God's Comfort for You

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
God has many ways of comforting His children. One of my own favorite comfort's from God is His presence. God inhabits the praises of His people. There is comfort to be found in Scripture, comfort in worship music, in reading King David's Psalms, in reading Isaiah, or Daniel or the book of Ephesians or the book of John there is great comfort. There is also comfort in fellowship with others. William Gurnall spoke of this in one of his sermons entitled Comfort in fellowship with Others and there are quite a few that line up with that message to add to it! It will all be good news and great comfort! I'll post the first short sermon after this song because this will surely lift your spirits. It is always good to listen to old Gospel Music and enjoy a variety of it! It is like a banquet! Enjoy!

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Sermon by William Gurnall - Comfort in Fellowship with others -

If Satan continues to hound you, call in help and do not listen to the devil's counsel to the contrary. The very strength of some temptations lies in trying to keep them hidden. Telling a trusted, godly friend of your struggles often brings relief. Satan knows this too well, so in order more freely to rifle the soul of its peace and comfort, he frightens it into silence. "Oh. My," Satan says, "if your friends knew such a thing about you, they would cast you off. You had better hope they never find out!" He has kept many a poor soul in misery by swearing it to secrecy. You lose two blessings by keeping the devil's secret - the counsel of your fellow brethren, and their prayers. And what a serious loss that is!

You have the assurance of victory if you are armed. We have seen perilous straits of the unarmed soul, turn your thoughts now to prospects of a soul fitly armed. Who would decline the honor of serving in the army of the King of kings - especially when victory has already been declared! This is the assurance Paul gives every saint who puts on the whole armor of God: "That ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." With this statement he places the enemy's potential back in proper perspective. He never intended to scare the saints into cowardly flight or woeful despair of victory when he acknowledged the enemy's might. Rather, he hoped to rouse them to vigorous resistance by promising them strength to stand in battle, and a sure victory afterwards. These two ideas are implied in the phrase "to stand against the wiles of Satan." Sometimes to stand implies a fighting position - "I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth" ( Job 19:25 ) the earth which today is the field for all the bloody battles between the saints and Satan, will one day be Christ's footstool, when not an enemy shall dare show his head.
If you are going through something, beloved, the worst thing you can do is not talk to anyone about it. Go to God and ask Him for guidance. Yes. There is wisdom in many counselors and you should be able to talk to a godly friend, a godly parent, a Pastor you trust, a Christian brother or sister that lives in your neighborhood. Go talk to someone and destroy the power of that thing over your life. Ask others to pray for you. You will be amazed at how quickly that trouble dissipates into nothing. It will lose its power over you, over your conscience, over your life. It is something young people need to learn. There is nothing you have not done in life that someone else has not done themselves. You'd be amazed. Listen to the youtube video testimonials out there of people who have learned this after the fact and you will feel better just knowing there are others who have gone through whatever you are going through and they have come through it. So will you. Let that word comfort you and know that Jesus does not condemn us. Jesus is our Redeemer and He loves us, if God is not condemning us then who can? Seriously - it is just that simple - no one can. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. Jesus sent Him to us and with the Holy Spirit helping us we are in perfect hands.

The link below is for more Gurnall Sermons.
William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour
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Next sermon to comfort your soul - SATAN IS UNDER A CURSE - By William Gurnall
William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour

