God told Mike Johnson he's the new moses

Wait you are saying that they were seeking a pagan secular society minus any religion? That is utter nonsense. Which laws of hateful Christian Dogma? No one is having rights, and liberties taken away.

No one is seeking a pagan secular society. That would be impossible. Paganism is a collective of numerous Earth based or naturalistic religions. You can't be a secular religion.

But yes, we have a secular government.

And they certainly would have rights taken away if the theocrats get their way. Women would be back in secondary status. Contraceptives availability would be limited.

I have seen people claim that Christians would be tolerant of other faiths if they were in charge. But history has shown a very different story.
Businesses would have to follow religious rules.
And speaking out against the authorities would be quickly crushed, and with no accountability.
No one is seeking a pagan secular society. That would be impossible. Paganism is a collective of numerous Earth based or naturalistic religions. You can't be a secular religion.

But yes, we have a secular government.

And they certainly would have rights taken away if the theocrats get their way. Women would be back in secondary status. Contraceptives availability would be limited.

I have seen people claim that Christians would be tolerant of other faiths if they were in charge. But history has shown a very different story.
Businesses would have to follow religious rules.
And speaking out against the authorities would be quickly crushed, and with no accountability.
All of what you typed is based on the wealth of people. If we get poorer as a nation, we will get much more primal. No God tells you that. Life will be cheaper for payouts in case of death. Much cheaper and when we open our mouths or not know personal limitations, we will definitely be called out on it from a higher percentage of people. The poorer will go to the places where people have things and take them.
To me it means that this universe couldn't happen by random chance from nothing. The speck of energy that converted into this universe including the specific laws/settings of the parameters of this universe, suggests to me that a supreme intelligence created it.
1. It wasn't a speck of energy in terms amounts of energy. It was just confined in an infinitely small and dense state.

2. You feelings don't really mean much, randomness is an inherent property of quantum mechanics.

3. Again, the math doesnt exclude infinite big bangs creating infinite universes each with different physics and in fact in the case of an infinite mutliverse every random possibility that could occur will eventually occur.
Correct, there may be an infinite number of universes, called "the multiverse" with differing parameters and settings that would make very different life forms. The only energy source capable of producing and designing such a multi-verse would be a supreme being.
Based on what science?
1. It wasn't a speck of energy in terms amounts of energy. It was just confined in an infinitely small and dense state.

2. You feelings don't really mean much, randomness is an inherent property of quantum mechanics.

3. Again, the math doesn't exclude infinite big bangs creating infinite universes each with different physics and in fact in the case of an infinite mutliverse every random possibility that could occur will eventually occur.

4. Based on what science?
1. The energy that created the entire universe was extremely dense, as you say. The origin of that energy, and the purpose of that energy, and the properties of that energy is what we're discussing. IMHO the science suggests that the energy released could not have been a random act of nature. The odds of that happening preclude it. Similarly, the energy required for an infinite number of big bangs is also precluded.

2. Not feelings. Probably just relying on Occam's Razor until science catches up with the mysteries.

3. Math? If you are referring to "string theory" I call bullshit. Its not just about creating theoretical dimensions, its about who or what has the actual energy and intelligence to create them. That much energy has to come from an infinite source, which doesn't occur in nature.

4. Not science yet, just speculation about multi-verses. String Theory can predict them, but can't explain them.
"My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:2
From what I recall, the best Big Bang Theory did not claim to explain where any of the matter or energy came from. It may well have always existed.

The mass and energy contract until it reaches a critical mass and then it explodes. After the energy of the explosion is expended, the matter slows and then starts to be pulled back. Which starts it all over again.
From what I recall, the best Big Bang Theory did not claim to explain where any of the matter or energy came from. It may well have always existed.

