France Raids Mosques, What Was Found Should Have Us Demolishing Them ALL

The religion of peace! Yeah, sure. Every mosque in this country should be under surveillance:

Following the Islamic terror attacks in Paris that killed over 130 people, France has begun raiding mosques, despite cries of “Islamophobia” and racism. However, what police found Muslims hiding there is more than enough to have us demanding they all be torn down.

In a controversial move, a mosque in Lagny-sur-Marne was thoroughly raided by French authorities Sunday after its members were suspected of supporting the Paris terror attacks and the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh). What they found was absolutely chilling.

France 24 reports that police uncovered massive stash of 7.62mm Kalashnikov ammunition and ISIS propaganda videos. A revolver and “jihadist documents” were also found at the home of one of the mosque leaders.

At least 334 weapons were confiscated and 232 Muslims were arrested, with 22 under surveillance with travel bans and 9 placed under house arrest.

This is the third mosque to be closed in France since the Paris attack on November 13. As a result of the terror attacks, 2,235 homes have been subsequently raided.

In 15 days we have seized one-third of the quantity of war-grade weapons that are normally seized in a year,” France’s Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told Express.

Police also found recordings of religious chants “glorifying the martyrs of jihad linked to the terrorist organisation Jabhat al-Nusra,” the Syrian branch of Al-Qaeda, the prefecture added.





It's a MOSQUE --- not an armory.. If those weapons/ammo have owners, they should be at home with them. ASSUMING -- they are legal.. Which -- in France --- is not likely... Go complain to the French..

We hold these truths to be self-evident,

that all men are created equal,

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-

So, they right to life and to defend the same is UNIVERSAL



They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

So you are more concerned with not hurting some Muslims feelings than you are with saving a nation from further terrorist mass murders? You really think these three Mosques they uncovered are some rare aberrations? What proof do you have of that? You think CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood supported Islamic organizations in this country are on our side, too?

Islam has shown its stripes for the last 50 years or more. We cannot trust them, they stand out amongst any other religion or ideologies. Most any other extremists in other religions are microscopic in size or threat compared to everything Allah. The fringe element that will commit or support murder and hatred towards others is so large, no once can classify it as a fringe. And no one knows in which mosque they all lie. But I would guess they’re in most mosques to a degree worth knowing about.
No, I am not concerned at all with there feelings. I am concerned about my rights and what this nation stands for - freedom.
I will NOT sacrifice that freedom because a bunch of pansies are deathly afraid of terrorists.

In my daily worries, terrorism does not even register. That idiot that cant get off his damn phone while driving 80mph down the freeway is a FAR grater threat to me than terrorism will ever be.

I am also damned sure that I am not going to CAPITULATE to terrorists which is EXACTLY what is being called for. Terrorism is the use of fear to force political or ideological change. Abandoning our freedoms to the state is EXACTLY what the terrorists are trying to accomplish and it seems to be working very well.
That is a pretty selfish position in my opinion.

As long as your house is safe to heck with what happens to victims of terrorism in a neighboring town or state.

Your rights are more important than the security of this nation to I see. "Your rights" are only still available because of many who died defending them.
Bullshit. What is selfish is squandering those lives that died defending your rights by meekly handing them over for a modicum of PERCEIVED safety. Our rights are VERY important - it is not a matter of yours and mine.

And fuck off with the 'my house is safe' and 'those that died' bullshit. I got back from the AOR 2 fucking month ago protecting those damn rights that so many Americans are rushing to throw away.
Can anyone answer this conundrum? As far as this subject goes...

Should we sacrifice our safety to uphold our values?
Or should we let go of our values in exchange for a little safety?
Should we deny liberty to a certain group of people to gain a little peace of mind?
Or should we let the group be despite our fears of them?

What say you?

They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

So you are more concerned with not hurting some Muslims feelings than you are with saving a nation from further terrorist mass murders? You really think these three Mosques they uncovered are some rare aberrations? What proof do you have of that? You think CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood supported Islamic organizations in this country are on our side, too?