Satan, with all his wit and wiles, will never defeat a soul armed with true grace, nor will the contest ever end in a stalemate. Look into the Word. You not find a faithful servant sifted and winnowed by the enemy, who did not come off with an honorable victory. Witness David, Job, Peter, and Paul, who were the hardest put to it of any upon record. And lest some would attribute their victory to their own inherent strength, the glory of the victories is attributable to God alone, in whom the weak are as strong as the strongest. There are two reasons why the Christian who seems to be so overmatched is yet so unconquerable ( 2 Corinthians 12:9, James 5:11 )
The curse that lies upon Satan is God's curse. God's curse blasts wherever it comes. The Canaanite, along with their neighboring nations, were easy prey for Israel, though they were famous for war. Why? Because they were cursed nations. The Egyptians were a shrewd people. "Let us deal wisely," they said. Yet God's curse lay like a thorn at Egypt's heart, and was finally her ruin. In fact, when the Israelites, themselves children of the covenant, sinned and became the object of God's curse, they were trampled like dirt under the Assyrians feet.
An irrevocable curse clings to Satan from Genesis 3:14-15; "And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed....." And as the curse works eternally against Satan, so it operates eternally in favor of the saints.
For one thing, it prostrates Satan under their feet: "Upon thy belly shalt thou go" ( V.14 ) This prostrate condition of Satan assures believers that the devil can never lift his head - his wily schemes - higher than the saint's heels.
He may make you limp, but he cannot take your life. And the bruise which he gives you will be rewarded with the breaking of his own head - the utter ruin of him and his cause.
Glory to God, if that doesn't make you shout Hallelujah! I do not know what will, beloved! Quick reference back on Israel - Israel - although she was the LORD's still got chastised when she did wrong - because God is clear in His word that He chastises those whom He loves! If He didn't love us He would not correct us when we go astray, beloved!

There is a false teaching out there called replacement theology and it is out of the pits of hell - so hear the truth here - Israel is Israel! The Church has not replaced Israel so do not ever believe such a lie!

God's plans for Israel are very clear in His Word through the Hebrew Prophet and what did God say? All Israel shall be saved. Ezekiel 37 - the valley of the dry bones - is about Israel not the church. The woman whom God protects in Revelation is referring to Israel - not the church - there have been some very faulty interpretations of Scripture concerning the Lords beloved people - the Jews - with that - I am a little sensitive when I post a sermon and it mentions Israel being punished for something because there are people in this world who believe God has abandoned Israel and her day is over with! Nothing could be further from the truth! God loves Israel - He loves the Jewish people - so that needs to be reiterated with the message - God is in full control here. God knows what he is doing and the time of the Gentile is about to be fulfilled.
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Put your dancing shoes on and get ready to shout, church! We're just getting warmed up here! Wait until you see what the LORD has in store for you next! Get excited! The best is yet to come!

Gurnalls sermon - THE LIMITS GOD PLACES ON SATAN -William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour

The devil may not tempt anyone unless God allows it. When Christ went into the wilderness, He was led, not by an evil spirit, but by the Holy Spirit ( Matthew 4: 1 ) All that transpired was by God's permission. And the same Holy Spirit that led Christ into the field brought Him off with victory. As soon as He had repulsed Satan, we see Him marching into Galilee in the power of the Holy Ghost ( Luke 4:14 ).
When Satan tempts a saint, he is only serving as God's messenger. Paul called his thorn in the flesh "the messenger of Satan" ( 2 Corinthians 12: 7 ) Another translation reads, "the messenger Satan," implying that the messenger was sent by God to Paul. Indeed, this errand he came on was too good to be Satan's own, for Paul himself says it was to keep him humble. This tempter to sin never meant to do Paul a service, but God let him go to Paul to accomplish His own divine will. The devil and his instruments are both God's instruments. We will be well advised to let God alone to wield the one and handle the other.

Let Lucifer choose his way; God is a match for him at every weapon. If he assaults the saint by persecution, God will oppose him. If he works by a subtlety, God is ready there also. The devil and his whole council are mere fools for God. The more wit and craft in sin, the worse, because it is employed against an all wise God that cannot be outwitted. In Pauls' words, "The foolishness of God is wiser than men." ( 1 Corinithians 1: 25 ) God is wiser in His creatures weak sermons than Satan is in his deep plots, wiser is His ignorant children than Satan is in his Ahithophels and Sanballats. [God] disappointeth the devices of the crafty" ( Job 5:12 )

