Gluten WTF?

I tried gluten free for two weeks with no effect whatsoever. Someetimes it has to be a placebo effect. What is extremely amusing is to see stores unabashedly pandering to the glutenphobe. I saw asparagus and pork chops proudly advertised as gluten free.
I'm 60 years old. My blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is good. My blood sugar is good. Recent bloodwork showed no problems. Vitamin D levels were good, I make sure of that. I don't have headaches or stomach problems. I have plenty of energy, if I didn't I'd never make it through my insanely busy days.

I'm not on any medications, there's nothing to medicate. I never get flu, I get a mild head cold about once every two years. I had a tooth pulled this week and refused to take pain meds. Wouldn't even take Advil. Guess what? There was no pain. So popping pills as soon as I left the dentist's office would have been poisoning my body for nothing. That's the way I think. But gluten is not a poison to me.

I eat lots of 100% whole wheat bread. I love bread. I do eat a healthy diet including tons of vegetables and my weight is in the normal range. I do have a tendency to gain weight, but can control it just fine without giving up bread, etc.

So, I'm sorry for those who are gluten-intolerant, but I'm just not. Nor am I lactose intolerant. Nor do I have any allergies.

The last thing I need to do is start experimenting with some extreme, fad diet. There's nothing to fix.
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I'm 60 years old. My blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is good. My blood sugar is good. Recent bloodwork showed no problems. Vitamin D levels were good, I make sure of that. I don't have headaches or stomach problems. I have plenty of energy, if I didn't I'd never make it through my insanely busy days.

I'm not on any medications, there's nothing to medicate. I never get flu, I get a mild head cold about once every two years. I had a tooth pulled this week and refused to take pain meds. Wouldn't even take Advil. Guess what? There was no pain. So popping pills as soon as I left the dentist's office would have been poisoning my body for nothing. That's the way I think. But gluten is not a poison to me.

I eat lots of 100% whole wheat bread. I love bread. I do eat a healthy diet including tons of vegetables and my weight is in the normal range. I do have a tendency to gain weight, but can control it just fine without giving up bread, etc.

So, I'm sorry for those who are gluten-intolerant, but I'm just not. Nor am I lactose intolerant. Nor do I have any allergies.

The last thing I need to do is start experimenting with some extreme, fad diet. There's nothing to fix.

How can you be sure if you've never tried giving it up? Perhaps you're simply so used to the negative effects of gluten, and grains in general, that you don't even know that it's bringing you down.
It's only since my son started seriously dating someone on a Gluten free diet that I started to even pay attention to this.

I've always been a big carb and pasta eater, but in the last two weeks I went off it cold turkey (ha!) and felt good overall. In fact, my blood sugar level was down about 10%. Last night went to Mom's for dinner had pasta and then cookies for dessert.

This morning I felt like Zombie #7 from The Walking Dead.

I think there may be something to this Gluten thingy after all
Congrats! It's like Revelation isn't it?

All Global Elite eat only Organic Gluten Free diet for longevity. Only proletarian peasant eat "fast food".

Stop eat Bread, Pasta, Corn, Peanuts, Soda and all Fried Food. Stop drink all Dairy exception Heavy Whipping Cream, and health will improve very fast.

Golden Rule: "If it wasn't alive don't eat it".
I'm 60 years old. My blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is good. My blood sugar is good. Recent bloodwork showed no problems. Vitamin D levels were good, I make sure of that. I don't have headaches or stomach problems. I have plenty of energy, if I didn't I'd never make it through my insanely busy days.

I'm not on any medications, there's nothing to medicate. I never get flu, I get a mild head cold about once every two years. I had a tooth pulled this week and refused to take pain meds. Wouldn't even take Advil. Guess what? There was no pain. So popping pills as soon as I left the dentist's office would have been poisoning my body for nothing. That's the way I think. But gluten is not a poison to me.

I eat lots of 100% whole wheat bread. I love bread. I do eat a healthy diet including tons of vegetables and my weight is in the normal range. I do have a tendency to gain weight, but can control it just fine without giving up bread, etc.

So, I'm sorry for those who are gluten-intolerant, but I'm just not. Nor am I lactose intolerant. Nor do I have any allergies.

The last thing I need to do is start experimenting with some extreme, fad diet. There's nothing to fix.

How can you be sure if you've never tried giving it up? Perhaps you're simply so used to the negative effects of gluten, and grains in general, that you don't even know that it's bringing you down.

Sometimes it's best to say 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'. :tongue:
Some people are intolerant to gluten. Some are not. Some have celiac disease. Some don't. Some folks have after issues after having a gall bladder removed, some have no issues. Depends on the person and how their body functions. So for those who can eat whatever they want and not ever get sick ...I am jealous. For those who have issues and are trying to find a solution that is med free....congrats and keep trying.