Islam has shown its stripes for the last 50 years or more. We cannot trust them, they stand out amongst any other religion or ideologies. Most any other extremists in other religions are microscopic in size or threat compared to everything Allah. The fringe element that will commit or support murder and hatred towards others is so large, no once can classify it as a fringe. And no one knows in which mosque they all lie. But I would guess they’re in most mosques to a degree worth knowing about.
No, I am not concerned at all with there feelings. I am concerned about my rights and what this nation stands for - freedom.
I will NOT sacrifice that freedom because a bunch of pansies are deathly afraid of terrorists.

In my daily worries, terrorism does not even register. That idiot that cant get off his damn phone while driving 80mph down the freeway is a FAR grater threat to me than terrorism will ever be.

I am also damned sure that I am not going to CAPITULATE to terrorists which is EXACTLY what is being called for. Terrorism is the use of fear to force political or ideological change. Abandoning our freedoms to the state is EXACTLY what the terrorists are trying to accomplish and it seems to be working very well.
That is a pretty selfish position in my opinion.

As long as your house is safe to heck with what happens to victims of terrorism in a neighboring town or state.

Your rights are more important than the security of this nation to I see. "Your rights" are only still available because of many who died defending them.
Bullshit. What is selfish is squandering those lives that died defending your rights by meekly handing them over for a modicum of PERCEIVED safety. Our rights are VERY important - it is not a matter of yours and mine.

And fuck off with the 'my house is safe' and 'those that died' bullshit. I got back from the AOR 2 fucking month ago protecting those damn rights that so many Americans are rushing to throw away.

I am not interested in trying to guess who you are. I will comment only on what you say.

I absolutely reject your positions. I care just as much or more about American lives than you do. That is my belief. Sometimes human life trumps your privacy or "rights" at every single level you insist upon. War is hell.
Can anyone answer this conundrum? As far as this subject goes...

Should we sacrifice our safety to uphold our values?
Or should we let go of our values in exchange for a little safety?
Should we deny liberty to a certain group of people to gain a little peace of mind?
Or should we let the group be despite our fears of them?

What say you?

That is a real conundrum

The US is completely and totally responsible for the mess - destroyed the lives of 1.5 million Palestinians and that of a substantial amount of Syrians

Now , according to the solution that are being proffered the US should become a greater police stasi state - even if no more Muslims are admitted there is a substantial amount already residing here which will be infuriated . The xenophobic will demand that they be placed in concentration camps.

A vicious circle indeed.

They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

So you are more concerned with not hurting some Muslims feelings than you are with saving a nation from further terrorist mass murders? You really think these three Mosques they uncovered are some rare aberrations? What proof do you have of that? You think CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood supported Islamic organizations in this country are on our side, too?

Islam has shown its stripes for the last 50 years or more. We cannot trust them, they stand out amongst any other religion or ideologies. Most any other extremists in other religions are microscopic in size or threat compared to everything Allah. The fringe element that will commit or support murder and hatred towards others is so large, no once can classify it as a fringe. And no one knows in which mosque they all lie. But I would guess they’re in most mosques to a degree worth knowing about.
No, I am not concerned at all with there feelings. I am concerned about my rights and what this nation stands for - freedom.
I will NOT sacrifice that freedom because a bunch of pansies are deathly afraid of terrorists.

In my daily worries, terrorism does not even register. That idiot that cant get off his damn phone while driving 80mph down the freeway is a FAR grater threat to me than terrorism will ever be.

I am also damned sure that I am not going to CAPITULATE to terrorists which is EXACTLY what is being called for. Terrorism is the use of fear to force political or ideological change. Abandoning our freedoms to the state is EXACTLY what the terrorists are trying to accomplish and it seems to be working very well.
That is a pretty selfish position in my opinion.

As long as your house is safe to heck with what happens to victims of terrorism in a neighboring town or state.

Your rights are more important than the security of this nation to I see. "Your rights" are only still available because of many who died defending them.
Bullshit. What is selfish is squandering those lives that died defending your rights by meekly handing them over for a modicum of PERCEIVED safety. Our rights are VERY important - it is not a matter of yours and mine.

And fuck off with the 'my house is safe' and 'those that died' bullshit. I got back from the AOR 2 fucking month ago protecting those damn rights that so many Americans are rushing to throw away.

I am not interested in trying to guess who you are. I will comment only on what you say.

