POLL: Do you WANT to heal our divisions?

Do you WANT to see our divisions healed?

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I for one am not flexible on:

1. Open border. There is a border and we have laws about it. Either fix the border or change the laws. Do your damned job.
2. Mutilating the genitals of children
3. Forcing gender theory on kids. Kids should not be made to think they are either a victim or a victimizer because of the color of their skin. That does not bode well for the mental health of either child.
4. Unlimited spending that causes unlimited inflation.
5. Abortion on demand. The Federal government needs to make a determination on the personhood of the unborn before making policy on them. When does a human become human with natural rights?

You start with that.
Until Candidate Trump came along old mac was not involved at all.
He was a 3rd (or maybe 5th) party person who just stood on the sidelines and bitched.
He simply hates President Trump.
My guess is that there is no compromise with him on the Trump issue.

But from what I've seen of his positions, he is basically a democrat minus some of the nutty Progressive wokeness, like wanting to gas the Jews.
The situation here in the U.S. is analogous to that in the Holy Land. One cannot negotiate with a party whose raison e'etre is the murder of you and everyone on your side. Not the same, but analogous.

The Left wants to RE-MAKE the country and its culture into a Leftist shit-hole. Open borders, neurotic pursuit of a degree C in a hundred years, re-definition of marriage, gender, and most of all "normality," rejection of middle-class values, and a re-casting of every dispute into the paradigm of Oppressor vs Oppressed.

You cannot negotiate with this garbage or these people. There can be no compromise.

They think about The Children all the time; they want to kill them by the millions, and sexually mutilate and rape the ones left alive. Their plans for The Children are their main vote getters.
so we shouldn't abandon all the blue state children.
I for one am not flexible on:

1. Open border. There is a border and we have laws about it. Either fix the border or change the laws. Do your damned job.
2. Mutilating the genitals of children
3. Forcing gender theory on kids. Kids should not be made to think they are either a victim or a victimizer because of the color of their skin. That does not bode well for the mental health of either child.
4. Unlimited spending that causes unlimited inflation.
5. Abortion on demand. The Federal government needs to make a determination on the personhood of the unborn before making policy on them. When does a human become human with natural rights?

You start with that.
It’s more like you’re not flexible in the information you choose to believe. You prefer to accept only what you want to rather than the reality of any given subject.
It’s more like you’re not flexible in the information you choose to believe. You prefer to accept only what you want to rather than the reality of any given subject.
Get'em Big Mac, Get'em!!!

Mac agrees with me so what the hell is wrong with yall?
My guess is that there is no compromise with him on the Trump issue.

But from what I've seen of his positions, he is basically a democrat minus some of the nutty Progressive wokeness, like wanting to gas the Jews.

Just an act; he really wants them all dead., or he wouldn't be a Democrat.
No they shouldn't. Let us know where you MAGA Cult are moving to. You're not welcome here.

I’m just going to leave your previous comment here..for context.

A few posts up you said:

MAGA was a complete failure which crashed the economy. It is anti democratic and fuelled by hate and violence.

This was post #33, for reference.

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