From around the web...A weird observation I've noticed about republicans.

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
If we didn't care about other people how come we are the biggest tippers by far and give the most to charity?

How come we love our military, men in blue and constitution?

How come we care so much about baby killing?

Now the rant

They do not give a shit about you.

They always blame the victim as a result.

You don't earn enough money because you didn't go to college.
You were sexually abused and or raped because you were drunk and had on revealing clothing.

God works in mysterious ways. Your 8 year old son died of cancer? "That was part of his plan". Apparently large-scale natural disasters are part of his plan as well. He must be one sadistic asshole. Despite God supposedly giving everyone free will, things happen according to his plan. I guess they fail to see the circular logic in that, huh? If he has a plan, then WTF is the point of praying if little Johnny was going to die anyway?

These people read the bible and pick and chose whatever the 1000+ pages contain to fit their narrative. Despite the bible pretty much telling you to love one another ad infinitum, they still choose to be a dick to everyone else. Immigrants are not welcome in our country, but since our ancestors were immigrants and killed a bunch of red people, we were white and Christian, so that makes it OK. Gays and lesbians, people born deaf, people born with mental disabilities are some sort of abomination according to them. They don't want to admit God can fuck up. If someone is gay, you can pray and hopefully it will go away. I shit you not, one of my cousins dreads being with my family because they are uptight Christians and think they can change her "wrongness through God".

Oh and the big one, they don't want their tax dollars going to other people. Getting back to the whole victim blame thing, you are on food stamps because you are fat and lazy and do not wish to work. They don't want to pay for your healthcare, if you can't afford to get better, then die. We can't have nice things that other countries have like universal healthcare because we have a bunch of these morons who claim to love one another unless it means opening your wallet.

This brings us to another point. The lack of care for others and not wanting more taxes is the reason most of them think with this line of logic: "As long as I have mine, I don't give a shit about you". This is the reason why so many people in this country are obscenely wealthy while we have a large amount of homeless people or people who live a paycheck away from homelessness.

Liberals refuse to figure out the difference between taxes and charity is

Legal vs Illegal immigrants ..

That shit drives me crazy.

Nice Rant............Not true.............but nice rant.

There may be some that would do some of it........but most I know would give the shirt off their back to help someone. Many believe in a hand up and not a hand out. In regards to believing.............You either do or don't..............There is good and evil in this world............choose not to be evil and that is good. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you.

In regards to I got mine to hell with you........yes I've seen that.........not caring who it hurts in the process.......Many gambling in stocks.........driving prices up screwing others in the process..............Greed being the driving factor.

In regards to the poor..............we are destroying our currency.......debasing it........and that is a factor of debt and fiat currency to the moon not only here but across the globe.............making everything too high............and so on.

Specifically, what are you looking for in this thread.................
It's werid how liberals really think when you ghost read their circle jerk party..

So I pay my taxes would have made me a caring person? I'm just checking your logic. See I'm going to probably end my life responsibly to check the definition of Responsibility Payment , that's just accountant for you. I need some good sources on all this, didn't we just come out of National Socialism and Nazis? That's Really the scary Obama part. Ya! It just struck me too! All the blacks in full Obama outfits and uniforms ready to march up and down, and sieze all the rich money to mobilize, maybe the Jews again, I'm ready to blame jews, get that money, America is only history that matters, national America only, Obama did the Nazi line 80% and nobody blames it because its black. I'm not with republicans , i'm not with democrat others, i'm identifying it all looked 86% National Socialist.
I mean, I Guess the other nations of the world can magically show up here "incredibly articulate" lawyers ready to suck the American tit until they can't suck anymore, besides that little fantasy fed daily through the telly-tubes, about 87% Nazi now that I think back on it. I was pissed when we followed imperial Japan government-company bailout the Toyota-GM, wonder if America-GM will work out today, kind of pissed about Coming Together America needs to Nationalize some businesses from Chileans, perhaps, kind of pissed that there's no other black guys on the table, really? MLK, Jackie Robinson, Barack Obama. 7 billion people Probably could act intelligent in English and grab Your soil. Was his stereotype helpful for immigrants, the first immigrant America dream citizen. polish people use polish to kick my ass, Koreans, anybody.
Sorry I did a project on ITT with the Nazi and American munitions and technologies , International Telephone Telegraph , getting paid. so you like naz-no, you like amer- getting... paid...

See America has to keep a car company , its how we made the world war 2 tanks, Lee Myung Bak can't get it or Hyundai not Toyota either, Hyundai makes military vehicles for a living.

Ya, There ARE a lot of pages to the Bible, that's why the face of republican party is Irish O'rielly and Hannity puttin' the Christ in Christmas, gettin' the babies out of the women, and whatever. Neither a Borrower nor a Lender Be, you lose your friends -William Shakespeare. Hear No Evil, See no evil, speak no evil, the evilest MotherFers on the planet. Ya that's why its summed up in a Golden Rule out of context because Jesus was talking about His Father in Heaven reciprocates, didn't give a Confucius S&%^ about any of our relations. Also some cleaned up 10 commandments when theres only 20 some Exodus commandments. Don't forget to give some *$&%ing money. sorry about your 8 year old?!