I absolutely reject your positions. I care just as much or more about American lives than you do. That is my belief. Sometimes human life trumps your privacy or "rights" at every single level you insist upon. War is hell.
War is hell. It also has nothing to do with the manner that we treat our own citizens.

You, again, insist in repeating 'my' rights. They are not mine - they are all of our rights and no, a little security does not trump them. The constitution is crystal clear on the right of freedom of religion. You would throw that away out of fear?

What is the point of the constitution then? Why bother with rights at all.

”Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
We need to pay attention to the way France is handling this, they are taking care of their citizens.

In America its ok for its citizens to live in fear, but oh no we can't be politically incorrect.

As we can see Trump is the only one not afraid to talk about this, while the other candidates offer nothing except for political correctness and wait for tragedy to happen over and over again.


You're wrong there, Cruz has introduced 3 bills in the Senate to address the problem.

They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

So you are more concerned with not hurting some Muslims feelings than you are with saving a nation from further terrorist mass murders? You really think these three Mosques they uncovered are some rare aberrations? What proof do you have of that? You think CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood supported Islamic organizations in this country are on our side, too?

Islam has shown its stripes for the last 50 years or more. We cannot trust them, they stand out amongst any other religion or ideologies. Most any other extremists in other religions are microscopic in size or threat compared to everything Allah. The fringe element that will commit or support murder and hatred towards others is so large, no once can classify it as a fringe. And no one knows in which mosque they all lie. But I would guess they’re in most mosques to a degree worth knowing about.
I don't care how fucked up middle East Muslims are American Muslims are just like you. Live and let live.

Do you take blame for crazy Christians? Is their message spreading here in America? Nope.

Maybe you don't believe in America.

No, American Muslims are not just like me. I don't support Sharia. They do. I don't approve of terrorism. They do.

They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

So you are more concerned with not hurting some Muslims feelings than you are with saving a nation from further terrorist mass murders? You really think these three Mosques they uncovered are some rare aberrations? What proof do you have of that? You think CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood supported Islamic organizations in this country are on our side, too?

Islam has shown its stripes for the last 50 years or more. We cannot trust them, they stand out amongst any other religion or ideologies. Most any other extremists in other religions are microscopic in size or threat compared to everything Allah. The fringe element that will commit or support murder and hatred towards others is so large, no once can classify it as a fringe. And no one knows in which mosque they all lie. But I would guess they’re in most mosques to a degree worth knowing about.
No, I am not concerned at all with there feelings. I am concerned about my rights and what this nation stands for - freedom.
I will NOT sacrifice that freedom because a bunch of pansies are deathly afraid of terrorists.

In my daily worries, terrorism does not even register. That idiot that cant get off his damn phone while driving 80mph down the freeway is a FAR grater threat to me than terrorism will ever be.

I am also damned sure that I am not going to CAPITULATE to terrorists which is EXACTLY what is being called for. Terrorism is the use of fear to force political or ideological change. Abandoning our freedoms to the state is EXACTLY what the terrorists are trying to accomplish and it seems to be working very well.

Limiting immigration has nothing to do with your freedom. There is no right of foreigners to immigrate to this country.

They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

So you are more concerned with not hurting some Muslims feelings than you are with saving a nation from further terrorist mass murders? You really think these three Mosques they uncovered are some rare aberrations? What proof do you have of that? You think CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood supported Islamic organizations in this country are on our side, too?

Islam has shown its stripes for the last 50 years or more. We cannot trust them, they stand out amongst any other religion or ideologies. Most any other extremists in other religions are microscopic in size or threat compared to everything Allah. The fringe element that will commit or support murder and hatred towards others is so large, no once can classify it as a fringe. And no one knows in which mosque they all lie. But I would guess they’re in most mosques to a degree worth knowing about.
No, I am not concerned at all with there feelings. I am concerned about my rights and what this nation stands for - freedom.
I will NOT sacrifice that freedom because a bunch of pansies are deathly afraid of terrorists.

In my daily worries, terrorism does not even register. That idiot that cant get off his damn phone while driving 80mph down the freeway is a FAR grater threat to me than terrorism will ever be.

I am also damned sure that I am not going to CAPITULATE to terrorists which is EXACTLY what is being called for. Terrorism is the use of fear to force political or ideological change. Abandoning our freedoms to the state is EXACTLY what the terrorists are trying to accomplish and it seems to be working very well.
That is a pretty selfish position in my opinion.

