Fire National Anthem Kneelers


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
As President Trump correctly said, they should all be fired, and their contracts nullified, for breach of contract. It must be stated somewhere in their contracts that this can be done, in the event of bad conduct on the part of the players. This goes for football or any other professional sport.

In addition, the names of these disrespectful, spoiled brats ought to be widely publicized, to give prospective employers a warning of who they are, and what they've done - disrespecting the national anthem and te thousands of military members who've sacrificed their lives in wars.

How outrageous it is for these miscreants to insult the way they do, when they wouldn't have the ability to exercise any free speech at all, if the soldiers whose memories they disparage, had not given their lives to provide them safety from Hitler. And others who fought (and fight now) the current war against the international jihad.

Also to be punished are TV bigmouths like Marie Harf, for lending support to these disrespectful traitors. Politicians insulting our military heroes, past & present, likewise, ought to be voted out of office.

I'd also suggest some kind of retribution for Hillary Clinton, for her idiotic statement that kneeling is a reverent thing, if she wasn't such an pitiful, rejected loser, with about as much relevance as a dustball on the floor (other than to her millions of illegal aliens).
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
YOU are the bullshit, and everyone knows it (other than the airhead protestors).

1. Not all speech is free. Freedom of speech is the weakest part of the Constitution, and has numerous exceptions (sedition, slander, libel, abuse of elderly - FL statute 825.102, perjury, threats, inciting a riot, fighting words, disturbing the peace, etc. etc.

2. Of course they are hurting (everyone in America) - They're disrespecting the US military, the flag, and National Anthem, which represents the sacrifices of thousands of US military, alive now and who died to preserve the freedoms that these bonehead, spoiled brats now enjoy.

3. Actions against a minority ? So the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustlers machine concocts a BS brew and you fall for it, huh ? Something tells me you're not that stupid.
I asked a local college football player (National Anthem kneeler) to tell me 3 case of police brutality against blacks. He cited 5.
Michael Brown & Darin Wilson........Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher......Pantaleo & Eric Garner.......Michael Slager & Walter Scott........Freddie Gray & the Baltimore 6.

4. many cases that blacks call "police brutality" are not that, and the argument stems from the blacks' (dangerous to them) ignorance of how to deal with police.
Examples - 1) Terrence Crutcher was shot because he allowed his hands to disappear from the view of the officer (inside the windows of his vehicle). 2) Philando Castile -shot when he reached into his jacket, taking his hands out of view. 3) Walter Scott didn't know that he could be legally shot for fleeing from a cop (Fleeing Felon Rule)

All cases that were justifiable police action. Dumbbell kneelers :rolleyes:

The kneelers should be FIRED. People get fired from jobs every day, by the thousands, for things THEY SAY. In private industry there is no such thing as freedom of speech.
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The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.

They are guaranteed no such thing, when it comes to their employers time.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
YOU are the bullshit, and everyone knows it (other than the airhead protestors).

1. Not all speech is free. Freedom of speech is the weakest part of the Constitution, and has numerous exceptions (sedition, slander, libel, abuse of elderly - FL statute 825.102, perjury, threats, inciting a riot, fighting words, disturbing the peace, etc. etc.

2. Of course they are hurting (everyone in America) - They're disrespecting the US military, the flag, and National Anthem, which represents the sacrifices of thousands of US military, alive now and who died to preserve the freedoms that these bonehead, spoiled brats now enjoy.

3. Actions against a minority ? So the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustlers machine concocts a BS brew and you fall for it, huh ? Something tells me you're not that stupid.
I asked a local college football player (National Anthem kneeler) to tell me 3 case of police brutality against blacks. He cited 5.
Michael Brown & Darin Wilson........Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher......Pantaleo & Eric Garner.......Michael Sager & Walter Scott........Freddie Gray & the Baltimore 6.

All cases that were justifiable police action. Dumbbell kneelers :rolleyes:

The kneelers should be FIRED. People get fired from jobs every day, by the thousands, for things THEY SAY. In private industry there is no such thing as freedom of speech.