The mass and energy contract until it reaches a critical mass and then it explodes. After the energy of the explosion is expended, the matter slows and then starts to be pulled back. Which starts it all over again.
Actually current science predicts that the universe just keeps expanding until all of the energy dissipates into nothing about 100-trillion years from now. There is no "big crunch", then big bang, then big crunch...etc.
1. The energy that created the entire universe was extremely dense, as you say. The origin of that energy, and the purpose of that energy, and the properties of that energy is what we're discussing. IMHO the science suggests that the energy released could not have been a random act of nature. The odds of that happening preclude it. Similarly, the energy required for an infinite number of big bangs is also precluded.
Science and quantum mechanics prove randomness is inherent in nature and I don't know who you are to preclude anything. I don't know what odds you're even talking about. If you're claiming to know better than Einstein I'm going to need a little more than your word.

2. Not feelings. Probably just relying on Occam's Razor until science catches up with the mysteries.
Occam's Razor supposes that the competing ideas both have equal explanatory powers. Saying God did it doesn't explain how God did it. Science explains how things happen it doesn't just point to a series of events and say science did it.
3. Math? If you are referring to "string theory" I call bullshit. Its not just about creating theoretical dimensions, its about who or what has the actual energy and intelligence to create them. That much energy has to come from an infinite source, which doesn't occur in nature.

Who cares what you call bullshit on or what you think occurs in nature? Who are you? It's Einstein's theory of general relativity that gives us the big bang. String Theory is just one competing theory trying to merge quantum mechanics with Einstein's theory to help explain what happened before the big bang. God isn't a theory at all. It doesn't attempt to explain its work, it just portends to be the solution without any evidence.
4. Not science yet, just speculation about multi-verses. String Theory can predict them, but can't explain them.
Explanation and understanding is predictability. You can't claim to understand how a thing operates and yet have no ability to tell us what it's going to do next.
"My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am." John 14:2
What natural phenomenon or physical force does this explain?
No one is seeking a pagan secular society. That would be impossible. Paganism is a collective of numerous Earth based or naturalistic religions. You can't be a secular religion.

But yes, we have a secular government.

And they certainly would have rights taken away if the theocrats get their way. Women would be back in secondary status. Contraceptives availability would be limited.

I have seen people claim that Christians would be tolerant of other faiths if they were in charge. But history has shown a very different story.
Businesses would have to follow religious rules.
And speaking out against the authorities would be quickly crushed, and with no accountability.
I never said a pagan religious society I said a pagan secular society, what do you call climate activists, they worship the creation instead of the Creator as does peta, what do you call vegetarians, same.
We as Christians do not want subservient women, on the contrary. People need to wake up and understanding that they need to be adult and not do things that cause pregnancy whether that means abstinence, or contraception's. , simply saying well I couldn't control myself so I need to kill this child doesn't cut it.
The last part is anecdotal, you make businesses follow secular laws where the religious freedom should be acknowledged, Christ is freedom, and the only way speech would be crushed is if we had a theocracy, we do not want that, we want the freedoms guaranteed us.
However the secular Government under the current pedo in the whitehouse, has no issue with abridging free speech and silencing dissent on social media.
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I never said a pagan religious society I said a pagan secular society, what do you call climate activists, they worship the creation instead of the Creator as does peta, what do you call vegetarians, same.
We as Christians do not want subservient women, on the contrary. People need to wake up and understanding that they need to be adult and not do things that cause pregnancy whether that means abstinence, or contraception's. , simply saying well I couldn't control myself so I need to kill this child doesn't cut it.
The last part is anecdotal, you make businesses follow secular laws where the religious freedom should be acknowledged, Christ is freedom, and the only way speech would be crushed is if we had a theocracy, we do not want that, we want the freedoms guaranteed us.
However the secular Government under the current pedo in the whitehouse, has no issue with abridging free speech and silencing dissent on social media.
protecting nature is not the same as "nature worship. " there may be nature worshippers out there, but this planet, like your home, requires maintenance.
Science and quantum mechanics prove randomness is inherent in nature and I don't know who you are to preclude anything. I don't know what odds you're even talking about. If you're claiming to know better than Einstein I'm going to need a little more than your word.

Occam's Razor supposes that the competing ideas both have equal explanatory powers. Saying God did it doesn't explain how God did it. Science explains how things happen it doesn't just point to a series of events and say science did it.