Are we serious about this Gay stuff? Because I'm trapped in stuff like that right now, seriously. I mean most people think king James was "gay" then he had 8 children with a wife and people just defined all your little personal $%*( differently back then. God has his rain-love fall on the just and unjust, so as the Father is perfect, jack it in san diego.
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If we didn't care about other people how come we are the biggest tippers by far and give the most to charity?

How come we love our military, men in blue and constitution?

How come we care so much about baby killing?

Now the rant

They do not give a shit about you.

They always blame the victim as a result.

You don't earn enough money because you didn't go to college.
You were sexually abused and or raped because you were drunk and had on revealing clothing.

God works in mysterious ways. Your 8 year old son died of cancer? "That was part of his plan". Apparently large-scale natural disasters are part of his plan as well. He must be one sadistic asshole. Despite God supposedly giving everyone free will, things happen according to his plan. I guess they fail to see the circular logic in that, huh? If he has a plan, then WTF is the point of praying if little Johnny was going to die anyway?

These people read the bible and pick and chose whatever the 1000+ pages contain to fit their narrative. Despite the bible pretty much telling you to love one another ad infinitum, they still choose to be a dick to everyone else. Immigrants are not welcome in our country, but since our ancestors were immigrants and killed a bunch of red people, we were white and Christian, so that makes it OK. Gays and lesbians, people born deaf, people born with mental disabilities are some sort of abomination according to them. They don't want to admit God can fuck up. If someone is gay, you can pray and hopefully it will go away. I shit you not, one of my cousins dreads being with my family because they are uptight Christians and think they can change her "wrongness through God".

Oh and the big one, they don't want their tax dollars going to other people. Getting back to the whole victim blame thing, you are on food stamps because you are fat and lazy and do not wish to work. They don't want to pay for your healthcare, if you can't afford to get better, then die. We can't have nice things that other countries have like universal healthcare because we have a bunch of these morons who claim to love one another unless it means opening your wallet.

This brings us to another point. The lack of care for others and not wanting more taxes is the reason most of them think with this line of logic: "As long as I have mine, I don't give a shit about you". This is the reason why so many people in this country are obscenely wealthy while we have a large amount of homeless people or people who live a paycheck away from homelessness.


Tipping isn't necessarily about being generous.

I recently lived in a rich area of town. Lots of flashy cars. Why? Because people wanted to show off their wealth. These people could live in an okay place but they'd need a flash car. People see the car. They don't always see the apartment if it's not on the first floor.

Tipping shows people "I'm rich". People get a kick out of it. It's weird.
If we didn't care about other people how come we are the biggest tippers by far and give the most to charity?

How come we love our military, men in blue and constitution?

How come we care so much about baby killing?

Now the rant

They do not give a shit about you.

They always blame the victim as a result.

You don't earn enough money because you didn't go to college.
You were sexually abused and or raped because you were drunk and had on revealing clothing.

God works in mysterious ways. Your 8 year old son died of cancer? "That was part of his plan". Apparently large-scale natural disasters are part of his plan as well. He must be one sadistic asshole. Despite God supposedly giving everyone free will, things happen according to his plan. I guess they fail to see the circular logic in that, huh? If he has a plan, then WTF is the point of praying if little Johnny was going to die anyway?

These people read the bible and pick and chose whatever the 1000+ pages contain to fit their narrative. Despite the bible pretty much telling you to love one another ad infinitum, they still choose to be a dick to everyone else. Immigrants are not welcome in our country, but since our ancestors were immigrants and killed a bunch of red people, we were white and Christian, so that makes it OK. Gays and lesbians, people born deaf, people born with mental disabilities are some sort of abomination according to them. They don't want to admit God can fuck up. If someone is gay, you can pray and hopefully it will go away. I shit you not, one of my cousins dreads being with my family because they are uptight Christians and think they can change her "wrongness through God".

Oh and the big one, they don't want their tax dollars going to other people. Getting back to the whole victim blame thing, you are on food stamps because you are fat and lazy and do not wish to work. They don't want to pay for your healthcare, if you can't afford to get better, then die. We can't have nice things that other countries have like universal healthcare because we have a bunch of these morons who claim to love one another unless it means opening your wallet.

This brings us to another point. The lack of care for others and not wanting more taxes is the reason most of them think with this line of logic: "As long as I have mine, I don't give a shit about you". This is the reason why so many people in this country are obscenely wealthy while we have a large amount of homeless people or people who live a paycheck away from homelessness.


Tipping isn't necessarily about being generous.

I recently lived in a rich area of town. Lots of flashy cars. Why? Because people wanted to show off their wealth. These people could live in an okay place but they'd need a flash car. People see the car. They don't always see the apartment if it's not on the first floor.

Tipping shows people "I'm rich". People get a kick out of it. It's weird.

Yea but I am poor and I always tip generous.


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