1) I never said all speech was free. But the idea that you want to FIRE people who kneel quietly during the National Anthem is ridiculous. Do you want to require everyone stand and show proper patriotism? Because any country that requires that is the worst sort of dictatorship or socialist nightmare.

2) No, the people kneeling are NOT hurting anyone. Your claims to the contrary are delusional. And the kneeling athletes are not anti-soldier, and they are not doing anything to soldiers or the flag. They are quietly kneeling in protest. If you can't handle that, then the word "snowflake" doesn't even BEGIN to cover you.

3) I never said I agree with the reason they are protesting. But I served in the military to make sure they have the right to protest. I don't agree with the KKK. But I served to protect their rights too.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.

They are guaranteed no such thing, when it comes to their employers time.

And if it was in their contracts that they stand for the anthem, then I would agree they violated their contract and could be fired.

But until 2009 the players weren't even ON the sidelines for the anthem. The NFL was PAID to bring them out. Had to pay their bosses to have the players come out of the locker room. Now THAT sounds like disrespect to me.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
YOU are the bullshit, and everyone knows it (other than the airhead protestors).

1. Not all speech is free. Freedom of speech is the weakest part of the Constitution, and has numerous exceptions (sedition, slander, libel, abuse of elderly - FL statute 825.102, perjury, threats, inciting a riot, fighting words, disturbing the peace, etc. etc.

2. Of course they are hurting (everyone in America) - They're disrespecting the US military, the flag, and National Anthem, which represents the sacrifices of thousands of US military, alive now and who died to preserve the freedoms that these bonehead, spoiled brats now enjoy.

3. Actions against a minority ? So the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustlers machine concocts a BS brew and you fall for it, huh ? Something tells me you're not that stupid.
I asked a local college football player (National Anthem kneeler) to tell me 3 case of police brutality against blacks. He cited 5.
Michael Brown & Darin Wilson........Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher......Pantaleo & Eric Garner.......Michael Sager & Walter Scott........Freddie Gray & the Baltimore 6.

All cases that were justifiable police action. Dumbbell kneelers :rolleyes:

The kneelers should be FIRED. People get fired from jobs every day, by the thousands, for things THEY SAY. In private industry there is no such thing as freedom of speech.

1) I never said all speech was free. But the idea that you want to FIRE people who kneel quietly during the National Anthem is ridiculous. Do you want to require everyone stand and show proper patriotism? Because any country that requires that is the worst sort of dictatorship or socialist nightmare.

2) No, the people kneeling are NOT hurting anyone. Your claims to the contrary are delusional. And the kneeling athletes are not anti-soldier, and they are not doing anything to soldiers or the flag. They are quietly kneeling in protest. If you can't handle that, then the word "snowflake" doesn't even BEGIN to cover you.

3) I never said I agree with the reason they are protesting. But I served in the military to make sure they have the right to protest. I don't agree with the KKK. But I served to protect their rights too.
1) YES, I want to FIRE people who kneel quietly during the National Anthem. Of course. And requiring that has nothing whatsoever to do with dictatorship.

2) Of course it is an insult to the soldiers (all the military) and the flag. What do you think the National Anthem is about ? It's about the US NAvy engaged in battle in the War of 1812. Have you never heard the words ?

"the perilous fight" - this isn't about a boxing match

"the rockets' red glare" -
this isn't about 4th of July fireworks

"the bombs bursting in air" -
this isn't about cherry bombs you buy in WalMart

Get a grip, man.

PS - I added some more lines to post # 3. Go back and read it.

And if it was in their contracts that they stand for the anthem, then I would agree they violated their contract and could be fired.

But until 2009 the players weren't even ON the sidelines for the anthem. The NFL was PAID to bring them out. Had to pay their bosses to have the players come out of the locker room. Now THAT sounds like disrespect to me.
It isn't in the contract for an employee (or independent contractor) to refrain from talking about the bosses family. But if one says the boss's brother (or mother) is a drug dealer or prostitute, guess how fast he'll be fired.

If a football player pisses on the 50 yard line, think he'll be in the game that day ?

Get a grip.
Fire them?

