God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

You do have a God but have suppressed knowledge of him to live as you please, with no moral compass, even with a moral compass, that in itself comes from God. You can be as good as you want and it will not suffice

Once again you try to sound as though you know someone's beliefs. Your post is drivel.
I never said a pagan religious society I said a pagan secular society, what do you call climate activists, they worship the creation instead of the Creator as does peta, what do you call vegetarians, same.
We as Christians do not want subservient women, on the contrary. People need to wake up and understanding that they need to be adult and not do things that cause pregnancy whether that means abstinence, or contraception's. , simply saying well I couldn't control myself so I need to kill this child doesn't cut it.
The last part is anecdotal, you make businesses follow secular laws where the religious freedom should be acknowledged, Christ is freedom, and the only way speech would be crushed is if we had a theocracy, we do not want that, we want the freedoms guaranteed us.
However the secular Government under the current pedo in the whitehouse, has no issue with abridging free speech and silencing dissent on social media.

People who believe in Global Warming are not pagans.
Conservatives use religious dogma to ‘justify’ their agenda of racism, bigotry, and hate – hence the Framers’ prohibition.
The Framers in Virginia were required by law to attend church multiple times per week or face deprivations, so if you think they were trying to limit "conservatives"...
5th post
Theists don't have reasoned explanations. God did it isn't a reasonable explanation. The other thing is that you haven't described how fine tuning is even a problem. So what that changing certain values leads to different results? Shouldn't that be expected? If I have an equation for how far a baseball will travel if I throw it at a one speed at one angle why shouldn't I expect the results to change if I change the speed or the angle? From the perspective of the baseball working yourself backwards through time you'd conclude that there is only one speed and one angle that could have landed you in this exact spot. And? If you had landed somewhere else you'd be calculating those values instead and coming to the same conclusion. Anyway here's a pretty good breakdown of why theism is a shitty theory for explaining anything.
Another excellent video. I would love to see that guy debate Haisch or any leading theist/astrophysicist. He talked really fast, and I don't want to keep replaying his presentation to correct his many wrong assertions.
1. Theists can have reasoned explanations. Like why is there evil or suffering, etc. Once God created the universe what happens happens, there is a certain randomness to how the universe evolves. God doesn't direct everything, but he sees everything, we have free will.

2. I like that he reminded me of my argument's a name..."fine tuning" of the universe. Fine tuning is the term given to the various parameters necessary for the universe to form and for life and consciousness to exist. He defeated his own argument when he said that if the universe never formed or beings composed of matter never developed consciousness that God could still have devised some other life forms. God could have, but "nature" could not have. He can't have it both ways. Bad parameters mean that the energy from a big bang gets wasted, no life, no consciousness, a dead mess of nothingness.

3. Cosmology isn't baseball. Steven Hawking described several parameters necessary for the universe to form, these had to be EXACTLY set or nothing would happen, the universe would be an empty space, devoid of sentient life or consciousness.
a. The speed at which the universe expands, necessary for star and planet formation
b. force of gravity and mass of the universe
c. force of electricity
d. size of the electric charge of an electron
e. ratio of masses of protons and electrons
f. the properties of light and quarks.

4. Your boy didn't "disprove" anything. Even though I liked his presentation, every one of his "points" can be shot down. He didn't "disprove" anything. The finely tuned universe is a FACT. That other universes with other parameters and life form exist is conjecture.

5. We both can't "prove" our thesis. Neither can we disprove any other.

6. Hawking in his last paper now says that Einstein is wrong.
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10th post
It was never that bad. Even the slaves got job training.

Yeah, it amazes me that anyone could complain about it.

Just because they could beat you whenever they chose to, could rape your wives and daughters, take away your children and grandchildren to be sold.

How could they complain about that when they learned a valuable skill like how to hoe cotton.
Yeah, it amazes me that anyone could complain about it.

Just because they could beat you whenever they chose to, could rape your wives and daughters, take away your children and grandchildren to be sold.

How could they complain about that when they learned a valuable skill like how to hoe cotton.
Pretty amazing, huh?

There's a lot of this out there.
Another excellent video. I would love to see that guy debate Haisch or any leading theist/astrophysicist. He talked really fast, and I don't want to keep replaying his presentation to correct his many wrong assertions.
No you wouldn't. That was a larger debate with another theist, William Lane Craig. It didn't go so well for Craig. You can listen to the entire debate here.