By displaying His wisdom in pursuing the saints' enemies, God adds a sweet relish to their ultimate deliverance. After He had hunted Pharoah out of his lairs and burrows, He broke the very brains of that wicked ruler's plots and served them up to His people.
Is there anyone like God? No! God is totally awesome! He is too wonderful for words! There are no words to adequately describe the absolute magnificence of God! I find myself thinking of King David's question in Psalm 8! What is man that thou art mindful of him? I am in awe that God loves me and calls me His child! What an honor it is to be God's child! What a wonderful Father He is! Thank you Jesus! For sending your wonderful Holy Spirit to draw me to you! Thank you for paying the price of my sin with your own shed blood on that cross, your death and resurrection which reconciled me back to God who is now my Father! I praise your Holy name! I exalt your name , LORD Jesus! Anyone who has not received this pardon for their sins - please come to Him tonight! He is is so wonderful. Jesus Christ is so wonderful! He is such a wonderful God! Read Romans 10: 9,10 tonight and seek the LORD!
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Corrie ten Boom was the daughter of a watch maker. She and her family rescued the Jews and hid them during WWII. They saved many lives before they themselves were found out by the nazis and sent to the concentration camps. Corrie ten Boom in this video teaches on how to forgive.

A.W. Tozer Quotes Author of The Pursuit of God“What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.”
― [URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/author/show/1082290.A_W_Tozer']A.W. Tozer

“God never hurries. There are no deadlines against which he must work. Only to know this is to quiet our spirits and relax our nerves.”
A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God

“It is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until He has hurt him deeply.”
A.W. Tozer

“Rules for Self Discovery:
1. What we want most;
2. What we think about most;
3. How we use our money;
4. What we do with our leisure time;
5. The company we enjoy;
6. Who and what we admire;
7. What we laugh at.”
A.W. Tozer

“The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven't yet come to the end of themselves. We're still trying to give orders, and interfering with God's work within us. ”
A.W. Tozer

“I can safely say, on the authority of all that is revealed in the Word of God, that any man or woman on this earth who is bored and turned off by worship is not ready for heaven.”
A.W. Tozer

“I want the presence of God Himself, or I don't want anything at all to do with religion... I want all that God has or I don't want any.”
A.W. Tozer

“Perhaps it takes a purer faith to praise God for unrealized blessings than for those we once enjoyed or those we enjoy now.”
A.W. Tozer

“Sometimes I go to God and say, "God, if Thou dost never answer another prayer while I live on this earth, I will still worship Thee as long as I live and in the ages to come for what Thou hast done already. God’s already put me so far in debt that if I were to live one million millenniums I couldn’t pay Him for what He’s done for me.”
A.W. Tozer

“One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team.”
A.W. Tozer[/URL]
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I am talking about victory, Delta. The victory Christians have over Satan through Jesus Christ. The greatness of God! The awesome power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This wasn't about a discussion on the devil. This is a good news thread that is meant to give comfort to the Believer! Satan is a defeated foe. Understand?
Next William Gurnall Sermon: Satan's Temporary Reign

William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour

No one will doubt God's almighty power when they see Him flick this mighty dragon off the earth and into hell as though he were a gnat.

Just as man alone is no match for the devil, so Satan with all his troops is no match for God. What a glorious name God will have for Himself when He has finished this war!
The workmanship of heaven and earth gave God the name of Creator. Providence gave Him the name of Preserver. But His triumph over Satan gives Him another name above every other - that of Savior.

As Savior He both preserves rescued man from destruction and creates a new creature in him - a child of grace. Then the Savior nestles this babe in His bosom and carries him safely past all the commotions of Satan, until at last he reaches heaven.

There is no greater evidence of God's mercy than His plan of redemption. All His other majestic works will flow as rivers into this one mighty sea, on whose shores the saints will stand with great rejoicing. Know this for certain: If we had not been Satan's prisoner first, we would not fully understand or appreciate our deliverance at last.

