How Far Back?


Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
How far back can you remember the thing you did as a child. Were you 5years old ,or 3, maybe younger. what memories do you have?
My earliest memory I believe was 3 years old - sitting in a swing at the pre school/nursery where my parents left me when they went to work. This was in Roswell NM. Now and then they would load us kids into a big van or bus like vehicle and drive us to the city park to play. The entry to the park dropped a few feet into an arroyo and back up again and to us kids it was like going down a HUGE mountain. The high point of our day. :) Of course to an adult, it was little more than a relatively shallow dip.

Alas, all these many years later they bridged that arroyo and no more mountain downhill.
I was swimming along when suddenly everything started going by in a blur......
My earliest memory I believe was 3 years old - sitting in a swing at the pre school/nursery where my parents left me when they went to work. This was in Roswell NM. Now and then they would load us kids into a big van or bus like vehicle and drive us to the city park to play. The entry to the park dropped a few feet into an arroyo and back up again and to us kids it was like going down a HUGE mountain. The high point of our day. :) Of course to an adult, it was little more than a relatively shallow dip.

Alas, all these many years later they bridged that arroyo and no more mountain downhill.
Good memory.

I thought you were going to say we used to watch the saucers land and take them to work.


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