Going gluten free FOR ME, helped MY body. It does not mean it will help everyone else or that everyone else should jump on the same bandwagon. This thread is about gluten free. Therefore, I gave my opinion on what it means for me to be GF. I would never pooh pooh off someone asking about a health remedy just because I myself don't experience the problem.
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It is being implied on this thread that EVERYONE should eat a gluten free diet, Gracie. That's what I'm taking issue with.
I'm 60 years old. My blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is good. My blood sugar is good. Recent bloodwork showed no problems. Vitamin D levels were good, I make sure of that. I don't have headaches or stomach problems. I have plenty of energy, if I didn't I'd never make it through my insanely busy days.

I'm not on any medications, there's nothing to medicate. I never get flu, I get a mild head cold about once every two years. I had a tooth pulled this week and refused to take pain meds. Wouldn't even take Advil. Guess what? There was no pain. So popping pills as soon as I left the dentist's office would have been poisoning my body for nothing. That's the way I think. But gluten is not a poison to me.

I eat lots of 100% whole wheat bread. I love bread. I do eat a healthy diet including tons of vegetables and my weight is in the normal range. I do have a tendency to gain weight, but can control it just fine without giving up bread, etc.

So, I'm sorry for those who are gluten-intolerant, but I'm just not. Nor am I lactose intolerant. Nor do I have any allergies.

The last thing I need to do is start experimenting with some extreme, fad diet. There's nothing to fix.

How can you be sure if you've never tried giving it up? Perhaps you're simply so used to the negative effects of gluten, and grains in general, that you don't even know that it's bringing you down.

I have tried it, although I didn't realize I was. Clear back in the 70s we had the Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution wherein you cut out practically all carbs in order to lose weight. I did that for months at a time, ate nothing but meat and vegetables. I lost weight, but other than that I didn't feel more fabulously healthy than when I was eating bread.

I quit doing that diet because I came to the conclusion that totally imbalanced diets are not healthy and are not the way to go. So my diet includes everything, carbs, vegetables, meat, dairy. I even eat sugar "gasp".

Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm dragging and I'll tell my husband, what's wrong with me I feel tired! You've been working for 16 hours, you're supposed to feel tired he tells me. "Oh!" I say. "So it's normal?" Yes, it's normal, he tells me. : )
I'm 60 years old. My blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is good. My blood sugar is good. Recent bloodwork showed no problems. Vitamin D levels were good, I make sure of that. I don't have headaches or stomach problems. I have plenty of energy, if I didn't I'd never make it through my insanely busy days.

I'm not on any medications, there's nothing to medicate. I never get flu, I get a mild head cold about once every two years. I had a tooth pulled this week and refused to take pain meds. Wouldn't even take Advil. Guess what? There was no pain. So popping pills as soon as I left the dentist's office would have been poisoning my body for nothing. That's the way I think. But gluten is not a poison to me.

I eat lots of 100% whole wheat bread. I love bread. I do eat a healthy diet including tons of vegetables and my weight is in the normal range. I do have a tendency to gain weight, but can control it just fine without giving up bread, etc.

So, I'm sorry for those who are gluten-intolerant, but I'm just not. Nor am I lactose intolerant. Nor do I have any allergies.

The last thing I need to do is start experimenting with some extreme, fad diet. There's nothing to fix.

How can you be sure if you've never tried giving it up? Perhaps you're simply so used to the negative effects of gluten, and grains in general, that you don't even know that it's bringing you down.

Sometimes it's best to say 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it'. :tongue:

Unless you don't know it's broke. ;)
I'm 60 years old. My blood pressure is good, my cholesterol is good. My blood sugar is good. Recent bloodwork showed no problems. Vitamin D levels were good, I make sure of that. I don't have headaches or stomach problems. I have plenty of energy, if I didn't I'd never make it through my insanely busy days.

I'm not on any medications, there's nothing to medicate. I never get flu, I get a mild head cold about once every two years. I had a tooth pulled this week and refused to take pain meds. Wouldn't even take Advil. Guess what? There was no pain. So popping pills as soon as I left the dentist's office would have been poisoning my body for nothing. That's the way I think. But gluten is not a poison to me.

I eat lots of 100% whole wheat bread. I love bread. I do eat a healthy diet including tons of vegetables and my weight is in the normal range. I do have a tendency to gain weight, but can control it just fine without giving up bread, etc.

So, I'm sorry for those who are gluten-intolerant, but I'm just not. Nor am I lactose intolerant. Nor do I have any allergies.

The last thing I need to do is start experimenting with some extreme, fad diet. There's nothing to fix.

How can you be sure if you've never tried giving it up? Perhaps you're simply so used to the negative effects of gluten, and grains in general, that you don't even know that it's bringing you down.

I have tried it, although I didn't realize I was. Clear back in the 70s we had the Dr. Atkins Diet Revolution wherein you cut out practically all carbs in order to lose weight. I did that for months at a time, ate nothing but meat and vegetables. I lost weight, but other than that I didn't feel more fabulously healthy than when I was eating bread.

I quit doing that diet because I came to the conclusion that totally imbalanced diets are not healthy and are not the way to go. So my diet includes everything, carbs, vegetables, meat, dairy. I even eat sugar "gasp".

