Homosexual suicides. Proves homosexuality is form of mental illness.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I stated time and time again, that homosexuals that commit suicide indicates that homosexuality is a form of mental illness.

It is not bullying or any other form of emotional attack on homosexuals, put the mere fact that they engage in a lifstyle that is abnormal, and thus leads to abnormal thoughts about
hurting themselves with the act of suicide.

Homosexuality must be criminalized, for the safety others, and for the homosexuals own safety.:razz:
62.8% of male homosexuals attempt suicide.!!www.psycontent.com
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Pure unadulterated horse crap. Also that 62.8% figure is ridiculous with no empirical data to support it. Wow, when you want to make an ass of yourself you really go all out!
How many times must this thread be dumped in the trash by the mods, for you to stop trying?
Pure unadulterated horse crap. Also that 62.8% figure is ridiculous with no empirical data to support it. Wow, when you want to make an ass of yourself you really go all out!

The percentage quote is from documented suicide attempts.
Homosexuals do attempt to commit suicide more so than the heterosexual general

Homosexuals are mentally ill.

Mentally ill people attempt suicide more often than normal people.

Thus, it stands to reason that homos are more prone to suicide than straight people.

Homosexuals are mentally ill.

Mentally ill people attempt suicide more often than normal people.

Thus, it stands to reason that homos are more prone to suicide than straight people.

Thus, I make a valid post, and my point has been scientifically proven.
Pure unadulterated horse crap. Also that 62.8% figure is ridiculous with no empirical data to support it. Wow, when you want to make an ass of yourself you really go all out!

The percentage quote is from documented suicide attempts.
Homosexuals do attempt to commit suicide more so than the heterosexual general

Probably because nasty objectionable lowlifes like you keep hounding them!
Pure unadulterated horse crap. Also that 62.8% figure is ridiculous with no empirical data to support it. Wow, when you want to make an ass of yourself you really go all out!

The percentage quote is from documented suicide attempts.
Homosexuals do attempt to commit suicide more so than the heterosexual general

Untrue. It is a rather pathetic attempt by homosexual activists to generate funding and allow for classes in schools to fix a non-existant problem. Homosexuals have a marginally higher rate of suicide than "normal" people. The last study actually goes into the many possible reasons for this. Folks like you like to claim it is because homosexuality is a pathology all its own (and the study debates this) but more reasoned people think that it is based on a whole host of reasons, none of which are pathological, they are all environmental.

Exposed: Homosexual Urban Legend: 30% Of Teen Suicide Victims Are Homosexuals

Facts about suicide

Is There a Gay Teen Suicide Epidemic? | Homosexuality, Lesbian & Gay Teen Suicide, Sexual Orientation | LiveScience

Homosexuality and Mental Health Problems

One other thing. One other thing what you are proposing is not supported by historical fact. Sparta, the city state, was noted for homosexual relations between its men. If it were truly a mental illness as you posit then you would see a corresponding problem in Sparta. Instead Sparta was a powerhouse for around 300 years.
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Latino boy 16, David Ritcheson, tortured and sodomized by Gang of Whites - Wheelchair and Colostomy Bag - commits suicide - Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas
Latino boy David Richardson, 16, beaten, tortured and sodomized by Gang of White Cowards that call him "****, wetback" and yell "White Power".
All this happened in Houston, Texas during 2006

Raciality.com - and Brutality: Latino boy 16, David Ritcheson, tortured and sodomized by Gang of Whites - Wheelchair and Colostomy Bag - commits suicide - Houston, Texas

I guess this proves: "Hispanic" is a mental illness.
Pure unadulterated horse crap. Also that 62.8% figure is ridiculous with no empirical data to support it. Wow, when you want to make an ass of yourself you really go all out!

The percentage quote is from documented suicide attempts.
Homosexuals do attempt to commit suicide more so than the heterosexual general

Probably because nasty objectionable lowlifes like you keep hounding them!

This is actually listed as one of the possible environmental factors in the scholarly study I linked to.
I stated time and time again, that homosexuals that commit suicide indicates that homosexuality is a form of mental illness.

It is not bullying or any other form of emotional attack on homosexuals, put the mere fact that they engage in a lifstyle that is abnormal, and thus leads to abnormal thoughts about
hurting themselves with the act of suicide.

Homosexuality must be criminalized, for the safety others, and for the homosexuals own safety.:razz:
62.8% of male homosexuals attempt suicide.!!PsyCONTENT Home - Main

Seeing as white males are also at increased risk for suicide, perhaps by your "logic" being a white male is also a mental illness that should be criminalized? Oh that's right, you only pick and choose the facts you want to see.

Unfortunately for you, stupidity such as yours has been proven wrong through extensive research several times. In your vast knowledge you fail to realize it's bigotry such as yours that leads to suicide. YOU CAUSE IT. From cyber bullying to homophobia, concentrating life stresses increases the risk for suicide.

Bigots like you cause it, and this has been proven through countless research studies. That's why areas that have a larger supporting homosexual population have a DECREASED relative risk of suicide compared to unsupported areas with smaller homosexual populations. This is a fact that completely contradicts your "logic".

Developmental and adjustment issues of gay, lesbian, and bisexual adolescents: a review of the empirical literature.
Elevated rates of suicidal behavior in gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth.
Suicide and suicide attempts in the lesbian and gay community.
Mental health in sexual minorities: recent indicators, trends, and their relationships to place in North America and Europe.

But why should I expect an ignorant bigot such as yourself to actually use evidence to draw intelligent conclusions?
I see you ran away from the thread, 52nd Street. Not only a bigot, but a yellow-bellied coward too!

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