Zone1 Hospital Fires Christian Woman Who Refused to Use Preferred Pronouns and Disagreed With Transgender Reassignment Surgery

I clearly understand, but we really cannot usefully discuss it in Zone1 without seriously violating Zone 1 rules.

It would best be discussed in the Rubber Room, in a thread started by one of the pro-LGBTQpbiWTF members of this forum, and flooded with memes disparaging the mass of the thread-starter's slip-on footwear.

Well you can feel free to start a thread there yourself. I'm really curious to hear your thoughts and opinions about why this happens and they always respond like this.
Most of the memes with which such a thread should be flooded depend on the thread having been started by someone on the perverts' side.

Never mind. I'm going to the Badlands anyways so I'll ask you my question there. :)
Two things got her in trouble. One was pronouns and the other a refusal to follow hospital procedures.

As to pronouns, I don't recall any scripture addressing this issue and it is common curtesy to call someone what they wish to be called. Would it be OK for her to refuse to call a Black man "Mr." if her religion said we wasn't fully human? Would she call someone who said his name was "Dick" "Richard" since she was offended by dick ?

Personally I wouldn't want a PA to make her own medical judgements that go against standard medical practice. I would not be offended if she said "as a Christian, I don't agree with this but here is what I've been told".
Yeah if she said I am going by identity as Lucifer and I want to stick a hot poker in my peehole , I am not going along with it and I shouldn't have to. There are plenty of creepers who delightfully will. It's conscientious objection. Same for people who are healthy and want amputation. Also not in the scope of one's practice. This is my perspective.
You're free to do that, but you have no standing and no knowledge on which to base any valid judgement of me, and there is no reason why I should regard any such judgement from a Godless creature of your kind as anything but nonsensical and mockworthy.

There certainly is nothing in me for you to “cure”.
You are judged by your words on here. It doesnt look good.
Yeah if she said I am going by identity as Lucifer and I want to stick a hot poker in my peehole , I am not going along with it and I shouldn't have to. There are plenty of creepers who delightfully will. It's conscientious objection. Same for people who are healthy and want amputation. Also not in the scope of one's practice. This is my perspective.
Why did she take a job where she would be treating trans people ? Its akin to a vegan taking a job in a butchers.
She is an attention seeker,
Changing words are neither cruel nor kind. It's a fad. Think about it. How is anyone's life improved (or damaged) if someone just uses the right pronoun. How does it even make sense for someone to think that their life would be so much better if only a person uses this pronoun instead of that one. Does it feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, visit those in prison?

What is the relevance of Christianity? The only relevance is for each Christian to discern the will of God and follow it.

Can anyone argue with a straight face is that it is the will of God I insist everyone call me by a preferred pronoun?
^^ It (a thing) has spoken. Of course I mean no offense
Simple kindness would certainly have to include •NOT• trying to force sane people to play along with insane lies.
Exactly and I'm not really sure why they're not getting this concept.

really -- could it be your signature ...


Trump for president 2024, and Bidet for toilet 2024. Thanks Blaster for my new signature line!!

- look not to far, depending how long your nose has recently protruded.
Yeah if she said I am going by identity as Lucifer and I want to stick a hot poker in my peehole , I am not going along with it and I shouldn't have to. There are plenty of creepers who delightfully will. It's conscientious objection. Same for people who are healthy and want amputation. Also not in the scope of one's practice. This is my perspective.
She was a PA so no one will ever ask her for an option amputation. If someone came to her with a transgender or any issue beyond her expertise, I would expect her to refer that person to a clinic or health profession that deals with such issues, not to say that my religion won't allow me to help you.
I would expect her to refer that person to a clinic or health profession that deals with such issues
I agree. In some respects I wonder if this might be a case of someone seeking wrongful termination compensation. While I'm not going to go out of my way to on the pronoun issue, there is also no reason to bring one's faith into the issue at work.

I am a substitute teacher, and I have said flat out I have enough trouble remembering names, let alone which pronouns to put with each name. And then there is the fact that when one is speaking directly to someone, use of any pronoun is unnecessary. In other words, no reason to trot out my religion at all.
She was a PA so no one will ever ask her for an option amputation. If someone came to her with a transgender or any issue beyond her expertise, I would expect her to refer that person to a clinic or health profession that deals with such issues, not to say that my religion won't allow me to help you.
Well you shouldn;t expect it. She shouldn't need to provide that validation. She has the right to conscientiously object.
Well you shouldn;t expect it. She shouldn't need to provide that validation. She has the right to conscientiously object.
She can object all she wants, what she can't do is endanger someone else's health by withholding information. She has a job to do, sorry for her is she doesn't always like it.

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