Yeah, sometimes I feel like I'm dragging and I'll tell my husband, what's wrong with me I feel tired! You've been working for 16 hours, you're supposed to feel tired he tells me. "Oh!" I say. "So it's normal?" Yes, it's normal, he tells me. : )

Well, if you've tried it and it didn't work out for you then that's another story, naturally.
I would like to say also, that if you are eating a terrible diet and start eating a much healthier diet that doesn't include gluten, of course you're going to feel better. Especially if you lose some weight in the process.

Try eating a healthy diet in the first place, including gluten, and see if you feel better. What's a healthy diet? A balanced diet that includes all food groups in moderation, except vegetables, you can have as much brocolli, brussel sprouts, green beans, cauliflower, etc. as you want. Starchy vegetables should be limited, though, if you're trying to lose weight. I didn't say you can't eat them, just not in unlimited quantities like the other vegetables.

I also take a multi-vitamin every day, along with an extra 1000 Vit C and a total of about 1800 IU Vitamin D. Also extra Calcium. I am currently on the Weight Watchers plan, consuming 25 "points" per day, which is resulting in a moderate weight loss of 4-5 pounds per month.

Because of my struggles with weight I have spent a lifetime researching nutrition and have observed and even tried all kinds of fad diets over the years. Now I opt for a balanced diet and the simple principle that if you take in less than you burn, you'll lose weight. My weight is within healthy ranges now and I feel fantastic. So glad I don't have to give up my 100% whole wheat breads.

So, my point is, just try getting yourself to a healthy BMI and eat a healthy balanced diet most of the time (occasional treats are good for the soul). Maybe that's all you need.

If not, if you really do have a gluten condolences.

I have a similar negative attitude about all these "allergies" also. Maybe that's part of the reason why I don't have any.

P.S. I know I sound like a know-it-all jackass. So, there, I've said it so you don't have to. :razz:
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Ever hear the one about " I love (insert food name here) but it doesn't love me?"

Sniff. Crab. LOVE crab. But shell fish does not like me. Waaaa! I have a hankering for shrimp scampi sooooo bad. But...I don't wanna pay for it a few hours later, either. :(
Ever hear the one about " I love (insert food name here) but it doesn't love me?"

Sniff. Crab. LOVE crab. But shell fish does not like me. Waaaa! I have a hankering for shrimp scampi sooooo bad. But...I don't wanna pay for it a few hours later, either. :(

Some of that fake crab (surimi) that's made out of fish is pretty good, Gracie. Have you tried it?

Can't think of anything to substitute for shrimp, though.

Are you actually allergic, or does it just upset your digestive system? I have a brother who loves cashews but they tear his gut up. He found out that if he takes something like Pepcid AC before he eats them he's okay. Have you tried something like that?
Ever hear the one about " I love (insert food name here) but it doesn't love me?"

Sniff. Crab. LOVE crab. But shell fish does not like me. Waaaa! I have a hankering for shrimp scampi sooooo bad. But...I don't wanna pay for it a few hours later, either. :(

I feel the same way about all the foods I can't eat. My entire "love it" list is on my don't eat list. Berries, peanut butter, spinach, asparagus. All the yummies.
I tried gluten free for two weeks with no effect whatsoever. Someetimes it has to be a placebo effect. What is extremely amusing is to see stores unabashedly pandering to the glutenphobe. I saw asparagus and pork chops proudly advertised as gluten free.
You have to do it for at least 6 weeks
I don't like fake crab :(.
And sometimes I CAN eat shrimp and shell fish. But I never know when I can and when I can't. And the cost is....shudder...just not worth it. (It does a number on my gut).
I was on Prilosec for awhile but stopped because it causes bone loss. I am already at medium risk for bone density. Too many drugs. I am trying to cut back on them because I think the pharmacutical companies are MAKING us sick, KEEPING us sick, so they get rich.

So...I just watch what I eat. I can't eat nuts either. LOVE cashews...but....nope. They don't love me. Having no gall bladder doesn't help either.

Rule of thumb. You have a gall bladder for a reason. NO DOCTOR will remove gall bladder stones and leave the bladder. It's too hard, takes too much time for them. They would rather yank the whole thing out. BIG mistake. 'Course, I didn't know it at the time.
Concerning stores and their Gluten Free sections. I begged..PLEADED with Ralphs and Vons too, to carry more. Everyone spends so much money at health food stores. I loaf of GF bread is 6.99?? And it is HALF a regular loaf and tastes like shit to boot? Pahlease.
So I emailed and emailed and emailed for almost 6 months and FINALLY..Ralphs here locally answered. They said I was right. They were going to tap into that market of GF foods but with lower prices. That store is FULL of GF foods now...and they have to reorder all the time. They thanked me. And I thanked them right back again!
Clean natural organic (when available) non gmo foods is the key to longevity. People accept lethargy, aches, pains, disease, etc etc as a part of getting old. It's bs. Getting old doesn't mean your body falls apart and becomes racked with disease and pain. Years and years of poisoning the body with chemicals found in foods leads to a lot of these problems. Keep putting a dropper full of poison into a a pristine lake everyday for 50 + years and watch that lake turn into a cesspool of disease and decay.

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