How ordinary people come to embrace the cruelty

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Shutting Down the Thinking Brain

Princeton psychologist Daniel Kahneman refined earlier theories about how the brain functions on two levels – one instinctive and very quick, the other slower and more deliberate. He described the first as intuitive processing, or “system one cognition,” and the other as a process of reasoning, or “system two cognition.”

And the key point here is it appears that when system one is active, system two shuts down. Or, to put it another way, when we perceive an issue in emotional terms (system one), we make a quick judgment in which we don't think much about the details. This is common in our daily lives, but takes on real signifigance in our political culture, and while this tendency isn't limited to a particular ideology, some research suggests that political conservatives are more likely to rely on the kind of snap judgments associated with system one cognition than liberals.

(In his book, The Republican Brain, Chris Mooney suggests that there may be powerful evolutionary benefits for having an instinctive, knee-jerk process take over at times. If you were an early human wandering on the savanna and heard a rustling noise in the brush, it was to your advantage to instantly assume there's a lion coming and have your fight-or-flight instinct kick in. If you paused to weigh the evidence of whether or not it might be a lion, there would be a good chance that you wouldn't pass your genes onto future generations.)
The Conservative Psyche: How Ordinary People Come to Embrace Paul Ryan's Cruelty | Alternet

How is it people applaud death right on national TV

How people claim giving healthcare to sick children will make them weak

The differences between liberals and conservatives run wide and deep, and a new study suggests they may even be reflected in the very structure of their brains.

In the study, led by Ryota Kanai of the University College London, people who identified themselves as liberals generally had a larger anterior cingulate cortex — a comma-shaped region near the front of the brain that is involved in decision-making. By contrast, those who identified as conservatives had larger amygdalas — almond-shaped structures that are linked with emotional learning and the processing of fear.

Read more: Liberal vs. Conservative: Does the Difference Lie in the Brain? | Healthland |

Ironic, liberals knew this over 150 years ago...

Liberalism is trust of the people, tempered by prudence; conservatism, distrust of people, tempered by fear.
William E. Gladstone
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While a half-dozen analyses paint a sharp picture of the cruelty inherent in the Ryan plan, it is this process of motivated reasoning that allows conservatives to simply block out any details that contradict their ideas about the need to avoid fostering a “culture of dependency.”

And here, one of the apparent differences between conservative and liberal cognitive styles comes into play: the “backfire effect.” The term was coined by political scientists Brendan Nyhan and Jason Reifler, who found that when conservatives' erroneous beliefs were confronted by factual rebuttals, they tended to double-down on those beliefs. The same dynamic wasn't observed with liberals (they weren't entirely swayed by the facts, but didn't show the same tendency to believe false information more strongly after being presented with them).
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How do you discuss facts with people who have NO way to process facts and can only process their own emotions ?
I see we have another day with no Libtards wanting to discuss the cruelty of Obama's $6 trillion in new debt being dumped on the next generation.

Can these people change this pattern?

how can we ever progress if half the country is alergic to facts?
"found that when conservatives' erroneous beliefs were confronted by factual rebuttals, they tended to double-down on those beliefs"

what the hell do you do with people who see facts in such a way?
I love how liberals try and try and try to prove their smarts.

Smacks of insecurity.

Funny to us on the right to hear how smart they are and then watch how they so easily fall for the stupidest things.
what good are facts to a brain that refuses to process them and only sees them as an emotional attack?

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