God permits Satan's temporary reign in order to increase the saint's eternal joy. Does this sound like a paradox? Think about your own life, and you will find that often the occasions for the greatest joy arise from the ashes of suffering. Scripture gives three illustrations of great joy: The joy of a new mother, the joy of a prosperous farmer, and the joy of a successful soldier. The exultation of all three is harvested in hard soil. It costs the travailing woman great pain, the farmer many months of backbreaking labor, and the soldier grave peril, before they come to their reward. But at last they are paid in full. And it is a peculiar attribute of sorrow that its past remembrance so often adds a sweetness to our present joy.
There are two scripture verses that go well with this sermon. Isaiah 54: 16,17

It is written:
Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy. No weapon formed against thee shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise up against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. Isaiah 54: 16,17
Note that the Word says thou shall condemn. Not God. You do it. God said, you are going to take authority - you are going to condemn that tongue. Understand? You do it - the authority God has given you is your heritage as a servant of the Most High and you are walking in the righteousness Jesus Christ gave you at the cross. Amen.
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God omnipotent sits in the devil's council and overrules proceedings there to the saint's advantage. - William Gurnall

Gurnall examines many angles of what this battle is all about and it is to our advantage to study it out. So the next sermon coming up is entitled "God uses Temptation."
William Gurnall - God Uses Temptation
William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour

Satan designs every temptation to bring as much discomfort as possible to the saint, hoping to rob him of his peace and create self-doubts about his sincerity. But God does not sit idly by. We have a sure promise that "the eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous" (Psalm 34:15). First of all, He uses the temptations of Satan to one as a preventative to another. God omnipotent sits in the devil's council and overrules proceedings there to the saint's advantage. He allows the devil to annoy the Christian with certain troublesome temptations which He knows will drive the soul to watchfulness.
So Paul's thorn in the flesh prevents his pride. God sent Satan to assault Paul on his strong side so that in the meantime He might fortify the apostle where he was weak.
Second, God uses the temptation to sin as a purgative against future sin. Peter never had such a conquest over his self-confidence, never such an establishment of his faith, as after his denial in the high priest's hall. This man, who recanted when questioned by a serving maid, became a bold confessor of Christ before councils and rulers.

If you should trip over a temptation and fall headlong into sin, do like Peter. Use the experience to discover your prevailing infirmity and take measure to overcome it.
Third, God uses temptation to promote the whole work of grace in the heart. A good husband, seeking the roof leak in one corner, will send for a repairman to check the whole house. And a good wife, finding a stain on her husband's shirt, will wash the whole garment. This kind of concern for one's spiritual condition distinguishes a sincere heart from a hypocrite, whose repentance is only partial. Judas confessed his treason, but not a word of his thievery and hypocrisy. If he had been truly repentant, his sorrow for one sin would have broken his heart for the others also.
David, when overcome by one sin, renewed his repentance for all.
(Psalm 51)
Even William Gurnall saw the beauty of King David. He is in wonderful company because Jesus referred to King David the most and also "first" which is quite a compliment! King David was a man after God's own heart! The scripture that comes to mind for this sermon:
Romans 8 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.