1. Theists can have reasoned explanations. Like why is there evil or suffering, etc. Once God created the universe what happens happens, there is a certain randomness to how the universe evolves. God doesn't direct everything, but he sees everything, we have free will.
What is the reasoned theological explanation for why their is suffering?
2. I like that he reminded me of my argument's a name..."fine tuning" of the universe. Fine tuning is the term given to the various parameters necessary for the universe to form and for life and consciousness to exist. He defeated his own argument when he said that if the universe never formed or beings composed of matter never developed consciousness that God could still have devised some other life forms.
You misunderstood the argument. He was pointing out that an omnipotent God has no need for nature to be fine tuned. He also pointed out the fine tuning is a bit of a misnomer. For instance entropy before the big bang was much lower than it needed to be for the universe to be able to sustain life.
God could have, but "nature" could not have.
Again you misunderstand the argument. He points out that we dont even fully understand how to define what life is or what properties are required for it to exist. He argues that life could very well exist in a universe created by different values and operating by different forces of nature. It would just look different than human life or even carbon based life.
He can't have it both ways. Bad parameters mean that the energy from a big bang gets wasted, no life, no consciousness, a dead mess of nothingness.
He didn't say bad, he said different and energy isn't wasted, which again, is a subjective point of view. To science energy isn't created or destroyed, just transformed from one state to another.
3. Cosmology isn't baseball. Steven Hawking described several parameters necessary for the universe to form, these had to be EXACTLY set or nothing would happen, the universe would be an empty space, devoid of sentient life or consciousness.
For our universe to form. Given different parameters a different universe would of formed.
a. The speed at which the universe expands, necessary for star and planet formation
b. force of gravity and mass of the universe
c. force of electricity
d. size of the electric charge of an electron
e. ratio of masses of protons and electrons
f. the properties of light and quarks.

4. Your boy didn't "disprove" anything. Even though I liked his presentation, every one of his "points" can be shot down. He didn't "disprove" anything. The finely tuned universe is a FACT. That other universes with other parameters and life form exist is conjecture.
If they could be shot down than why haven't you yet?
5. We both can't "prove" our thesis. Neither can we disprove any other.
No, only you can't. Science proves it everyday with all the technology you use around you.
6. Hawking in his last paper now says that Einstein is wrong.
It's more like general relativity isn't the whole picture, just as newtonian physics was revealed to be inadequate to explain objects with massive gravitational fields like black holes by general relativity. What physicists are trying to do today in find a unified theory for quantum mechanisms and general relativity.
15th post
By not being a bigot for starters. ;)
In other words by going along with their lies.

We aren’t bigoted, that’s why there are Christians of all races. We tell the truth to everyone and hope they all accept the truth.

Homosexuality is an abomination according to the Bible. That is the truth.
Nobody hates humans more than Satan. That’s why he pushes lies like “homosexuality is okay” and the lies of transgenderism which lead to children being mutilated for life. Whose side are you on? We all know the answer.
Laughable. That was the argument 20 years ago. “Consenting adults in the bedroom” just want to be left alone. Yet now we have trannies shooting up schools because people won’t pander to their fantasy.

Right, let's hold everyone in a population responsible for the actions of 4 people. What could go wrong?
Liberals very much appreciate what the Founding Generation accomplished – that’s why they fight to defend it from attack by conservatives; particularly those on the Christo-fascist right who would turn America into a theocracy.
Nonsense. The Dem / Socialist agenda is utterly contrary to the intent of the Founding Fathers. It's funny when Dems / Socialists lecture anyone on the Constitution they despise

The Dem / Socialist agenda is modeled on the all-consuming, oppressive government as we saw with the Stalinist - Leninist politburos. The Biden regime uses the DOJ, FBI and IRS much like the Soviet secret police. Political speech contrary to the politburo mouthpieces will result in the regime enforcers paying you a visit and jailing you.

The entirety of the constitution defines rules that limit the government's involvement in the citizen's lives. It is clearly a muzzle on the state's ability to dictate to the citizenry what it can and cannot do within the paradigm of the federal mandate. Certainly rule of law is to be enforced, but that is also controlled at the local level. It does not take any stretch of imagination to understand that the framers of the constitution intended to place limits such that government is restrained from interfering with individual freedoms.

Personal freedoms and rules that limit the government's involvement in the citizen's lives is the exact opposite of the Dem / Socialist agenda which is one of oppressive government being an all controlling entity.

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