Trump is using the same hate rhetoric as Hitler


Gold Member
Aug 2, 2016
They are by no means to be considered the other side of the isle , or the noble opposition, or a group with just a different opinion. They are evil, this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be seen and treated as such. It's either them or democracy. You pick.
And the right, as in half this countries population, knows that Trump is using the same hate rhetoric almost word for word , as the same type of tool that made Germany align itself with one of the ugliest most evil leader in our world history. Hitler . The point being the right is willing to go in that direction to stay in power.

Trump is using the DOJ to go after his political enemies!

Trump has made America a haven for Hamas and antisemitism!

Trump threw open the Southern border and invited MILLIONS of Illegal Aliens!
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They are by no means to be considered the other side of the isle , or the noble opposition, or a group with just a different opinion. They are evil, this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be seen and treated as such. It's either them or democracy. You pick.

EIIIIIII, I see. Democrat or EVIL ! Because you believe all that SHIT. Your mind is twisted, unhinged and you hate your fellow Americans because they see through the crap Democrats have been foisting upon them for years and years. Your take away from that video is absolutely stunning. get some help!

When did Hitler ever accuse someone of using Gestapo tactics huh??
And the right, as in half this countries population, knows that Trump is using the same hate rhetoric almost word for word , as the same type of tool that made Germany align itself with one of the ugliest most evil leader in our world history. Hitler . The point being the right is willing to go in that direction to stay in power.
Hitler spoke German....not English.

Totally different word usage.
They are by no means to be considered the other side of the isle , or the noble opposition, or a group with just a different opinion. They are evil, this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be seen and treated as such. It's either them or democracy. You pick.

Them.... I like my representative republic.
And the right, as in half this countries population, knows that Trump is using the same hate rhetoric almost word for word , as the same type of tool that made Germany align itself with one of the ugliest most evil leader in our world history. Hitler . The point being the right is willing to go in that direction to stay in power.
Not again. No, just no. On Holocaust Memorial Day...just no.
They are by no means to be considered the other side of the isle , or the noble opposition, or a group with just a different opinion. They are evil, this countries biggest threat and enemy and should be seen and treated as such. It's either them or democracy. You pick.
how about if i say your side is full of shit just like their side is.....both parties suck and only care about the fucking party...yea democracy bander....its great when they represent that...
I think the Hitleresque words and notions in his speeches come from Stephen Miller. Trump, who communicates at a fourth grade level, simply doesn't have the capacity to utilize words like that. And he's not an ideologue, he's an unwell man-child desperate for validation.

Then, as he always does, depending on the response, he repeats the terms and ideas over and over going forward.

Trump is the useful tool. It's those around him who have the specific agenda.
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And the right, as in half this countries population, knows that Trump is using the same hate rhetoric almost word for word , as the same type of tool that made Germany align itself with one of the ugliest most evil leader in our world history. Hitler . The point being the right is willing to go in that direction to stay in power.
Here we go again.
And the right, as in half this countries population, knows that Trump is using the same hate rhetoric almost word for word , as the same type of tool that made Germany align itself with one of the ugliest most evil leader in our world history. Hitler . The point being the right is willing to go in that direction to stay in power.
And it works (with some).

Margaret Atwood had a great line about the Third Reich (likely paraphrasing here)...”being a nazi was fun, that is why people did it”. She’s right. You get to create your own reality (elections stolen, show trials, slanted media coverage) and when actual reality crashes your party, you spin lies that your believers buy into.
Here we go again.
Let me see, shitpants uses Hitlers quotes word for word, doing as Hitler did to take control of the stupid and hate driven people with non stop lies hate and ugliness, Yup here we go again. Keep in mind his second wife explained to us that he had a book on his bed stand that he read nightly called "My new order" by Hitler and she made the point that it is significant because the piece of shit never reads anything. This is a book of all his speeches that he used to bring the stupid and hateful in his country to support him and make him look like a God. Sounds familiar.
of course his man of the hour is Reagan one of this countries biggest bigots. A man who gave Saddam the weapons of mas destruction , that we started a war over on lies murdering 5000 American heroes. These scum bag right wingers are all alike,,
They came from the same block of our population Reagan , Bush 2 and Shitpants, Same hate, same ugliness same driving support from hate based and the stupid. All three favorite tool the lie.
If you're a leftist, how many fucking rules do you get to break before a 'moderator' steps in??

This thread breaks several right off the bat.
And the right, as in half this countries population, knows that Trump is using the same hate rhetoric almost word for word , as the same type of tool that made Germany align itself with one of the ugliest most evil leader in our world history. Hitler . The point being the right is willing to go in that direction to stay in power.
The left have been using hate rhetoric for centuries.
And the right, as in half this countries population, knows that Trump is using the same hate rhetoric almost word for word , as the same type of tool that made Germany align itself with one of the ugliest most evil leader in our world history. Hitler . The point being the right is willing to go in that direction to stay in power.
Can you provide an example of this rhetoric?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I didn't think so. It's actually Biden and the Dims using the NAZI rhetoric

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