Who cares what you call bullshit on or what you think occurs in nature? Who are you? It's Einstein's theory of general relativity that gives us the big bang. String Theory is just one competing theory trying to merge quantum mechanics with Einstein's theory to help explain what happened before the big bang. God isn't a theory at all. It doesn't attempt to explain its work, it just portends to be the solution without any evidence.

Explanation and understanding is predictability. You can't claim to understand how a thing operates and yet have no ability to tell us what it's going to do next. What natural phenomenon or physical force does this explain?
1. Einstein never explained the big bang in 1922, he was looking for a "cosmological constant", he thought he messed up general relativity.
Your video is excellent. It summarizes where we are 100-years after Einstein. As I said before, the Haisch book gives a very reasoned explanation why the creation of our universe could not be a random act. Even the video appears to be grasping at straws for reasons "why" the universe was created, and "how" it was created. I especially like that the video recognizes that "time" did not exist prior to the big bang. In my view that says that time does not exist in God's dimension, He sees everything simultaneously.

2. Occam's Razor says that saying "God created the universe" is a reasonable explanation if you believe in God. Trying to say that nothing created the universe, or multiverse, seems nonsensical. How God did it was to use a small spec of His infinite energy, which seems to make sense knowing that the spec of energy that created the universe was smaller than an atom (from the video).

3. I think you are wrong saying that Einstein gave us the Big Bang. The video is a much more modern and current explanation.

4. Again, how the universe formed and the various laws that governed the process, and how they appeared to be perfectly set implies an intelligence created the universe. Random chance in nature just can't explain how everything just happened perfectly for us to exist.
i hear this idiocy from many "conservatives." i have no lord. i have no savior, and "the state" is not god. where do you get this stuff?
I dunno..........but.

protecting nature is not the same as "nature worship. " there may be nature worshippers out there, but this planet, like your home, requires maintenance.
Arrogance says that we can do what God can't. Arrogance thinks we can destroy what God has created, we don't even fully understand the planet to fix it
i hear this idiocy from many "conservatives." i have no lord. i have no savior, and "the state" is not god. where do you get this stuff?
You do have a God but have suppressed knowledge of him to live as you please, with no moral compass, even with a moral compass, that in itself comes from God. You can be as good as you want and it will not suffice
1. Einstein never explained the big bang in 1922, he was looking for a "cosmological constant", he thought he messed up general relativity.
Your video is excellent. It summarizes where we are 100-years after Einstein. As I said before, the Haisch book gives a very reasoned explanation why the creation of our universe could not be a random act. Even the video appears to be grasping at straws for reasons "why" the universe was created, and "how" it was created. I especially like that the video recognizes that "time" did not exist prior to the big bang. In my view that says that time does not exist in God's dimension, He sees everything simultaneously.

2. Occam's Razor says that saying "God created the universe" is a reasonable explanation if you believe in God. Trying to say that nothing created the universe, or multiverse, seems nonsensical. How God did it was to use a small spec of His infinite energy, which seems to make sense knowing that the spec of energy that created the universe was smaller than an atom (from the video).

3. I think you are wrong saying that Einstein gave us the Big Bang. The video is a much more modern and current explanation.

4. Again, how the universe formed and the various laws that governed the process, and how they appeared to be perfectly set implies an intelligence created the universe. Random chance in nature just can't explain how everything just happened perfectly for us to exist.
Theists don't have reasoned explanations. God did it isn't a reasonable explanation. The other thing is that you haven't described how fine tuning is even a problem. So what that changing certain values leads to different results? Shouldn't that be expected? If I have an equation for how far a baseball will travel if I throw it at a one speed at one angle why shouldn't I expect the results to change if I change the speed or the angle? From the perspective of the baseball working yourself backwards through time you'd conclude that there is only one speed and one angle that could have landed you in this exact spot. And? If you had landed somewhere else you'd be calculating those values instead and coming to the same conclusion. Anyway here's a pretty good breakdown of why theism is a shitty theory for explaining anything.


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