France Raids Mosques, What Was Found Should Have Us Demolishing Them ALL


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
The religion of peace! Yeah, sure. Every mosque in this country should be under surveillance:

Following the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people, France has begun raiding mosques, despite cries of “Islamophobia” and racism. However, what police found Muslims hiding there is more than enough to have us demanding they all be torn down.

In a controversial move, a mosque in Lagny-sur-Marne was thoroughly raided by French authorities Sunday after its members were suspected of supporting the Paris terror attacks and the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh). What they found was absolutely chilling.

France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos. A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders.

At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest.

This is the third mosque to be closed in France since the Paris attack on November 13. As a result of the terror attacks, 2,235 homes have been subsequently raided.

In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express.

Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra,” the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.
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We need to pay attention to the way France is handling this, they are taking care of their citizens.

In America its ok for its citizens to live in fear, but oh no we can't be politically incorrect.

As we can see Trump is the only one not afraid to talk about this, while the other candidates offer nothing except for political correctness and wait for tragedy to happen over and over again.

The religion of peace! Yeah, sure. Every mosque in this country should be under surveillance:

Following the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people, France has begun raiding mosques, despite cries of “Islamophobia” and racism. However, what police found Muslims hiding there is more than enough to have us demanding they all be torn down.

In a controversial move, a mosque in Lagny-sur-Marne was thoroughly raided by French authorities Sunday after its members were suspected of supporting the Paris terror attacks and the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh). What they found was absolutely chilling.

France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos. A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders.

At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest.

This is the third mosque to be closed in France since the Paris attack on November 13. As a result of the terror attacks, 2,235 homes have been subsequently raided.

In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express.

Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra,” the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.

If we caught an American gun dealer making an illegal gun sale,

should we shut down all American gun dealers?
All the controversy over Trump's "telling it like it is" has had serious consequences.

His poll ratings (CNN) have doubled in recent days.

Best thing he can do to keep the numbers up is to constantly piss off the Republican "establishment" which has failed ALMOST as consistently as Comrade Obama!
The religion of peace! Yeah, sure. Every mosque in this country should be under surveillance:

Following the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people, France has begun raiding mosques, despite cries of “Islamophobia” and racism. However, what police found Muslims hiding there is more than enough to have us demanding they all be torn down.

In a controversial move, a mosque in Lagny-sur-Marne was thoroughly raided by French authorities Sunday after its members were suspected of supporting the Paris terror attacks and the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh). What they found was absolutely chilling.

France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos. A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders.

At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest.

This is the third mosque to be closed in France since the Paris attack on November 13. As a result of the terror attacks, 2,235 homes have been subsequently raided.

In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express.

Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra,” the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.

If we caught an American gun dealer making an illegal gun sale,

should we shut down all American gun dealers?

We are talking about far more than a single mosque here. If dozens of gun makers all belonging to the same organization were making illegal gun sales, then it makes sense to investigate the gun dealers who belong to this organization.
It is always ALL or Nothing with these DemWitted lunatics.

If you can't stop every single instance "you can't do that", "it CAN'T be done". Nothing can be done according to these panty liners. They read Dem talking points. Time to get creative. save country.
The French have learned a lesson that American liberals still seem clueless about. I'll be curious to see how liberals respond to what has been found in those French mosques.
It is always ALL or Nothing with these DemWitted lunatics.

If you can't stop every single instance "you can't do that", "it CAN'T be done". Nothing can be done according to these panty liners. They read Dem talking points. Time to get creative. save country.

It is happening on the right as well.

Look at Bush, and the rest on the pretend we don't have a problem train.

Rubio and Graham both voted for the Muslims to continue coming in without any changes.

Paul Ryan Condemns Trump's Call To Ban Muslims From Entering U.S.

House Speaker Condemns Trump's Call To Ban Muslims From Entering U.S.

If we caught an American gun dealer making an illegal gun sale,

should we shut down all American gun dealers?[/QUOTE]

If you have illegal gun sellers hiding behind legit gun dealers, wouldn't you investigate all of them?
The religion of peace! Yeah, sure. Every mosque in this country should be under surveillance:

Following the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people, France has begun raiding mosques, despite cries of “Islamophobia” and racism. However, what police found Muslims hiding there is more than enough to have us demanding they all be torn down.

In a controversial move, a mosque in Lagny-sur-Marne was thoroughly raided by French authorities Sunday after its members were suspected of supporting the Paris terror attacks and the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh). What they found was absolutely chilling.

France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos. A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders.

At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest.

This is the third mosque to be closed in France since the Paris attack on November 13. As a result of the terror attacks, 2,235 homes have been subsequently raided.

In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express.

Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra,” the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.

If we caught an American gun dealer making an illegal gun sale,

should we shut down all American gun dealers?

So how many gun dealers are planning terrorist attacks?
God liberals are stupid.....
The religion of peace! Yeah, sure. Every mosque in this country should be under surveillance:

Following the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people, France has begun raiding mosques, despite cries of “Islamophobia” and racism. However, what police found Muslims hiding there is more than enough to have us demanding they all be torn down.

In a controversial move, a mosque in Lagny-sur-Marne was thoroughly raided by French authorities Sunday after its members were suspected of supporting the Paris terror attacks and the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh). What they found was absolutely chilling.

France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos. A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders.

At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest.

This is the third mosque to be closed in France since the Paris attack on November 13. As a result of the terror attacks, 2,235 homes have been subsequently raided.

In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express.

Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra,” the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.

If we caught an American gun dealer making an illegal gun sale,

should we shut down all American gun dealers?

We are talking about far more than a single mosque here. If dozens of gun makers all belonging to the same organization were making illegal gun sales, then it makes sense to investigate the gun dealers who belong to this organization.

Are you running away from your call to shut all mosques down, bribaby?
If we applied the OP's logic to Catholic priest molesting children, there wouldn't be a Catholic church left in Amercia.

Carbine you know good and well the Fags infected the Church as part of the plot to bring it down. There may have been an original "problem" here or there but suddenly.......smorgasbord for queers.
The religion of peace! Yeah, sure. Every mosque in this country should be under surveillance:

Following the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people, France has begun raiding mosques, despite cries of “Islamophobia” and racism. However, what police found Muslims hiding there is more than enough to have us demanding they all be torn down.

In a controversial move, a mosque in Lagny-sur-Marne was thoroughly raided by French authorities Sunday after its members were suspected of supporting the Paris terror attacks and the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh). What they found was absolutely chilling.

France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos. A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders.

At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest.

This is the third mosque to be closed in France since the Paris attack on November 13. As a result of the terror attacks, 2,235 homes have been subsequently raided.

In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express.

Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra,” the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.

If we caught an American gun dealer making an illegal gun sale,

should we shut down all American gun dealers?

We are talking about far more than a single mosque here. If dozens of gun makers all belonging to the same organization were making illegal gun sales, then it makes sense to investigate the gun dealers who belong to this organization.

Are you running away from your call to shut all mosques down, bribaby?

No. I think they are all festering sores.

They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

If we caught an American gun dealer making an illegal gun sale,

should we shut down all American gun dealers?

If you have illegal gun sellers hiding behind legit gun dealers, wouldn't you investigate all of them?[/QUOTE]
Let me ask the NRA. They say no.

They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

If you dont surveil them how do you know if they're doing anything wrong?
I would like to think they keep a watch on all of them to a certain extent but after watching BoBo in action for the last seven years I have serious reservations on that count.

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