Fuck that

1) I never said all speech was free. But the idea that you want to FIRE people who kneel quietly during the National Anthem is ridiculous. Do you want to require everyone stand and show proper patriotism? Because any country that requires that is the worst sort of dictatorship or socialist nightmare.

2) No, the people kneeling are NOT hurting anyone. Your claims to the contrary are delusional. And the kneeling athletes are not anti-soldier, and they are not doing anything to soldiers or the flag. They are quietly kneeling in protest. If you can't handle that, then the word "snowflake" doesn't even BEGIN to cover you.

3) I never said I agree with the reason they are protesting. But I served in the military to make sure they have the right to protest. I don't agree with the KKK. But I served to protect their rights too.
The "right to protest" is one thing. The right to disrespect the flag, the military, the National Anthem, the country, is quite another. If these dum dums wanted to just protest something (whether they know what they're protesting about or not) they could do it out in the street, like all other protestors.

They don't have to do it during the National Anthem and flag display. They purposely act to insult the country, the flag, the military.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.

How many freaking times does this have to explained??? The right to protest while on the job is not guaranteed in the US Constitution. You won't get arrested, but you might get fired.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.
YOU are the bullshit, and everyone knows it (other than the airhead protestors).

1. Not all speech is free. Freedom of speech is the weakest part of the Constitution, and has numerous exceptions (sedition, slander, libel, abuse of elderly - FL statute 825.102, perjury, threats, inciting a riot, fighting words, disturbing the peace, etc. etc.

2. Of course they are hurting (everyone in America) - They're disrespecting the US military, the flag, and National Anthem, which represents the sacrifices of thousands of US military, alive now and who died to preserve the freedoms that these bonehead, spoiled brats now enjoy.

3. Actions against a minority ? So the Obama/Sharpton/Jackson race hustlers machine concocts a BS brew and you fall for it, huh ? Something tells me you're not that stupid.
I asked a local college football player (National Anthem kneeler) to tell me 3 case of police brutality against blacks. He cited 5.
Michael Brown & Darin Wilson........Betty Shelby & Terrence Crutcher......Pantaleo & Eric Garner.......Michael Sager & Walter Scott........Freddie Gray & the Baltimore 6.

All cases that were justifiable police action. Dumbbell kneelers :rolleyes:

The kneelers should be FIRED. People get fired from jobs every day, by the thousands, for things THEY SAY. In private industry there is no such thing as freedom of speech.

1) I never said all speech was free. But the idea that you want to FIRE people who kneel quietly during the National Anthem is ridiculous. Do you want to require everyone stand and show proper patriotism? Because any country that requires that is the worst sort of dictatorship or socialist nightmare.

2) No, the people kneeling are NOT hurting anyone. Your claims to the contrary are delusional. And the kneeling athletes are not anti-soldier, and they are not doing anything to soldiers or the flag. They are quietly kneeling in protest. If you can't handle that, then the word "snowflake" doesn't even BEGIN to cover you.

3) I never said I agree with the reason they are protesting. But I served in the military to make sure they have the right to protest. I don't agree with the KKK. But I served to protect their rights too.
1) YES, I want to FIRE people who kneel quietly during the National Anthem. Of course. And requiring that has nothing whatsoever to do with dictatorship.

2) Of course it is an insult to the soldiers (all the military) and the flag. What do you think the National Anthem is about ? It's about the US NAvy engaged in battle in the War of 1812. Have you never heard the words ?

"the perilous fight" - this isn't about a boxing match

"the rockets' red glare" -
this isn't about 4th of July fireworks

"the bombs bursting in air" -
this isn't about cherry bombs you buy in WalMart

Get a grip, man.

PS - I added some more lines to post # 3. Go back and read it.

You are welcome to want whatever. The right to protest is sacred.

And yes, it certainly does have something to do with a dictatorship. The way WE do it is that we stand because we CHOOSE to stand. In China, the former USSR, North Korea ect, you are FORCED to show the proper patriotism.