As long as your house is safe to heck with what happens to victims of terrorism in a neighboring town or state.

Your rights are more important than the security of this nation to I see. "Your rights" are only still available because of many who died defending them.
Bullshit. What is selfish is squandering those lives that died defending your rights by meekly handing them over for a modicum of PERCEIVED safety. Our rights are VERY important - it is not a matter of yours and mine.

And fuck off with the 'my house is safe' and 'those that died' bullshit. I got back from the AOR 2 fucking month ago protecting those damn rights that so many Americans are rushing to throw away.

Controlling immigration doesn't "hand over" one bit of your rights. That argument is a red herring.
Can anyone answer this conundrum? As far as this subject goes...

Should we sacrifice our safety to uphold our values?
Or should we let go of our values in exchange for a little safety?
Should we deny liberty to a certain group of people to gain a little peace of mind?
Or should we let the group be despite our fears of them?

What say you?

That is a real conundrum

The US is completely and totally responsible for the mess - destroyed the lives of 1.5 million Palestinians and that of a substantial amount of Syrians

Now , according to the solution that are being proffered the US should become a greater police stasi state - even if no more Muslims are admitted there is a substantial amount already residing here which will be infuriated . The xenophobic will demand that they be placed in concentration camps.

A vicious circle indeed.

Horseshit. Those so-called "Palestinians" destroyed their own lives. If the ones living here become "infuriated," tough shit. If they think that gives them license to kill Americans, we will kill them. It's a simple as that.
So you are more concerned with not hurting some Muslims feelings than you are with saving a nation from further terrorist mass murders? You really think these three Mosques they uncovered are some rare aberrations? What proof do you have of that? You think CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood supported Islamic organizations in this country are on our side, too?

Islam has shown its stripes for the last 50 years or more. We cannot trust them, they stand out amongst any other religion or ideologies. Most any other extremists in other religions are microscopic in size or threat compared to everything Allah. The fringe element that will commit or support murder and hatred towards others is so large, no once can classify it as a fringe. And no one knows in which mosque they all lie. But I would guess they’re in most mosques to a degree worth knowing about.
No, I am not concerned at all with there feelings. I am concerned about my rights and what this nation stands for - freedom.
I will NOT sacrifice that freedom because a bunch of pansies are deathly afraid of terrorists.

In my daily worries, terrorism does not even register. That idiot that cant get off his damn phone while driving 80mph down the freeway is a FAR grater threat to me than terrorism will ever be.

I am also damned sure that I am not going to CAPITULATE to terrorists which is EXACTLY what is being called for. Terrorism is the use of fear to force political or ideological change. Abandoning our freedoms to the state is EXACTLY what the terrorists are trying to accomplish and it seems to be working very well.
That is a pretty selfish position in my opinion.

As long as your house is safe to heck with what happens to victims of terrorism in a neighboring town or state.

Your rights are more important than the security of this nation to I see. "Your rights" are only still available because of many who died defending them.
Bullshit. What is selfish is squandering those lives that died defending your rights by meekly handing them over for a modicum of PERCEIVED safety. Our rights are VERY important - it is not a matter of yours and mine.

And fuck off with the 'my house is safe' and 'those that died' bullshit. I got back from the AOR 2 fucking month ago protecting those damn rights that so many Americans are rushing to throw away.

I am not interested in trying to guess who you are. I will comment only on what you say.

I absolutely reject your positions. I care just as much or more about American lives than you do. That is my belief. Sometimes human life trumps your privacy or "rights" at every single level you insist upon. War is hell.
War is hell. It also has nothing to do with the manner that we treat our own citizens.

You, again, insist in repeating 'my' rights. They are not mine - they are all of our rights and no, a little security does not trump them. The constitution is crystal clear on the right of freedom of religion. You would throw that away out of fear?

What is the point of the constitution then? Why bother with rights at all.

”Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”

The Bill of Rights does not apply to foreigners, moron.
The French have learned a lesson that American liberals still seem clueless about. I'll be curious to see how liberals respond to what has been found in those French mosques.

I agree. The "peaceful" Muslim religion isn't as peaceful as the lefty loons on this board think.

