point out of the tragedy. Here we are the day after the nicest guy to ever run for V.P. gives a speech and the radical left uses words like "death right" and "weak sick children". The left is desperate and angry and hysterical and they are probably going to become incoherent and perhaps violent when the polls start turning against them.

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