Yes, the anthem is about a battle. Yes I have heard the words. Someone else kneeling does not change the way I act or feel at all. That is all them. And if they do so out of protest, then what they do is protected (providing it harms no one else).
And if it was in their contracts that they stand for the anthem, then I would agree they violated their contract and could be fired.

But until 2009 the players weren't even ON the sidelines for the anthem. The NFL was PAID to bring them out. Had to pay their bosses to have the players come out of the locker room. Now THAT sounds like disrespect to me.
It isn't in the contract for an employee (or independent contractor) to refrain from talking about the bosses family. But if one says the boss's brother (or mother) is a drug dealer or prostitute, guess how fast he'll be fired.

If a football player pisses on the 50 yard line, think he'll be in the game that day ?

Get a grip.

Because slander does harm someone.

And indecent exposure is illegal.

None of those have anything to do with kneeling quietly.
Fire them?

Fuck that


Okey dokey. If you are willing to go to prison or be executed over this, knock yourself out. But the point of freedom is not to stand or be murdered. Nice to see you understand the concept of freedom.
The right to protest is guaranteed in the US Constitution. The protesters are not hurting anyone. They are not causing problems for anyone. They are protesting the actions against a minority. This "They are stomping on the flag!" and "They are pissing on the graves of every soldier who ever served" is just bullshit.

How many freaking times does this have to explained??? The right to protest while on the job is not guaranteed in the US Constitution. You won't get arrested, but you might get fired.

You might. It will depend on whether or not your contract says it explicitly or whether you were failing to perform your job while you were protesting. Neither of those apply here.
1) I never said all speech was free. But the idea that you want to FIRE people who kneel quietly during the National Anthem is ridiculous. Do you want to require everyone stand and show proper patriotism? Because any country that requires that is the worst sort of dictatorship or socialist nightmare.

2) No, the people kneeling are NOT hurting anyone. Your claims to the contrary are delusional. And the kneeling athletes are not anti-soldier, and they are not doing anything to soldiers or the flag. They are quietly kneeling in protest. If you can't handle that, then the word "snowflake" doesn't even BEGIN to cover you.

3) I never said I agree with the reason they are protesting. But I served in the military to make sure they have the right to protest. I don't agree with the KKK. But I served to protect their rights too.
The "right to protest" is one thing. The right to disrespect the flag, the military, the National Anthem, the country, is quite another. If these dum dums wanted to just protest something (whether they know what they're protesting about or not) they could do it out in the street, like all other protestors.

They don't have to do it during the National Anthem and flag display. They purposely act to insult the country, the flag, the military.

They did it because they see the acts against minorities as systemic. So they protest the entire system.

I cannot believe so many people have been played. This was never about soldiers or flags. Was Rosa Parks protesting the buses or was she protesting inequality?
Because slander does harm someone.

And indecent exposure is illegal.

None of those have anything to do with kneeling quietly.
Saying the boss's brother (or mother) is a drug dealer or prostitute, is not necessarily slander. Slander requires being spoken to at least 3 people, and incurring monetary damages$$.

The second example isn't necessarily "indecent exposure" (or necessarily illegal in every state)

But both DO have to do with kneeling quietly. They are both DISRESPECTFUL.
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They did it because they see the acts against minorities as systemic. So they protest the entire system.

I cannot believe so many people have been played. This was never about soldiers or flags. Was Rosa Parks protesting the buses or was she protesting inequality?
Of course it's about soldiers and flags. Are you dense ? Listen to the WORDS of the National Anthem (and read post # 3 in this thread - SLOWLY)

It doesn't matter what the players think their "cause" is. Or whether they really have one or not (they don't)

What matters is they are protesting deliberately DURING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. that makes it ALL about soldiers, flags, wars, deaths, sacrifices, etc. As I said before (are your listening ?) they could protest out in the street like other protestors, but THEY CHOOSE to confront the flag and National Anthem. This is a no-brainer. Stop talking stupid.

I see this as a "monkey see, monkey do" fad that will die off without firing anyone participating in it.
Probably you're right. It's entirely too STUPID to last very long. Roger Goodell said there's only 6 or 7 dopes still doing it.

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