2 Samuel 16:12
It may be that the LORD will look upon my misery and restore to me his covenant blessing instead of his curse today."
Acts 13:48
When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.
Romans 1:7
To all in Rome who are loved by God and called to be his holy people: Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 8:30
And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
Romans 11:29
for God's gifts and his call are irrevocable.
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Now for the motive of Satan's temptation against the saints - to defile them! Any backslider knows about this one - Satan is trying to destroy the testimony of the Believer. Gurnall said, If you fall to temptation and come under Satan's rule for a time, you learn what an evil taskmaster he is. I think this is why the gratitude of ex-satanists, ex-witches such as the brother who became a pastor and gave his testimony - Testimony of an Ex-Satanist - and also John Todd - a former witch on the Council of 13 - were both such grateful men! They knew what they had been forgiven for and what they had been delivered from! Both men showed tremendous gratitude in their testimonies. The truth is, Jesus Christ has delivered us who have believed - from eternity in hell - by His shed blood, death on the cross and resurrection so there should be great gratitude to God irregardless of our testimonies.
From William Gurnall - Satan's Intention to Defile Saints
William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour
Satan plants temptation in one saint, hoping it will blossom into sin and its seeds will be carried to other hearts by the winds of conformity or disillusionment so that they are either encouraged to sin by example, or discouraged in their own walk by scandal.
God once again fools Satan, by making such sins a seasonable warning to others to look to their standing. When you see a meek Moses provoked to anger, you keep more careful watch for such chokeweeds in your own unruly heart!
God also comforts his afflicted saints by showing them what a rocky road some of His dearest children traveled on their way to heaven. Is your conscience distressed by your sin? Is your soul grief - stricken because Satan has convinced you there is no hope of pardon? The lives of some of the greatest saints are an indisputable rebuttal to Satan's accusations against you.
David's sins were great, yet he found mercy. Peter denied his faith, yet he is now in heaven.
Does God love you any less than them?
Has He not promised to pardon all who are of a contrite heart ( Psalm 34:18)?
Another way God uses Satan's attacks is as a training ground for his saints. The saint who has been severely tested is best equipped to help other suffering saints. The best drill sergeant is not the general behind a desk but the man who has served on the front lines of battle.

So here you put your faith to work in earnest, all your graces are called into action. If you fall to temptation and come under Satan's rule for a time, you learn what an evil taskmaster he is. He wields an iron rod in one hand and a cruel lash in the other, with which he intends to drive all his subjects to hell. But the sincere child of God, when he sins and feels the sting of Satan's whip, knows how to escape. He runs to the Word of God and to God himself. And he yields to the kind ministrations of the Spirit.
Amen! That word was most certainly for someone reading today!
Gurnall continues with this next sermon - Using Satan's Temptations -http://William Gurnall -- The Christian in Complete Armour

God makes Satan's temptations the courier of His love to the saints. The devil thought he had the game in his own hands when he got Adam to eat the forbidden fruit. He supposed he now had man in the same predicament as himself. But did he catch God by surprise? Of course not! God knew the outcome before the match was ever begun and used Satan's temptation to usher in that great gospel plot of saving man by Christ.
At God's command, Christ undertook the charge of wrestling His fallen creatures from Satan's clutches and reinstating them to their original glory, with access to more than they ever had at first.
And what did Satan get for all the energy he spent on Job, but to let that holy man know at last how dearly God loved him?

When he foiled Peter so shamefully, do we not find Christ claiming Peter with as much love as ever? Peter was the only disciple to whom Christ sent the joyful news of His resurrected by name - as if He had said, "Be sure to comfort Peter with this news. I want him to know I am still his friend, despite his cowardice. God never condones wickedness in his saints, but He does pity their weakness. he never sees a saint in mourning without planning to clothe him in the sunlight of His love and mercy.
God can, in fact, use His saints' failures to strengthen their faith, which, like a tree, stands stronger for the shaking. Times of testing expose the heart's true condition. False faith, once foiled, seldom comes on again, but true faith rises and fights more valiantly, as we see in Peter. Temptation is to faith as fire is to gold ( 1 Peter 1: 7 ) The fire not only reveals which is true gold, but makes true gold become more pure. It comes out less in bulk, being separated from the dross that was mixed with it, but is greater in quality and value.
Some may say John was the "disciple whom Jesus loved" ( best ) but John said that about himself! ( John was precious of course he was ) I think the LORD's heart leaped over Peter. Peter was a man that Jesus loved greatly. 1 Peter and 2 Peter in the bible clearly reveal a man with great understanding of the kingdom of heaven and what is important in this life. I thank God for Peter and ability to impart truth about trials but we know he could never have imparted such truth if he had not first overcame it in his own life. He did. He died a martyr for Jesus Christ. I love Peter!

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