Hawaii Judge Blocking Trump Travel Ban Is an Idiot


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
How dumb (and irreponsible) can somebody in public life be ? Fool Hawaii judge is showing us. He has given "discrimination against a country" as a reason for ruling against the Trump travel/immigration ban. Wow! Could somebody please tell this poor, lost soul that, depending on WHICH country, and WHY, it's being discriminated against, this is one of the best actions that a POTUS could ever take ?

Good grief! Is this whole country going mad ? Should we not have discriminated against Japanese oe German travel/immigration during World War II ? Maybe this airhead judge isn't too aware of the security risks that these countries pose to the American people.

If not, he should get his head out of his ass and find out, before going around making rulings that hamper th POTUS from doing his job of PROTECTING the American people. This lamebrian is endangering us, and needs to be yanked off the bench that he is making a mockery of.
LOL Everyone in the whole world realizes that the idiot in this is the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.
Everyone in the whole world realizes that we (the sane world) are at war with the international jihad, and it is INsane to allow immigration/travel from countries where that exists in large degree (as was defined by the Obama administration) :rolleyes:
Of course that Obama Hussein appointed judge is an idiot.

In fact he is total scum.

the future of America decides by a c_nt eyed chink 'judge'. Interesting, in China, how many Muslims are allowed in?How many foreigners got chink citizenship in 2016? 10 or 100?
Only whites born in America shall be politicians, officials and judges in America!
And chinks shall command in Chink country, not here.


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