If the Mosques in France are full of weapons then you can bet the Mosques in this country are as well.

Our Govt. should be doing the same as France. Oh wait. I forgot. Our Govt. is run by a bunch of PC idiots. Never mind.

They raided a Mosque that was thought to be behind A TERRORIST ATTACK. Go figure.

I don't think anyone here does not support the police raiding a Mosque that has suspected terrorist ties. Here is the thing though - being a Mosque is not illegal or inherently proof that they may be connected to a terrorist organization. When you start making asinine demands that ALL Mosques should be under surveillance or that they should all be shut down then you have gone off the reservation.

Any and all organizations that the police have probable cause to suspect involvement in ANY illegal activity should be treated accordingly - Mosque, Church or Grandma's home. Those that are not connected need to be left alone.

So you are more concerned with not hurting some Muslims feelings than you are with saving a nation from further terrorist mass murders? You really think these three Mosques they uncovered are some rare aberrations? What proof do you have of that? You think CAIR and other Muslim Brotherhood supported Islamic organizations in this country are on our side, too?

Islam has shown its stripes for the last 50 years or more. We cannot trust them, they stand out amongst any other religion or ideologies. Most any other extremists in other religions are microscopic in size or threat compared to everything Allah. The fringe element that will commit or support murder and hatred towards others is so large, no once can classify it as a fringe. And no one knows in which mosque they all lie. But I would guess they’re in most mosques to a degree worth knowing about.
I don't care how fucked up middle East Muslims are American Muslims are just like you. Live and let live.

Do you take blame for crazy Christians? Is their message spreading here in America? Nope.

Maybe you don't believe in America.

No, American Muslims are not just like me. I don't support Sharia. They do. I don't approve of terrorism. They do.
American Christians who want to make this a Christian nation aren't like me either but they won't get they're way
omg, even suggesting that will bring down the Obama, Hillary, Kerry and the rest of the Muslim sympathizers on you faster then you can blink. It's move over Homosexual, Latinos, Black people. MUSLIMS are the NEW PROTECTED class/citizens evidently from all the bs uproar over something someone only SAYS.
Can anyone answer this conundrum? As far as this subject goes...

Should we sacrifice our safety to uphold our values?
Or should we let go of our values in exchange for a little safety?
Should we deny liberty to a certain group of people to gain a little peace of mind?
Or should we let the group be despite our fears of them?

What say you?

That is a real conundrum

The US is completely and totally responsible for the mess - destroyed the lives of 1.5 million Palestinians and that of a substantial amount of Syrians

Now , according to the solution that are being proffered the US should become a greater police stasi state - even if no more Muslims are admitted there is a substantial amount already residing here which will be infuriated . The xenophobic will demand that they be placed in concentration camps.

A vicious circle indeed.

Horseshit. Those so-called "Palestinians" destroyed their own lives. If the ones living here become "infuriated," tough shit. If they think that gives them license to kill Americans, we will kill them. It's a simple as that.
You aren't going to kill anyone bi rat. You are just a scared, anonymous internet message board poster.
omg, even suggesting that will bring down the Obama, Hillary, Kerry and the rest of the Muslim sympathizers on you faster then you can blink. It's move over Homosexual, Latinos, Black people. MUSLIMS are the NEW PROTECTED class/citizens evidently from all the bs uproar over something someone only SAYS.
aw gawd look what them gay latino black and muslim people do to US! because of this DEMOCRAT PARTY; they do to us
Pretty shameful how stupid some of this rhetoric has gotten.

Okay, so we pass a massive law to spy on ALL mosques in America. Cool. Now, when people who attend these mosques read the paper and learn their mosques are being spied on, what do we do when they decide to shut down their own mosques and meet privately in people's homes in some random location?

What's the answer then, Chicken Little?

If we caught an American gun dealer making an illegal gun sale,

should we shut down all American gun dealers?

If you have illegal gun sellers hiding behind legit gun dealers, wouldn't you investigate all of them?[/QUOTE]

You wouldn't summarily shut them all down as the OP says to do with mosques. Furthermore even the mention of investigating them would cause the gun nuts to go even more nuts.

When Tim McVeigh bombed the OK City building, and it found that he was affiliated with rightwing militias,

the Administration got accused of nazism for even suggesting that those militias be investigated.

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